Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 120 Identity exposed? Friendship with Liuling Civilization!

[First place: ‘Blue Moon-class’ spacecraft]

[Second place: Heart of the king-level creature ‘Three-Headed Divine Fire Eagle’]

[Third place: Heart of king-level creature ‘Jedi Violent Ape King’]

[Fourth-fifth place: King-level lower creature ‘Ice and Snow Dragon’ dragon egg]

[Sixth-seventh place:...]

"Blue Moon-class spacecraft!"

Zhao Xin's eyes showed a glimmer of light.

Remaining rewards.

He doesn't care even if it's a medium item that can give a king-level star envoy a high probability of giving birth to the 'three-headed divine fire eagle', a high-level king-level astral creature.

Only this spaceship made him extremely excited.

With this spaceship, he can travel to other living planets.


For a strong man like him, it is impossible to enter the starry sky without invincible strength.

But this does not prevent him from wanting to get this spaceship.

at least--

This is also a fallback route.

If you encounter a big crisis on the dust star, you can also fly away in a spaceship.

"King-level ascendant, three-headed divine fire eagle!"

"This time, a media item of a high-ranking king actually appeared!"

The Red Moon Empress' eyes flashed, and her heart was shocked.

after all--

The three-star king class is the elder of the royal palace.

The four-star king level is the level of the five most powerful people in the world.

And the king's upper rank——

The worst that can happen is the seven-star king level!

If you can get the heart of this ‘three-headed divine fire eagle’.

Then there is a chance to give birth to the 'three-headed divine fire eagle', a star creature of high king rank.


As long as the three-headed divine fire eagle reaches adulthood, it will have the power of a seven-star king for the first time!

The eyes of almost all king-level beings present were attracted by this reward.

Compared with spaceships, they obviously value this item that can enhance their strength more.

And this increase in strength——

Not just a little bit, but a huge amount!

"Elana, this time you actually came up with such an amazing prize."

"Compared with the prizes from the previous two times, they are just a notch behind."

The world’s second strongest man, ‘Wan Chong’, grinned and said.

Elana in the air smiled slightly and bowed to everyone in an ethereal manner:

"Because this is the last time the No. 3 ruins will be opened."

"The three motherships have been repaired, and I have also contacted the clan. After the No. 3 ruins are opened this time, I will drive the three motherships back to the beautiful 'Liuling Star'."

As soon as this statement came out.

Everyone was stunned.


Is it the last time it was turned on?

Are the three major motherships of the Liuling Civilization going to return directly to the Liuling Civilization?

"Elana, congratulations."

"But if the mothership leaves, what will happen to the virtual world of my dust star?"

Xu Daohong stood in the air, his black hair shawl, and said in a deep voice.

The virtual world of Dust Star.

But it was Elana who established it.

After all, Chenxing's technology is far from enough to build a virtual world.

"I will leave the virtual world center. As for how to manage the virtual world in the future, that is a problem for your royal palace and other countries."

"Remember, the virtual world center requires a huge amount of energy to maintain every year."

"In the past, I took out the energy from the Qingyue mothership. From now on, you have to rely on yourselves."

Elana holds the staff, appears ethereal, and her voice is extremely beautiful.

But the content of the words silenced everyone.

Maintain the virtual world!

How vast is the virtual world?

Covering almost the entire human world.

To maintain such a human second world requires so much consumption that everyone feels numb just thinking about it.

There was a pause.

Elana looked at Xu Daohong and smiled slightly:

"Your talent is very powerful. You are welcome to come to Liuling Star as a guest in the future."

"And you also received the inheritance of a war general from Mothership No. 1, so you are half a Liuling Star person."

"Liuling is a branch of elves, and we elves yearn for peace, like nature, and are hospitable."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Xu Daohong with envy.


Xu Daohong received the inheritance from a warrior of Liuling Civilization.

That is an existence above the king level!

And now he is invited by Elana to go to Liuling Star in the future.

Liuling civilization.

This is when their dust star comes into contact with the strongest star guardian civilization.

None of the other civilizations in the ruins can compare with the Liuling civilization.

Among the many kings present, who wouldn’t want to go to Liuling Star?

The main star of such a powerful civilization is definitely not something you can just go to if you want to.

Even the Red Moon Empress inevitably showed a hint of yearning in her eyes.

Liuling Civilization——

As far as she knew.

But a powerful civilization comparable to the 'Two Soul Civilization' has a great reputation in the starry sky.

Among those civilizations.

There are probably countless resources of all kinds.

The king-level medium they are pursuing may be nothing at all in the Liuling civilization.

But the next moment——

Everyone was dumbfounded.

at this time.

Elana looked at Zhao Xin, but she bowed directly:

"An unknown existence, Elana has no intention of exploring your identity, but Liuling Civilization is willing to make friends with you!"

"You don't need to participate in the competition. On behalf of the Liuling Civilization, Elana will give you a 'Rising Sun-class' spaceship!"

"The Rising Sun-class spacecraft can block the full bombardment of Lord-class beings. It is equipped with a 'starry sky thunder' device. As long as there is enough energy, it can emit a 'starry sky thunder' that is comparable to the attack power of the Lord-class."

She didn't know who Zhao Xin was.

But as an intelligent life form of the Liuling Civilization, she recognized the identity of the Thunder Titan.

That is the terrifying life that walks in the deepest part of the starry sky among the legendary god civilization.

Not only that.

She also saw the transformations of Zhou Xuan and Zhao Yan.

Watching how the two girls grew up step by step, how terrifying their state after transformation was.


She guessed that Zhao Xin definitely had an extremely terrifying identity.


This is a peerless existence from the civilization of gods.

Facing such existence.

Even though the opponent may be weak now, she has no intention of becoming an enemy.

"Sunburst-class spacecraft?"

"A starry sky thunder comparable to a lord-level strike!"

"Elana actually saluted him!"

"Master Xu Daohong doesn't have this kind of treatment!"

"Hiss! Who is he? He actually made Elana so respectful, and even presented a Rising Sun-class spaceship on behalf of the Liuling Civilization!!"

"Elanna is an intelligent life form of the Liuling Civilization, and she actually saluted him!!"

Many kings gasped and looked at Zhao Xin in horror.

Liuling civilization.

That is a truly terrifying civilization.

But now——

Elanna, an intelligent life form of the Liuling Civilization, saluted Zhao Xin and presented him with a terrifying Rising Sun-class spaceship! !

Even the Red Moon Empress was stunned at this time.

She looked at Zhao Xin, who was not far away, with shock in her eyes.


She also longed for Xu Daohong to be invited by Elana to go to Liuling Star in the future.

But in a blink of an eye——

A figure who was a hundred times more terrifying actually appeared next to her.

Even Elana respectfully addressed her as 'you', and also said, 'I have no intention of exploring your identity', 'unknown existence' and so on.

This person--

What is your identity! !

Zhao Xin was also surprised.

He didn't expect that Elana would do this.

However, the other party controlled the virtual world before and knew many of his secrets.

With these secrets, it's easy to guess that he might be something more than simple.

After all, who are the astral creatures under his command?

All of them are beings with terrifying and peerless combat power, far beyond their level.


It would definitely shock Elana.

"Go ahead and guess."

"No matter what, it's impossible to know the secrets of the dream world."

He thought to himself.

Dream world——

Not a trace at all.

Every time he saw it in a daze.

He just bowed slightly to Elana in return:

"Thank you so much for your generosity."

Sunburst-class spacecraft?

He was quite happy in his heart.

I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected gain.

What a gift.

After all, the Blue Moon-class spacecraft made his heart flutter.

And now this Rising Sun-class spacecraft is obviously a more advanced spacecraft, how can he not be happy?

"As long as you like it."

Elana smiled softly.

She pointed lightly with the staff in her hand.

As the bright moonlight circulated, a hatch opened on the huge Qingyue mothership below.

"Everyone, this time the ranking will still be determined according to the method of the Star Tower."

"The stronger your astral creatures are, the stronger their ability to leapfrog will be, and the higher their ranking will be."

"Those with the same level-leap ability will depend on their strength."

"Those with the same strength will look at the ranking of 'merit'."



Three robots walked out of the opened hatch of the mothership.

These robots are all blue, and their bodies can change at will like water.

Standing under the bright moonlight, ten meters tall, giving people a strong sense of oppression.

"Liquid robot."

Zhao Xin was amazed.

This robot that I had seen in movies in previous lives actually appeared in real life.

Moreover, it can be used to test a group of King-level Star Envoys. Needless to say, the strength of these three robots is definitely King-level.

"Flowing water warrior."

"A robot whose combat power reaches the nine-star king level."

The Red Moon Empress whispered beside her.

Flowing water warrior?

Is this what Elanna can rely on to maintain the forbidden weapons of the Dust Star King level when Ruins No. 3 is opened?

It is indeed terrifying, to actually have the strength of the nine-star king level!

Nine-star king level.

That was already the pinnacle of the king's rank.

Extremely scary level.

"Please draw your number plates."

“Numbers one through three start first, and so on.”

"Note, this is not a test of your strongest strength, but a test of cross-level strength."

Elana reminded again.

Many kings present nodded solemnly.


Their strongest astral creatures basically do not have the ability to cross levels.

The two-star king level definitely only has the combat power of the two-star king level.


Basically, they all cultivate astral creatures with extremely strong cross-level abilities!

The level may not be high, but the cross-level ability must be strong!

But just then——

The Qingyue mothership not far away suddenly lit up with an astonishing light.

The entire mothership flickered.

[Please note that a VIP with a special identity has been discovered! 】

[Please note that a VIP with a special identity has been discovered! 】

[Please note that a VIP with a special identity has been discovered! 】

[The other party's status is too high. It is recommended to inform Her Majesty the Queen to receive him immediately! 】

[The other party's status is too high. It is recommended to inform Her Majesty the Queen to receive him immediately! 】

A cold electronic sound suddenly came from the Qingyue mothership.

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