Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 111 The first two-star king! The Temptation of Medusa

at this time.

In a rift valley about a hundred kilometers away from Haicheng.

The trees here are lush, extending from the cliff edge of the chasm to the dark depths.

The vines are hanging down one after another, and the whole body is dark red. Occasionally, birds will fly through the air. The vines will be swung, the birds will be tied up, pulled and thrown into the rift, and the screams will not be heard.


A group of five people walked out of the dense jungle next to the rift valley.

All five of them were wearing black robes, hoods, and masks on their faces, with only their eyes exposed.

There are no words.

The five people jumped directly from the cliff into the rift valley.

The wind howled.

The vines twisted like snakes.

The five people kept going down, and there were many stone caves along the way. They could see the faint eyes looking out from the stone caves, which were cold and scary.

The terrifying demonic aura came from it, making people's hair stand on end.

However, the eyes of the five people were very calm, and they were already used to it.

Even if they saw a few demonic dragons lying on the stone walls of the rift valley, they didn't show any emotion.


The bodies of the five people fell to the ground, and the dead branches and leaves exploded and turned into powder.

But the five people didn't care.

They looked at the looming black palace in front of them, shrouded in mist, and knelt on the ground:

"Master Priest, Xueyan and Huyi have agreed to join our Dark Palace."

"However, they proposed that if there is a chance, they must destroy the Red Moon Kingdom."

"As for the Ortav encyclopedia, it is missing."

"When I went to the Palace of Life, the priest of the Palace of Life couldn't detect the whereabouts of Ortav Encyclopedia."

Among the five, the leader said in a deep voice.

The voice was very strange, with a very low tone, giving people an extremely weird feeling.


In the black palace, old whispers sounded around.

"However, the addition of Xueyan and Hu Ni has also greatly increased the strength of our dark palace..."

"Your next task is to investigate the Death Tribunal."

"I need to know everything about the Tribunal of Death, especially the Archangel of the Sea City Angel - Daphne Modesty."

The old voice came out again.

"I obey your command, Lord Priest."

"May the great Dark God be with you."

The five people said in unison.


The five people rose into the sky and disappeared into the rift valley.

Tap tap tap——

The sound of footsteps came from the black palace, and a vague figure appeared in the mist.

"It's time to speed up the process..."

"Red Moon good disciple..."

The figure whispered to himself softly, his voice drifting in the wind...

Prison No. 2.

Zhao Xin opened the iron door.

He looked at the Demon Heart Beauty Spider, who was tied up in the center of the room and looked as quiet as a lady.

The other party was wearing a very sexy black gauze skirt, the murder weapon was looming, her legs were slender, and there was no 'spider' shape at all.

"Are you planning to kill me..."

The Devil's Heart Beauty Spider blinked and said curiously.


Zhao Xin nodded.

Do you even need to ask?

He felt that the devil-heart beauty spider in front of him didn't seem to be a very smart duck.

"I'm so beautiful, how can you bear to kill me..."

Tears suddenly flowed from the eyes of the Devil's Heart Beauty Spider, and the pear blossoms were covered with rain, looking pitiful.

at the same time.

Wisps of mental power struggled to break through the shackles of the Demon Trap Chain and the Magic Sealing Array, spreading towards Zhao Xin silently.

This wisp of spiritual power is extremely weak.

It is even far inferior to the first-level Star Envoy.

But it is better in being secretive, silent, and with a special kind of inducement power.

"My heart is as hard as stone."

“Back then, I took a machete and chopped all the way from North Street to South Street without blinking an eye.”

Zhao Xin allowed the wisps of spiritual power to surge in and said seriously.

The Demon Heart Beauty Spider was stunned for a moment, a little surprised:

" many people have you killed?"

Zhao Xin shook his head and said dissatisfied: "Why don't you ask me if my eyes are dry?"

"...Then your eyes are you want to do it?"

The Demon Heart Beauty Spider had no choice but to ask this question.

After all, she can only release wisps of spiritual power.

If you don't go along with the other party, you won't be able to have any influence at all.

"I forgot whether to do it or not."

"Let me verify it before I answer you."

Zhao Xin had a pensive expression, but there was an extra sword in his hand.


With a flash of sword light, the Demon Heart Beauty Spider's eyes widened with astonishment on its face.

There was a blood mark on her neck, and the demon's blood flowed out.


"Look at me, I didn't even blink."

Zhao Xin said seriously.

" sword..."

The Devil's Heart Beauty Spider left a desperate word, shrugged her head, and died.


A large number of soul light spots flew out and merged towards Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin was slightly in a trance.


He saw the long river of time again, vast and vast, without beginning or end.

Endless bubbles appear and disappear.

Every birth and death represents the emergence and death of a life.

Two drops of river water flew out, shattering the void and disappearing.

After a while.

Zhao Xin woke up.

There was a look of joy on his lips.


"Having reached the fifth level of perfection, you can be promoted to the sixth level of Star Envoy tonight and give birth to an astral creature again."

"I wonder what kind of astral creatures will be born this time."

He whispered softly to himself, looking forward to it very much.


He already has seven astral beings.

Each one is very powerful, with incredible combat power.

One more person will naturally make his lineup much stronger!

"And in these 'two months'—"

"I vaguely seemed to see the little skeleton transform once..."

With a flash of his eyes, he directly summoned the little skeleton from the star realm.

Still looking dumb.

Pale bones, calm soul fire.

But Zhao Xin, as the Royal Star Envoy, can feel——

The aura of death on the little skeleton is far more terrifying than before!

"Two-star king level!"

Zhao Xin smiled.

Although among the undead creatures enslaved by the little skeleton, there are three-star kings.

But that basically has no potential and cannot be improved.

He doesn't think much of it.

His astral creatures can reach the two-star king level combat power, which makes him more happy than enslaving one or two three-star king level!

"It won't take long."

"Other star world creatures will gradually reach the two-star king level combat power."

"By then——"

"We are getting closer and closer to being invincible in the world."

He murmured in his heart that he was very satisfied with the current progress.


The chain of trapping is loosened.

The magic sealing array cracked.

The body of the Demon Heart Beauty Spider fell towards the dead air space.

"It's been a long time since I've been to the dead air space..."

Zhao Xin looked around, put down other things, and murmured softly.

The silver bracelet on his right hand raised its head and emitted a silver light.


Zhao Xin and the little skeleton flashed and disappeared into the No. 2 execution room, arriving in the death air space.

The air around him was distorted and the 'World Force Field' was deployed to prevent the erosion of death energy.


Looking at the dead air space in front of him, Zhao Xin's eyes widened in shock.

The lifeless space that appeared in front of him was empty, with only corpses on the ground.

The deathly aura that originally floated in the air, covering everything like mist——

There is no trace left!

"Where's the death energy?"

Looking at the underground space in front of him where he could see his head at a glance, Zhao Xin was completely stunned.

The dead energy is actually gone!

Where have you gone?

He remembered that the last time he came in, although the concentration of death energy had dropped a lot, there was still a lot of death energy.

Why now——

Can’t see any death energy at all?


The little skeleton also stared blankly at the lifeless space, and the soul fire in his eyes fluctuated violently.

An obvious feeling of anger was conveyed.

It's like a cat whose snacks were robbed and its hair exploded.

"Is that the inspector?"

"They took away the death energy?"

But it only took a second or two for Zhao Xin to react and said to himself.

But why should the death energy be taken away?

Is it possible——

Is it to guard against him?

Think about it this way.

He felt it was very possible.

After all, the fact that the Death Tribunal Ogunkorn was hidden in the Demon Slayer Department should have been known to the top management of the Demon Slayer Department.

And the other party can easily guess it.

The concentration of the dead air space decreased because of him.

He has strength and motivation.


"Can we still have some trust between people?"

"In order to prevent me, you actually removed all the death energy?"

He was speechless.

The dignified Demon Slayer, why are you so stingy!

Isn’t it just a little bit dead?

Do you need to empty them all?

"But you've removed all the death energy, why are you still catching demons and killing them?"

Soon, he was confused again.

According to reason——

The other party didn't want to take advantage of him, so he took away the dead energy.

Then they shouldn’t catch any more demons and continue to increase their death energy, right?

"Isn't it the inspector who evacuated the place?"

"But there is another situation?"

He murmured to himself, looking at the fresh and warm corpse of the Devil's Heart Beauty Spider not far away.

Wisps of deathly energy came out of the corpse, and did not spread into the air like the previous corpses.

Instead, it flowed into the dark earth and disappeared.

"Into the earth?"

"This is--"

Zhao Xin's eyes narrowed.

He thought of the words of Sophie, the deacon who carried the coffin, and thought thoughtfully:

"Flower of Death?"

"I looked for the little skeleton once but couldn't find it. Is this because it's underground?"

He looked at the little skeleton.

The little skeleton shook his head slowly, which meant that he had not sensed that the death energy had gone underground.

Zhao Xin thought for a while.

Medusa was directly summoned.

He remembered that among Medusa's abilities was the 'power to control the earth'!

"My wise master..."

"Do you want to know where the death energy of this corpse went?"

"This is very clear to me..."

"And I also saw that at the end of the dead air, a pale flower was blooming... but it looked a little malnourished..."

"And on the other side of the flower, there is a passage that is about to be opened thanks to the efforts of an eighth-level pangolin beast..."

Medusa had just come out, and when she glanced around, her pupils were filled with gray-white light, close to the edge of Zhao Xin's earlobe, and she exhaled like a blue road.

The murder weapon pressed tightly on Zhao Xin's arm, giving Zhao Xin a very strange feeling.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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