Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 129 The Fallen Angel’s First Time

In the star realm.

Chen Mingyue appeared out of thin air.

Before she could react, three pairs of angel wings as black as ink, carrying endless evil and corrupt power, enveloped her.

A terrifying black light erupted, sweeping all around.

The evil is profound and leads to depravity.

In the star realm.

The holy angel suddenly spread his wings, his face was extremely serious, the angel scepter in his hand bloomed with divine light, and he whispered:

"Fallen Angel..."

"It's actually a fallen angel..."

A strange look appeared on Zhao Yan's face, and a deathly gray light flowed from the angel sword in her hand.


"The holy angels, the angels of death, and the fallen angels are all here."

Medusa's enchanting face showed a hint of amusement, and she looked at it leisurely.

The other little skeletons, Thunder Titan, and Phoenix also looked at it.

Zhao Xin's figure appeared in the star realm.

He looked at the area shrouded by the dark evil power, and could only vaguely see three pairs of fallen wings flying across the sky, without much expression on his face.

No matter what the force is.

As long as it becomes an astral creature, it will not harm the Star Master.

No matter how evil and depraved the power is.

It is also a power under control!

"But although evil, it is an extremely pure evil."

"Rather than the chaotic, brutal and violent evil."

"This evil power is just a pure power."

"There is no difference between the divine power, the power of thunder, the power of fire, etc."

He sensed it carefully and gradually understood in his heart.

As for why Chen Mingyue attracted the fallen angels in the dream world.

He guessed——

This may be because Chen Mingyue took the initiative to transform from a human into an astral creature.

For the human race, this is not a kind of depravity!

It is no different from a holy angel who takes the initiative to fall into the abyss and becomes a fallen angel.

time flies.

The dark power of evil and depravity surged.

The astonishing aura centered on Chen Mingyue and swept around, vast and without any cover.

If the divine power is full of domineering.

Then the power of evil and depravity is full of fusion.

This kind of power moistens things silently, as if it can be integrated into all powers, quietly leading people to fall into darkness.


The dark mist dispersed.

Chen Mingyue was suspended in mid-air.

She was wearing a black armor, holding an angel sword, and a pair of jet-black wings were gently flapping behind her.

Black mist steamed up from her body, making her look both evil and extremely strange and majestic.

This is the fallen angel!

At this time, Chen Mingyue has completely transformed into a fallen angel from the abyss!

And all injuries have recovered.

She fell from the air and stood in front of Zhao Xin, looking a little dazed.


She felt unimaginable power within herself.

She felt——

Even if there is a mountain in front of her, she can cut it with one sword!

"Zhao Xin..."

"What exactly is going on?"

"I actually fused three pairs of fallen angel wings and became a fallen angel from mythology and legend?"

She looked at Zhao Xin in front of her and said.

But soon.

She discovered that something was wrong with the creatures in the star world.

What was it about that body that was filled with divine light and made her feel disgusted from the bottom of her heart?

Could it be the angel of light in myths and legends?

In addition, wasn't the existence that surged with deathly gray radiance the Haicheng Angel that was widely rumored to have saved Haicheng and Tai'an City?

That divine bird covered in flames is the phoenix in myths and legends?

Looking at the astral creature, she was shocked.


Are they all Zhao Xin's astral creatures?

Oh my god——

What kind of existence is my Star Envoy? How come there are so many terrifying mythical beings as star creatures!


He actually transformed into a fallen angel in mythical life.

"As you can see."

"You are now a fallen angel."

"As for the origin of the fallen angel wings, you don't need to know."

Zhao Xin spoke.

He looked at the fallen angel Chen Mingyue in front of him, feeling very satisfied in his heart.

Another general!


He opened Chen Mingyue's message.

[Name: Unknown]

[Attribute: Abyss System]

[Level: Unknown]

[Level: lower level five]

[Combat power: 12.3]

[Abilities: Control of Evil, Domain of Evil, Fallen Angel Armor, Fallen Angel Sword, Fallen Punishment, Abyss Punishment, Fallen Angel Combat Techniques, Fallen Storm, Evil Light, River of Sword Qi, Control Evil, Summon Demon, Fall Heavenly Sword (not mastered), Abyss Blessing (not mastered)...]

"12.3 combat power, two-star king level."

"Almost like a holy angel."

A smile appeared on Zhao Xin's lips.

Another two-star king!


He already has three two-star kings under his command!

Moreover, the Death Angels Zhao Yan, Medusa, and Zhou Xuan are not far behind the two-star king level.

"Follow me out first."

he ordered.

A thought came to my mind.

He and Chen Mingyue disappeared into the star realm.


Chen Mingyue changed into an ordinary bathrobe at home.

However, I don't know if it was due to the transformation into a fallen angel. At this time, Chen Mingyue had an extremely strange allure all over her body.

This is different from the naturally enchanting temptation of Medusa.

This is an evil temptation.

The bathrobe on her body was just tied casually, as if it would open to both sides with just a slight tug.

As she moved around, a pair of legs as white as jade were revealed, with a huge opening.

"Zhao Xin..."

"Do you want……"

Chen Mingyue leaned on Zhao Xin and exhaled like blue.

Without saying a word, Zhao Xin picked up Chen Mingyue and walked directly to the room.

the next day.

Zhao Xin left Chen Mingyue's home.

Chen Mingyue still maintains her original identity.

Secretly responsible for forming the "Fallen Church" and spreading the beliefs of fallen angels.

The power of faith is amazing.

Only Death Angel Zhao Yan can collect it alone, which is naturally far from enough.

Chen Mingyue is not bad at ability.

And there are also social relationships.

After all, he was once a sword master, which had a high status among ordinary people.

To spread the faith.

Far simpler than him pulling out the Holy Angel.

"But maybe we can make a deal with the Red Moon Empress."

"Let the Red Moon Kingdom official preach for the Holy Angels..."

He pondered this possibility in his mind.

Three angels.

They are all able to receive the power of faith and are extremely easy to be accepted by others.

after all--

The legend of angels has a long history.

This legend is even more popular.

If Medusa were allowed to spread faith, it would definitely be far less convenient than angels.


He already has two drops of the power of faith in his hand.

He has experimented -

A drop of power of faith can basically increase the power of a king-level creature by two small levels, and it takes one minute.

That is to say——

Just use a drop of the power of faith.

Then the little skeleton of the two-star king level can be increased to the four-star king level!

Although it only lasts for one minute, it is still a four-star king level, which is absolutely terrifying.

The terrifying power of faith is evident.


The Holy Angel introduced it to him.

The greater the number of Power of Faith, the stronger the effect.

For example, a drop of the power of faith can increase the level of a two-star king to a four-star king for one minute.

But a hundred drops of the power of faith can increase the level of a two-star king to a five-star king for one hundred minutes!

This super energy.

Even for a true god, it is very important and is one of the energies that transforms divine power.

"Step by step."

"For now, let's upgrade everyone in Baiyin Lieyang to the title level."

His eyes flashed and he returned to the villa at No. 15 Bell Street.

Sitting cross-legged under the sacred space tree of Dalikos, he headed towards the Holy City of All Nations.

There are no changes in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Still the same.

There was plenty to see with participants of all races on the streets.

But all of them are Star Envoy civilizations.

Creatures from demon civilization, mechanical civilization, and god civilization will not appear in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

This is an amazing place unique to the Star Envoy civilization.

"Raise Gu."

"The Holy City of Ten Thousand Races is using the lives of countless Star Envoys to cultivate powerful Star Envoys."

“Only those who have experienced ten hegemony battles without dying can choose whether to participate in future hegemony battles.”

"Strive for hegemony ten times without dying——"

"This requires killing ten participants."

"Any existence that can survive ten battles for hegemony is definitely not simple."

"Maybe among them, an earth-shattering strong man will emerge."

"And the purpose of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races should be to cultivate the kind of strong men in the stars."

He looked at the majestic and endless holy city in front of him, and all kinds of thoughts flashed through his mind.


He has arrived at his shop.

The shop is located at No. 3 Angda Street, at a crossroads and in an excellent location.

And the shop area is very large.

The interior decoration of shops in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races can be changed at any time according to the wishes of the shop owners.

Zhao Xin was filling and decorating the interior at this time.

Counters, merchandise cabinets, cashiers, etc.

"As for items——"

Zhao Xin's belief changed.

He directly took out ninety dragon energies, each in a crystal bottle, and placed them on the counter.

Each dragon energy is priced at one million ancient life coins.

Dragon Qi can transform astral creatures into dragons, and its potential is greatly increased. Even if it is priced at one million, he is not worried about not being able to sell it.

With so many participants from all races in the Holy City of All Races, there will always be some who are particularly wealthy.

Immediately afterwards——

He took out another ninety pieces of wood energy, also in a crystal bottle, with a price tag of one million ancient life coins.

"Just sell these two items first."

He thought to himself.

Wave gently.

Just open the store door and start business.

As the store door opens——

Suddenly, the eyes of many participants on the street were attracted.

After all, this is one of the best-located shops on Angkot Street.

I don’t know how many powerful participants want it, but they can’t get it.


It's actually open?

This naturally makes many participants curious, who can get this shop?

"Dragon energy? Can it transform animal-like creatures into dragons?"

"One dragon energy can turn middle and low-level beast-like creatures into eighth-level high-level dragon beasts, two dragon energy pseudo-king levels, three dragon energy one-star king level, four dragon energy two-star king level? Is this true or false? ?”

"Isn't this incredible? It can actually transform ordinary creatures into dragons!!"

"How could such an item exist? It's even more magical and terrifying than the legendary Dragon Clan's Dragon Transformation Pond!"

"Hiss! One million ancient life coins? I'm afraid you are crazy about money!"

Many participants were immediately stunned when they came in, frightened by the functions and price.

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