Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 110 Return to Dust Star! Suppression of the will of the universe?

Zhao Xin walked out of the Tianmai Gate.

Looking ahead, he looked calm at the large group of participants from all races who were staring at him.

before coming out.

He could imagine this scene.

After all, he broke the records of the first and second veins one after another!

Moreover, there is still a statue of him erected in the square, which must have caused a sensation.

"In the future, in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, you will probably be treated like a star..."

He sighed inwardly.

But who makes him so good?

This is really helpless.

If you don't pay attention, your excellent nature will be revealed, which is very annoying...

He smiled at the elf girl Emily who was not far away and looked at him in a daze, and then teleported away directly.

Tianmai Plaza——

It's a huge teleportation point.

Watch his figure disappear.

All the foreign races started talking excitedly again:

"This is the human race!"

"The human race who has successively broken the records of Yun Eclipse Island Master and Lord Bai Ling!"

"Looks so ordinary, this peerless monster is really low-key!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Go investigate this human's identity!"

"The human race has several superpowers. They should be the geniuses they cultivated, right?"

"Not necessarily. The human race is a very strange race. The parents are ordinary, but the children may have terrible talents. Their bloodline has little impact on them!"

"The powerful enemies of the human race are definitely going to take action. Let's see if this human race monster can survive!"

When Zhao Xin appeared again, he had been teleported outside the Ten Thousand Races Temple.

This is an extremely majestic temple.

Towering into the clouds, it is definitely the tallest building in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

"What a sacred feeling."

"But compared to those temples in the dream world, it still feels a little worse..."

He muttered in his mind.

Although it was the first time I saw the Temple of All Races, I was not intimidated and walked in calmly.


The water ripples.

He appeared in a separate room.

In the room, there are two one-meter-high golden pillars.

On top of the pillar, two items were suspended quietly.

On the left is a map.

On the right is a heart-shaped crystal.

"Shops in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races."

"Lord's Heart."

Zhao Xin stepped forward and looked directly at the map on the left.

On the map, there is an image of a commercial street in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Among them, one hundred and seventy-five locations are lit up, which means that the shops in these locations have no owners yet and can be chosen by him.

"It seems that the reward for passing the first line is still a little different for me."

"Others can only get randomly assigned shops, but I can choose by myself."

“And there are two of them that are at the crossroads and are the best locations.”

A smile appeared on his face.

Without hesitation, I chose one of those two positions.

Located at ‘3 Angkota Street’.

This is the busiest commercial street in their neighborhood.

That was the commercial street he had been to before.

Anbu Auction House, Guduo Treasure Box Shop, Bailondo Slave Shop, etc. are all located in this commercial street.

And the third position——

Undoubtedly the location is better than these popular shops!

"And the heart of the lord..."

He put away the map, and then put away the Lord's Heart next to it.

Satisfied, I left the Holy City of All Nations and returned to the villa No. 95 on Minsk Street.


There was a flash of light.

He has disappeared from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

No. 15 Bell Street.

Under the space sacred tree of Dalekos.

Zhao Xin's figure appeared.

"This trip of competing for hegemony among all races has yielded astonishing results..."

There was a satisfied smile on his lips.

Not only the life levels of all star realms are increased, but also their combat power is increased.

He also received a shop, a lord's heart, a bottle of sap from the Divine Tree of Life, and an elder's order from the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

But the smile on his face soon faded.

The harvest from this trip was truly astonishing.

But he has no use for these items now.

"It will take ten days to know how effective the sap of the Divine Tree of Life will be."

"The Lord's Heart is of no use to me for the time being."

"The Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance is also ineffective."

"I don't have any specialties to sell in the shop right now."

He whispered.

Although Darikos's space sacred tree will produce three space leaves and a primary teleportation scroll every ten days.

But this is far from enough.

After all, how many space rings can be sold in one shop?

He can take these space rings to the auction house, and the price can be even higher, without the need for a shop.


The items that need to be sold must be in quantity and must be in constant supply.

Shaked his head.

He checked the time, picked up the sweet soy milk and fried dough sticks prepared by Zhou Xuan on the table, and went to work leisurely.

But he wasn't going to take a taxi again today.

He came to the garage and drove out a silver-gray hover car.

It looks like a sports car, with blue fireworks spewing out from the rear. It is very quiet and very stable.

"It's amazing technology."

He admired softly.

The hover car is already driving on the low-altitude lane.

Just for a moment.

The speed has reached 130 kilometers per hour.

Hover cars rushed around one after another.

All hover cars have fully autonomous driving functions and the same system, which can perfectly avoid collisions with each other.

"With such amazing technology, logically speaking, there should be no shortage of technological weapons."

"Is it possible that there is some force deliberately suppressing the emergence of technological weapons?"

"However, in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, there are basically no technological weapons seen."

"Why is this?"

He looked at the endless flow of hover cars around him and pondered this question in his mind.

If the appearance of suppressed technological weapons on just one planet, Dust, would make sense.

But the holy city of all races.

The number of participants is countless, coming from countless worlds, planes, and planets.

Who can suppress it?

"Maybe I thought wrong..."


Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

So many worlds, planes, and planets do not develop technological weapons. It should not be man-made.

It can only be the will of the universe itself!


This is the rule of the universe.

Overly powerful technological weapons are not allowed to appear.

Star messengers and demons are the extraordinary powers bred by rules.

"If that's the case, it makes sense..."

"But in the end, we still have to go to the No. 3 ruins the day after tomorrow to find out."

"After all, the Liuling civilization should be extremely developed in this area and even have aircraft carriers..."

He whispered in his heart.

The hover car was spitting out blue tail flames and arrived at the Demon Slayer Department not long after.

The vehicle automatically headed to the parking lot, and he got out of the car and entered the Demon Slayer Department before going to work.

"I hope the battle hall will be more effective today..."

"Let's bring one or two eighth-level and ninth-level monsters..."

He muttered to himself.

The first five days.

The war hall may have been affected by the battle in Tai'an City, but they didn't even capture a high-level demon.

Enter the execution hall.

Seeing the worried look on Zhou Xi's face, Zhao Xin felt certain that she was stable!

as expected--

He soon learned from Zhou Xi that two high-level demons would be killed today.

One is at the seventh level and the other is at the eighth level.

"Zhao have to be careful..."

"I think your luck may be really bad..."

"Maybe... maybe you will draw a high-level demon again..."

"You must be careful..."

Zhou Xi said worriedly.

"Do not worry."

"I don't even look down on mere high-level monsters."

"My little skeleton, if I strike with a knife, what high-level demon can stop it?"

Zhao Xin smiled softly and spoke the truth.

Hearing this, Zhou Xi pulled Zhao Xin's sleeve and warned him again:

"Don't underestimate those high-level monsters just because they are tied up by magic chains. You must be cautious!"

"If that kind of monster isn't bound by a magic chain, the opponent can kill us with just one finger."

The two were quick.

He had already arrived at the hall master's office.

The red-skirted Hall Master sat lazily, having returned to his previous posture.

Looking at the group of torture hall members in front of them.

She was also very helpless.

She didn't want to lie down, but after searching for so long, she couldn't find anyone worthy of suspicion.

How to find this?

She could only pray for her sister in her heart, and then hope that the white gloves would be more powerful and she could find the member of the Death Tribunal, Ogunkorn, who was hiding in the Demon Slayer Department.


There was nothing she could do.

Even Zhao Xin, whom he trusted the most, couldn't find any clues for so long.

"Sister, I don't know what's going on..."

"I hope that Ogunkoon is not a big pervert..."

She thought to herself and sighed.

Zhao Xin looked calm and took out her mission token under everyone's expectant and nervous eyes.

Open it and take a look.

Number two.

Immediately, most of the members of the execution hall breathed a long sigh of relief, with smiles on their faces and concern:

"Zhao Xin, I heard that the eighth-level demon this time is a devil-heart beauty spider who is best at provoking the emotions of creatures. You must be extremely careful!"

"Devil Heart Beauty Spider, this is a spiritual demon, you must not be deceived!"

"Without a woman in my heart, the Devil's Beauty Spider is just a red and pink skull. You must not think about a woman!"

"How about you transfer all the money directly to me, which will make your heart hurt, and you will definitely not be deceived by the Demon Heart Beauty Spider!"

Zhao Xin's face was expressionless. She looked at the fat colleague who said the last sentence and wanted to ask——

Does your heart hurt when you say this?

Without hesitation, he left the office directly.

"Zhao Xin, you have to be careful...!"

Zhou Xi's worried voice came from behind.

Listening to Zhou Xi's voice.

Zhao Xin's steps suddenly stopped.

He suddenly felt that Zhou Xi's voice seemed to have a special sense of familiarity.

Not because of the familiarity of daily contact.

It's a feeling of familiarity that seems to have been heard elsewhere.

Various memories flashed through his mind.

But no one thought where this faint sense of familiarity came from.

Shaked his head.

He left directly and headed to torture chamber number two.

It has been many days since I opened the dream world.

His face was full of expectations, and he didn't know what he would get when he opened the dream world this time...


No matter what you get.

He will never dislike it...

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