Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 11 Passing the fourth level, the genius is shocked!

"Not them?"

Not only one of the famous Royal Star Envoys looked at each other in shock.

Even the two king-level beings with their feet in the void looked at each other, feeling surprised.

Both of them will arrive.

Naturally, it’s because I want to see it.

How good are these five geniuses of this year?

Can anyone pass the third floor of the Star Tower on the first day?

But now——

They found out.

None of the five people passed the third floor of the Star Tower.


Is there another current Royal Star Envoy who has not shown up and passed the third level? !

who is it?

Are the other seven geniuses of this generation who have given birth to high-level astral creatures?

But I clearly hadn’t seen it before.

"Go check it out."

"Let's see if any of the other seven people entered the Star Tower."

Mention the king-level existence of the Holy Kingdom and immediately open the friend list.

Give the order to the country's top intelligence officer.

The same is true for the other king-level being.

Both were curious.

Who passed the third level on the first day of awakening?

Such a genius.

Even though they are king-level beings standing at the top level in the world, they will not ignore it.

after all--

That is already a talented person who has the hope of reaching the king level!

The entrance to the Royal Star Tower.

Silas Moore, Tang Jiuyan, Gong Xinliu, Horn Bazell, and Muggs Rossai looked at the strange phenomenon in the Star Tower.

His eyes widened even more, with an expression of extreme surprise and shock.

All five of them failed——

Didn't pass the third floor of Yuxing Tower.

But now——

But like them, the Royal Star Envoy who awakened today passed the third level? ! !

who is it! !

in the minds of five people.

A personal name emerged in each case.

"Is it Zheng Zhuyang?"

"Fielding Lena is also possible."

"On the third level, we need to kill two second-level black devil tigers. Their astral creatures are so strong?!"

"But besides them, there can't be anyone else!"

Five people whispered.

They all had a look of reluctance on their faces and clenched their fists.

There is still a sense of frustration in my heart.

None of them passed the third level.

But someone passed it!

Doesn't this mean that they are inferior to each other?

As the strongest top talent in this generation.

How could the five of them be willing to admit that they were inferior to others?



"It's definitely coming out soon."

Tang Jiuyan said coldly.

A pair of eyes stared closely at the gate of Yuxing Tower.

The other four people also stared closely.

"This is the fourth floor?"

"Two second-level dark giant pythons."

"As a dark creature, its combat power has reached the top of the current small realm."

"Only astral creatures with third-level combat power can be killed."

Zhao Xin looked at the two giant black pythons slowly crawling out of the dense forest ahead and whispered.

These two giant black pythons are over twenty meters long and over thirty centimeters thick.

The whole body is filled with this black mist.

The scarlet triangular eyes were filled with cruelty and ruthlessness.


Two giant pythons sprang out.

Above the head, black icy spears condensed and shot towards the small skeleton.


The little skeleton opened its mouth and roared suddenly.

Great sound and sound.

The billowing death-gray sound waves instantly annihilated the two black spears at a terrifying speed.

Then it swept across two giant dark pythons.

Bang bang——!

The heads of the two dark pythons exploded, blood and brains flying.

The body shook and fell limply to the ground.

"Is this the roar of the undead?"

Zhao Xin looked at this amazing power and felt satisfied.

Abilities mastered from the godhead——

Really powerful!

It was hard for him to imagine.

The little skeleton continues to master each ability.

What a terrifying skeleton it will transform into.

[Congratulations, you successfully passed the fourth floor of the Star Tower. 】

[You have received a reward of thirty pounds of gold coins. 】

[Because you passed the fourth floor of the Star Tower on the first day of awakening, you received a reward of twenty achievement points. 】

[Do you want to enter the fifth floor of the Royal Star Tower? 】


[After passing the fifth level, you will receive forty pounds of gold coins as a reward]

Information emerges.

"Another thirty pounds in gold."

Zhao Xin was in a very happy mood.

In this way——

He has been rewarded with a total of sixty-five pounds of wealth!

Not to mention the special materials required for a trainee to be promoted to the first level of Star Envoy.

It is the special material used to advance the first-level Star Envoy to the second-level Star Envoy.

They already have enough wealth to buy it!

"about there."

"It's time to go out."

he whispered.

in history.

Apprentice Royal Star Envoy.

The highest record of passing the Royal Star Tower is the sixth floor.

And the Royal Star Envoy awakened on the first day.

The highest record of passing the Royal Star Tower is the fifth floor.

Although his fourth level is already quite dazzling.

But it is not enough to make major countries and organizations dig deep and search frantically.

If we continue to challenge——

He felt that he would probably be investigated.

And there is such a good place as the Demon Exorcist's Punishment Hall.

How can you step onto the stage so easily?

He just wanted to grow up in the execution hall in peace and peace of mind.

Don't wait until you are invincible.

Going out?

Don't even think about it.

The world is too dangerous.

Although it's a pity that I can't continue to earn achievement points.

But he still walked directly towards the gate of Yuxing Tower.

The little skeleton was also put away and followed behind him in a cute and cute manner.

Click click click——

Accompanied by the sound of bone rubbing.

A master and a servant walked to the entrance of Yuxing Tower.

"The... fourth floor is also lit!!"

"Wo Ri!! How is it possible!! This means that someone passed the fourth level on the first day of awakening!!"

"Is this going against heaven?!"

"The last time a Star Envoy passed through the fourth level after awakening on the first day was six years ago!"

"Who is it! This is definitely the well-deserved number one genius of this generation!!"

"How terrifying! Just after awakening, the astral creatures can cross three small realms to kill enemies?!"

"This is hardly a surprise. It is the future King-level Star Envoy!"

on the square.

A large number of Royal Star Envoys looked at the white jade light that lit up on the fourth floor, and they were all stunned and shocked.

He actually passed the fourth floor!

This is too scary!

To know--

Last year, there were only two geniuses who passed the third level on the first day of awakening.

But this year——

But there was a genius who passed the fourth level on the first day of his awakening! !

"Fourth floor!"

in the air.

The two king-level beings were also shocked.

This talent is too strong.

Once this kind of genius is promoted to the king level, he will not be weak among the king level.

As far as they know.

I want to pass the fourth floor of the Star Tower on the first day.

A high-level astral creature conceived.

I'm afraid it's the ninth level!

There are only nine levels of astral creatures.

Only when he was suppressed at the first-level high level, he could kill two second-level high-level dark pythons.


Who is it?

The two king-level beings were filled with doubts.

They have received information from intelligence agencies.

The other seven geniuses who gave birth to high-level astral creatures did not come to the Star Tower.

It's not Tang Jiuyan and the other five.

Nor the other seven.

Who could it be?

Is it possible that there are still some talented people who have given birth to high-level astral creatures?

"Fourth floor!!"

The entrance to the Royal Star Tower.

Tang Jiuyan, Gong Xinliu, Muggs Luo Sai and the other five people also widened their eyes, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

They couldn't even pass the third floor.

But someone passed the fourth floor? !

How can this be!

They couldn't believe it at all.

If the gap is so big, how can one have the dignity to be called a genius in the future?

"who is it!"

"Who is it?"

"It directly broke the record of the past five years!"

Tang Jiuyan took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

Among his peers in this class, is there anyone who can suppress him so much? !

"Fourth floor!"

"Damn it! This must be some incredible talent!"

"If I could get to know him, I could brag about him for the rest of his life!"

Song Ling and Black Vedder opened their mouths wide, extremely shocked.

None of Tang Jiuyan's five top geniuses passed the third level.


But someone passed the fourth floor? !

And just then.

Zhao Xin stepped out of the Royal Star Tower.

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