The old man was in a mess.

"Lord Gaara, damn Akatsuki, damn Akatsuki!!"

"The village is ruined? Our village is ruined? Are you kidding me?"

"I can already feel Lord Kurotsuchi's despair, damn Akatsuki!"

"The Fourth Mizukage was actually controlled? Are those incredible policies also controlled? Who is the owner of the Sharingan?"

"Lord Yuki, and Lord Killer Bee?! What is that dark flame? Why is it so familiar?"

Looking at the picture presented in the sky, the people of the five major countries were furious. Their homes were ruthlessly destroyed by Akatsuki.

They felt the pain and gradually understood it. They had the same pain, the pain of being dominated by the Akatsuki organization.

[“There are only ninjas!”]

Gaara’s words instantly awakened the ninja coalition and the entire ninja world immersed in pain. They all looked up and paid attention. There were only ninjas...

Their eyes were focused on the young Kazekage Gaara who served as the captain of the ninja coalition on the high platform. At this moment, it seemed that all the pain had turned into fighting against Akatsuki!

[“If you still can’t forgive Sand Village, come and chop off my head after the war is over!”]

This declaration hit everyone’s heart directly. They all looked at it involuntarily, looking at the figure under the sun.

The ninja coalition gradually stopped falling into confusion and pain. Their eyes were full of determination. They seemed to start...uniting together.

[“You saved my friend, but now you have become the enemy’s target. If you hand him over to the enemy, then the world will be over!!”]

The ninja world was shocked again. It was Uzumaki Naruto! ?

They understood what Gaara meant.

[“I want to protect my friends and the world, but... I am still too young and superficial, so... please lend me a hand!!” As he spoke, Kazekage Gaara bowed his head deeply to the Ninja Alliance and pleaded. ]

Gaara’s oath and voice gave the entire Ninja world a great shock. They were all shocked and unbelievable.

Is that... still Gaara?

Is that still the same... Shura who was alone before?

“Clap, clap, clap!!!”

The entire Ninja world couldn’t help but applaud. For no other reason, Gaara in the picture deserved their respect and admiration. They seemed to understand why he could become Kazekage.

He became the captain of the Ninja Alliance!

"Gaara is so handsome!!!"

"I am so ashamed. I didn't expect that I, who am older, would be enlightened by Gaara's words!"

"He is a man. I said so in the village of rough men!"


This is the evaluation given by the five Kage. Gaara in the picture deserves their praise. They see the future of ninja in that boy!

Uzumaki Naruto, who is also in the picture, is deeply touched. His blue eyes are wide open and his little face is full of disbelief.

Is the friend he is talking about me?

From the videos of the past sky curtain, he has seen Gaara's life. His life is worse and more miserable than his.

At first, he felt very sorry for the other person...

He understood the other person very well, understood the other person's mood, the loneliness, the dark hell...

He was also that kind of existence, not understood by anyone, not needed by anyone, why did he exist, those sad days...

If it weren't for Iruka-sensei, he might... not be like this now.

If Iruka-sensei was the first light of Uzumaki Naruto!

Then Uzumaki Naruto was Gaara's only light!

If Iruka-sensei met with an accident, then Uzumaki Naruto couldn't imagine what he would become, blackened? Crazy?

For Gaara, the same is true. If Uzumaki Naruto met with an accident, he would go crazy, crazy...

〔Do you have someone who is particularly important to you? 〕

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the words that the other person said when he first met Bai, the important person, to him... the important person...

〔Uzumaki Naruto... what is love to you? 〕

I vaguely remember that Gaara had asked him such a question at that time, and he didn't know at that time and couldn't give an accurate answer, but now...

〔 are the are also very uncomfortable and's all my fault

Good enough, that's why you have such an unhappy past...〕

〔Stupid, it's the body that moves by itself... You... don't die...〕

〔I want to protect my friends, I want to protect this world...〕

〔Because I... love Naruto the most...〕

It seems that in his mind, there are four figures emerging, they have all... stood in front of him, and have said... protect him... protect people like him...

〔I really want to... really stay by your side... I love you...〕

In the haze, it seems that in that distant memory, there is a voice full of reluctance, unwillingness, and love, which appears in his mind...

He can't help but hold his collar with both hands..

"Hu... Hu... Ah Hu..."

His breathing seems to be a little excessive, and it starts to be a little sharp...

"What's wrong, Naruto!?" Feeling the changes in Uzumaki Naruto beside him, Sasuke's face changed, and he couldn't help but panic.

Similarly, the people watching the movie on the sky screen also noticed the changes in Uzumaki Naruto and became nervous for a while. What happened to him?

"Naruto's face seems to be a little wrong? What happened?"

"Overbreathing? What's going on? Why did he suddenly overbreath??"

The twelve little strong men also changed when they saw this scene.

"Naruto-kun..." Hinata clenched her fists in worry, her eyes full of worry.

The companions were very worried, but they had no way to help, just because the other party was in the picture. They wanted to help but were powerless.

"Overbreathing, what's wrong with Naruto? Why did he have such symptoms?" Tsunade said puzzledly.

"Is it pressure? Yes, this kid is still too young, far from being like in the sky screen, damn, he almost made a big mistake!" Jiraiya said.

In the picture, Uzumaki Naruto began to breathe rapidly, his chest rose and fell, and his face gradually became pale. This scene was beyond Nagato and others.

That was in the sealed space. The Nine-Tails frowned and scratched lightly with his nails...

Outside, there was a ball of golden chakra, rising like a flame, healing Uzumaki Naruto. Gradually, his breathing improved...

"Are you okay?" What caught his eye was Sasuke's concerned eyes. Naruto shook his head.

"You have a group of good friends, Uzumaki Naruto. You are really a magical boy." Nagato looked at Uzumaki Naruto and said slowly.

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were full of confusion. He looked at Gaara on the high platform in the distance, and seemed to have some yearning.

Sasuke happened to notice this move and couldn't help but feel jealous.

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