Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 126 The birth of eighty kings! Invincible organization!

About half a quarter of an hour.

The blood that enveloped ThunderGreymon disappeared.

A terrifying dragon beast that had become eight meters tall and sixteen meters long, with sword-like horns on its back and cold and sharp wings appeared in front of everyone.

Compared to the previous ThunderGreymon.

The terrifying dragon beast in front of them gave everyone a sense of suffocation just as it appeared.

Terrifying thunder surrounds this terrifying dragon beast, and the dragon horns on its head point upward, making it look extremely powerful and domineering.

"This is--"

"Thunder Tyrannosaurus King!"

"Legendary pseudo-king-level astral creature!"

Someone recognized it and gasped in horror.

"Pseudo-king-level astral creature!"

"Thunder Tyrannosaurus King!"

"Hiss! From a low-level astral creature, Thunder Wolf, after two transformations, he turned into a pseudo-king-level astral creature, Thunder Tyrannosaurus King!"

"The leader's ability is simply unpredictable!"

The members named Baiyin Lieyang were all shocked.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, none of them would have dared to believe such a thing.

A low-level astral creature, the thunder wolf.

Within a short period of time.

He transformed directly into the Thunder Tyrannosaurus King, a pseudo-king-level astral creature? !

What a terrifying, incredible change!

Pseudo king level.

To them, it is basically a legend.

their whole life.

Even the most talented people have no hope of reaching the pseudo-king level.

The most, the most——

In other words, being able to be promoted to the level of a high-level Star Master is considered extremely lucky.

Even most——

In this life, the most he can do is become a fifth-level or sixth-level Star Envoy.

And now.

But in front of them.

The leader directly transformed one of Captain Lina's astral creatures into a pseudo-king level!

Everyone's eyes became hot at this moment.


Is there also a chance to be cultivated by the leader and transform the astral creatures into pseudo-kings? !

"Pseudo King Level!"

"I actually have a pseudo-king-level astral creature!"

Lina, the captain of the first team, was completely confused.

She looked at the ferocious Thunder Tyrannosaurus King in front of her and felt extremely unreal in her heart.

Never thought about it.

One day she will possess a pseudo-king-level astral creature.

This is so dreamy and incredible.

Even if it is just a dream.

She only dares to dream of owning a ninth-level astral creature in the future.

"Doesn't it mean——"

"I will definitely become a super-limited existence in the future?"

"I am not favored in the family and belong to a side branch."

"My status is low, so I came to Silver Sun."

"But now, I have a pseudo-king-level astral creature!"

"The entire Eve family, the strongest old patriarch, is only a super-limited existence."


"Will I become the same level as the old patriarch?"

"At that time, the Eve family will probably ask me to go back with the most solemn etiquette."

Various thoughts flashed through Lina's mind.

Excitement, excitement, anxiety, confusion and other emotions kept appearing on her face.

For a Star Envoy like her.

Pseudo-king-level astral creatures are too far away.

It’s so far away that it’s simply out of reach!

"Two dragon auras transformed into a pseudo-king-level Thunder Tyrannosaurus King."

"Try three more dragon auras."

Zhao Xin didn't have much expression on his face and said to himself.

He raised his hand slightly.

The Thunder Tyrannosaurus King quickly lowered his ferocious dragon head, his eyes filled with anticipation.

With two successive transformations.

His soul also became stronger and his wisdom became higher.

It is very clear that the reason why he has undergone such a shocking transformation is because of the creature in front of him that makes him awe from the bottom of his heart!

The third dragon energy surged out of Zhao Xin's mind and entered the Thunder Tyrannosaurus King's body.


The blood reappears.

All the members of the Silver Sun fell silent, holding their breaths and staring at the Thunder Tyrannosaurus King without blinking.

Still need to transform!

They were extremely excited.

The pseudo-king level transforms again——

What level will it be?

An earth-shattering term came to their minds.

King's order!

In dust stars.

Any king-level being is aloof and overlooks the world.

It is also the pillar supporting the sky of any country and is respected and awe-inspiring by hundreds of millions of people.

That exists.

It can destroy cities and mountains, cut off long rivers, and make the most terrifying waterfalls flow backwards.

It is a terrifying existence that goes beyond the imagination of ordinary Star Masters.

And now——

Are they about to witness the appearance of such a being?

It felt unreal to everyone.

After all, he watched helplessly as a low-level astral creature, Thunder Wolf, transformed into an upper-level astral creature, ThunderGreymon, and a pseudo-king-level astral creature, ThunderGreymon.

Now it is very likely that it is transforming into a true king-level star realm creature!

Who wouldn’t be shocked and disbelieving?

But the facts are right in front of us.

Another half-quarter of an hour passed.

After the blood and energy dissipated, a terrifying dragon beast with a height of fifteen meters and a body length of nearly thirty meters appeared in front of everyone.

Fifteen meters high, that’s close to the height of a five-story building!

Standing in front of everyone, he looked like a small mountain standing tall.

The mammoth pressure made everyone breathe quickly.

That's Longwei!

"hold head high!!"

The transformed Thunder Tyrannosaurus King let out an excited dragon roar.


At this time, it can no longer be called the Thunder Tyrannosaurus King.

But it can already be called the real dragon clan.

A brontosaurus!

"I have truly become a king-level star creature!"

"Thunder Dragon! The legendary Thunder Dragon!"

"It's unbelievable. A thunder wolf actually turned into a thunder dragon!!"

One of the members named Baiyin Lieyang couldn't help but lost his voice.

Their faces were full of shock, excitement, excitement, disbelief, etc.


"King-level astral creature!"

"I actually have a king-level astral creature!"

Lina was in disbelief again.

Her body was trembling slightly.

King's order!

When the Eve family was at its strongest, there was no king-level existence!

But she had it in a short time.

Even the current thunder dragon is far from reaching the king level.

But as long as you continue to grow, you can easily reach the king level!

"King-level astral creature."

"It's just a one-star king level."

"Can three dragon qi create a one-star king-level dragon?"

"There are only three things. Three dragon auras are the real dragon clan."

Zhao Xin was thoughtful.

But although it is a real dragon clan.

But it is definitely the lowest bloodline among the dragon clan.

The limit of growth is only one star king level.

It is basically impossible to break through the limit and reach the two-star king level.

"Keep trying."

"What is the effect of the four dragon energies?"

His eyes flashed.

Without giving everyone time to recover from the shock, he stretched out his right hand again.

Thunder Dragon was very sensible, and the dragon's head brought out the phantom, and it immediately bowed respectfully in front of Zhao Xin.

In a pair of dragon eyes, except for the thunder and lightning that filled the air, the rest was filled with awe.

The dragon clan formed by the transformation of dragon source crystals.

They will be forever affected by the Dragon Source Crystal.


The fourth dragon energy rushed into the Thunder Dragon's body.

Suddenly the thunder dragon burst out with an excited roar, and its body changed again.

However, the change in appearance this time is not big, it is just taller, longer, and the thunder and lightning that permeates the body is stronger.

"Two-star king level."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

He used his mental power to carefully explore the Thunder Dragon's body and came to this conclusion.

As long as the thunder dragon in front of him grows up smoothly, it can reach the level of two-star king.

"Start from the King's level."

"Can a dragon energy be raised to a small level?"

"in other words."

"That is to say, it takes a total of eleven dragon energy to transform into a dragon who can grow to the limit of nine-star king level?"

He already understood the effect of dragon energy in his heart.

This made him very satisfied.

The dragon energy is too strong!

It's just four steps, and it transforms into a dragon that can grow to the limit of two-star king level!

Although it is still far away from the king level.

But it shouldn't take long.

You can truly grow up and be promoted to king level!

And there are king-level astral creatures in his body.

It will also become easy for the Star Envoy to upgrade his level.

After all, the combat power is much higher than one's own, and the cultivation multiplier will be extremely terrifying.

A thousand miles a day is not enough to describe it.

Not to mention.

You can also use the power of king-level astral creatures to naturally practice faster.

"I will prepare a batch of thunder demon cores for you."

"Let it be raised to the level of king as soon as possible."


"All of this is earned by your loyalty."

"I need you to do your best to do things for me."

He said to Lina who was in a daze, his voice calm.

"I am willing to die for the leader!"

"I, Lina Eve, swear that if I betray the leader and the Silver Sun, I will be pierced by thousands of arrows and die!"

Lina took a deep breath, knelt down on one knee towards Zhao Xin, and said extremely solemnly.

"very good."


"I will transform your astral creatures one by one."

Zhao Xin spoke.

He is at this stage.

We are only prepared to transform one astral creature for each member of the Silver Fierce Sun.

The captain is a three-star king.

Vice-captain, two-star king level.

Ordinary members are one star king level.

Time passed as he kept transforming various dragon astral creatures.

If it weren't for the Silver Sky Snake forming the realm of space.

The appearance of this famous dragon clan will definitely shock Haicheng.

Then the Red Moon Kingdom was shaken, and the whole world was shaken!

Dragons are so rare.

There are hundreds of king-level star envoys on the dust star.

However, there are not many kings who can possess dragon astral creatures.

The Dragon Clan has always been known for its terrifying combat prowess.

Among the same level.

The Dragon Clan has absolutely few opponents.

The appearance of any dragon astral creature is enough to make all kings feel envious.

Five captains.

Five vice-captains.

Seventy ordinary members.

Each possesses a dragon astral creature.

Beast-like astral creatures are all too common.

They are the largest species of astral creatures.

There is no one among the eighty members of Silver Fierce Sun who is not without one.

He also tried the Muyuan Crystal once.

Still the captain of the first team, Lina.

Lina's flaming piranha——

Transformed into the king-level star realm creature ‘Sky Fire Thousand Stars Flower’!

This is an extremely terrifying plant-like astral creature.

None of this has ever appeared in the history of the Dust Star.

With a thousand flowers burning with terrible flames, it can swallow up everything and burn it to nothing.

And as a plant-like astral creature, it is extremely large.

It is only the seventh lower level, already three hundred meters high, and the sky fire flowers can even extend nearly five hundred meters!

"A large number of demon cores are still needed to allow Silver Fierce Sun to fully grow."

"By the time--"

"They are all astral creatures with king-level combat power."

Zhao Xin had a smile on his face.

Such an organization of Royal Star Envoys.

Among the dust stars, it is simply the gods who stand in the way of the gods, and the Buddhas who stand in the way of the Buddhas!


This is almost his limit.

He also experimented.

I want to give the thunder dragon the potential to integrate into the sixth dragon energy and transform into a four-star king.

But this time the integration was not successful.

Instead, the Brontosaurus' body almost collapsed.

This also made Zhao Xin understand.

There are limits to integrating dragon energy.

It is not possible to integrate infinitely.


He was still not sure whether the Thunder Dragon's body had reached its limit or whether it was the limit of integrating too much dragon energy in a short period of time.

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