Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 112 A gift from Her Majesty the Empress!

(Sorry, Dongtian is in the control area now. There were too many things yesterday, so I only had time to write in the evening)

"Is there another passage?"

"Eighth-level pangolin?"

Zhao Xin's eyes narrowed.

Is this some force planning to steal the Flower of Death?

But the Flower of Death is malnourished...

It shouldn't be his problem... right...

"Is that eighth-level pangolin beast a demon or a star creature?"

He spoke out.

There is a big difference in aura between demons and astral creatures.

It's easy to tell.

"It's an eighth-level demon."

Medusa said.

"Eighth-level demon..."

"It seems that there is indeed an organization trying to steal the Flower of Death..."

Zhao Xin thought deeply.

He is naturally interested in the Flower of Death.

After all, both Little Skeleton and Death Angel Zhao Yan have needs.

He would not have too few things that could enhance his strength.

However, it would be somewhat embarrassing to snatch it directly from the Demon Slayer.

Why is he also a member of the Demon Slayer Division? How can he rob his own things?

But if the Flower of Death is stolen by an organization...

If he takes it back, it will naturally not be considered as robbing one's own things...

"Can I approach quietly?"

He spoke out.

It is clear.

The flower of death is blooming!

But he did not believe that the senior officials of the Demon Slayer Department would not know the exact time when the Flower of Death would bloom.


He felt that at this time.

There should be many traps near the Flower of Death.

He wanted to see up close which organization was so bold as to steal the Flower of Death.

"no problem."

Medusa's warm red lips touched Zhao Xin's earlobe and whispered.

The words fell.

The ground in front of her cracked open silently, revealing a passage.

The little skeleton stared blankly at Medusa, who was holding Zhao Xin's arm, and staggered towards the passage.

But despite the shaking.

But no sound came out.

Zhao Xin and Medusa followed the little skeleton and walked into the passage.

Side forward.

The passage in front automatically split to both sides, and the passage behind him automatically closed.

This is Medusa’s ‘power to control the earth’!

It is an incredible ability for any earth monster or star creature.

Not long.

Zhao Xin had already 'seen' the malnourished Flower of Death with the thread of his spiritual power.

"It's actually so deep."

He was a little amazed.

The Flower of Death is at least one hundred and twenty meters away from the ground in the Death Qi Space.

No wonder he couldn't find it even with his mental strength.

The threads of his spiritual power spread towards the surrounding area centered on the 'Flower of Death'.

Soon, another passage was seen.

A pangolin that is more than ten meters long, covered in pitch black scales, and has extremely cold and brutal eyes is constantly digging into the soil, rocks, etc.

The digging speed is extremely fast.

It exceeds ten meters in one second, which is amazing.

Behind this eighth-level pangolin beast, there followed three figures wearing gray robes, covering their heads and faces.

They hold staffs in their hands, and their aura is extremely restrained, making it difficult to sense.

The bodies of the three people were a little blurry, and their shadows stood up in front of them, overlapping with them.

"Who is this?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

However, there are too many various star-controlling organizations on the dust star.

Even in the Red Moon Kingdom, there are many Star Envoy organizations.

In addition to the four major evil organizations and the Youlan Society, there must be other powerful organizations hiding in the dark.

after all--

The chance of opening the star realm and becoming a star envoy is not low.

The Red Moon Kingdom has a population of more than 130 million, and there are more than 10 million Royal Star Envoys.

It is normal for there to be so many Star Envoys and a large number of Star Envoy organizations.

Naturally, there are also many Star Envoys who have ambitions, are tempted by monsters, or have their own darkness, etc.


It’s still just the Red Moon Kingdom.

There are twelve kingdoms and three empires on the dust star.

One can imagine.

How many various Royal Star Envoy organizations are there?

"But you didn't see the Demon Slayer's arrangements near the Flower of Death?"

"Is it possible that the Demon Slayer doesn't know that the Flower of Death is ripe?"


"Everyone knows it, so there's no reason why the Demon Slayer doesn't know about it."

"But why didn't I see any arrangements or traps?"

Zhao Xin frowned.

His spiritual power threads swept around the area, but he didn't find any arrangements from the Demon Slayer.

"It shouldn't be."

"The first thing the inspector did when he came to Haicheng was to enter the dead air space."

"It shows that the Kingdom attaches great importance to the Flower of Death."

"And the execution hall was established to cultivate the flower of death."

"Now that the flower of death in Haicheng has matured, there is no reason why the Demon Slayer would let it go."

"Could it be that the Demon Slayer has some way of hiding his body from my mental power?"

he guessed.

"My wise master..."

"Look at the small words on the ground next to the flower of death..."

Medusa has the ability to 'control the power of the earth', which is more convenient than Zhao Xin's 'checking' with spiritual power threads, he reminded.

"Small print?"

Zhao Xin mentally approached the Flower of Death and immediately saw a small line of writing on the ground.

If Medusa hadn't reminded him, he might have ignored it.

After all, his main target of exploration is the hidden powerful slayers or traps, magic circles, etc.

"Her Majesty the Empress has decreed that in order to thank the Death Tribunal for its help in Tai'an City, this flower of death is given to the Death Tribunal."

Zhao Xin was speechless.

He never expected that it would be like this.

No wonder he couldn't find the arrangement of the Demon Slayer. It turned out that the other party had given up on this flower of death.

"If you give it to me as a gift, can't you give me a proper notice?"

"If I didn't come today, wouldn't that be an advantage to that unknown organization?"

He complained in his mind.

However, considering that the other party did not know who he was and could not communicate with each other, he reluctantly accepted this method of notification.

At this time, when he looked at the eighth-level pangolin and the three gray-robed figures who were digging the tunnel, his mood was naturally different.

Good guy!

How dare you come and steal my things?

"Little skeleton, kill them."

he ordered.

An organization that works with demons will kill a thousand people and not even one of them will be wronged.

The soul fire in the little skeleton's eyes flickered slightly, looking in the direction of the pangolin beast that was digging a tunnel.

Palms raised.

The realm of death blooms with gray light.


A beam of death energy rushed out, breaking through the soil and rocks, and instantly landed in the passage dug by the mountain beast.

The death energy beam surged.

The King of Necromancers walked out.

Looking at the three men in gray robes who turned around and saw horrified eyes under their robes, the King of Necromancer's deep voice resounded through the ground:

"Death is your destination!"


He waved the staff lightly.

The ripples of death swept across, very terrifying.

"King...King level!!"

The three gray-robed men screamed in fear. Before they could even summon the astral creatures, they were swept by the death ripples. Their bodies stiffened and their aura dissipated.

They are all ninth-level Star Envoys.

If placed in Haicheng, it would be enough to become a giant.

Even anywhere in the Red Moon Kingdom, he is a powerful person who can be awe-inspiring.

But in front of a three-star king, he is just an ant.

The creatures at the king level and below the king level are no longer on the same level.

There is a huge gap between them.

Immediately afterwards.

The King of Necromancer's eyes flashed, and a bone tooth flew out, white and sharp, and penetrated the eighth-level mountain-piercing beast, causing blood to flow everywhere.

A large number of soul light points flew out.

Crossing the soil and rocks, etc., directly integrated into Zhao Xin's body.

"I wonder what I will get this time?"

There was a look of anticipation on his face.

Although this was just an eighth-level demon that he encountered accidentally.

But this did not affect his expectations at all.

After all, the level of the dream world is too high.

Any gain.

These are all unimaginable gains!


In the blink of an eye, he felt slightly trance-like.

See the dream world again.

This is an earth-yellow world, with yellow light filling the sky and the earth, as if it lasts forever.

The world has no boundaries and is extremely majestic.

One after another, khaki giants thousands of kilometers high stand on the ground, like sacred mountains one after another, majestic and vast.

Wearing yellow armor and holding cold war spears, they formed an unimaginably majestic military formation.

Even just watching.

All gave Zhao Xin a heavy feeling.

It was as if the world had become extremely heavy because of the existence of these terrifying giants.

Tap tap tap——

A yellow giant with a height of tens of thousands kilometers and as big as an asteroid walked out, knelt on one knee, and spoke in a low and fanatical voice:

"The God of Earth, Deputy Commander of the Thirteenth Legion, 'Cowper Heller', pays homage to the great master!"

"May the glory of the great Lord be eternal!"

"Your humble believer, I offer you the lower-level true god-level talent of 'Soil Control'!"


A ray of earth-yellow light flew out from the center of his eyebrows, shattering the void and disappearing.

The scene in Zhao Xin's eyes disappeared.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised:

"Another low-level true god-level talent?"


He obtained two low-level true god-level talents.

Sword God!


The Sword God made him extremely talented in swordsmanship.

Fire control allows him to easily control all the fires in the world.

And now——

Another ‘soil control’ appears!

He looked at the soil around him and thought.

Suddenly the soil parted in all directions, revealing a passage.

He thought again.

The gravity in the tunnel began to increase, and in an instant it exceeded 20 times the gravity. The soil was compacted tightly, and the rocks collapsed.

"My wise master..."

"You can actually control the power of the earth!"

Medusa opened her little cherry mouth slightly and said in surprise.

"A very good talent."

Zhao Xin was satisfied.

This talent is like firebending, allowing him to easily control the power of the earth.

If he could learn some earth spells, he could transform into a terrifying earth mage in no time.

This undoubtedly made his own strength rise again.

And there is still a lot of room for improvement.

After all, whether it is fire control or earth control.

They are just talents, not abilities.

But he has these two talents.

But he can easily learn those terrifying fire and earth abilities!

This is hard to imagine for any Star Envoy.

"The origins of those three people..."

He looked at the three corpses and stepped forward.

The soil ahead automatically separates.

Soon we arrived at the passage.


A strange symbol flew out of his eyes, which was the symbol of the soul magic 'enslavement', nailing three dissipating souls in mid-air.

"Your origins."

Zhao Xin spoke with an unquestionable tone in his voice.

Now that we have become enemies.

Naturally, he had to know who his enemy was.

Moreover, if we encounter an organization like this that colludes with the demon again, it will be destroyed directly.

"I come from the Dark Moon Planet..."

However, the first words the three of them spoke made Zhao Xin look serious.

alien? !

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