Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 108 A huge vision! All races are shocked!

And at the same time.

In Tianmai Square.

Suddenly, a golden light rushed out from the gate of Tianmai. The light was sacred, bright and gorgeous, covering the heaven and earth, covering all directions.

The entire Tianmai Square was covered in endless golden light at this moment.

Just like this moment.

Everything in Tianmai Square is plated with a layer of gold.

The participants who were about to enter the Heavenly Meridian Gate all froze in place, staring wide-eyed at the overwhelming golden light.

Millions of participants stood in the square, most with doubts on their faces.


what's going on?

Why does Tianmai Square suddenly burst into endless golden light?

In golden light.

Tianmai Mountain looks particularly majestic, sacred and majestic!

It's like a sacred mountain standing high above, looking down on all living beings.

"This - this is - a vision of someone breaking the record and getting on the Tianmai list!!"

Finally, an extremely senior participant lost his voice in horror.

The voice rang out.

Countless participants were shaken, with looks of shock on their faces.

Someone broke the record and got on the Tianmai list? !

After seventy-five years, someone finally broke the record and climbed onto the Tianmai list?

"Is this a vision of someone on the Tianmai list?"

The elf girl Emily's delicate body trembled, and her expression was equally shocked.


Someone actually broke the record and made it onto the Tianmai list?

There was a look of extreme envy on her face.

She also wants to be on the Tianmai list.

But it’s too difficult and basically impossible.

Even if she were ten times stronger, she didn't think it was possible.

Any participant who can be on the Tianmai list is an absolute monster!

after all--

The Holy City of Ten Thousand Races has existed for countless years.

No one knows how many monsters have appeared.

The further back, the more despairing this record becomes.

Everyone who can break a record.

They are all the pinnacle of an era!

"I wonder who broke the record and got on the Tianmai list?"

"Which record was broken again?"

The elf girl Emily looked at the sculptures curiously, feeling excited and excited in her heart.

after all--

This is witnessing history.

No one knows how many years it will be until the next time someone breaks a record and makes it onto the Tianmai list.

This is a shocking phenomenon that can only be seen once in decades, or even hundreds of years!

at this time--

The extremely bright golden light between heaven and earth suddenly surged towards the sculpture of the first vein.


It was a big boy wearing a black trench coat, sunglasses on his face, a short cut hair, very energetic, and very sunny.

The big boy put his hands in the pockets of his black windbreaker, looking very relaxed.

But with the influx of golden light.

This sculpture began to change dramatically.

In Tianmai Square, countless people's eyes were fixed on this sculpture, their eyes full of curiosity and shock.

The record of the first pulse was actually broken!

"This--doesn't this mean that the record-breaker might be a newcomer?!"

"The record holder of the first line is the legendary Cloud Eclipse Island Master. His strength has already reached an incredible level!"

"That is already a peerless strongman of the human race, famous in the starry sky!"

"After seven hundred and ninety-five years, someone actually broke the record of the owner of Yun Eclipse Island!"

"I don't know which race he is a peerless monster!"

Many people couldn't help but exclaimed.

After all, the reputation of the owner of Cloud Eclipse Island is too great.

This is not just a reputation in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Even in the outside world, among countless worlds, planes, and planets, the owner of Yun Eclipse Island is an absolute strong man, with a reputation that frightens all races!

"The record of the owner of Cloud Eclipse Island!"

The elf girl Emily's eyes widened and she felt a little unbelievable.

Someone actually broke the record of Cloud Eclipse Island Master!

The owner of Cloud Eclipse Island——

He broke the first line record seven hundred and ninety-five years ago and has skyrocketed ever since.

In the starry sky, he fights with all races and is undefeated in every battle.

She even fell in love with a former queen of their elven tribe, and it was even said that she received the blessing of the goddess on her wedding day!

The owner of Cloud Eclipse Island is a legend even among their elves.

"who is it--"

"It can actually break the record of the owner of Yun Eclipse Island!"

She was shocked in her heart and stared intently at the sculpture that was constantly changing under the golden light.

Although it is impossible to recognize.

But she also wants to know the race and appearance of the person who can break the record of the owner of Cloud Eclipse Island!


The golden light is extremely gorgeous, as bright as the blazing sun.

The sculpture dyed gold slowly twists.

Gradually it turned into another figure.

Wearing an ordinary white robe, his black hair was tied up casually, his expression was very calm, as if nothing could move him.

He held his chin with one hand, and his eyes seemed to be revealing the light of wisdom.

Seeing this sculpture taking shape——

The elf girl Emily was stunned.

Her arms were trembling and she was speechless while pointing at the sculpture, with an incredible look on her face.

How can it be!

How could it be him! !

She didn't think of it anyway.

This unparalleled monster who can break the record of the owner of Yun Eclipse Island is actually the young man from the human race who just spent five ancient life coins to ask her for information on Tianmai Mountain! !

This had a huge impact on her.

It was as if everyone had just been standing together chatting casually.

The result turned out in a blink of an eye——

You are as shocked as if you found out that the other person is an alien.

The golden light is still flowing.

A line of writing quickly appeared on the sculpture:

[Clearance time: one hundred and sixty-five seconds]

See this line of writing.

The entire Tianmai Square gradually became quiet, and soon became dead silent.

Everyone stood there blankly, unable to believe their eyes.

How long does it take?

One hundred and sixty-five seconds?

They felt that they must be dreaming.


How could we see such an incredible time! !

If they remember correctly.

The clearance time of the previous record holder, Cloud Eclipse Island Master——

It’s two thousand seven hundred and thirty-two seconds! !

A gap of more than sixteen times! ! !

"He...he is so strong..."

The elf girl Emily murmured, her delicate face full of confusion.

Not only did he break the record of the Cloud Eclipse Island Master.

In terms of time, it has also increased sixteen times! ! !

This is simply a fantasy.

How could it really happen! !

The vast starry sky.

Round after round, the bright moon rises slowly in the distance, blooming as bright as mercury.

Every round of the bright moon is very gorgeous and bright.

Looking from a distance, thousands of bright moons rise into the sky, and the scenery is so beautiful that it feels like we have arrived in the age of myth.

"Choose a bright moon?"

Zhao Xin stood in the void, looked at the bright moon, and whispered.

Although every bright moon looks the same.

But in fact--

The edge of each bright moon has a different color.


It's absolutely impossible to see what's in the bright moon from the outside.

"I don't know what you can get in the high-level lottery..."

He murmured in his heart, his eyes swept over the bright moons, and finally followed his feelings and settled on one of the bright moons.

This round of bright moon suddenly shook slightly, and then came across the sky.

The moon is bright and clear, with a hint of emerald green around the edges.

As it gets closer.

The bright light above the bright moon quickly faded.

Finally, when he arrived in front of Zhao Xin, there was only a crystal clear bottle left.

There is an emerald green liquid in the bottle, rippling gently.

"What's this?"

Zhao Xin took the flying transparent bottle with a look of confusion on his face.

But soon——

A message came out of the bottle and was connected to his spiritual power.

[The sap of the Divine Tree of Life: comes from the Divine Tree of Life that has been promoted to the level of gods. It is extremely precious and can allow the Ancient Tree of Life to achieve a super evolution. 】

"A precious item that allows the Ancient Tree of Life to evolve."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed, and he felt happy in his heart.

for him.

If the ancient tree of life can evolve multiple times, it will produce more life power.

That was absolutely amazing help.

after all--

The astral creatures under his command are all of low level, but their combat power is peerless!

The level is not high, and the life force required to advance is not much.

As long as there is enough life force.

You can keep upping the level and your combat power will also increase!


There was a flash of light.

He disappeared into the lottery space and returned to Tianmai Mountain.

[Congratulations on passing the first line of Tianmai Mountain, you will be rewarded with a shop. 】

[You can go to the ‘Temple of All Races’ to receive rewards. 】

【Do you want to continue challenging the second pulse? 】



Zhao Xin put away the 'sap of the divine tree of life' and confirmed.

Now that a record has been broken.

Then it shouldn't matter if it's broken twice or three times.

after all--

He knows it very well.

Breaking the First Pulse record in one hundred and sixty-five seconds should be an extremely amazing achievement.

After breaking a few more records, things can't get any more serious.

"On the dust star, I wonder if there are any participants in the struggle for hegemony among all races——"

"But even if there were, it would be impossible to find me..."

"After all, I am just an ordinary member of the torture hall on Dust Star..."

He whispered in his heart.

all of these.

Naturally, he has already thought it through.

Anyway, those who did those great things on the dust star——

It's either Ogunkorn from the Death Tribunal or Daphne Modesty from the Death Tribunal.

And these——

What does it have to do with him, Zhao Xin?

On the dusty star.

Except for the intelligent life form of the Liuling Civilization, ‘Elanna’.

There should be no other person who knows his identity.

"But we still have to do our best to improve our strength."

"Only strength is the guarantee."

His expression was calm.


The body flashed and disappeared on the ancient suspended bridge, appearing on a red plain.

The red grasses are connected into pieces, like clusters of flames burning quietly on the ground, very gorgeous.

on the sky.

There are fire dragons soaring, and there are many volcanoes emitting thick smoke in the distance.

One can see one fire dragon after another moving in and out of the volcanoes, bringing up the flames.

"Sixth level fire dragon."

"The strongest fire dragon should only be at level eight."

Zhao Xin glanced at it and didn't care.

Such a battle is too simple for him.


A small skeleton appeared next to him.

Then four big skeletons, the Skeleton King, the Necromancer King, the Ghost Bone Dragon, and the Nightmare Knight rushed out.

The overwhelming death energy filled the air instantly, attracting the attention of a large number of fire dragons!

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