The old man was very angry, but he was still very nervous.

【"Damn it, why didn't it work at the critical moment?" Looking at the toad under his feet, Naruto was very anxious. It was obviously fine during the training. 】

【Unfortunately, at this critical moment, an accident happened. 】

【Gaara looked at Naruto with cold eyes, full of sarcasm, and then his body began to change gradually... In the end, his entire upper body was covered with sand...】


【"That's ridiculous. I only fight for... myself!!"】

"Gaara looks more and more like a monster now. Why do I feel that he will change later?"

"It's not a feeling, it's certain. If I don't stop him, I'm afraid the next one will be... the safe body... Shukaku of the Sand!"

"It's getting more and more like it, just like before, the monster, is Shukaku going to show up again?"

"If Shukaku shows up, everything will be over, no possibility!"

Perfect body!

Hearing this, the entire ninja world was shocked.

It's unbelievable. If the other party becomes the perfect body, that is, Shukaku, then Uzumaki Naruto will have no power to turn over.

One tail, Shukaku of the Sand!

That kind of natural disaster-level tailed beast is not something that Uzumaki Naruto can contend with.

"Naruto..." The Twelve Little Strongmen couldn't help but feel a little worried, looking at the sky nervously.

"I will definitely... defeat him!"

Naruto stared at the sky, at himself, and he believed that he would definitely... definitely defeat the other party...

[On the screen]

[Uzumaki Naruto and Gaara looked at each other, the former's eyes were full of fear, while the latter was full of contempt and disdain. ]

["His eyes..."]

["Sand Shuriken!"]

[On the screen, Gaara swung his giant claws violently, and it was a shuriken condensed from dense sand, which shot towards Naruto! ]

[And Naruto also reacted quickly, holding Gamamaru, and jumped suddenly, trying to avoid these dense shurikens. ]

[But the latter didn't have a Sharingan, even if he dodged in time, and was affected by some sand shurikens, he finally crashed into the tree. 】

The ninja world watching this scene was particularly worried. There was no way out. This battle was already a foregone conclusion.

"Shikamaru, you are so smart. Think about how Naruto can win?" That was the hospital, where Choji, who had a stomachache, asked Shikamaru anxiously.

"This..." Shikamaru was also thinking frantically, but there was no way out. The gap between the two of them was too big, except... the Nine-Tails.

Moreover, the opponent was only half-formed now. If it was a complete form, then... Naruto would definitely die!

【In the picture, Gaara looked at Naruto mockingly. He had no interest in killing such a weak guy. 】

【"Uzumaki Naruto, is this all you have?"】

【Gaara's eyes were fixed on Naruto. In his eyes, Naruto was so weak and powerless...】

【Naruto exhaled heavily and looked at Gaara's lonely eyes...】

【"His eyes... so lonely... just like mine..."】

【That look was exactly the same as his past, lonely... hateful...】

【It was as if he saw his own shadow in Gaara...】

【"There was also There are monsters, just like me..."]

[In the picture, when Naruto was young, he was excluded and isolated by the villagers... He was even called a monster for no reason...]

[At that time, he was very lonely...]

[The thin Naruto stood in the sunset, not understanding why he was isolated and excluded by the villagers...]

[It seemed that everyone hated him, he didn't know why, didn't know the reason, and couldn't figure it out...]

[Why did the people around him exclude him and look at him with such eyes... What did he do wrong? Why... did he live in this world?]

The villagers of Konoha, looking at this scene, fell into silence again...

They wanted to refute, but they were afraid of being scolded by the people in the ninja world. But if they didn't say it, the hatred in their hearts would become more and more uncontrollable.

They hated Uzumaki Naruto, which was a fact that had been destined. They could not forgive him because the Nine-Tails Rebellion had caused them unimaginable trauma and psychological shadows.

"Why... everyone hates Naruto so much... he did nothing wrong..." Little Hinata said sadly, why does everyone hate Naruto so much.

Why, why is this?

["I used to... hate everyone..."]

["I don't know what I am doing now.

I don't know who I am, nor do I know the meaning of my existence... I don't know why everyone hates me..."]

That was Naruto's inner voice, exposed in the sky, his hatred, his eyes...

He used to hate the villagers of Konoha and everyone in the world...

["You are the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox that destroyed the village, you are the murderer of Iruka's parents!"]

[That night, Mizuki's words emerged in his mind...]

[From Mizuki, he learned everything, and learned that there was a Nine-Tailed Demon Fox in his body...]

[At the same time... since then... he found that... the eyes of the villagers became more and more indifferent...]

[That feeling... made him very painful.]

"Minato... I wonder if you have ever regretted your decision back then?" Jiraiya murmured.

If Minato knew what Naruto had been through these years, would he regret the decision he made back then?

"Don't worry, leave everything to me. "He murmured, he Jiraiya...will...will definitely protect Naruto...well.

He will never...let tragedy happen again.

"Am I wrong?" In the Hokage's office, Hiruzen murmured, remembering what Minato and Kushina had entrusted to him...

"If you want to hate, just hate me alone!" He murmured.


Sasuke's eyes showed a strange look, he didn't know why, looking at Naruto in the picture, he also felt...very sad...

[Everyone hates me...I thought I would never have anything to do with anyone again...]

[That's what I thought at the time...]


["Naruto, I haven't eaten ramen for a long time, let's go together?"

["You want to defeat me, you loser? Then practice hard."

["Naruto, did Sasuke mention me? ”】

【“Naruto, remember to eat more vegetables, don’t just eat ramen, or you will really die.”】


Iruka, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura, who heard these voices, suddenly widened their eyes, their eyes full of shock.

“Is that... me?” Looking at the figure among them, Sakura murmured.

【It is because these people recognize me... that I can...】

【Even if there is a demon fox in my body, or the cold eyes of the villagers of Konoha... from that moment on, I don’t feel cold...】

【If you want to ask why... because I... am no longer a person!】

Seeing this, the ninja world was silent, and was moved by Naruto...

Even though... obviously living that kind of life, even though you should be the most evil... you live like a little sun.

For that recognition...

“Woo woo woo, if you want to make friends, you can come to our Kirigakure, we can accept you! ”

“Wow, I’m crying my ass off. So this is why you haven’t turned evil?”

“How sunny of a person can you be to say something like that? You’re really like the sun!”

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