Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 127 The seriously injured Chen Mingyue, an astral creature!

"It requires a lot of demon cores..."

Zhao Xin pondered.

Now these astral creatures in Silver Fierce Sun have realms but no power.

This requires a lot of power.

The demon core is one of the most important resources.

This is why.

Everyone wants to breed astral beings with higher potential.

For example, those geniuses gave birth to eighth-level astral creatures for the first time.

An astral creature with such potential.

As long as you have a lot of resources, you can quickly reach the eighth level.


The resources required for this will be massive.

The faster you want to reach the limit of your potential, the more resources you need.

Such as those geniuses.

I want the astral creatures to reach the eighth level as quickly as possible.

At least twenty eighth-level demon cores of the same attributes are needed.

This is worth about 60,000 pounds.

Extremely expensive.

Therefore, even geniuses rarely use this method to improve astral creatures.

And there are so many eighth-level demon cores with the same attribute.

Even if you have money, it is difficult to buy it on Dust Star.

Therefore, it is necessary to slow down and only provide medium and low-level demon cores of the same attribute.

The money required is significantly reduced.

Of course, the time required will also increase significantly.

If twenty eight-level demon heart cores of the same attribute are provided, it may be possible to upgrade to the eighth level in a month or two.

And provide medium and low-level demon cores of the same attribute.

It will probably take two or three years to reach the eighth level.

But the money needed——

Three or four thousand pounds will suffice.

In a word -

To improve quickly, spend money.

The faster the improvement, the more expensive it is!

Most geniuses would rather spend more time.

"And to be promoted to the king level as quickly as possible——"

Zhao Xin only did some calculations and knew that it was a huge number.

Dragons with the potential of one-star king level must be promoted to one-star king level as quickly as possible——

It requires almost twenty yuan for a one-star king-level demon core.

And a one-star king-level demon core is worth between 100,000 and 120,000 ancient life coins in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races!

Twenty yuan——

That’s 2 million to 2.4 million ancient life coins!

"At least two million ancient life coins can raise an astral creature with the potential of a one-star king to the limit of the potential of a one-star king in one or two months..."

"And among the Silver Fierce Sun, there are seventy one-star king-level potential dragons who need to be promoted..."

He was completely speechless.

Where can I get so many ancient life coins?

Dalekos' Space Sacred Tree is very powerful.

Three space leaves and one elementary teleportation scroll can be condensed in ten days.

The space ring transformed from the space leaf was last auctioned for 320,000 ancient life coins.

That is to say——

At least seven space rings are needed to cultivate a one-star king-level dragon in the shortest possible time!

"That's not right either..."

"The last auction, the space ring did not indicate that it could contain items with weak vitality..."

"If this item is added, the price will definitely rise a lot."

"But no matter how much the price skyrockets, I don't have a few space rings to take action on."

He shook his head.

And if you don't prepare so many king-level demon cores, you can upgrade the members of Silver Fierce Sun as quickly as possible.

The money required will naturally be greatly reduced.

Maybe one hundred thousand ancient life coins would be enough for a one-star king-level dragon.

But it will take two to three years or even four to five years to be promoted to the one-star king level.

Such a long time--

It doesn't have much effect.

"We still have to find a way to get a lot of ancient life coins."

he mused.

As long as there are ancient coins of life.

With the terrifying size of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, it is impossible to lack the king-level demon cores he needs.

The only bad thing now is——

It’s the ancient coin of life!

"It's time to make use of that shop in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races..."

Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and he quickly made a decision.

In order to cultivate a group of truly useful subordinates.

He was going to bleed for real.

In his hand.

There are so many items of incredible value.

The dragon energy of ‘Dragon Source Crystal’.

The wood energy of ‘wood source crystallization’.

King-level and lord-level media and spaceships obtained from the Qingyue.

The space leaves and primary teleportation scrolls grown from the 'Dalikos' Space Sacred Tree'.

The promotion liquid in the ‘Hao Feisi’s Promotion Pool’.

These can be exchanged for a lot of wealth.

Leaving Zhou Xuan and Silver Sky Snake in Baiyin Lieyang Station, he went back alone.

The hover car was left to Zhou Xuan, who stood at the entrance of the resort and took a taxi.



Zhao Xin's heart moved slightly.

He raised his right hand.

At this time, the communication watch lit up, and the words 'Chen Mingyue' were displayed on it.

"Chen Mingyue..."

He raised an eyebrow.

What does this female coach who taught him swordsmanship for ten days want to do with him?

After the two completed the last transaction, they had no contact again.

Although he occasionally gets curious.

Did this beautiful coach practice the special method recorded on the stone tablet and transform into a lower-level astral creature, a 'swordsman'?

But he wouldn't go out of his way to take a look just out of curiosity.

most of the time.

Trouble is caused by curiosity.

He pondered for a moment.

He connected the communication and said with a smile:

"Beautiful coach, why are you looking for me when you have time?"

The person on the other side of the communication line was silent for a while.

Only then came a very weak female voice:

"Zhao...Zhao Xin..."

"Can you come over here..."

"I...have a problem here..."


After just three words, rapid and weak breathing came from the other side.

It feels like I might die at any moment.


Zhao Xin frowned and agreed.

Although there is not much friendship.

But at least we got to know each other.

You can't ask the other party for help, but he still refuses to help you, right?

"Could it be that he was seriously injured by practicing the cultivation method on that special stone tablet?"

"But there should be no problem with the cultivation method..."

He whispered in his heart.

He stretched out his hand to stop a hover car and headed directly to No. 19 Ping'an Street.

Looking at the three-story villa in front of me.

He rang the doorbell.

The villa door opens.

He went inside.

However, I just walked into the living room, which had all the curtains drawn, making it extremely dark.

He was in a daze, looking at the figure lying on the sofa.

Chen Mingyue has no clothes on her body, her skin is as white as snow, her legs are long and slender, her figure is breathtaking, and her three thousand black hair spreads like a waterfall on the back of her head.


What's happening here?

Zhao Xin was a little stunned.

You asked me to come over and you were lying on the sofa like this? !

I am a serious person——

Is it up?

Or go up?

"'re here..."


Chen Mingyue's pale and bloodless face showed a blush, and she turned to look at Zhao Xin:

"I'm sorry to let you see such a scene..."

Zhao Xin had a serious look on her face, stared at Chen Mingyue, frowned and said:

"what happened?"

His keen mental power can sense it.

Chen Mingyue's fire of life is very weak.

Just like those who are terminally ill, it seems that they may die at any time.

"I...according to the cultivation method in that article, I just successfully transformed into a 'swordsman'..."

"But suddenly, everything in all directions seemed to be squeezing towards me..."

"It hit me hard right away."

"I don't dare to let others know about this kind of thing. I can only ask you to come over..."

"If you can't help it, I can only accept the fate of death..."

Chen Mingyue said weakly.

She doesn't even have the ability to sit up now.

If not.

She would definitely not meet Zhao Xin like this.

Thinking of what I am now.

The blush on her face became a little thicker, and even gradually spread to her neck.

"After you transformed into a swordsman, everything from all directions pressed against you?"

Zhao Xin was puzzled.

This sounds like -

Something like the squeezing of the original energy of heaven and earth?

But the original power of heaven and earth, why is this happening?

"Is it possible——"

"Can't ordinary humans transform into astral creatures?"

Thoughts raced through his mind.

At this moment.

Something occurred to him.

Whether it's Zhou Xuan or Zhao Yan.

They themselves should have special physiques, so they were selected by the Seven Gods Hermitage and Bailing Cult to transform into monsters.


There are so many people in the world.

Why did the Seven Gods Hermitage and the Bailing Sect choose them instead of others?

"Transforming astral creatures is probably similar to transforming demons..."

"The conditions may even be more stringent..."

"Chen Mingyue obviously doesn't have the right special physique."

"The cultivation method recorded on the stone tablet may be missing the most important piece."

"About special physiques..."

he mused.

Although it was just his guess.

But he felt that the possibility was not small.

However, these have no effect on the situation at hand.

He looked at the dying Chen Mingyue in front of him and frowned.


How to do it?

Take out the scroll of ‘Holy Praise’ and use it once?

The pure energy scroll "Holy Praise" obtained from the dream world belongs to the lower true god level.

Very high level.

Far beyond the king level, I don’t know how much.

Naturally, Chen Mingyue can be cured easily.


He and Chen Mingyue were not related, so why did they spend so much money to save each other?

After all.

Chen Mingyue taught him the ten-day swordsmanship.

He also paid according to the price of the 'Jianyi Martial Arts School'.

I don't owe Chen Mingyue any favors.

Deciphering the special slate is also what the other party wants.

What the other party is now has little to do with him.

The preciousness of 'Holy Praise' is far more precious than the entire dust star.

He was unwilling to use the 'Holy Praise' to save Chen Mingyue.

Let the holy angel come out and save Chen Mingyue?

This is too dangerous.

He said in the ruins of Qingyue——

He is the senior magistrate of the Tribunal of Light, ‘Juya Isabel’.

Once the Holy Angel appeared.

Saw by Chen Mingyue.

Maybe it will be revealed that he is the senior judge of the Tribunal of Light, Juya Isabel.

Although it may be extremely small.

But he couldn't risk it.

After all, the appearance of the holy angel is too representative.

The legendary angel will shock everyone.

Hypnosis to erase the other person's memory?

This is a method.

But the Silver Sky Snake is not with him, and the Holy Angel appears in the sea city, and it is still not safe.

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