Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 121 The elder gave the order and everyone was shocked!

The sudden electronic sound stunned everyone.

Even Elana, an intelligent life, was slightly stunned.

But then her expression suddenly changed, and her pupils shrank violently.

There is no longer that ethereal and ethereal aura.

There was a storm in her heart.

Special guest!

The other party's status is too high. It is recommended to inform Her Majesty the Queen to receive him immediately! !

As a mothership of their Liuling civilization, even if it is not a war type, it still has extremely strong detection capabilities.

One of the functions is to detect humans or elves with special identities.

They have a colorful civilization and have various titles.

The elves also have various titles.

These are all within the detection range.

It is to prevent accidental injury to noble persons.

at the same time--

It is also to prevent offending the noble ones among the human race!

After all, they are elves.

It is one of the subordinate races of the human race.

The entire elves are members of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

People with noble status in the human race must be careful.

Subordinate races, even if they have extremely high autonomy, still need to be careful when facing the truly noble people of the human race.

And now——

There is a distinguished guest who needs to be received by Her Majesty the Queen in person! !

Even though Her Majesty the Queen of their Liuling Civilization cannot be compared with the empress of the entire Elf Race.

But the Liuling Civilization, as a very powerful branch of the Elf Tribe, has a very high status in the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

at this place--

How come there are distinguished guests who need to be received by Her Majesty the Queen personally!

[Automatically connect to Her Majesty the Queen! 】

[Automatically connect to Her Majesty the Queen! 】

[Lost contact with the home planet, unable to connect to Her Majesty the Queen! 】

[Lost contact with the home planet, unable to connect to Her Majesty the Queen! 】

【Start the highest standard of hospitality! 】

【Start the highest standard of hospitality! 】

The electronic sound continued to sound.

next moment--

The Qingyue mothership was filled with astonishing bright moonlight.

The endless moonlight gathered together and directly formed a moonlight road.

The Moonlight Road spreads in the void, extending all the way to Zhao Xin's feet.


More moonlight gathered and formed another female figure on the moonlight road.

That's an elf too.

However, there was no emotion on his face. He just faced Zhao Xin and bowed deeply:

"Dear distinguished guest, please enter the Qingyue!"

"Your identity has the highest authority on Qingyue, which is the same as Lady Elana!"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

Look at the elf woman in front of you.

The others also stared at this scene blankly.

Even Elana was confused.

Have the same permissions as her?

She couldn't believe it.

As an intelligent life form of the Liuling Civilization, she has the highest authority over the Qingyue Ship and can control everything on the Qingyue Ship.

other people--

Only Her Majesty the Queen can have the highest authority without going through her!

Zhao Xin——

Whose identity is it that can directly have the highest authority? !

She previously gave Zhao Xin a Rising Sun-class spaceship.

I just feel that Zhao Xin’s identity is not simple, he just represents Liuling Civilization and has good relations with Zhao Xin.

But now——

But she found out.

Zhao Xin's identity may be far beyond her imagination!

after all--

Zhao Xin is a human being.

But she has authority comparable to Her Majesty the Queen!

Even though their elves are a subsidiary race of the human race, unless their status among the human race is so high that it is unimaginable, the entire Liuling civilization will be defenseless.

Only then can a mothership be given the highest authority directly!


"Zhao Xin is the absolute top among the human race?!"

Her heart trembled.

What a terrifying race the humans are!

In the starry sky, they are all truly powerful clans.

Are there more than billions of living planets?

It occupies an unknown number of billions of light-years in the sea of ​​stars.

Their Glazed Spirit Civilization is not weak, but in front of the entire human race, they are like the light of fireflies.

The real high-level people among the human race.

One sentence can destroy countless living planets.

One look may determine the survival of billions of creatures.

Ordinary life planets such as Dust Star are not even ants in front of such beings.

"Is it the Star Alliance messenger?"

"Or a Covenant enforcer?"


"Is it a Star Alliance leader?"

She was filled with shock and speculation.

The Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance is one of the eight major star alliances of the human race.

And those who can be called high-level people of the human race, who can directly possess the highest authority of a mothership of their Liuling civilization——

The lowest level is definitely a Star Alliance messenger.

That is the messenger walking in the starry sky on behalf of the Star Alliance.

Any one of them belongs to the true high-level of the human race.

As for the Covenant enforcers——

That was a high-ranking human being at the same level as the Star Alliance messenger.

If a Star Alliance envoy encounters a member of the Star Alliance violating Star Alliance regulations during his inspection.

Then the Star Alliance executors have the right to directly take action and obliterate one side's civilization.

As for the person in charge of the Star Alliance?

That is the boss of the Star Alliance envoys and Star Alliance executors, and is in charge of various affairs of the Star Alliance.

As far as she knew.

The Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance only has eighteen Star Alliance leaders.

These eighteen Star Alliance leaders are in charge of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance's billions of living planets and countless light-year territories!

"Who is he?"

Xu Daohong was also shocked.

A being who can give the Liuling Civilization Mothership the highest authority!

Such existence.

It was simply beyond his imagination.

Although he knows many things in the starry sky from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

But it’s also unimaginable.

What kind of existence is needed to directly allow a mothership of the Liuling Civilization to give the highest authority.

Liuling civilization.

Based on the information he got from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

This is an extremely terrifying civilization.

It occupies more than 90,000 living planets, and its territory spans more than 400 river systems.

There are countless other resource planets.

Lord-level beings in the Liuling Civilization are just generals.

Existences beyond the lord level are not considered high-level in the Liuling Civilization.

Compared with the Liuling civilization, their dust star is just dust.

But now——

Such an extremely powerful and terrifying civilization.

But in front of the members of the Tribunal of Light, he looked so...humble?

"...The identities of these tribunals..."

The Red Moon Empress took a deep breath.

The Glazed Spirit Civilization is a terrifying civilization similar to the Twin Soul Civilization.

But he was so respectful to this senior referee of the Tribunal of Light named ‘Juya Isabel’! !

This was simply unimaginable to her.

She is not an ignorant Dust Star King.

on the contrary.

She is very knowledgeable.

After all, she had grown up in Haicheng since she was a child, following her grandfather.

From her grandfather, she knew a lot about the two-soul civilization.

I also deeply understand how terrifying the dual-soul civilization is.

And the Liuling Civilization, which is equivalent to the Two-Soul Civilization, is naturally equally terrifying.

But now——

She felt a little dreamy and even wondered if she was dreaming.


The other king-level beings were also shocked, horrified, and in disbelief.

But compared to Elana, Xu Daohong, and the Red Moon Empress.

They were less shocked.

after all--

They just know that Liuling Civilization is very powerful.

But just how powerful it is, I have no idea.

"Highest authority?"

Zhao Xin already understood something in his heart.

This should be the reason for the ‘Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance’.

He didn't expect that.

He placed the 'Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance' in the space ring, but it was still detected by the mothership.

"Can I use the items in the mothership at will?"

he asked tentatively.

"You have the highest authority. You can even recruit Qingyue to fight for you."

"You can use all the items in Qingyue No. 1 as you wish."

The elf woman said respectfully.

There was no emotion in her voice, just electronic sounds.

But even electronic sounds.

You can also hear a respectful tone from it.

"Let's go in and take a look."

he said cheerfully.


The elf woman made a gesture of invitation.

Zhao Xin stepped forward, walking on the moonlight road, and walked into the mothership step by step.

Watching Zhao Xin's back disappear from the mothership hatch.

Elana took a deep breath, and she hurriedly ordered one of the flowing water warriors:

"You are responsible for presiding over this test."

After saying that.

She hurriedly entered the mothership.

She wants to know who Zhao Xin is!


Only she can contact Liu Lingxing.

She wanted to find out Zhao Xin's identity and immediately pass the news to Liulingxing!

A true high-ranking figure of the human race appears here.

This is a big deal.

An earth-shattering event!

The mothership is all pure white and very beautiful.

The interior decoration is also full of elven style, exquisite and elegant, noble and beautiful.

Zhao Xin, led by the elf woman, came to an elf courtyard.

This courtyard is planted with a large number of precious flowers and plants unique to the elves. The flowers are intoxicatingly fragrant and filled with the emerald green energy of life.

All the objects in the courtyard have extremely exquisite patterns and can be called works of art.

The elves like beautiful style, which is undoubtedly reflected here.

"The craftsmanship of the elves is truly worthy of being praised by all races."

Zhao Xin also found it pleasing to the eye.

Humans are also a race that loves beauty.

Seeing beautiful things makes you feel better.

"As long as you like it, I think Her Majesty the Queen will be willing to build you the most beautiful courtyard."

At this time——

Elana has arrived, and she bowed deeply to Zhao Xin.

There was a pause.

She still maintained her saluting posture and said respectfully:

"I don't know your identity?"

Zhao Xin directly took out the ‘Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance’ from the space ring.

At this time, there is no need to hide anything.

after all--

The mothership has detected his identity.

As long as Elana asks, the mothership will not refuse to answer.

Elana -

He also has the highest authority on this mothership.

"This is--"

Elana's eyes suddenly widened, staring at the 'Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance' in Zhao Xin's hand.

The look of horror could not be suppressed on her face, and her body was trembling slightly.

Elder! !

He is actually an elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance! !

She didn't think of it anyway.

Zhao Xin is actually an elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance! !

The supreme elder! !

The elder with the highest authority in the entire human race!

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