Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 122 The Supreme Elder! Receive three motherships!

The human race is divided into eight major star alliances.

Any Star Alliance is a true behemoth, with not only billions of life planets under its command, but also a large number of subsidiary races.

The elves belong to the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

Others include dragon tribe, orc tribe, half-orc tribe, half-elf tribe, etc.

Among the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

Eighteen Star Alliance leaders are responsible for all matters of the Star Alliance.

Any one of them is an unimaginable big shot, a real high-level figure in the human race.

But in the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

But there is still a Presbytery!

Who will appoint the Star Alliance leader, Star Alliance executor, and Star Alliance envoy?

Elder's House!

There are only nine elders in the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

These nine elders represent the highest authority of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

If we use a country as a metaphor for the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.


The nine elders are the supreme emperors.

The people in charge of the Star Alliance are the prime ministers and generals.

Elana didn't expect it anyway.

Zhao Xin is actually the elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance!

The supreme elder! !

Their Liuling civilization is very strong.

There are more than 90,000 life planets, and countless resource stars.

But all it takes is one word from the elder.

Their Liuling civilization will be completely destroyed!

Not even the elves can save them.

The empress of the elves is even inferior to an elder in terms of status!


She was just like an ordinary civilian who suddenly discovered that her neighbor next door was actually the emperor of the country.

That kind of unbelievable, unbelievable, and weirdness is vividly reflected in her.

"The super intelligent being of the Liuling Empire, Count Elanna, pays homage to the Supreme Elder!"

Taking a deep breath, Elanna saluted Zhao Xin with the highest elven etiquette of kneeling down on one knee.

She put one hand on her chest and the other on her knees, with a very respectful expression on her face.

to an elder.

She didn't dare to be disrespectful in the slightest.

"You can't reveal anything about me on Dust Star to anyone."

"Even if you are the queen of the Liuling Empire, you can't reveal it."

"Knowing too much will not be good for your Liuling Empire, and may even lead to disaster."

Zhao Xin said calmly.

Although there are so many words.

In fact, he could not guarantee that Elanna, the intelligent life form of the Ryuling Civilization, would not report it to the Queen of the Ryuling Civilization.

But since coming here, he has been able to analyze many things.

for example--

The Liuling civilization is definitely far away from the dust star.

If they were close, these three motherships would not have been lost on the dust star for such a long time.

Moreover, the words Elana said before can make people feel that the Liuling civilization is very far away.

It is not easy to travel to the dust star.

The starry sky is vast.

It is often calculated in terms of millions, tens of millions, or billions of light years.

Even if there are wormholes, there are always places where there are no wormholes.

These places——

The time it takes is extremely scary.


Regarding the Liuling Civilization, whether Elana reported it to the Queen of the Liuling Empire or not, he did not need to worry in the short term.


It would be best if the other party did not report it to the Queen of the Liuling Empire.

"I will obey the orders of Your Majesty the Elder!"

Elana accepted the order respectfully.

How dare she have the slightest objection to the order of an elder from the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance?

A word from the other party.

The entire Liuling Empire will be wiped out.

Such a supreme existence cannot be faced with too much caution.

"Tell me about the situation of your three motherships."

Zhao Xin said again.

He was not 'confused' by the respectful Elana in front of him.

He knows it very well.

He is not an elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance in the true sense.

He has no power under his command.

Now it can only be regarded as a high status.

Even this position is very precarious.

Once the news reaches the ears of the senior officials of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance,

Who knows if someone will come to snatch this ‘Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance’?

after all--

He doesn't know either.

Is there any binding on this ‘Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance’?

His strength has not changed at all because of the 'Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance'.

at this point.

He is sober.

I don’t think that with the ‘Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance’, I am a true elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

Have this idea.

I don’t know how he died in the end.


His most important thing now is still to improve his strength.

And the mothership in front of us, which was suppressed by the 'Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance', is a resource that can be utilized!

He just regarded it as a resource that could be used.

"Reply to Your Majesty the Elder."

"Qingyue is called the No. 3 Relic. It is a warehouse-type mothership. It contains two Rising Sun-class spaceships, eight Blue Moon-class spaceships, twenty-six Star-class spaceships, as well as a large number of cultivation facilities for astral creatures. media materials.”

"This was originally a supply sent to the 79th Central College of Liuling on Hemu Planet."

"But in the crash, most of the material was damaged."

"The No. 2 relic is the 'Leng Yue', which is a detection mothership. It was the most seriously damaged when it crashed. The detection system was completely destroyed and cannot be repaired. However, the aviation system has been repaired."

"Now there are only two research robots left inside. One was transformed by me into a virtual world carrier and is intended to stay on the Dust Star. The other has been repairing the three motherships."

"Relic No. 1 is the 'Lance', which is a war-type mothership and is the vehicle of the 'Knights of the Spear'. However, now the 'Knights of the Spear' have all fallen in that disaster, and only the light of spirit remains. The residue left in it allows people to receive inheritance from it.”

"Xu Daohong accepted the inheritance from a knight of the Knights of the Spear."

"As for the Flowing Water Warriors, they were the original war robots of the Lance. There were once one hundred thousand Flowing Water Warriors as the basic part of the 'Knights of the Spear'. However, most of them were destroyed in the disaster, and only five were left."

"But there is not much energy now, and the Flowing Water Warriors cannot sustain it for a long time."

Elana said everything she knew.

She clearly explained everything she knew about the three motherships.

The status of the elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance is too high.

She didn't dare to hide anything.

As an intelligent life, she is actually a real life.

A life created by the Liuling Civilization and completely loyal to the Liuling Civilization.

"Qingyue number."

"Leng Yue."


Zhao Xin nodded lightly.

To be honest, the situation of these three motherships was not as good as he expected.

There are many spaceships in Qingyue, but they have little effect on him.

Various media materials for cultivating astral creatures have little effect on him.

There is a ‘Researcher’ available for use on the Leng Yue.

In the Spear, there are many inheritances of the 'Knights of the Spear', as well as five flowing water warriors that are comparable to the peak of the king level.

But the flowing water warrior has limited energy.

"Pause and return to the Liuling Empire."

"Temporarily cut off contact with the Liuling Empire."

"These three motherships are now commandeered by me."

"If you have any questions, please keep them in mind. When I don't need you, you can naturally go back to Liuling Civilization."

He ordered calmly.

Although the effect of the three motherships on him was far less than imagined.

But it also has many effects.

Naturally, these three motherships cannot be allowed to leave Dust Star.

"I will obey the orders of Your Majesty the Elder!"

Elana took the order directly without any hesitation.

What are three motherships?

If the elder speaks.

Their Liuling civilization can directly send out one or even ten huge fleets!


It is impossible for the elders of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance to take a liking to their Liuling Civilization fleet.

Now this mysterious elder who appears on this small planet like Dust for some unknown reason and whose level is still so weak must be completing some special event.

That's why we are interested in these three motherships.

And if we can rely on these three motherships to establish a good relationship with an elder...

Her heart became excited.

This is an unimaginable opportunity!

When the Elder completes his work on Chen Star, their Glazed Spirit Civilization may even get on the line of the Elder and soar into the sky from then on.

The more she thought about it, the more excited she became.

Liuling Civilization——

Maybe it would be because of her, Elana, that she would reach unprecedented heights.

She, Elana, will become a legend of Liuling Civilization!

In the history of intelligent life, the existence that has contributed most to civilization!

"How much media materials are left on the Qingyue?"

Zhao Xin naturally didn't know what Elana was thinking, so he asked again.

The elf woman next to her, who is the intelligent system of the Qingyue, said at this time:

"Dear Elder, there is one intermediate lord-level media material on board the Qingyue, three junior lord-level media materials, seventeen high-level king-level media materials, fifty-three mid-level king-level media materials, one hundred and ninety-seven A copy of the media materials for the lower king class."

Zhao Xin's face was calm, but his heart was quite happy.

There are actually lord-level media materials!

This kind of media material that breeds astral creatures is not very important to him.

But for the other Royal Star Envoys, that is the most important item!

Lord-level media materials.

There is a chance that the Star Envoy will give birth to lord-level astral creatures!

If a piece of lord-level media material is released, many kings of Dust Star will go crazy.

Although this kind of media material can only be used by Royal Star Users of the same level to have the greatest chance.

Can be used beyond level——

it is also fine.

It’s just that the chance will be much lower, but there is still a chance!

If a king-level star envoy gave birth to a lord-level astral creature.

When the lord-level astral creatures grow up, they reach the lord level.

So obvious.

This is the future Lord of Dust, the King of the World!

"It's all contained in these two space rings."

He threw two space rings to the elf woman and ordered.


There are a total of four space rings on his hand.

It should have been six.

However, he sold one in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races and gave one to Zhou Xuan.

Naturally, he only had four left.

But ten days later.

Darikos' space sacred tree will grow three more space leaves, which can be turned into three space rings.

For him, this thing is a steady stream of renewable resources.

"I will obey your orders, Mr. Elder."

The elf woman bowed deeply, turned and left.

"Three motherships. Each mothership has a flowing water warrior to guard it."

"I want to take away the other two Liushui warriors."

"You transfer their highest authority to me."

Zhao Xin said without any doubt.

The Flowing Water Warrior is a terrifying robot comparable to the peak of the King Rank.

Naturally he wanted to take some away.

Although the energy is limited, this will also be his strongest guard at this stage.

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