Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 107 Breaking the record! Get record-breaking rewards!

"Isn't this just like a game copy?"

Zhao Xin understood.

He looked at the elves in front of him who looked like they were about to praise me.

Female, thumbs up:

"Emily is so awesome. She cleared the first level in five attempts."

"But if those little monsters and big monsters don't resurrect, wouldn't it mean that as long as you keep swiping them, you will be able to get through them?"

The elf girl looked at Zhao Xin strangely and asked a question:

"How many ancient life coins did you spend to teleport to Tianmai Mountain?"

Zhao Xin understood clearly and nodded repeatedly:

"The transmission fee of one hundred ancient life coins is indeed prohibitive."

The value of an ancient life coin is about the same as a gold pound.

And a gold pound——

If it were placed before he traveled through time, it would be equivalent to a purchasing power of about one million.

"That's just one aspect of it."

"Every time you challenge the first ridge of Tianmai Mountain, you have to pay a ticket."

"The ticket price is nine hundred ancient life coins."

"Including the transmission fee, a challenge to the first line of Tianmai Mountain will require a thousand ancient life coins."

"How many people do you think can afford to challenge hundreds of times in a row?"

"And in fact, many people still can't pass the level even if they challenge it hundreds of times in a row."

"If you challenge it one hundred and twenty-eight times and still can't pass it——"

"Then it will be reset, and all the small monsters and big monsters will be resurrected and start again."

The elf girl snapped her fingers and chuckled.

She wore an exquisite green battle armor with a slightly hollow design, a thin sword hanging on her waist, and a slender and compact battle bow on her back, emerald green and crystal clear.

The legs are very slender, with no gaps visible, and the green combat boots are very gorgeous, with a unique elf style.

Three thousand green silk shawls flutter gently in the wind, giving people a sense of liveliness and agility.

"Thank you very much Emily for the explanation. I would be even more grateful if you could do it for free."

Zhao Xin bowed slightly again, acting like a gentleman.

“There’s no such thing as a free lunch, right?”

Emily's smile was still very sweet, and she continued:

"In the first line, if you complete one-third of the progress, you can become a one-leaf heavenly apostle, and if you complete two-thirds of the progress, you can become a two-leaf heavenly apostle."

"If you can pass the first vein, you will be an apostle of the Three-Leaf Heavenly Vein."

Speaking of this, she puffed up her chest and said proudly:

"I am a Three-Leaf Heavenly Vein Apostle."

You've said it twice... Zhao Xin cursed in his heart and said curiously:

"Does it mean that if you pass one-third of the second vein, you will become a four-leaf heavenly apostle?"

The sweet smile on the face of the elf girl Emily disappeared, and she looked at Zhao Xin dissatisfied:

"It is very impolite to mention a four-leaf apostle in front of a three-leaf apostle."


Zhao Xin understood and said immediately.


"Within thirty times, I will definitely pass the second lineage and become a six-leaf apostle!"

The elf girl Emily looked arrogant.

There was a pause.

She waved her hand, pointed at the huge blue light door in front of her and said:

"As long as you prepare 900 ancient life coins, you can step into the gate of Tianmai and start challenging the first meridian."

"But although your human race occasionally has peerless geniuses appearing, most of them don't perform very well."

"After all, you humans are very balanced in all aspects, so don't be discouraged if you are sent out without even killing a single monster."

"As long as you work hard, you will definitely pass the first pulse before restarting one hundred and twenty-eight times."

"Come on ヾ(°°)!"

After speaking, her voice was full of encouragement.

He also made a cheering gesture common to all worlds and nodded vigorously towards Zhao Xin.


Zhao Xin was speechless.

One hundred and twenty-eight reboots ago?

Beautiful elf girl, I can’t even tell whether you look down on me or think highly of me...

He waved his hand to the elf girl Emily and strode towards the Gate of Heavenly Meridians.

all the time.

There are a large number of participants of different races entering and exiting the Tianmai Gate.

Most of those who entered looked nervous or serious.

Most of those who came out frowned or sighed.

Zhao Xin stepped forward and entered the gate of Tianmai.

"It seems that I forgot to tell him something..."

The elf girl Emily looked at Zhao Xin's back disappearing into the Tianmai Gate and murmured softly.

She turned her eyes and suddenly saw the majestic sculptures on the other side, and she suddenly remembered:

"I forgot to introduce the Tianmai List to him."

"But it certainly has nothing to do with him."

"It doesn't matter whether the introduction is introduced or not..."

After speaking, a look of determination appeared on her face:

"I, Emily, will one day be on the Tianmai list!"

But in the blink of an eye, her face fell.

after all--

It is too difficult to get on the Tianmai list.

Tianmai list——

The participants who pass through each vein in the fastest time will be recorded in the form of sculptures and will forever be erected in Tianmai Square for countless people to admire.

She is basically hopeless.

"I heard that if you break the previous record and enter the Tianmai list, you can get amazing rewards..."

She looked envious.

But this list, she heard, had not changed in seventy-five years...

Zhao Xin's eyes were filled with flowers.

Already appeared on a suspended stone bridge with a dark red sky.

The stone bridge is very wide, over a hundred meters, with light flowing on both sides. Outside, there is darkness and silence, as if it can swallow everything.

The suspended stone bridge extends forward, and in front of it is a square stone platform. Goblins stand on the stone platform one after another, with tangled muscles, holding spears, and sharp eyes.

"Fifth level..."

"Sure enough, it is the same level as my own Star Master..."

Zhao Xin smiled.

He had a thought in his mind.

The little skeleton has appeared next to him.

Looking at the fifth-level goblins in front of him, there was no fluctuation in the soul fire in his eyes.

Four lines of death energy rushed out and landed on the ground, and four large skeletons came out of them.

With the little skeleton's combat power reaching 11.9, it can be called the pinnacle of the one-star king level.

These four 'Skeleton Guards' have naturally grown in strength, and their combat power has all reached the mid-level of the one-star king level!

His height has skyrocketed to more than thirty meters, which is about the same as a ten-story building.

The bones on his body are as black as ink, the bone knife in his hand is sharp, and the bone shield reflects the cold light, as if it is indestructible.

And at the same time——

The little skeleton also stretched out his right hand.

The realm of death opens.

The enslaved two-star king-level ghost bone dragon, nightmare knight, three-star king-level skeleton king, and necromancer king came out.

The appearance of the eight kings had a mighty aura, the surrounding air was distorted, and the air flow roared into a violent wind.

On the square stone platform in front.

A goblin looked dazed and stared blankly.

"Death is your destination!"

The King of Necromancers takes action.

He was wearing a death gray cloak, with only his eyes exposed, and he pointed lightly with the staff in his hand.

Suddenly, a death-gray ripple spread forward. Wherever it passed, the thirty or so goblins on the square stone platform froze and then fell down.

In front of the Samsung King Stage.

Goblins with level five strength are simply ants!

"Death has nothing to fear, you will stand up again and fight for me!"

The King of Necromancer's eyes were gloomy, and one after another deathly gray light shot out from his staff and fell on the goblin corpses.


Click click click——

The goblin corpses were twisted, flesh and blood flying everywhere, and skeletons holding bone knives came out of them.

Every skeleton actually has ninth-level strength.

More than thirty skeletons joined together and trotted forward along the suspended stone bridge.

not far away.

On another square stone platform, there were still more than thirty goblins. Before they could react, they were chopped down to the ground by the goblin skeletons.


The King of Necromancer stepped forward, tapped his staff again, and thirty more Goblin skeletons stood up unsteadily and rushed around.

"The Necromancer is indeed a death-type spellcaster."

"As long as there are enough corpses, it will be a moving humanoid natural disaster."

Zhao Xin followed behind and exclaimed.

The clock is ticking.

A minute passes quickly.

At this time, the King of Necromancer has controlled more than 300 Goblin skeletons, killing them in one direction along the suspended stone bridge like locusts.

The Ghost Bone Dragon, Nightmare Knight, Skeleton King, and four large skeletons also spread out and killed around.

No matter how small or big monsters are, they are completely vulnerable in front of this group of kings and ninth-level monsters.

All the goblins were easily drowned, and then stood up again in front of the Necromancer King.

Not long.

Less than three minutes at most.

A line of dark red writing popped up in front of Zhao Xin:

【congratulations! Successfully passed the first ridge of Tianmai Mountain! 】

[The clearance time is one hundred and sixty-five seconds! 】

[You successfully broke the record for the first ridge of Tianmai Mountain and entered the Tianmai list! 】

[Your sculpture will be erected in Tianmai Square and will be admired by all participants! 】

[You get a chance to win a high-level lottery! 】

【Would you like to use the advanced lottery now? 】



"Tianmai list?"

"Erect a statue?"

"Higher lottery?"

Zhao Xin was stunned. The elf girl was so unreliable. She took the money and cut corners, but she didn't even tell him! !

He felt something was wrong.

This goes against the essence of his moral integrity.

He actually erected a statue directly in the square. Didn't this make countless participants want to find out information about him?

"It's not in the way, it's not in the way."

"No one knows the news about me coming from Dust Star."

"They are all a group of aliens anyway, so what are you afraid of?"

He took a deep breath and muttered to himself.

"But what is this high-level lottery?"

He relaxed and began to focus on the benefits of breaking the record and erecting the statue.

Advanced lottery!

There was the word "high" in it, which made him look forward to it very much.

after all--

This is the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, one of the four major sections, the Tianmai Mountain of the Breakthrough section!

Broke the record here.

It also belongs to the high-level lottery of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

The reward that can be obtained should be worthy of the word "high-level", right?

No hesitation.

He first put away all the astral creatures, and then directly agreed.

He is a man blessed by fate.

Lottery or something.

He likes it best!

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