The ninja world was quiet at this moment. They all looked up and stared at the young man in the picture, who was about 18 years old! In the picture, Gaara closed his eyes, and past memories flooded into his mind like a tide. His slightly dull face looked particularly sad. His mood at the moment seemed to be infected by the ninja coalition. It also infected the ninjas outside the sky. They already knew everything about the former's experience in the sky. ["It was this hatred that made people thirst for power, so I was born."] "Because of hatred... I was born..." Uzumaki Naruto said blankly, feeling sad. He once had this idea. He also didn't know why I existed and why I lived.

["I used to be hatred, power, the village's weapon, and even the Jinchūriki who was sacrificed!"]

["I used to be regarded as a monster!"]

That was Gaara's pain, which was transmitted to the ninja coalition and the entire ninja world through the sky curtain. They couldn't help but be moved.

He was a monster, a weapon, and a killing machine without emotions!

He lived like Shura in the first half of his life!

It was obviously long past, but when Naruto thought of the painful past, he felt fear and terror. It was like the ultimate darkness. He lived like this.

His body couldn't help but tremble at this moment, as an instinctive tremor...

"Naruto?" Seeing Naruto's change, Sasuke's face changed.

【“I hate this world, I hate everyone in this world, I want to destroy everything!!”】

【“It’s exactly the same as what Akatsuki is doing now!”】

It was on the high platform, Gaara looked down at the ninja coalition below, conveying pain, pain, and sadness to everyone...

He once made the world feel pain, let the world experience pain, and let the world accept pain like Akatsuki did! !

“Only by experiencing pain can you know peace!” Nagato’s words rang in Naruto’s ears.

“You who have not experienced war may not know what I am talking about, but I want to tell you that only by knowing pain can you see what true peace is!”

【The entire ninja world, the ninja coalition, all quieted down, gradually let go of the pain, and began to think about Gaara’s problems and the pain of the ninja world...】


Suddenly, Gaara’s voice rose, his body straightened, and his voice was sonorous and powerful!

【"A Konoha ninja stopped me!"】

Hearing this, everyone in the ninja world smiled. They already knew who stopped the other party!

"If it's you... you can definitely find the answer!" Jiraiya stared at the sky, staring at the confused figure, and said.

In the picture, Naruto paused, and couldn't help but look up, staring at Gaara on the high platform.

【In the sky, Gaara fell into memories. In the memories, there was a boy with brilliant yellow hair, three whiskers on each side of his cheeks, blue eyes, and a brilliant smile, like a sun. 】

【Uzumaki Naruto! 】

〔Don't... don't come over! 〕

〔The pain of being alone is not ordinary pain, I don't know why, I can deeply understand your feelings...〕

As the picture unfolds and changes, they once again witness the bond between the two lonely boys, and Gaara's redemption begins from here!

【“That person cried for me, who was his enemy, and regarded me, who had hurt him, as his friend!”】

【In the picture, Gaara clenched his fists, feeling the peace of mind, and shouted: “He saved me. Although we were enemies, he was also a Jinchūriki!”】

【“Understand each other’s pain, there is no barrier between people who share the same pain!”】

At this moment, the eyes of the entire ninja world and the ninja coalition flashed with strange light, and Gaara was the same.

He covered his heart and felt the warmth there. It was the other person who filled his empty heart. It was he who saved him as a Shura.

In this ninja world full of hatred, is there really someone who cries for the enemy?

The former Gaara did not believe it!

All he saw was desolate, cold, and cruel...

But... Uzumaki Naruto would...

He cried for an enemy like me.

[“There are no enemies here, because everyone has been hurt by Akatsuki and shares the same pain!”]

Unable to help, the five great nations all recalled the pain of being dominated by Akatsuki!

【“No Sand Village…”】

Wind Country, Sand Village——

【In the picture, it was Deidara, a member of Akatsuki, who threw a C3 bomb towards Sand Village. With the explosion, countless people were shrouded in fear..】

“Lord Gaara!”

The people of Sand Village who looked at this scene were suddenly shocked, full of disbelief. Lord Gaara was captured by Akatsuki to save them?


【“No Rock Village…”】

Earth Country, Rock Village——

【In the picture, it was a girl, with a dull face but desperately looking at the collapsed village in front of her, her mind was full of blankness. 】

“That’s the village, that’s Lord Kurotsuchi?”

The people of Rock Village looked at the scene in the sky with a dull look. Their village collapsed and no longer existed?


【“No Konoha...”】

The Land of Fire, Konoha Village——

【In the picture, that is Pein, floating in the air thousands of meters high, overlooking the panoramic view of Konoha below. In an instant, the entire Konoha was destroyed! 】

“Pein, is it that scene again?”

Even though they have seen it once, they are still terrified by the scene in front of them, and their pupils are full of hatred and pain.


【“No Kirigakure...”】

The Land of Water, Kirigakure Village——

【In the picture, that is the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura, and standing in front of him is a Sharingan under the exclusive shadow. The Mizukage is ruthlessly controlled and at the mercy of others! 】

“The fourth generation is controlled? Then are those incomprehensible policies also?”

The Kirigakure Village was also shocked when they saw this scene. Was the fourth generation Mizukage controlled a long time ago?



【“There is no Kumogakure…”】

The Land of Lightning, Kumogakure Village——

【The Eight-Tails Jinchūriki was burned by a ball of inexhaustible black flames, and a wailing voice came out of Killer Bee’s mouth. 】

【That was the Two-Tails Jinchūriki, who was made of wood and ruthlessly stuck to the wall with black sticks by two members of the Akatsuki organization in a dark sewer. He didn’t know whether he was alive or dead..】


The Fourth Raikage was furious, his pupils were red and even bloodshot, and the veins on his face were bulging. He slapped the table that had just been set up and smashed it.

“Could that black flame be?!”

Samui, who was beside him, stared at the black flame that flashed across the sky, and immediately thought of the black flame that appeared in the sky and Sasuke used against Nagato.

Involuntarily, a thought emerged in his mind.

【“There are only ninjas!”】


In the following chapters, the readers will decide who will be resurrected by voting!

Uzumaki Kushina!

Namikaze Minato!

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