Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 119 The mothership of Liuling Civilization! Ranking rewards!

The news that the Dark Moon Planet Qianyu Organization would attack Red Moon City and Tisheng City was passed on to the Red Moon Empress by Zhao Xin.

At this time, I heard the question from the Red Moon Empress——

It occurred to him almost immediately.

"The Qianyu Organization will not choose a day when one-third of the world's strongest people are not around to start the operation, right?"

He looked strange.

Think it's very possible.

The Qianyu Organization came to Chenxing seven years ago.

The last time Ruin No. 3 was opened was thirty years ago.

Not to mention whether the Qianyu organization knew about the 'ban on martial arts'.

Just say that the other party is from the Dark Moon Empire. Whether he cares about the so-called 'forbidden martial arts' of a ruin is another matter.

"Maybe it's possible -"

"The other party thinks they can make a fortune and return to the Dark Moon Empire. It doesn't matter whether you ban martial arts or not, it's none of their business..."

He muttered in his mind.

This possibility is not small.

If he were the leader of Qianyu Organization, he would think so too.

Is it possible that you, a relic, can still chase you to the Dark Moon Empire?


He saw the Red Moon Empress' mouth move slightly a few times, but no sound came out.

I don’t know who I am communicating with.

"A woman like this who is a queen has too many thoughts."

"Even if your status is exciting, in reality you can't have it..."

"The Red Moon Empress is said to be unmarried, and she doesn't know what kind of man she will marry in the end..."

"Perhaps it will be a man?"

As he kept flying down, he secretly thought about all kinds of messy problems.


Air currents flew past both sides, whistling like wind.

The rift valley looked quite unfathomable. I had been flying downward for more than ten minutes and still had not reached the valley.



Zhao Xin's eyes narrowed and looked ahead.

Looming in the distance below, a blue light spot appeared.

And their group was approaching the blue light spot.

As the distance approaches——

Blue light spot magnifies.

It was an extremely huge battleship that looked like a cold moon!

The battleship lay across the sky, its entire body glowing with an icy blue light.

The entire battleship is more than five kilometers long and two kilometers wide. It is made of a strange and unknown blue metal. It is very amazing.

A powerful sense of oppression came from the battleship, making people's hearts tremble.

The turbulent energy fluctuations as surging as the sea caused chaos in the surrounding original energy of heaven and earth.

"Is this the mothership?"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

This kind of technology is simply terrifying!

If it weren't for the big universe that restricted the emergence of technological weapons.

If a battleship like this were equipped with technological weapons, it would probably be enough to destroy a star with one shot!

"This is not a mothership."

"It's a Blue Moon-class spacecraft."

"A spaceship that can truly break out of the Blue Star and travel through the infinite sea of ​​stars."

"When it is turned on for the first time, the reward Master Xu Daohong gets is a 'Blue Moon-class' cosmic craft."

The Red Moon Empress appeared next to her and said.

There was an astonishing brilliance in her eyes as she stared at the spaceship.

All king-level beings present.

They all stared at the spaceship with longing in their eyes.

"Just a spaceship?"

Zhao Xin was amazed.

He looked forward to how huge the mothership would be.

A spaceship that is obviously lower level and can be used as a reward item is so huge and terrifying.


He was just a little shocked.

after all--

In the dream world, among the 'three gods'.

He has seen space battleships tens of thousands of times larger than this spaceship!

But anything I’ve seen in the dream world has a feeling like watching a movie.

Far from the shock of actually seeing it.

"Your reaction was calmer than I imagined."

“Is it possible that you, the tribunal, are from an alien planet?”

The Red Moon Empress spoke again, staring at Zhao Xin with her eyes.

Originally she thought so.

Zhao Xin may be one of these tribunals.

But now it seems——

She dismissed this suspicion again.

Zhao Xin has seen it with her own eyes, and she should be at the sixth level of the Star Royal Envoy now.

And the members who appear on these tribunals.

The lowest level is the ninth-level Star Envoy.

There is no shortage of transfinite level beings and king level beings.


Zhao Xin looked at the Red Moon Empress with a strange expression.

This guy can really think about it.

He actually thought of the origin of the Tribunal as an alien planet.

"A native Dust Star organization."

"Aiming to put down the chaos of demons and restore peace to our human race."

"Both our Light Tribunal and the other tribunals are incompatible with demons."

"We will kill those organizations that are in league with demons without mercy."

"If Her Majesty the Empress can provide the accurate addresses of some ninth-level, pseudo-king-level, and king-level demons, she will also read the name of Her Majesty the Empress when she goes to slay demons and defend the way."

Zhao Xin said solemnly.


"A good one is at odds with the devil."

"What a 'We will kill without mercy those organizations that are in league with demons'."

"My senses tell me that you are not lying."

"I am very happy."

"Among us humans, there can be more kings like you."

The world’s strongest man ‘Xu Daohong’ suddenly spoke, his voice was very thick.

He looked at Zhao Xin with a smile.

No matter what organization.

As long as you can fight against the monster wholeheartedly, you will be incompatible with the monster.

He will support it.

on the contrary--

No matter how many things the other party does, but he is in league with the demon, he will still kill him with a gun.

On the dusty star.

Humans and monsters, only one can survive in the end!

This is a war of races.

It's a fight for survival.

There is no second option.

As a participant in the struggle for hegemony among all races, he naturally understands the environment in the universe.

The other kings also looked at him.

"Lao Xu said you didn't lie, so you definitely didn't lie."

"Among humans, those who can say that we are incompatible with monsters are my comrades!"

Wan Chong, the world's second strongest man, grinned, showing his white teeth.

"If you all know accurate information about ninth-level demons, pseudo-king-level demons, and king-level demons—"

"I would buy it for anything from a hundred to a thousand gold pounds."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed and he suddenly said to everyone.

Everyone present is of royal rank.

Each one is either the leader of a big force or a high-ranking member of a big force.

Every force, to a greater or lesser extent, must hold the position of some high-level demons.

After all, I'm away from home.

If you don't master these, it's easy to die suddenly.

Even the king level is no exception.

Are you a one-star king?

But if you want to cross the territory of a two-star king-level demon, you are naturally seeking death.

"After I return, I will give you the location of the king-level monsters in the Red Moon Kingdom."

"If you can help get rid of these king-level monsters, I would be very grateful."

The Red Moon Empress looked deeply at Zhao Xin and said.

Most of the lairs of king-level demons are extremely dangerous.

Even if a two-star king-level Star Envoy enters the one-star king-level demon lair, he may not be able to get out.

So it's not necessary.

The kings wouldn't even think about killing king-level monsters.

And the five strongest men in the world.

There are also more terrifying king-level monsters staring at them, making it impossible to take action easily.

Even Xu Daohong couldn't take action easily.

He is not afraid of the king-level monsters on the dust star.

But the demon clan——

But it is the most terrifying group in the universe that can rival the civilization of the Star Envoys!

In every passage.

There is a peerless demon that has not completely descended on the dust star, but it can descend at any time.

These peerless monsters made Xu Daohong very afraid.

"When I mention the Holy Kingdom, I will also give you the location of the king-level demons in your territory."

Wang Jie of Tisheng Kingdom also said with a smile.


The kings of most kingdoms are willing to share the location information of king-level monsters with Zhao Xin.

They had nothing to lose anyway.

If Zhao Xin can help them get rid of a few king-level demons, their pressure will be reduced a lot.

Why not do this kind of thing?

"Thank you very much."

"The purpose of all the major tribunals like us is to slay demons."

Zhao Xin spoke.

He was very satisfied.

Wait until you get back——

You can get a lot of king-level location information sent from various countries!

He seemed to have seen a steady stream of soul light points flying in, opening up scenes in the dream world again and again.

It made him feel.

He should not be far away from becoming invincible in the world.


The silver aircraft turned into streaks of silvery light, surpassed the spaceship, and was still flying downward.

About five minutes passed.

Zhao Xin finally saw the legendary mothership.

It was a half-moon-shaped ship, pure white, exuding bright moonlight, like a real bright moon lying quietly at the bottom of the valley.

It is over one hundred kilometers long and twenty kilometers wide.

The moonlight is like water, reflecting the entire valley floor beautifully.

In the moonlight.

You can also see the moonlight condensed into various palm-sized elves, dancing in the sky, spreading out a large number of bright light spots, as if they were surrounded by stars.

"The size of this mothership is comparable to the smallest warships of the three protoss."

"I just don't know if it can compare with the three smallest warships of the Gods in other aspects."

Zhao Xin was amazed.

Most of the kings' faces had a look of shock.

Even though it was not the first time for many kings to see them, they were still shocked.

The mothership, which is hundreds of kilometers long and twenty kilometers wide, is as bright and bright as the bright moon falling to the bottom of a valley. How can this not shock people?

"It's hard to imagine the scene of such a battleship taking off..."

Even the Red Moon Empress whispered softly, with a look of shock in her eyes.


"Welcome to the 'Qingyue' mothership."


The bright moonlight flew up and condensed into a huge figure in the sky.

It is the intelligent life Elana.

She is the same as Zhao Xin saw in the virtual world.

He holds an emerald green staff, wears exquisite green hollow armor, has a shocking weapon, has a slender figure and pointed ears.

Wearing a green wreath on her head, she has an earthy and ethereal temperament, just like a legendary elf.

"This is the third time the 'Qingyue' mothership has been launched."

"Please take a look at the reward items this time."

Elana tapped her staff lightly.

Suddenly a large amount of moonlight rushed up again, condensing to form a light curtain next to her.

A large number of words appeared on the light screen, listing the reward items this time.

Asking for a monthly ticket! !

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