Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 125 The terrifying effect of Longyuan Crystal!

Red divine fire burned in the air.

A bright red light swept across the sky and earth.

The phoenix spreads its wings, like a divine bird from ancient mythology suspended in the air, radiant and brilliant like the blazing sun.

The flames are cheering, jumping for joy, and surrendering to their great king.

The entire site seemed to have turned into a world of flame energy, and all other energy was suppressed and expelled.

The phoenix held its head proudly, its body was extremely beautiful, its phoenix feathers danced gently in the wind, bringing with it brilliant light.

Zhao Xin stood on the back of the Phoenix, looking down at the dumbfounded and horrified members of the Silver Lieyang below.

His clothes were simple.

Just an ordinary white robe.

But his black hair was shawl, and his eyes seemed to be shining with the brilliance of the stars and the moon, yet he had an astonishing majesty.

Especially against the backdrop of the phoenix, it looks like a terrifying god coming out of mythology!

"from now on--"

"I am your leader."

"As a member of the Silver Sun, you should be loyal to the Silver Sun and to me."

Zhao Xin spoke.

He has used the soul magic 'Slavery' to its maximum extent.

There are a total of eighty people in Baiyin Lieyang.

The reason why he summoned the phoenix was to create a terrifying power that no one could resist, so that he could subdue all eighty people at once.


Around the station.

They are all shrouded in the space domain of the Silver Sky Snake, isolating everything in the station.


The appearance of the phoenix and the terrifying power of the blazing flames that burn the sky will instantly shock the entire sea city.

It will even cause the temperature of the entire sea city to rise sharply. Just like the second round of scorching sun, ordinary people will sweat profusely and become dehydrated quickly.

"from now on--"

"He is your leader, and I am your deputy leader."

Zhou Xuan had transformed, with the azure wings spread out behind her, holding an ice and snow staff with outstanding temperament, she floated next to Zhao Xin and spoke.

Seeing Zhou Xuan's change, everyone was in a daze again.

Although there were eighty people present, all of them were Royal Star Envoys.

He is an extraordinary person who has entered the virtual world and has experienced extraordinary things.

But looking at the Phoenix flying across the sky, the flames burned the sky.

Looking at Zhou Xuan's wings shining brightly, she looks like a goddess of ice and snow.

Looking at Zhao Xin standing on top of the Phoenix, he looked like an ancient god.

Everyone is still extremely shocked and incredible.

And at this time——

This is also the best time for soul magic to work.

Everyone's souls are in a sluggish, blank stage, completely suppressed.

Zhao Xin directly implanted the will of 'loyal to me, loyal to the Silver Sun', 'never betray, must be loyal', etc. into the minds and souls of these people.

"It's a pity that the soul magic 'Slavery' only reaches the third level."

"If I can reach the fourth level, then with one look from me, I can make all these people surrender."

"There's no need to go to such trouble, just guide him slowly."

He whispered in his heart.


He only implanted the will to be loyal to himself, loyal to the Silver Sun, and unable to betray into the souls of these people.

Nothing else has changed.

They are still who they are.

Moreover, before entering the Silver Sun, an agreement had been signed, and one must be loyal to the leader and the Silver Sun.

The high salary of the Royal Star Envoy organization is not that easy to get.

Basically all Royal Star organizations require loyalty from their members.

His current ‘hypnosis’——

It only strengthens this effect.

Make sure there won't be any betrayers.

So he doesn't have any psychological burden on this.

Not to mention——

He will also work hard to train these people.

The clock is ticking.

The phoenix spreads its wings across the sky, and the flames are as brilliant as the blazing sun.

Zhao Xin looked down at everyone, and his special mental power used the soul magic 'Slavery', constantly strengthening the will to be loyal, making everyone feel loyal from the depths of their souls, and then gradually stopped.

Not only that.

He also added a layer of shackles to everyone's soul.

Anyone who wants to get information from their soul will trigger this shackles and the soul will be annihilated.

After all, he himself has obtained too many secrets from the souls of his enemies many times.

Naturally, we have to guard against this layer.

"The captain of the first team, 'Lina Eve', has met the leader!"

"The captain of the second team, 'Kaia Baiqilagu', has met the leader!"

"The captain of the third team, 'Dick Mondace', has met the leader!"

"The captain of the fourth team, 'Ye Yiren', has met the leader!"

"The captain of the fifth team, 'Wang Qi', has met the leader!"

About an hour and a half later.

Zhao Xin had summoned the phoenix back to the star realm, and stood on the ground, looking at the five captains saluting him in front of him.

These five people——

Zhou Xuan introduced them to him.

Lina, Kai Ya, and Dick are all twenty-six years old and have reached the fourth level of Star Envoy.

Ye Yiren and Wang Qi were even more astonishing. They had already reached the fourth level of Star Envoy at the age of twenty-five.

The salary of the five people is the maximum of one hundred pounds per month.

The purchasing power of one pound is equivalent to that of ten thousand dollars on earth.

A monthly income of one hundred pounds would mean a monthly income of one million pounds on earth, and an annual income of twelve million pounds.

Absolutely high salary.

"Lina, summon your astral creatures."

Zhao Xin ordered.

The soul magic 'enslavement' has been completed, and there is no doubt about the loyalty of the members in front of them.


He is about to start a major transformation.


Lina was very respectful and did not hesitate to summon all the astral creatures.

She is a fourth-level Star Envoy, and naturally has four astral creatures.


Four astral creatures appeared in front.

She obviously favors the thunder and lightning type. Three of the four astral creatures are of the thunder and lightning type.

They are the low-level creature Thunder Wolf, the mid-level creature Thunder Mage, and the mid-level creature Thunder Two-Headed Snake.

And a fire-type mid-level astral creature, the Flame Piranha.

"Two animals and one plant."

"On the contrary, we can test the effects of Longyuan Crystal and Muyuan Crystal."

Zhao Xin looked at the four astral creatures in front of him and was quite satisfied.

He walked towards Thunder Wolf step by step.

Lei Lang looked at Zhao Xin and growled uneasily.

However, with Lina comforting him, Thunder Wolf would not attack Zhao Xin.

"Let's take a look at the effect of a dragon's energy first."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

He stretched out a hand and pressed it on Thunder Wolf's forehead.

next moment--

Deep in his mind, the Dragon Origin Crystal flashed slightly.

One of the Dragon Origin Qi shook slightly and was directly transformed into a hundred Dragon Qi.

A stream of dragon energy flew out, followed Zhao Xin's arm, and rushed into Thunder Wolf's forehead.


Thunder Wolf suddenly raised his head.

The terrifying blood energy rushed out of the Thunder Wolf's body in an instant, and the blood energy turned into mist, covering the Thunder Wolf!

That is the purest and most original dragon blood!

This kind of dragon blood—

Any drake would be extremely eager.

"Chief, what happened to Thunder Wolf?"

Lina looked at all this in surprise, a little worried.

"I'm transforming it into a dragon beast, please be patient."

Zhao Xin said calmly.

Transform into a dragon beast?

Can a wolf be transformed into a dragon?

All the members of Baiyin Lieyang present were shocked and looked at each other in disbelief.

This is really incredible for them.

Dragon beast what is that?

It is one of the strongest races among the astral creatures!

Moreover, the lowest level of dragon beasts are all mid-level astral creatures.

Among the same level, dragon beasts are also much more powerful than other astral creatures!

If any Star Controller could give birth to a dragon beast, it would be exciting enough.

Not to mention——

Most dragon beasts are actually high-level astral creatures!



The thunder wolf roared in pain and excitement.

The blood of the Dragon Clan is misty.

But everyone still sees——

In the blood.

Thunder Wolf's size is expanding!

The head is also gradually changing, and dragon horns are sprouting from the forehead!


The lightning flashed on the dragon's horns, and the shocking lightning was very scary.

The hair on his body was also falling away, and pieces of cold purple scales appeared out of nowhere.

The wolf's tail becomes thicker and larger.

There are also scales on it.

The hind legs become thick and powerful, and the two front paws become flexible and no longer step on the ground.

There is a lot of blood surging on the back.

Shortly after.

A pair of purple wings grew out, extremely strong.

"...Dragon beast!"

"I really turned into a dragon beast!"

All the members of Silver Sun were stunned.

A thunder wolf——

Right under their noses, it transformed into a dragon beast that was over six meters tall and over twelve meters long!

"hold head high!!"

The blood of the dragon clan was completely absorbed by the Thunderdragon that had completed its transformation, and it roared with excitement.

"Give me all the information about him."

Zhao Xin looked calm and looked at the stunned captain of the first team, Lina.

"...Huh? Yes!"

Lina woke up with a start. While she was shocked, she was also greatly surprised.

Dragon beast!

She actually has a dragon beast!

Without hesitation.

She summoned Thunderdramon back to the star realm, and then began to check Thunderdramon's information.

"A burst of dragon energy."

"Transform the thunder wolf of a lower-level astral creature into the ThunderGreymon of an upper-level astral creature."

"However, it is not the top high-level astral creature, but the eighth-level growth limit."

"Keep trying."

"Let's see how far two dragon auras can improve it."

Zhao Xin said to himself when he got the contextual information that Lina gave him.

The power of dragon energy did not disappoint him at all.

It's just a burst of dragon energy.

He actually created a dragon beast that could reach the eighth level of growth!

A dragon beast that has reached the eighth level of its growth limit.

This would be extremely enviable in any kingdom.

Looking at ThunderGreymon in front of him who was still adapting to his new body and new strength, he stepped forward again.

Seeing his arrival, ThunderGreymon no longer had any vigilance. Instead, it quickly lowered its head, just like a pet dog wagging its tail to its owner on the roadside and begging for mercy.

Lina stood aside and watched, the corners of her mouth twitching uncontrollably.

Zhao Xin put her hand on ThunderGreymon's forehead.

A move of faith.

Another dragon energy flew out and rushed towards the ThunderGreymon in front of him.


A large amount of the purest and purest dragon blood once again filled the air, covering ThunderGreymon!

"hold head high!"

ThunderGreymon let out an excited groan.

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