The old man was very happy.

[In the picture, after hearing Chiyo's words, Naruto nodded firmly, his eyes full of determination..]

[But at this moment, the whole picture suddenly changed..]

[Gradually, it was Naruto's figure, standing on the lawn. Behind little Naruto, there were many people, all of whom recognized his existence...]

[And little Naruto, standing among them, with a happy smile on his little face..]

"It's us!"

The twelve little strong men looked at the sky in shock, especially among those figures, they actually found their own figures in it.

"Shikamaru, look, we are also in there, hehe, I am so embarrassed." Choji smiled shyly, chewing the potato chips in his arms.

"It's really troublesome." Shikamaru smiled helplessly, but there was a satisfied look in the corner of his eyes, and his eyes were floating on the sky.

"Haha, I didn't expect that I was also in there." Ino laughed.

"Since Naruto is like this, I will reluctantly recognize him." Ya looked at the sky, his old face blushed, but he still looked very helpless.

"Naruto... Naruto-kun..." Little Hinata looked at her figure in the sky, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she was about to give up.

Shino pushed his eyes and did not respond, but if they could see inside each other's collars, they would definitely find that the other party showed a smile.

"Naruto, this little guy." Hong also looked at the sky in surprise. She actually found her figure in it.

"This is youth, Mr. Kai!!" Xiao Li was trembling with excitement. Even though his body was covered with scars, he still couldn't hide his restless heart.

"Ah, this is youth!" That was Might Guy in Konoha, who was looking for medical ninjas everywhere, and he shouted excitedly.

"Return to the sky!!"

It was in a forest. He looked at the sky, and a trace of doubt flashed through his mind at first, but when he saw his own figure, he couldn't help but smile.

"Naruto..." Looking at the sky, Hiruzen found that his status in the other party's mind was particularly high, and he was immediately relieved and ashamed.

"You idiot." Jiraiya rubbed the latter's head, and his eyes were slightly sour. He could see that those figures were people who recognized him.

How long would it take him.

"Is that my figure?" Tsunade looked at this scene and was also shocked, with absurdity in her eyes. She had never come into contact with the other party.

But thinking about the future again, she was relieved.

"Haha, it seems that we have a very high status in Naruto's heart." Kakashi smiled and looked at the sky, jokingly.

That was in Konoha. Sakura looked at her own figure in the sky, pursed her lips, and her eyes were slightly sour. She was moved and regretful..

In your eyes.. am I like this?

When she thought of the other party beautifying herself so much, she was moved and ashamed.

"Huh..." Sasuke snorted coldly, his eyes fixed on the sky, and Naruto's body seemed to have an empty position..

There was no one in that position, but it was inexplicably empty there, which made him confused.. and thought of the figure in that position.. who could it be?

In that empty position, that important person, that person who did not exist in the picture.. who could it be?

Why is it empty, but has such a high status in the latter's heart...

Who is it...

He thought about it and couldn't help feeling a little irritated.

It was an office, and it was a little Chunin, a teacher, but in Naruto's heart, it was hard to shake her..

Even Hiruzen, the Sandaime, and Jiraiya, one of the Sannin, could not shake her position in the latter's heart..

Iruka looked at the sky excitedly, his eyes full of tears..

[In the picture, Naruto's pretty face was full of smiles..]

[But the next moment, the smile on his pretty face disappeared, replaced by a look of confusion, he turned his head away..]

[Behind the lawn, as if separated by the crowd, there was a A weak figure squatted alone on the lawn..]

[Compared with Naruto, he seemed particularly lonely, with no one around him..]


[The next moment, little Naruto moved, pushed the crowd away, rushed towards the lonely man, and shouted at him..]

["Who is..."]

["Someone is calling me..."]

["Who is..."]

[In a trance, Gaara, who was squatting on the lawn, opened his eyes in confusion..]

["These hands..."]

["What... again

It's my hand..."]

["My hand... Who am I?"]


[The weak Gaara squatted on the lawn and cried. This feeling was so lonely, so uncomfortable... so suffocating...]


[But at this moment, it was a palm that gently pressed on Gaara's shoulder. The former was surprised and turned around to look...]

[It was an equally weak figure, but it was this figure that broke into his heart...]

[The next second, the weak figure became a boy... It was Naruto showing a gentle Expression...]


[Naruto's voice was extremely gentle, as if it contained a lot of warmth, and that look... This was something he had never felt before...]

[So warm, if it could go on forever...]

[His pupils were wide open, full of trance...]


[The next second, Gaara turned around... There were figures all over the hills, surrounding the lawn, all looking worried... Looking at that figure... Gaara... . . . ]

["Great, Lord Gaara finally woke up!"]

["It's really great, he's not hurt, right? ”】

Gaara stared at the sky in a daze, his expression was almost identical to his own in the sky.

It was as if there was a warm seed buried in his heart, waiting to sprout...

"This is..." Gaara murmured, he was obviously lonely, he was obviously in loneliness...

But why... so warm...

【The scene suddenly changed. ]

[I am hatred, I am strength, I am the weapon of the Sand Village, and the Jinchūriki as a sacrifice...]

[I hate this world, I hate everyone in the world, I once tried to destroy it all! ]

[That was Gaara's voice full of hatred, resounding in the dark sky. ]

["I used to hate this world, I hated everyone, I used to live like Shura..."]

["But he saved me..."]

That was Naruto's figure, appearing in the sky, that silly smile, but like a little sun.

["Save me from the abyss of loneliness... He once understood what loneliness and pain are like me..."]

[That was a picture popping up in the sky...]

["The pain of being alone is not ordinary pain..."]

[That was the previous picture, Gaara stared at the squirming Naruto, showing confusion and panic...]

["Why... Why can you do this for others? ”】

【“Because they are my most important...companions..."】


【The scene changes again...】

【Those are Gaara's words, once again echoing in the dark sky.】

【“We have the same past and understand each other's pain, but why can you do that for others..."】


【It was also like Gaara was questioning, and he was also puzzled...he was puzzled...why...why exactly...】

Looking at this scene, Naruto was stunned, why...he remembered that night...

That was the first...the first time...the first...

Recognized him ...existence...

That night he felt warmth and happiness he had never felt before...

Because...when I was about to give up...when I was confused...when I was in pain...

That figure, every word and action of his...every word...every move of his...changed me...

So from now on...whenever I am confused, whenever I encounter difficulties, as long as I think of those words and that figure...I feel full of strength!!

["If you Sand Ninjas hadn't put that monster into Gaara's body, this wouldn't have happened..."]

["What does Gaara think...have you asked him how he feels? ”]

[That’s Naruto rejecting injustice, and he’s also like asking…why…does our Jinchūriki’s life…have to be like this…]

[Have you ever thought about…our own thoughts…]

All the Jinchūriki in the ninja world raised their heads, and suddenly felt strange…

What is it…for some reason…they want to meet this kid Naruto.

[“What Jinchūriki…”]

[“Don’t pretend to be sanctimonious and use such words!”]

[Gaara thought of Naruto’s words, and the coldness in the corners of his eyes gradually dissipated…as if it had never been there before…]

The ninja world looked at this quietly.

, no longer sending out barrages, but watching quietly..

They are seeing... seeing a cold Shura... gradually crawling out of hell..

"Gaara is so pitiful..."

Those are women from all over the world, looking at Gaara's experience, they are full of sympathy and love..

"Because I never had it before, when Naruto appeared, Gaara's loneliness finally had an outlet?"

"Maybe not, it should be that they found the same person and resonated with each other?"

"That's wrong, Naruto is Gaara's salvation, we just need to know this, that's enough..."

"Because Uzumaki Naruto saved Gaara..."

["Heart "The wound of the soul?"]

[That was in the picture. Little Gaara was very confused. He didn't know what this meant and didn't understand the mystery..]

["There is only one thing that can heal the wound of the soul..."]

["That is love..."]

[Little Gaara didn't know what this meant, but it was like a seed that had been buried in his heart for a long time..]


"What... is love..."

Gaara murmured, looking at the sky, very confused... what exactly is love... will he have it...

He looked at Uzumaki Naruto... that guy... has love... that's why he is strong.

For some reason... he showed envy in the corner of his eyes.


【In the darkness, Gaara's figure seemed to appear. He was small and weak... squatting in the darkness... crying...】

【"Who... am I?"】


【At this moment, a hand, light but powerful, a young boy's hand, full of power, but strangely warm, gently patted his shoulder...】


【It was a warm... full of power... gentle voice... filled the other's ears... as if the darkness in front of him ..When this person and these words appeared...all were swept away...]


[The boy greeted again, his voice was still so gentle and powerful...]


[Gaara murmured, and in an was like a beam of light shining into his loneliness, breaking into his heart...]

[All the darkness...all the pain and loneliness...seemed to be released at this moment...]

["Let's go...they are still waiting for you!"]

[Naruto took Gaara's hand and smiled. ]

[Hearing this, Gaara in the picture was stunned for a moment... and finally showed a warm smile...]



Finally, at the end

[That was Naruto and his companions, carrying their bags, waving goodbye to Gaara and the others...]



[Then, Naruto seemed a little shy... His fingers gently circled his cheeks, and he said: "Generally speaking... between friends, at this time, you should shake hands and say goodbye..."]

["But I'm not good at that kind of thing... so...!??"]

[As soon as the words fell, it was Gaara's sand, which gently lifted Naruto's palm slowly. ]

[And Naruto smiled slightly after discovering this little move, letting this power dissipate his palm...]

[Finally, under the witness of the two countries... they slowly shook hands...]


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