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Ninja World:

"Using the power of the nine tailed beasts? What needs the nine tailed beasts?"

"Destroying a great country in an instant? Are you kidding me? Does such a thing really exist?"

"As a great country, I am a nobody, I am a little scared now, what should I do, I am waiting online, very urgent. "

"Is this Pein, this guy, really that powerful?"

The ninja world is in shock of Pein's words , the power to destroy a country in an instant, even using the nine tailed beasts?

In the sealed space inside Naruko's body, "Nine tailed beasts, Samsara Eye... That kid, is he going to...!"

Lying on the water The Nine-Tailed Fox on the ground suddenly looked up, his eyes filled with fear. The thing summoned by the Samsara Eye...

"Outer Path Demon Statue?!" He murmured, and this idea became more and more deeply rooted. If the Outer Path Demon Statue appeared If he is the Nine-Tailed Fox, he will suffer.

Nine tails swayed behind him, his eyes were filled with solemnity, Outer Path Demon Statue, Samsara Eye...

"That brat actually dared to set his sights on our tailed beasts, that brat!"


Hokage Office "The power to destroy a country?" Kakashi looked solemn. Does that kind of power really exist?

"Even Hashirama back then didn't have the power to destroy a country in an instant." Mito said solemnly Even if he was confident in Hashirama, he knew.

He didn't have that kind of instant power, but... he was strong.

"This Akatsuki organization." They murmured.

.......... ...

[Sky screen]

["How can you who want to create that thing put an end to the conflict? That will only make the conflict bigger! This is wrong!" Jiraiya shouted loudly in the screen. 】

【"Countries are constantly at odds... How can we end this situation as soon as possible, Jiraiya-sensei?" Pain raised his point. 】

【"I'm asking you, tell me!"】

【"For countries in conflict, just give them forbidden weapons. Once they have weapons, people will use them."】

【"There are so many Billions of people will lose their lives in an instant, and everyone will feel fear..”】

【“People, countries, and the world will feel pain for this!”】

【“This fearful thought will make the war disappear. , the world is growing towards peace. ”】

【“Pain will make the world grow, just like me in the past.”】

【When Jiraiya heard this, he shouted loudly..】

【“With Let everyone suffer so that the world can grow, is this what you call your mission?"】

["You have really changed, Nagato!"]

When the people in the ninja world heard this, they all looked terrified. This guy actually wants to use hundreds of millions of lives to complete his so-called growth?

This guy... is a lunatic, a scary guy!

That ultimate weapon, that power, brought great pain to the world. He wanted to use this extreme method to stop the war in the world...

"This guy is a lunatic!"

"He is a complete A madman, his ideas are also!"

Hokage Office "How could it become so extreme? What happened back then?" Jiraiya murmured softly, full of solemnity.

"Hundreds of millions of lives, this is called long The guy at the door..." They looked at Payne in the sky solemnly.

This guy is a madman!

"This kind of peace is fake, not real peace!" Mingzi scolded.

If you use this It is wrong to think that he wants peace in this way!

Sooner or later, after the fear, someone will refute his ideas and overthrow his so-called system and rule.

"Does peace really exist?" Kakashi Muttered.

If peace exists, why is there conflict everywhere? If it doesn't exist, why does everyone want it?

After hearing Kakashi's question, everyone fell silent. Even Naruko, who was always lively and active, was thinking about this. This is a problem.

"As long as there are disputes and people, peace may never come." Mito sighed softly.

She is the one who destroyed a country and knows the horror of war.

"This long The sect's approach may seem extreme, but it is not without reason. If they had that kind of power, the five major countries would not dare to go to war. Using absolute power to crush them would be a

Isn't it a kind of peace?"

Jiraiya was silent, but was it really peace?

Once the deterrence weakened, once someone stood up, or they seized the opportunity, then the so-called war would inevitably break out again. This is like a contradiction, a contradiction.

Humans are creatures that will resist. The more they are suppressed, the more violent they will resist.

Nagato's statement seemed to be without suspense, but he forgot the most important thing, he would die!

"This is not peace!" Naruko shouted angrily.


[In the picture]

["Is this your summoning beast? ”]

[In the picture, Jiraiya looked at the giant beast under Pein's feet solemnly, and crossed his hands to make seals, accompanied by a large cloud of smoke..]

["Hahaha, I was treated as a little kid by a little kid. I am no longer a human being..."]

["The blood and tears that flowed out of anger, the former Sannin, now became a fairy, the Myoboku Mountain Toad Monster, and Master Jiraiya is... Uwaaa..."]

[Jiraiya, who had just put on a serious attitude, suddenly slipped and fell directly on the huge summoned beast.]

[Under his feet, there was a huge toad named Myoboku Mountain Toad Ken.]

["You really haven't grown at all, Teacher Jiraiya. "Pain couldn't help but sneer.】

【"Since he's the opponent, there's no need to test him. Just use all your strength right from the start..."】

【As he spoke, Jiraiya bit his hand lightly, then wiped the blood under the corner of his eye, and finally put his hands together!】

【"Enter Sage Mode!"】

【"Are you going to?" Gamaken said.】

【"Yes, I'm going to summon those two sages to buy me some time." Jiraiya said in a deep voice.】

【"Don't worry, although I'm a little clumsy, I'll try my best."】

"Sage Mode?"

Mito was slightly startled, and looked at Jiraiya beside him in surprise. His eyes seemed to say, you actually know that move?

"Hehe, actually, I'm not very good at Sage Mode either. "Jiraiya said shyly, and what he said was true, because his Sage Mode was not perfect.

So, under normal circumstances, he had never used that chassis, and very few people knew about that chassis.

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