Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 124 Get a true god-level item again!

The land is desolate.

Giant dead trees are scattered between the sky and the earth, without a trace of life.

Each giant tree is thousands of kilometers high, like a mountain range stretching across the earth, but its branches are full of cracks.

They are like majestic warriors one after another, guarding this world forever.

The world is vast.

There are also countless giant trees.

But in the center of the world, there are a large number of giant trees standing tens of thousands of kilometers high, but they are also withered and lifeless.

on the sky.

There are all kinds of space cracks densely packed, and space turbulence sweeps out, but it collapses and disappears the moment it invades this world.



In the center of a large number of giant trees tens of thousands of kilometers long.

There was a bright green light rising into the sky, turning into an endlessly gorgeous huge light pillar, as if it was going to penetrate the universe!

This brilliance is too dazzling.

next moment.

The endless green light suddenly condensed.

Condensed in the air to form an emerald green crystal.

The crystal was spinning in the air, and the green light was extremely bright, like a small green sun.

Space is broken.

Green crystals flew into it and disappeared.

Zhao Xin suddenly felt——

In the back of his mind.

Where there were originally only three items: the scroll of sacred praise, the human skin of the cursed true god, and the dragon source crystal, this green crystal appeared.

"What's this?"

The thought just crossed his mind.

There was a message transmitted to him on the green crystal.

[Wood Source Crystal: A condensed substance of the wood source energy of plant life. It is a treasure of plant life line. Millions of wood source energy can be condensed into wood source crystals. Each wood source energy can be differentiated into hundreds of wood sources. Each stream of wood energy can transform plant-like organisms into higher plant life. The more wood energy is integrated, the stronger the higher plant life transformed]

"It's actually a Muyuan crystal that has similar effects to Longyuan crystal!"

Zhao Xin's eyes lit up.

Although he has not tested the effect of Longyuan Crystal.

But it’s produced by Dream World, so it can’t be bad.

Originally it could only strengthen animal-like creatures.

Now with the wood source crystal, plant creatures can be strengthened!

This will be of great help to him in cultivating the ‘Silver Sun’.


Not just the Silver Sun.

The several major tribunals he created can really replenish some manpower.

Temporarily suppressing the joy in his heart, he looked at the ninth-level demon purified by the holy angel:

"This ninth-level demon is sneaking around here."

"Are you here to monitor those king-level beings?"

"Since the demon has been sent to monitor, it naturally has a purpose..."

His eyes flashed.

Are there really forces planning to do something while the Qingyue ruins are open?

Is it a demon?

Or the Thousand Feathers Organization of the Dark Moon Empire?

"I don't need to worry about Red Moon City."

"Only the Red Moon Queen is coming from the Red Moon Kingdom, and the rest of the royal ranks are staying behind."

“It’s true that the Tisheng Kingdom is in some danger.”

"It seems that several kings are in the ruins."

But there was nothing he could do about it.

The Tisheng Kingdom is too far away.

He didn't have an aircraft, so he might not be able to reach the Holy City in six or seven hours by flying alone.

But when he thought about it again, he felt that he was worrying too much.

What kind of existence is the Tisheng Kingdom?

It is one of the six countries in the southern continent.

Under the sweep of the demon, he still did not fall.

Although this Qianyu organization is strong, it is far inferior to the monsters on the dust star.

"If you want to come to the Holy Kingdom, you won't be unprepared."

"After all, we learned about Qianyu's organization's actions in advance."

"And the Qianyu Organization——"

"It should not be clear that the target of their operation has been exposed."

"There is calculation in mind but no intention."

"Maybe this time, the Qianyu organization will suffer a big loss."

He whispered softly to himself.

The wings spread out from behind and headed towards Haicheng.

Return to Haicheng.

It's already four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhao Xin got the news immediately.

A battle of kings broke out in Red Moon City and Tisheng City at the same time!

The twenty-two kings of Red Moon City were fighting each other. If the city protection array had not been activated in advance, most of the entire city might have been destroyed.

Thirty-four kings fought in Tisheng City with such power that it was earth-shattering. Several nearby peaks collapsed completely, and two of the three surrounding large lakes dried up.

Similarly, if the city protection array had not been activated in advance, the Holy City would have been destroyed.

The destructive power of the king level is too terrifying.

Each one has the power to destroy cities and collapse mountains.

"Three king-level kings of the God of War Empire appeared in Red Moon City, and six king-level astral creatures died, and their belongings are unknown."

"Eight kings from the God of War Empire appeared in Tisheng City. Twelve king-level astral creatures died, and their ownership is also unknown."

In the villa, Zhou Xuan told the mentioned news.


"Both the Red Moon Kingdom and the Tisheng Kingdom are prepared."

"Most of those fallen king-level astral creatures belong to the Qianyu Organization."

"Thinking about it but not doing it carefully, the Qianyu organization suffered a big loss."

Zhao Xin nodded.

Although Qianyu's organization is not weak, it has sixteen elders, guardians, and two deputy leaders.

These are the Royal Star Envoys.

Some royal star envoys——

There is far more than just a king-level star creature in your hand!

But the strength of the six countries in the southern continent is definitely not weak.

Especially the God of War Empire——

Belongs to one of the three empires of Dust Star.

And it is the empire with the most kings among the three empires of Dust Star!

"Then the Qianyu organization is frustrated, will there be any bigger actions?"

Zhou Xuan asked curiously.

"Not sure."

Zhao Xin shook his head. After all, he had only come into contact with two ninth-level Star Envoys from the Qianyu Organization.

I don't understand the Qianyu organization's behavior at all.

Some organizations -

If you are frustrated, you will stop the loss in time.

And some organizations -

If frustrated, he will become extremely crazy and will never give up until the enemy is destroyed.

The first type of organization can survive for a long time.

The second type of organization is easily feared by others, and its strength improves quickly, but it often doesn't last long.

"But this has nothing to do with us."

"The six countries in the Southern Continent are not easy people."

"Besides, the Sky City of Xu Daohong, the world's strongest man, is also in the Southern Continent."

Zhou Xuan smiled slightly, with cute dimples on her face.

"What's wrong with Silver Fierce Sun?"

Zhao Xin asked.

"All the people have been recruited."

"It's all based on your requirements. Try to recruit younger people, probably between 20 and 30 years old."

"But being young means good talent, so I increased the salary standard by 30%, otherwise I wouldn't be able to recruit him."

Zhou Xuan said.

"It's all minor issues."

"Let's go meet them."

Zhao Xin no longer cares much about the gold pound.

after all--

He is a man who owns a spaceship!

And he wanted gold pounds.

If you take out any media material that is a low-grade king-level product, it will be extremely expensive.

Think of this.

He felt a little emotional in his heart.

once Upon a time.

He is also a young man who is very passionate about money.

But how long?

He actually has no interest in money.

"I have reached the point where I regard money as dirt."

"This is an extremely high level of spiritual realm."

"Unexpectedly, I have reached such a high level without even knowing it."

He had a serious look on his face and whispered in his heart.


A hover car bursts out of the villa and heads down the driveway.

About half an hour less.

The hover car stopped at the entrance of a resort.

“This place was originally a resort, but it failed due to poor management and closed down, so I bought it.”

"It is now the residence of the Silver Sun Organization."

Zhou Xuan explained.

Zhao Xin nodded. With an organization, it is natural to have a station.

This made him quite satisfied with Zhou Xuan's ability to do things.

After all, an organization needs to be established from scratch, and there are too many trivial things.

And all this.

Zhou Xuan has already taken care of it, so he doesn't need to worry about it at all.

This feeling of letting go of the shopkeeper is really not that satisfying.


Two young men stood guarding the door. When they saw Zhou Xuan and Zhao Xin approaching, they quickly saluted.

At the same time, both of them were secretly sizing up Zhao Xin.

Who is this?

Actually standing with the leader!

"Notify the five captains and bring everyone together."

Zhou Xuan ordered.

Her expression was calm but with a touch of majesty.

It was completely different from the sweetness and cuteness in front of Zhao Xin.

But Zhao Xin is not surprised.

after all--

After Zhou Xuan's transformation, her temperament was as cold as ice and snow, and as majestic as a god.

"Yes, leader!"

The two young men quickly took orders.

They did not dare to disobey the young leader's orders.

The majesty and superiority that seemed to be inherent in the other party made them willing to obey from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems that if it is disobedient——

That is treason, that is heinous crime!

"Very aura."

Seeing the two young men jogging into the station, Zhao Xin gave Zhou Xuan a thumbs up.

"Having transformed so many times, I naturally understand..."

Zhou Xuan whispered, her face turned a little red, and she fiddled with the hem of her clothes with her little hands...

"Let's go."

Zhao Xin smiled and stepped into Baiyin Lieyang's residence.

Training Course.

Three men and two women stood at the front.

Behind each person stood a fourth-level Star Envoy, four third-level Star Envoys, and ten second-level Star Envoys.

Five teams.

Each team consists of sixteen people, including the captain and deputy captain.

"I heard that the leader brought a young man here?"

"And you're still standing with the leader?"

The captain of the second team is a young man wearing a blue robe, a snow-white cloak, and a one-eyed patch.

He crossed his arms and smiled softly, with a meaningful meaning.

His name is ‘Kai Ya Bai Qi Lagu’. He is twenty-six years old and is already a fourth-level Star Envoy. He can be considered a little genius.

"I think it might be the employer?"

"Our Baiyin Lieyang has been established for many days, but we haven't had a single business yet."

"Is the leader looking for a job for us?"

Next to him, a man wearing a black coat and flaming red hair touched his chin and guessed.

He is the captain of the third team, named 'Dick Mondace'. He is also 26 years old and a fourth-level Star Envoy.

"You don't need to talk about the chief's matters."

"You just need to mind your own business."

The captain of the first team spoke. His voice was not cold, but it had a dangerous aura.

She was wearing a lady's hat, a blue skirt and stockings, and said calmly.

Kai Ya and Dick immediately closed their eyes and stopped talking.


And just then.

A crisp phoenix cry echoed through the entire station.

The heat wave rolled in, making people wonder if they suddenly arrived at the crater.

Everyone was startled and looked along the sound.

Then everyone was stunned, their mouths opened wide, and they looked ahead in horror.

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