Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 113 The horror of the Dark Moon Empire! The Empress is coming!

"Please introduce the situation of Dark Moon Planet."

"Tell me why you came to Dust Star."

"Tell me about your situation on Dust Star."

Zhao Xin asked the three of them separately.

With his strength, there would be no problem listening to the answers from three people at the same time.

The soul is constantly dissipating.

He needs to save time.

"The diameter of the Dark Moon planet is 67,300 kilometers. The Dark Moon Empire is the only country and a member of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance."

"The population exceeds 20 billion, and the technology is much more advanced than that of the dust planet. According to the statistics of the empire, the number of royal star envoys in the king class exceeds 30,000. The emperor of the empire is suspected to have surpassed the king class."

The soul on the far left is sluggish.

The voice of the soul in the middle also sounded simultaneously:

"We, the Thousand Feathers Organization from the Dark Moon Empire, accidentally discovered a miniature wormhole that can be traversed physically. The other side of the wormhole is the dust star."

The soul on the right also spoke:

"It has been seven years since we came to Dust Star. The micro wormhole has become unstable enough. The leader decided to take action to harvest a large amount of resources at once and bring them back to the empire."

"Our primary target is the Tisheng Kingdom, and the secondary target is the Red Moon Kingdom. The specific start date has not been determined. The target targets are the capital of the Tisheng Kingdom and the capital of the Red Moon Kingdom."

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance!

He actually heard news about the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance here.

Then the Dark Moon Empire, the ruler of the Dark Moon Planet, is a member of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance?

The Dark Moon Empire actually has more than 30,000 kings!

This shocked him secretly.

How many kings are there on the dust star?

He guessed——

There shouldn't be more than 300 people.

After all, the Red Moon Kingdom is already one of the Twelve Kingdoms.

But there are less than ten king-level star envoys revealed.

The gap between the other kingdoms is not that big.

There are definitely more kings in the empire, but if the kingdom can live in peace with the empire, it will generally not have a crushing force.


He felt that there were no more than 300 kings on the dust star.

But the Dark Moon Empire——

But it exceeds 30,000 king levels!

Comparing the dust stars with the dark moon planets, the gap is so huge that it makes people despair.

Based on the king level base of Dark Moon Planet.

There will definitely be seven-star kings, eight-stars, and even nine-stars.

The strength is far beyond the mortal world.

But fortunately, the person who discovered the micro wormhole was just a Star Envoy organization of the Dark Moon Empire.

The other party obviously has no intention of dedicating the micro wormhole to the empire.

"If the other party had dedicated this miniature wormhole to the Dark Moon Empire seven years ago..."

Zhao Xin shook his head.

If that's the case.

The civilization of Dust Star may no longer exist!

Will be destroyed, dominated, and enslaved by the Dark Moon Empire!

Between countries, no matter how bloody or cruel things are, things can happen.

"The strength of your organization on Dust."

"The location of your organization's stronghold on the dust planet and the micro-wormhole."

"The status of your organization in the Dark Moon Empire."

He wasted no time and asked three questions again.

The soul on the left was dull and said:

"Two deputy leaders are in charge. The strength of the deputy leaders is unknown, but we have privately speculated that the deputy leaders may be at the three-star king level or the four-star king level."

"Sixteen elders and protectors came to Chenxing together. The elders and protectors are all king-level."

The soul in the middle opened its mouth, and just when it was about to speak, the soul spontaneously ignited without any warning and disappeared into thin air.

The soul on the right is going well:

"Our Qianyu organization is a mid-to-high-level Star Envoy organization, ranking among the top ten in the 'Yuehui State' among the seventy-two states of the Dark Moon Empire."

Seeing the soul in the middle disappear, Zhao Xin's expression did not change much.

It is not surprising that organizations from the Dark Moon Empire know how to use this method to prevent important secrets from leaking.

after all--

Although spiritual astral creatures are rare, there will definitely be no shortage given the huge base.

The spirit and soul are the relationship between the outside and the inside.

Spiritual astral creatures can often exert an influence on the soul.

Just like the saint from the Ancha organization, her astral creature, the four-winged light wolf, is a spiritual astral creature, but it is proficient in soul attacks.

An organization's stronghold, this is naturally the biggest secret.

The location of the micro wormhole is also a big secret.

It is normal to use soul means to prevent others from finding out.

"Two deputy leaders who are suspected to be three-star kings or four-star kings."

"Sixteen elders and protectors of one-star king level or two-star king level."

"Attack the capitals of Tisheng Kingdom and Red Moon Kingdom respectively."

"The capital of the Red Moon Kingdom is a secondary target, and the combat power allocated should be lower."

"The time for action has not yet been determined."

Zhao Xin looked at the two remaining souls that had dissipated completely and concluded.

He also felt a little wary about the Qianyu Organization.

The opponent's own strength is not weak.

And there is a leader behind who has not come.

This leader, at his weakest, should be at the four-star king level.

A four-star king-level Royal Star Envoy——

Putting it on the dust star, it would be at the level of the world's five strongest men!

This level of existence.

Astral beings are scary.

All the astral creatures under his command, including the four undead creatures enslaved by the little skeleton, were besieged together, and they might be able to barely compete with a four-star king-level astral creature.

The four-star king level already belongs to the middle king level.

Compared with the three-star king level in terms of strength, it is so much stronger that it is almost not the same level.

And a four-star king-level Royal Star Envoy——

It is basically impossible to have only one four-star king-level astral creature on hand!

There must be other king-level astral creatures.


Astral creatures may also be higher than their own level, reaching the five-star king level!


"We also have to worry about the other party handing the micro wormhole directly to the Dark Moon Empire."

He whispered softly to himself.

This is the most terrifying thing.

If the Dark Moon Empire sends an army, who can resist it?

He couldn't resist it anyway.

Unless there are a large number of eighth-level, ninth-level, pseudo-king-level, and king-level demons lining up for him to kill.

But these monsters are all cunning and will not appear easily.

"It's better to tell the news to the empress directly."

"How to do it specifically? As the empress of the country, and with the help of the whole country, the other party must be more proficient than me."

He muttered softly.

Even if the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up.

On the dusty star.

Those five powerful men should not be simple either.

From the three ruins of Liuling Civilization, these five powerful men should have benefited more or less, and they must be very strong.

Not to mention.

There are also the remains of some other ultra-ancient civilizations on the dust planet.

Shaked his head.

He took the little skeleton and Medusa to the malnourished Flower of Death.

The flower of death is pale and crystal clear, much like the crystal orchid before time travel, and is very strange.

It is also like the Bana flower in myths and legends, which symbolizes death. Its sickly appearance gives people a sense of despair.

"This is the flower of death..."

"The ultimate goal of the entire execution hall..."

He looked at the pale flowers in front of him and whispered.

The soul fire in the eyes of the little skeleton next to him fluctuated slightly, staring closely at the Flower of Death.


This flower of death had a great effect on him.

"Do you know how to use it?"

Zhao Xin glanced at the little skeleton curiously.

The little skeleton is very simple.

He answered his question directly with action.

He stretched out a skeleton palm, pulled down the Flower of Death, and squeezed it hard.

Suddenly a large number of pale light spots flew up.

The little skeleton opened its mouth and sucked hard.

Like thousands of fireflies, the large number of pale light spots flew into the little skull's mouth and disappeared.

And at the same time.

The little skeleton was filled with dark golden light, and it seemed to be covered with dark golden armor, very gorgeous and majestic.

Lots of textures shining through.

Just for a moment——

The aura on the little skeleton was obviously stronger, and he smacked his mouth several times with unsatisfied intentions.

"Is this a promotion to the fifth level?"

Zhao Xin was overjoyed.

Not long ago, Little Skull was promoted to the lower fifth level, and his combat power reached the two-star king level.

How long has it been?

He has received another promotion, and his combat power may have reached the middle of the two-star king level!

This speed of improvement is enough to shock anyone.


"In the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, everything can be sold."

"However, items that directly enhance the level of astral creatures cannot be sold."

"It can't even be taken to the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races."

He shook his head.


This type of item is also extremely rare.

However, even the Red Moon Kingdom can cultivate the Flower of Death.

If it is the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, it can be traded.

With the ability of countless participants, they will definitely be able to obtain a large number of similar items.


This is prohibited by the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

he guessed.

Perhaps it is to reflect the greatest role of the Ancient Tree of Life.

Looking at the withered rhizomes of the Flower of Death in front of him, he turned and left.

That afternoon.

A projection of a letter from the Death Tribunal Ogunkorn has been placed in front of the Red Moon Empress, the consul 'Ferdinand Weitz', and the head of the First Academy 'Lin Jiuxin'.

"Dark Moon Planet, Dark Moon Empire."

"Qianyu Organization, two deputy leaders of three-star king level or four-star king level."

"Sixteen elders and protectors of one-star king level or two-star king level."

"We are going to attack our Red Moon City and the Tisheng City of the Tisheng Kingdom and plunder all the resources in the treasury of the two countries."

Lin Jiuxin frowned, her old face very solemn.

"This news——"

"Is it reliable?"

"There is actually an alien organization that appears on our planet and wants to plunder our resources!"

Ferdinand Weitz's face was very cold.

If this Qianyu organization succeeds.

Then wouldn't their Red Moon Kingdom become the laughing stock of other countries?

Moreover, if the capital is destroyed and a large number of kings fight, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Regardless of whether it's true or false."

"This is something we all need to be prepared for."

The Red Moon Empress spoke with great majesty.

There was a pause.

She looked at the two of them and said again:

"I will go to Haicheng and meet with the Death Tribunal in person."

"The other party reminded me twice that I need to know what their purpose is and why they are hiding in Haicheng."


"There are huge secrets hidden in Haicheng that none of us know."

Her voice was calm.

But in fact, my heart is not at peace.

After several years, are you going to Haicheng again...

...Please give me a monthly ticket.

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