Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 118 The world’s strongest men gather together! Out of the Guangming Tribunal

As the strongest person in the world.

Xu Daohong naturally has many talents beyond ordinary people.

He is an orphan and grew up in the 'City of Chaos and Demons'.

It was once a city of sin. Fugitives from all over the world and all kinds of monsters mingled in this city.

There is no place for ordinary people to survive in this city.

As an orphan, Xu Daohong almost died countless times.

But in the end, he was able to grow up in the "City of Chaos and Demons" and even become the strongest person in the "City of Chaos and Demons". He is extremely special.

He has an extremely terrifying ability to predict danger.

This allowed him to narrowly escape death many times.

He has a terrifying ability to perceive everything he sees.

This gave him access to a lot of resources.

He has a natural ability to see through demons' weaknesses.

This allows his strength to skyrocket when facing monsters.

Above the dust stars.

All demons are afraid of him, and even under normal circumstances, they would not even dare to come within a hundred kilometers of him.

Even though there were many king-level monsters on the dust star, none of them dared to attack him.

Human beings can still maintain the political power of the Twelve Kingdoms and Three Empires despite being surrounded by demons.

There are a lot of reasons for this -

This is Xu Daohong’s intimidation!

He is the strongest human being.

He is also the most powerful person in Dust Star!

The number of king-level demons who died in his hands has already exceeded hundreds.

The reputation of the world's most powerful man was gained through real fighting.

And now——

His special gift of perception came into play.

He felt a sense of déjà vu as he looked at Zhao Xin, who had four pairs of wings spread out and his whole body was shrouded in a cold, dark suit.

"I met him."

"Just in the past few days."

Xu Daohong whispered in the silver-white aircraft that had a very sci-fi feel.

He has thick black hair, sharp eyes, thick eyebrows, and a body as straight as a gun.

"But these days, I have been in the Sky City and haven't met anyone."

"Except for a trip to Tianmai Mountain, the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races..."

"I saw him in Tianmai Mountain?"

"He is also a participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races?"

There was a thoughtful look on his face.

It is not surprising that there are participants of thousands of races fighting for hegemony on the dust star.

He even knew that there were two other people who were also participants in the struggle for hegemony among all races.

Now there is only one more person.

But even though they are all participants in the struggle for hegemony among all races.

But two days ago, by coincidence, I was also in Tianmai Mountain?

And let his special talent have an 'impression'.

At least it was someone he needed to pay attention to at that time, or look at.

"Who could it be..."

In his mind, he recalled the figures of several people who had crossed paths in Tianmaishan Square.


From beginning to end.

He didn't even think about the human monster who broke the records of the first and second line of Tianmai Mountain.

after all--

In his opinion, that human monster was not from the same world as him at all.

How could it be on Dust Star?

"That sign..."

"It's the City in the Sky."

Zhao Xin naturally also saw the silver-white aircraft flying from a distance.

Looking at the sign of 'city in the misty land above the clouds' on the silver-white aircraft, his heart was slightly shaken.

Xu Daohong!

The strongest man in the world!

The owner of Sky City!

The patron saint of mankind!

He really didn't expect it.

He actually met the world's strongest man at such a time.

at this time.

He was ready to keep the Silver Sky Snake away at any time.

The strongest man in the world.

If he got cramps and attacked him directly, he would have no choice but to escape.

And he had to run away quickly, otherwise he might not even be able to leave.

Even the Death Angel Zhao Yan’s use of ‘Light of Faith’ is probably enough.

The shadow of a famous tree.

The reputation of being the strongest man in the world is entirely forged from the corpses of a large number of king-level monsters!


not far away.

Another aircraft came across the sky. It was golden yellow and very gorgeous.

It also has a unique logo on it.

It is a pattern of a nine-headed tyrannosaurus looking up to the sky and roaring, with endless thunder falling.

"The strongest man in the Northern Continent's Thunder Dragon Empire, and the third strongest man in the world, 'Resk Altef'."

Zhao Xin whispered in his heart.

He thought about it.

Landed directly from mid-air to the crack.

It's too conspicuous in the air.

It's hard to guarantee that any strong person will suddenly dislike him and want to measure his strength.


A violent roar came from the other direction.

It was a black motorcycle that stretched across the sky. It was very sci-fi and very cool.

The owner of the car is a young man wearing colorful short-sleeves and sunglasses, who has a very cyberpunk style.

"The second strongest person in the world, 'Wan Chong'."

Zhao Xin muttered.


From the other direction, two more aircraft flew in one after another, both of which were orthodox silver-white and streamlined.

The two aircraft also have their own logos.

On board one was ‘a man in black robes standing under the snowstorm’.

On the other ship was a 'huge god of war looking down at all living beings'.

"The fourth strongest person in the world, the strongest person in the Blizzard Empire, 'Perkins Rexxar'."

"The fifth strongest person in the world, the strongest person in the God of War Empire, 'Zhou Yunshang'."

Zhao Xin whispered.

The five most powerful men in the world are all here.

And with the arrival of five people.

Another aircraft came from all directions.

Of course, there are also king-level beings who fly alone without flying in aircraft.

Just for a moment.

Above this large gap, more than a hundred king-level Star Envoys gathered.

The vast and terrifying aura spread around, the air twisted crazily, and the wind roared, surging in all directions.

"The Red Moon Empress is actually here too."

Zhao Xin glanced at the figure of the empress wearing royal robes and with a veil on her face.

And the other party's eyes just happened to look at him at this time.

The two looked at each other in the air.


The Red Moon Empress walked up in the void and landed five meters away from Zhao Xin. Her eyes were majestic and deep:

"Who is it from the Death Tribunal?"

Her voice was calm and very authoritative.

The tone is low and full of momentum.

"The Empress knows the brothers and sisters of the Death Tribunal?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen them for a long time."

"Introduce yourself."

"I am 'Juya Isabel', from the Tribunal of Light. I am a senior magistrate. It is an honor to meet you, Her Majesty the Empress of the Red Moon."

Zhao Xin bowed slightly and said, very gentlemanly.

Light emerged from him, holy and pure, with the power to purify everything.

It also gives people a sense of peace and serenity in their hearts.

This is when he borrows the power of the Holy Angels.

When astral creatures reach the king level of combat power, they can let the Star Envoy borrow part of their power.

This is also the reason why the title-level Star Envoy can fly in the air.

"...the Tribunal of Light?"

The Red Moon Empress was a little stunned.

There was something in her mind that she didn't know whether to say or not.

Is it over yet?

Tribunal of Death, Tribunal of Thunder, Tribunal of Ice and Snow, Tribunal of Earth, these four have not been understood yet.

Now there is a Tribunal of Light popping up? !

Will there be Fire Tribunal, Storm Tribunal, Dark Tribunal, etc. later?

"...How many tribunals do you have?"

If you don’t understand, just ask, the Red Moon Empress is very direct.

She has a very powerful aura and doesn't hide it in any way.

There were many royal star envoys present, and many of them looked at her with fear.

After all, among her astral creatures, there is a three-star king level, which is comparable to the strength of the elders of the Imperial Palace!


There are also many eyes looking at Zhao Xin, with expressions of inquiry, doubt, confusion, and fear.

The Battle of Tai'an City.

Haicheng Angel is famous all over the world.

As the Royal Envoy of the Sea City Angel, Daphne Modesty of the Tribunal of Death made all the kings dignified.

And the organization Death Tribunal——

Also valued by all kings.


In addition, the Thunder Tribunal, Ice and Snow Tribunal, and Earth Tribunal also attracted the attention of the kings.

But now——

Another Tribunal of Light appears?

And when he came here, he was obviously a king again!

Everyone was secretly frightened.

What is the origin of these tribunals? There seems to be a lot of kings!

"Your Majesty, why should you be impatient? You will know when you need to know."

Zhao Xin replied with a smile.

If you ask me, who should I ask... I haven't figured it out yet, and I don't know how many more there will be... He complained in his heart.

The Red Moon Empress frowned.

She was not satisfied with this answer.


at this time.

Under the big crack, silver light flew out one after another.

In each ray of silver light, there is a robot driving a special aircraft.

The electronic eyes in their eyes kept flashing, looking at the many kings.

Then they all separated and flew towards a famous king-level one-on-one.

"Hello, I'm Elana."


"Board on the aircraft and go to the entrance of the ruins."

A robot walked up to Zhao Xin, and the intelligent life Elana's voice came from the robot's mouth, with a full ethereal temperament.

A robot actually gave me an ethereal feeling... Zhao Xin was speechless.

Looking at the robot in front of him, he nodded slightly.

The aircraft is not too big and can accommodate two people.

It was very similar to the aircraft in a movie called "Crow Tengu Kabuto" that he had seen before time travel.

He stood next to the robot.


The aircraft turned into silver light and headed towards the bottom of the big crack.

The other famous kings also rode this unique aircraft and headed towards the bottom of the big rift.

"Lady Elana, what if someone attacks my kingdom during this period?"

The Red Moon Empress suddenly spoke up.

One of the kings laughed and said:

"Empress Red Moon, you don't have to worry about this. During the period when the ruins are open, no king of any rank can take action on Dust Star."

"Otherwise, we will be countered by Relic No. 3."

The robot standing next to the Red Moon Empress nodded and said:

"Yes, I, Elana, invite you all to come and you will be responsible for this action."

"Any king who dares to take action at this time is a provocation to me, Elana."

"There are still several Liushui warriors in Ruins No. 1 who are responsible for maintaining this rule throughout Dust Star."

Although Elana's voice was still ethereal, it carried a kind of confidence.

This is the self-confidence of being an advanced civilized intelligent being.

"That's good."

The Red Moon Empress nodded.

Zhao Xin glanced at the Red Moon Empress with a strange expression.

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