Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

328 Silvermine Family (1)

As we were heading through the city, we became the center of attention.

That was because we were currently being escorted by Thorgrun and a group of guards.

Though the fact that we were humans was more than enough to draw attention in the first place.

This was the Dwarven Kingdom, so humans were rare in the first place.

Luckily, it took us no time at all to arrive at the Silvermine Family's manor in the center of the town since with Thorgrun's escort, most of the dwarves gave way to us.

When we arrived at the manor, the guards that were there couldn't help raising their weapons to point at us.

We were a group of humans that had suddenly come to their manor, so it wasn't strange that they were wary of us.

But they quickly put down their weapons and calmed down after seeing Thorgrun and Rondo step out.

Just like Thorgrun had done, the guards quickly kneeled down to Rondo and said, "Young master, you're finally back."

Rondo just gave a nod before asking, "Is my father here?"

The guards looked at each other with bitter smiles before saying, "The forge master is currently in his study."

Rondo gave a nod before moving forward as if he was going to head into the manor.

But before he could, the guards said, "Young master, what do we do about your guests?"

Rondo looked at the guard with a confused look before saying, "Of course they're coming in with me."

But the guards revealed complicated looks when they heard this.

After a moment of hesitation, one of the guards still said, "Young master, we can't just let all of these unknown humans into the manor like this."

Rondo knitted his brows in a displeased manner when he heard this, but before he could say anything, I stopped him by grabbing his shoulder and saying, "Wait, they're just doing their jobs, don't get angry at them."

Rondo turned back to look at me before saying, "This is my house, why can't I bring my guests in?"

I just gave a sigh before saying, "It's an issue of safety, so you can't blame them."

I turned to the guards and said, "How about this, only I will go in with Rondo and the rest of them will stay out here?"

The guards looked at each other before giving reluctant nods.

In truth, they didn't want to let any of them in before they had a chance to report to the lord of the manor, Rondo's father. However, they could see the impatient look that was on Rondo's face and knew that they wouldn't be able to keep him here for much longer.

So they had no choice but to compromise.

They would show me and Rondo to the living room while another member would go and report this to Rondo's father.

Rondo didn't seem too happy about this, but he knew that he had to compromise in this situation and accepted this proposal.

So the two of us were allowed to head in alone while the rest of our group waited outside.

Both Cecilia and Shaka looked like they wanted to come with me to protect me just in case anything happened. However, I convinced them to stay since them coming with me was a sign that we didn't trust them.

We had come here with friendly intentions, so we should act that way for now.

So I was able to convince them to let me go alone.

At the same time, before heading in, I got a secret weapon from Haley.

The guards had to check it first before allowing me to bring it in, but they licked their lips after they checked it.

The two of us were led to the luxurious looking living room, though the decorations were a bit strange for a human. Instead of the normal decorations that one would have, there were many different ores and gems that were being displayed.

This was what was considered valuable in dwarven society, so this was what they displayed to show their wealth off.

I wasn't as surprised since I had already seen rooms like this before in the game, but other humans definitely would have been surprised.

After sitting down, Rondo asked the butler that was with us for some tea.

Since this was his home, he didn't hold back at all with his orders.

Of course, the butler didn't mind since the ones that he served were the Silvermine Family and Rondo was a part of the Silvermine Family.

Though to be honest, I was surprised to find that Rondo was the young master of the Silvermine Family, the heir to the position of family head.

He really didn't seem like someone that would fit the position of family head though in my mind…

Still, it was a good thing that he was since I had already built up a friendship with him.

That would help with the mithril trade in the future.

After a bit, while we were sipping our tea that the butler had brought, there was a sound that came from the door.

It didn't take long before another dwarf came in, but this one was very strict looking.

Well, the other dwarves did have strict appearances because of their racial features. They were short stubby men with thick beards and rugged faces, so they all looked very stern.

However, this dwarf looked more stern than the others.

This was a kind of presence that came from being in charge…

So it was clear that this person was Rondo's father, the current head of the Silvermine Family.

Seeing his father come in, Rondo stood up and walked over to him before stretching out his arms and saying, "Father!"

Rondo's father didn't hesitate to open his arms as well and he took his son in his embrace.

It really was strange watching the two of them like this, but the strangest part hadn't come yet.

There was this young girl that walked in that looked like she was ten years old, but I knew better than to judge by appearance with dwarves.

She said with a smile, "You two, we have a guest."

The two of them separated after hearing her say this before Rondo turned to her and said, "Mother, I'm back."

That was right…Rondo had said mother instead of sister.

Even though this dwarven girl looked very young, she was actually Rondo's mother.

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