Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 10 After passing the third floor, the vision is amazing!

On the grassland.

The little skeleton, holding a scythe as if it would fall if the wind blew, heard the order.

The soul fire in his eyes suddenly fluctuated.

The skull turned towards the two demon wolves.


The two demon wolves' eyes were fierce and they rushed over.

A demonic wolf with dark attributes.

A faint black mist spreads out from their bodies, making them appear extremely fast.

The speed exceeds fifteen meters per second.

More than thirty meters away——

It was crossed in just over two seconds.

Two demonic wolves leaped into the air, their eyes full of ferocity.

He opened his huge mouth and bit the little skeleton's neck directly.

At the same time, the dark and cold wolf claws also clawed hard at the little skeleton's chest.

The little skeleton stood blankly.

But when the two demon wolves came close to one meter——


The dark sword light flashed in the air from bottom to top.

Hot wolf blood splashed.

Two huge wolf heads soared into the sky.


The body of the headless demon wolf hit the ground, twitched twice and then stopped moving.

The little skeleton opened his mouth and sucked on the two demon wolf corpses.

But no death energy flew out.

The little skeleton was stunned and stared blankly at the two demon wolf corpses.

After a while.

He took a step forward, squatted down, and sucked harder.

Still no death energy flew out.

This caused the soul fire in his eyes to fluctuate violently.

As if thinking.

Is the enemy not dead?

He raised the sickle in his hand blankly, wanting to make up for it with two more swords.


Zhao Xin was a little funny.

Although this little skeleton is dull.

But he seems to know how to think about problems?

"But this is normal."


"Even if you give it to a pig, it can take off."

He shook his head.

Ignore the little skeleton's actions.

at this time.

Information has appeared in front of him again.

[Congratulations, you successfully passed the first floor of the Star Tower. 】

[You have received a reward of five pounds of gold coins. 】

【Do you want to enter the second floor of Royal Star Tower? 】


[After passing the second level, you will receive ten pounds of gold coins as a reward]


Zhao Xin agreed.

The first level is too simple.

There is no pressure at all.


Scene changes.

The grassland disappears.

In its place is a mountain forest.

In the mountains and forests, there are towering old trees, drooping old vines, and luxuriant flowers and plants.

Two demon apes that were over two meters tall were holding on to vines, standing on the trunk of a big tree and looking over.

The demon ape's body is pitch black, its hair is thick, and its eyes are as red as blood.

The muscles are well developed, the bulges are like stones, and the arms are extremely long.

"Dark Demon Ape."

"Second-level lower-level creature."

Zhao Xin whispered.

Are the enemies on the second level the two dark demon apes?

Information about Royal Star Tower.

He didn't learn about it in detail.

Apart from knowing that the enemy on the first floor is the dark demon wolf, the rest is not very clear.

at this time.

The soul fire in the eyes of the little skeleton standing in front of him fluctuated violently again.

His body even took a step backward.

It was as if he was startled by this sudden change of scene.

He looked again and again at the place where the corpses of the two demonic wolves had been.

It seems strange.

Where's the body?



Two startling roars came.

On the tree trunk, two demon apes grabbed the vines and swung suddenly.

There were cold scales on the thick thighs, and the black mist surged and stepped hard on the little skeleton!


The sword shines again.

The two dark demon apes were instantly cut in half, and blood flew out.

This time.

The little skeleton just looked at the corpse of the demon ape quietly.

No more attempts were made to absorb the death energy.

[Congratulations, you successfully passed the second floor of the Star Tower. 】

[You have received a reward of ten pounds of gold coins. 】

[Do you want to enter the third floor of the Royal Star Tower? 】


[After passing the third level, you will receive a reward of twenty pounds of gold coins]

"Fifteen pounds in gold in total."

"Enough resources to purchase a trainee Star Envoy to advance to the first level of Star Envoy."

Zhao Xin's face showed a look of satisfaction.

If it weren't for the Royal Star Tower.

Maybe he would have to leave the city to hunt monsters and earn wealth.

And now——

But he only gained fifteen pounds of wealth easily.

This world.

One pound of gold was equal to one hundred silver coins.

One silver coin was equal to one hundred copper pennies.

And ten copper pennies.

You can buy a box lunch.

Six copper pennies can buy one kilogram of rice.

The salary of an ordinary person.

Most of them are between thirty silver coins and eighty silver coins.

A family of three.

Twenty silver coins for a month's expenses is quite decent.

For families who are more economical, ten silver coins are enough.


Fifteen pounds of gold coins, this is already a considerable fortune.


"As long as you have enough wealth."

"You can definitely buy some precious resources to speed up your cultivation."

He whispered in his heart.

Directly choose to continue challenging the third level.

Second floor--

It is still far from the limit of the little skull.


The scene in front of me changes again.

This time, the soul fire in the little skeleton's eyes was calm.

The skull lifted.

The enemy is seen at a glance.

Those are two dark demon tigers.

He is over two and a half meters tall and over five meters in length.

The whole body is filled with dark mist, which looks quite scary.

"Dark Demon Tiger."

"Second-order median."

"So it seems——"

"With each level of the Royal Star Tower, the enemy only improves a small level?"

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

If so——

With the little skeleton's current combat power of 4.5.

Wouldn't it be possible to fight all the way to...the eighth floor? !

"Eighth floor?"

"It seems like no one has ever passed..."

There was a light in his eyes.

Should we let the little skeleton fight all the way up, directly through the eighth floor?



The demon tiger roared and charged fiercely at the little skeleton.

The momentum is far stronger than the two dark demon apes before.


The little skeleton still just slashed out with one knife.

The light of the sword flashed in the air, like a thunderbolt, so fast that it was hard to see with the naked eye.

The two dark demon tigers immediately flew out.

The head was chopped off in half, brains and blood splattered, it was too horrific to look at.

Second-order median.

Compared with the small skeleton who is comparable to the fourth-level mid-level combat power.

The gap is too big!

[Congratulations, you successfully passed the third floor of the Star Tower. 】

[You have been rewarded with twenty pounds of gold coins. 】

[Because you passed the third floor of the Star Tower on the first day of awakening, you received a reward of ten achievement points. 】

【Do you want to enter the fourth floor of Royal Star Tower? 】


[After passing the fourth level, you will receive thirty pounds of gold coins as a reward]

at the same time.

Outside the Royal Star Tower.

For all to see.

A white light suddenly flashed on the third floor of the Royal Star Tower.

Shining like jade.

Magnificent as the sun.

"Someone of them passed the third floor!"

"The white jade light means that someone has passed the third floor of the Star Tower on the first day of awakening!"

"How could it be so fast! Who is it? It's incredible that it passed the third level so quickly!"

"It must be Horn Bazel! He is the most powerful talent in our Tisheng Kingdom!"

"Shit! It must be Tang Jiuyan, the genius of our Liuyan Kingdom!"

"The genius of the kingdom still wants to compare with Muggeth Rossay from our God of War Empire? You are thinking nonsense!"

"It must be my goddess Gong Xinliu, I won't accept any objection!"

A large number of Royal Star Envoys in the square started talking excitedly.

Five of the top geniuses of this year.

Who is the strongest?

Everyone was full of curiosity and excitement.

On the first day of awakening, you can pass the third floor of the Star Tower——

This is in the future.

But there is hope to surpass the ninth-level Star Envoy and reach the level of the King-level Star Envoy!

"We can't even get through the second floor."

"On the first day after awakening, I passed the third level. It's really scary!"

Black Wade was amazed, his face filled with envy.

This talent is too strong.

Compared with these geniuses, they are simply the difference between ants and elephants.

I don't even have the qualifications to let anyone take a look.

"Brother, there is no need to belittle yourself."

"We're not bad either."

"At least it's much better than Zhao Xin who gave birth to the little skeleton, isn't it?"

"Compared with Zhao Xin, we are also giant dragons in the sky!"

Song Ling patted the black man Wade on the shoulder and said proudly.

Of course, he was extremely envious.

I hope so much to get to know such top talents.


These are all extravagant hopes.


at this time.

At the entrance of Yuxing Tower, five young figures walked out almost at the same time.

The entire square fell silent for a moment.

Everyone was shocked and looked at the five people in stunned silence.

what happened?

The white jade light of Yuxing Tower has not disappeared yet, but all five people have come out?

To know.

If the breaker leaves the Royal Star Tower.

The strange phenomenon in the Star Tower caused by the other party will also disappear instantly.

But now——

"The geniuses who passed the third level on their first day of awakening, weren't they the five of them?!"

Someone said in a daze.

Who is that?

Who is at the Star Tower? !

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