The two of them were very surprised.

"Teacher? Jiraiya is her teacher? What's going on? How could he be related to a member of Akatsuki?"

"Who exactly is this Akatsuki?"

"Then Jiraiya's death is related to his own disciples? There was Orochimaru before, and now there is Jiraiya?"

The ninja world was watching the sky, and they were all shocked. A member of Akatsuki could be Jiraiya's disciple?

And the one who killed Jiraiya might be a member of Akatsuki?


"What, our boss is actually a disciple of the three ninjas Jiraiya?" Xiaodi looked shocked and couldn't believe it.

Good guy, the man who always called himself a god could be a disciple of Konoha Jiraiya?

Isn't this too ridiculous?

"You're noisy, kid!" said Scorpion.

"Uh, sorry, Brother Scorpion."

Hokage's Office

Jiraiya also looked at the sky solemnly, and couldn't help clenching his fists. What happened to Nagato and the others over the years?

He remembered the past, when the three children found them in the heavy rain and asked them for food, and Jiraiya, because of the guilt of the war, took in the three people.


"Nagato, what are you thinking about?" Jiraiya murmured.

Mito glanced at Jiraiya and said in a low voice: "Now we already know part of the information of the Akatsuki organization, so make preparations as soon as possible."

"And..." As she said, she turned her eyes to Naruko and Sasuke, and said in a deep voice: "You must control that power as soon as possible, which is indispensable for Konoha at the moment."

"Especially you, Naruto!" said Mito.

Hearing this, the two nodded, and Itachi stepped forward and said: "Leave Sasuke's Mangekyō to me, after all, I also have that kind of eyes."

As he spoke, Itachi opened the Mangekyō, and the scarlet light flickered in the office..

Looking at each other, Mito nodded.

If the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization is true, then the power of the Uchiha and the power of the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki are both indispensable combat forces.

[Sky screen..]

["I thought you were all dead." Jiraiya said in a deep voice. ]

["Teacher, you don't know what we have experienced." In the screen, Konan said calmly. ]

[Hearing this, Jiraiya said expressionlessly: "I really don't know, but everything the Akatsuki organization did is wrong."]

[Swish! ]

[And just at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and came to Xiaonan's side. It had orange-yellow hair, and its face was pierced by various black iron nails, especially the pair of... exuding a weird aura...]

[Samsara Eye. ]

["That was the conclusion we came to after considering it ourselves, Jiraiya-sensei."]

Five Great Countries

"Samsara Eye?!"

The five great shadows were shocked, their eyes full of disbelief, Samsara Eye? That kind of eyes, the eyes of the Six Paths Sage?

In this world, there are actually people who can open such eyes. Who is that guy?

"Damn, how is it possible, the eyes of the Six Paths Sage, Samsara Eye actually exist?" Ohnoki muttered, his face gloomy, that kind of eyes, so weird.

"Bakayalu, Xiaoba said that this kind of eyes makes him very uncomfortable!" Killer Bee said solemnly.

"What on earth is going on? Jiraiya's disciple actually has such eyes. Who is he?" The Fourth Raikage said in a deep voice, and smashed the table again with one punch.

Ninja World:


"Rinnegan? What is Rinnegan? Is it more powerful than Sharingan?"

"You may not know that Rinnegan is an eye that is superior to any eye technique. It only exists in the legendary Six Paths Sage."

"Sharingan and Byakugan are not worth mentioning in the legend of Rinnegan. What on earth is going on? How can someone have such eyes?"

"Isn't the Six Paths Sage a legend? How could such eyes appear?"

[The picture continues]

[In the picture, Jiraiya looked at the figure in the air and said in a deep voice: "Although you have changed a lot, you are indeed Pein...Nagato."]

["What happened, why did you become like this?"]

["This has nothing to do with you. You are just an outsider, teacher." Pein said. 】

【The next moment, Payne quickly formed a seal..】

【Bang! 】

【“Spiritual Summoning!”】

【A huge white smoke appeared out of nowhere in the air,

Then, a giant crab was summoned and spit out white liquid towards Jiraiya. 】

【Jiraiya dodged quickly, but his heart was unusually heavy...】

【"These are all bubbles. You are worthy of being my disciple. You know my weaknesses, and the oil has been washed away."】

【The giant summoned crab attacked Jiraiya. The latter was not panicked. He made seals with his hands, and his hair began to become dense and slender...】

【"Ninjutsu, Random Lion Hair Technique!"】

【A huge white smoke slowly rose. This giant crab was killed by Jiraiya's hair in one move, and then, the hair tightly wrapped Pein's body...】

【"Nagato, I have something to ask you... Where is Yahiko?" Jiraiya said in a deep voice. 】

【"Yes, there is such a person... That guy is dead." Pein said in a calm voice, but Jiraiya became solemn. 】

【"It's because of the war. Many people here died. Their pain made me grow up..."】

【"What happened?"】

【"Even an ignorant and dull child can grow up after feeling that kind of pain. His thoughts will grow with him..." Payne said quietly. 】

【"Teacher, you are still just a human, and I... am a god!"】

【"Yes, I changed from a human to a god!"】

"God, what a big tone, how can he look like a god? Isn't it just that his eyes are a little special and there are a few pillars stuck in his face?"

"No, this guy named Nagato is too arrogant, isn't he? Payne? Calling himself a god?"

"What pain made me grow up? This guy is just a guy who escapes reality!"

"I finally understand a little bit. This guy must have experienced something in the war to become like this."

【"Teacher, you are just a human. You, a mortal, can't understand the words of God." Payne said. 】

【"Have your thoughts become so extreme?" Jiraiya smiled bitterly. 】

【"I am now a god. I can see things that humans cannot see. I find that gods can do things that humans cannot do. In short, this is the evolution of humans..."】

【"What do you want to do?"】

【Pein said: "I want to put an end to this world full of wars. This is what gods can do!"】

【Jiraiya said puzzledly: "Since you have such a goal, why do you still want to collect tailed beasts?"】

【"We want to use the tailed beasts to create a new forbidden technique. Once this technique is completed, it can destroy the power of a country in an instant. It will become the largest and most powerful forbidden weapon!"】

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