Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 114 The division of forces in the universe! Give birth to astral creatures!

The setting sun is red and bright, like a flame burning in the sky, magnificent and beautiful.

Zhao Xin sat cross-legged, holding an ancient book in his hand and looking at it quietly.

In any world, there are great people.

In the ancient times of the dust star, there were also sages with extraordinary wisdom. They passed down the principles they summarized in writing.

Many of its insights about human nature, society, country, people, etc. are very advanced.

And these.

It's all human wisdom.

Even in the ancient times of Chenxing, there was no such extraordinary profession as the Star Master.

But in terms of understanding of many things, it does not belong to today's scholars at all.

"Human beings are not very talented."

"The physical quality is at a weak level among all races."

"The physical fitness of most alien races is stronger than that of humans, or even much stronger."

"But in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, the human race has a very high status."

"According to my understanding, the human race is also a very powerful race in the starry sky. It can overlook thousands of alien races."

"The human race is divided into eight major star alliances."

"The Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance is one of them."

Zhao Xin closed the ancient book and whispered in her heart.

He just went to the Mercado Consulting Shop in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

I learned about the general information about the human race.

After all, the emergence of the Dark Moon Empire put a lot of pressure on him.

He has to understand -

What level of force is the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance?

How useful is the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance Elder Token in his hand?

However, this understanding also amazed him.

The human race belongs to the truly powerful race in the starry sky.

The eight star alliances rule the vast starry sky and have billions of magnificent and beautiful living planets under their command.


The human race also has many terrifying enemies.


The demon clan is one of them!

The demon invasion that their dust star suffered was caused by the demon clan.


The demon clan is opening channels every moment to invade the living planets within the human race. The dust star can only be regarded as an insignificant living planet.

"The demon clan is not only the enemy of the human race."

"It is also the enemy of many other ethnic groups."

"It seems that all the civilized ethnic groups of Yuxing are at odds with demons."

he mused.

Based on the information he got from Mercado Consulting Store.

Among the stars.

There are four civilizations.

The civilization of the Star Envoy, the civilization of demons, the civilization of machines, and the civilization of gods.


The Star Envoy civilization and the God civilization are allies.

Demon civilization and mechanical civilization are allies.

The entire starry sky.

It belongs to the battlefield of these two camps.


In any of the four major civilizations, there are countless races and various contradictions.

For example, the human race belongs to the civilization of the Star Envoy.

The White Wings also belong to the Star Envoy civilization.

But the White Wings regard humans as slaves and ants.

There is also the God Clan, which also belongs to the Star Envoy civilization, but its relationship with the human race is also very poor.

"Any civilization is so huge that it is unimaginable."

"The dust stars are insignificant among the human race."

"Putting it in the civilization of the Star Envoy, it is even smaller than dust."

"As for the confrontation between the four major civilizations, Chenxing is not even qualified to participate."

Zhao Xin shook his head.

at this time.

Only then did he have a detailed understanding of the starry sky.

"But the civilization of gods..."

He frowned.

Mercado Consulting Shop doesn’t have much information about this civilization, and it’s very mysterious.

But to be one of the four major civilizations alongside the Star Envoy Civilization and the Demon Civilization shows just how terrifying it is.

And it’s called a god!

What are gods?

It’s the gods.

From the name, you can tell that this is an extremely terrifying civilization.

Calls himself a god.

"The Royal Star envoys civilization."

"Human race."

"The Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance."

"The Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance alone is extremely vast, with more than a million galaxies under its command and more than hundreds of millions of life planets."

Zhao Xin sighed.

At this time, he could also feel the weight of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance Elder Token in his hand.

Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance——

One-eighth of the human race!

And he is in charge of the Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance and is a member of the Elders Council of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance!

The Elders Council of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

It is the highest authority of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

Any elder in the Council of Elders is a real big shot in the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance and even in the human race.


"With my strength, if I dare to go to the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance Elders' Council, I'm afraid I will be swallowed up in less than two days..."

he whispered.

The Dark Moon Empire has more than 30,000 kings.

The Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance is countless times more powerful than the Dark Moon Empire.

What does the king rank mean in the eyes of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance?

Even the lord level is probably not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

Didn't think much about it.

He looked at the sunset.

Take out the four special materials that have been prepared.

The heart core of a sixth-level demon, one hundred thousand drops of star power water, a fruit from the Holy Sun Tree, and a petal from the Extreme Yin Flower.

A total of 3,652 ancient life coins were consumed.

"It's time to be promoted to the sixth level of Star Envoy..."

"With my current swordsmanship of six calamities level, 'Ten Thousand Calamities', combined with the many fire spells I have learned."

"If I advance to the sixth level, I'm afraid no ninth-level monsters or astral creatures will be my opponent."

"I can even compete with the pseudo-king level."

There was a gleam in his eyes.

Use your own power to fight against the pseudo-king class!

This is something that only a true King-level Star Envoy can do.

And the reason why the King-level Star Envoy can do it.

Or because it can rely on the power of some king-level star realm creatures.


"It can also give birth to an astral creature again."

There was deep anticipation in his eyes.

No hesitation.

Directly holding the heart core of the sixth-level demon, he swallowed the water of star power, the Holy Yang Fruit, and the petals of the Extreme Yin Flower.


Amazing special energy surged in his body.

The ‘Hengsha World Map’ is in operation.

There was a sound of wind from all directions, and the original energy of heaven and earth gathered together.

Dalekos's space sacred tree swayed gently, its roots piercing into the space, absorbing a large amount of raw energy from unknown places and filling this space.

At the position of Zhao Xin's heart, there were 20,412 bright lights, which were very gorgeous. You could see the faint micro space in it, and the star power was flowing in it.

There were 40,824 fainter light spots flashing around.

Every flash is like a breath, breathing in an astonishing amount of the original energy of heaven and earth.

If it weren't for Dalekos's space sacred tree absorbing a large amount of the original energy of heaven and earth from unknown space.

I'm afraid at this moment——

With Villa No. 15 on Bell Street as the center, the original energy of heaven and earth with a radius of tens of thousands of meters will converge!

The gathering of the original energy of heaven and earth in such a huge area cannot be concealed, and it will be noticed by the powerful people in Haicheng.

But now.

No matter how huge the amount of heaven and earth energy Zhao Xin needs.

Dalekos's space sacred tree can also be easily satisfied, continuously absorbing a large amount of the original energy of heaven and earth.


I don’t know how much time has passed.

The sky has completely darkened, the moon is hanging high, and there are stars.

The 40,824 dimmer light spots located in Zhao Xin's heart suddenly expanded, and a miniature space was born inside, glowing brightly.

The original energy of the surrounding heaven and earth suddenly disappeared, and everything was swallowed up.

Zhao Xin felt——

My physical fitness is soaring, and so is my mental strength!

Promoting from the fifth level to the sixth level is an evolution of life levels!

"This feels so wonderful."

“My whole body and soul are cheering.”

"This is the most essential evolution of life."

He slowly opened his eyes and whispered to himself.


It is the most desired thing in life.

Just like reproduction, it is also the most desired and needed thing in life, so it will bring great pleasure.

"Sixth level..."

"But the road is long and long, and we are still far from being invincible..."

He murmured in his mind.

But he was not impatient.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step.

Strength is constantly improving.

One day, it will rise to the level of being invincible in the world.

Then he can leave the mountain.

"It's time to go to the star realm to give birth to star realm creatures..."

There was a look of expectation in his eyes, and his spiritual consciousness had entered the star realm.

The star realm has naturally expanded a lot.

From fifty square kilometers, it expanded directly to one hundred square kilometers.

This is not a small area.

However, the star world is desolate, the ground is black, there are no rocks, and there are no plants.

Even materials that look like soil are not actually soil, but 'star soil' unique to the star realm.

This kind of 'star soil' is the fundamental material that can breed astral creatures in the star realm.

at this time.

A large amount of pure white mist flew out from the star soil and gathered towards the center of the star world.

A large ball of pure white mist formed there, very rich and very bright.


The entire star realm was reflected and looked very bright and holy.

"A bright star creature?"

Zhao Xin's eyes lit up slightly.

Astral creatures——

The four attributes of earth, water, fire and wind are the most common.

Other attributes such as darkness, light, death, thunder, wood, poison, etc. are all uncommon attributes.

And the light system——

Often have restorative abilities.

This ability——

Very practical and easy to use.

After all, the fighting among astral creatures is usually a team battle.

And having an astral creature who is proficient in recovery ability is naturally a great advantage.

Although the Star Master himself has a recovery ability.

But many times, it's not enough.


Pure white mist billows.

Soon, slender arms stretched out from the mist, as white as snow.

Immediately afterwards, slender legs, pure white robes, and exquisite staffs appeared one by one.

The fog gradually dispersed.

It was a girl with long golden hair and a gentle temperament.

The girl walked with bare feet, step by step, wrapped in the power of light, and bowed to Zhao Xin:

"High Priest of Light, pay homage to the Star Envoy."

"High-level astral creature, high priest of light."

Zhao Xin was quite satisfied.

Another high-ranking astral creature that has reached the limit of growth and can reach the ninth level!


This was not enough for him to look forward to.

After all, all the astral creatures under his command are already king-level.

The ninth level is of no use to him.

What he really expected -

This high priest of light, after opening the dream world, what kind of astral creature will he transform into!


He was slightly in a trance and had already seen the dream world opening up.

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