The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Nagato looked at the bullet screen with a blank expression, but on the contrary, he became more determined in his heart. He wanted to reform this dark but cruel ninja.

He wanted the entire ninja world to achieve peace with his means and his power.

Although this road would stop everyone, he did not regret it.

Experience the pain, understand and relieve the pain, and use the power of the nine tailed beasts to make the world peaceful!

"People who do not understand the pain and the pain will never understand the true peace, even if the one standing in front of them is their former mentor!" Nagato said coldly.

The scenes of the past emerged in his mind. The teachings and kindness he had received had completely changed after Yahiko's death...

Looking at Nagato, Konan sighed.

[Sky screen]

[It was an underground passage in the Hidden Rain Village. This passage was particularly quiet, but below it was seawater flowing from the sea...]

[It was a toad, quietly swimming in this underground passage. Finally, the toad's mouth slowly opened. It was the ninja that Jiraiya had captured alive before. ]

[But it was not the former, but Jiraiya's disguise using the transformation technique. ]

["I hope I can get away with it." Jiraiya murmured. ]

[And in a dark corner, with the help of a dark and weak light, a slender figure appeared in the corner. ]

[She was wearing a dark cloud robe, had a head of soft blue hair, painted with lavender eyeshadow, and her orange-yellow eyes stared at the other party...]

[It was... Konan. 】

Outside the sky

Jiraiya, who was watching this scene, finally showed an expression of shock and fear, but he felt that it was natural. He knew, he knew everything now. . .

Including the Akatsuki organization, and even its leader...

The orphan he took in back then, the child of prophecy he once thought...


Jiraiya murmured, his eyes full of guilt and self-blame, he now understood some things.

He once thought that the three of them were dead, and Jiraiya was sad for a long time back then...

"Do you know her?"

Mito condensed slightly and stared at the other party, his eyes full of questioning, as if he wanted to dig up the truth.

"Yes, the woman in the picture, she used to orphan I took in at the border of the Rain Country, and she was also my disciple." Jiraiya spoke.

And everyone who heard this was shocked. A member of the Akatsuki organization would actually be...Jiraiya's disciple?

Doesn't that mean... the one who killed Jiraiya... was his disciple?

"Can you explain it more clearly?" She could see the change in the other party's mood at the moment. Indeed, even she was surprised by such a thing.

A member of Akatsuki would actually be a disciple of Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas of Konoha. It would be absurd for anyone.

"That happened after the Second Ninja World War. At that time, I took in three orphans at the border of the Rain Country and taught them ninjutsu for self-defense..."

Jiraiya briefly told everyone what happened that year.

"And one of the three people has the eyes that are said to be opened only by the Six Paths Sage, the Samsara Eye!"

"Samsara Eye?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Samsara Eye, it seems that the leader of Akatsuki also has this kind of eyes? It seems that it is not rare at all!" Naruko said curiously.

"You idiot, you still can't figure it out, their leader may be the same person as Jiraiya-sama's disciple!" Sasuke was speechless by Naruko's IQ.

How did you do it, sometimes smart, sometimes silly and cute?


"In other words, these two people may be the same person?" Mito said.

"It is indeed possible, but it does not rule out the possibility of guessing wrong." Jiraiya said.

Hearing this, Kakashi smiled bitterly and said: "Jiraiya-sama, you have unintentionally created a terrible enemy for our Konoha."

Hearing this, Jiraiya could only respond with a bitter smile. Who would have thought that the orphan he took in back then would become the leader of the Akatsuki organization?

And...what happened to you all these years?

Nagato, you were not like this back then.

["Fire escape, flame bomb!"]

[The sky-high flames shot out from Jiraiya's mouth, directly burning the paper shot by Konan into ashes. 】

【"Is it the Toad Shadow Control Technique?" Xiaonan revealed his true form,

Watching this scene quietly. ]

[In the picture, Jiraiya also revealed his true form and said: "I originally came out to lure that guy Pein, but who knew that I would hook you..."]

["Your technique has become more sophisticated, and you have become more beautiful, Konan."]

The ninja world was shocked again.

"Wow, Jiraiya actually knows this beauty?"

"This beauty is so beautiful, and she is also a member of the Akatsuki organization? She looks like an angel!"

Tsunade, who was far away from Konoha and rushed back to Konoha Village, saw the scene in the picture and frowned slightly, as if thinking...

The next moment, she suddenly looked up and said in disbelief: "Is it the child from that year? They are still alive?"

Why didn't Tsunade think that the member of the Akatsuki organization was actually that child.

"This Jiraiya!" Tsunade said angrily.

It was said that year that those children would be killed to leave troubles.

[Sky screen]

["Pein, who is he?"]

[In the screen, Jiraiya is looking directly at Konan in midair. ]

[Konan's body begins to move pieces of paper gradually, and then a wing made of piled pieces of paper is formed. ]

["Teacher, this has nothing to do with you."]

["Do you think you are an angel?" Jiraiya frowned. ]

["This is God's order, I will kill you!"]

[As he spoke, Konan flapped his wings, and countless pieces of paper shot towards Jiraiya mercilessly! ]

[But Jiraiya dodged, and then a hot stream spurted out of his mouth..]

["Toad Oil Bullet!"]

[In an instant, Konan's whole body was stained with toad oil, slippery.., and the other party just wanted to leave, but his whole body was tied up by Jiraiya's thick long hair. 】

【"You who prefer origami are the most gentle among them..." Jiraiya said with some disappointment. 】

【And Konan remained speechless, as if she didn't know how to face the other person...】

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