Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

329 Silvermine Family (2)

This definitely would have been a surprise for any humans that didn't know about this.

After all, the mother looked like a little girl and the son looked like a gruff middle aged man…this really was a large disconnect.

But I had seen this plenty of times in the game, which was why I wasn't surprised.

As for why it was like this…

It was because of that b*stard from the design team!

This was an infamous person from the game studio that everyone sent knives to because of what he did to the dwarves.

One might imagine female dwarves as thicc short stacks, but…this wasn't the case with this game. All because of that one perverted designer who had completely changed how everyone perceived dwarves!

It was all because of his own personal preference!

This personal preference would have landed him on a certain watchlist in my previous world…but somehow he had evaded it and had been able to put his curse on this game.

This one designer had turned the entire dwarven female population into lolis!

Sure there were people that were into that kind of thing, but at least give a variety!

Instead, this one damn designer had made it so that all female dwarves would be lolis regardless of their age.

Of course, since it was a H-game, that meant that there were scenes with these female dwarves, but that didn't mean that it was illegal. Even if they did look like lolis, they were legal lolis since they all looked like lolis.

Even grandmothers would look like they were still ten years old…

This was why the entire fanbase of this game had sent knives to this designer.

I even sent a few myself, as well as slamming him on the internet.

But if that designer had come to this world like me, wouldn't he be in paradise in this Dwarven Kingdom?

I couldn't help shuddering as this thought passed through my mind.

I just hoped that the authorities took care of that person after I had died in my previous life…

But back to the situation on hand, this was my first time seeing a real female dwarf since coming to this world.

One might expect to see some when we were making our way through Silver City, but surprisingly there wasn't a single one that had come out to see us. It was just a bunch of male dwarves.

It was the same at the border and at the gate of this city.

Could it be that female dwarves were rare or could it be that they were hidden away for a reason?

Either way, that didn't matter.

After they finished their reunion, Rondo came over with his parents and we all sat down together.

His father and mother introduced themselves to me.

His father was Ivar Silvermine, the current head of the prestigious Silvermine Family.

His mother was Nisa Silvermine, Ivar's one and only wife.

Though other dwarven lords might have had concubines and such, Ivar only had one wife and one son. He was regarded as a picture perfect family man that all men should aspire to be.

But through the secret signals from Rondo and what I saw just now, I could tell…that wasn't the case.

Simply put, he didn't have the courage to cheat or get a concubine.

It was clear who held the power in their relationship and who held the power in this family.

After we finished our introductions, Ivar asked Rondo, "Son, why did you bring this human back with you?"

Dwarves didn't like to beat around the bush, so Ivar just directly asked Rondo the question on his mind.

Rondo looked right back at him and said, "Father, this human has forging techniques that we have never seen before. I challenged him to a duel and lost, so I brought him back with me to fulfill my end of our bet."

After he said this, both Ivar and Nisa couldn't help revealing surprised looks as they looked at me.

Or rather, it could be said that they were looking at my hands.

Ivar slightly knitted his brows after seeing them before saying, "You're telling me that this human who has no calluses on his hands at all has forging techniques that we've never seen before? Do you take me for a fool?"

Rondo shook his head with a sigh as he had already expected this, but he still said, "It's the truth. Would I admit that I lost a duel if it wasn't?"

Both Ivar and Nisa knitted their brows when they heard this.

They both knew how skilled their son was and how much pride he had because of those skills, so they knew that unless it really happened, he would never admit that he lost in a forging contest.

So it had to be true that he had lost a forging duel…but how was that possible against this human who didn't seem like he knew about forging at all?

Seeing the looks of doubt on their faces, Rondo turned to me and said with a nod, "Bring that over."

I gave a nod and stood up to walk over to a package that I had set down earlier.

When I brought it back and pulled off the sheet covering it, the katana was revealed once more.

Rondo had already predicted this situation, so he knew that the easiest way to counter it was to provide hard proof.

Nothing was better proof than this katana.

Ivar and Nisa both tilted their heads and looked at this katana with looks of doubt, but they still carefully looked it over.

After looking it over for a bit, their expressions couldn't help changing.

They could tell that this was made from a strange metal that they had never seen before, so they couldn't help being curious about this strange looking sword.

Seeing the look on their faces, Rondo just simply said, "Shall we test it then? I think that will prove whether I'm telling the truth or not."

The two of them just gave a simple nod in response.

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