Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 130 A huge amount of money! The ordered demon has arrived!

One million life ancient coins.

That is equivalent to the power of ten thousand lives.

Even for senior participants, the Ancient Tree of Life has evolved many times.

But it is not easy to accumulate ten thousand life force, it will take a long time.

But there is no shortage of rich people anywhere.

Zhao Xin did not wait long.

There is the first participant to eat crabs.

That's a draconian.

There are two dragon horns on his head, he is very richly dressed, he has a black beard under his chin, he looks middle-aged, and he has a majestic aura about him.

"Boss, do you think we, the dragon race, are beasts?"

The middle-aged dragon man grinned and asked while handing money to Zhao Xin.

"...You want to use dragon energy yourself?"

Zhao Xin was stunned.


He really hasn't tried it yet.

But think about it carefully——

It seems possible?

However, he could not guarantee whether any terrible accident would happen, so he reminded:

"If you use it yourself, our store will not be responsible for any accidents."

"Don't worry, boss."

"Give me ten dragon energy directly."

The middle-aged dragon man looked at Zhao Xin with sparkling eyes:

"The boss was able to get this store. He is definitely a very amazing participant, and he will definitely not sell fake goods."

Zhao Xin nodded:

"It's natural."

He took the 10 million ancient life coins handed over by the other party, and then took out ten dragon energy from the counter and handed them to the other party.

"If the dragon energy is really as effective as the boss said."

"Then we, the dragon tribe, would like to have more cooperation with the boss."

The middle-aged dragon man looked deeply at Zhao Xin, turned around and left.

He didn't have much doubt about the role of dragon energy.

Because he has seen similar items before!

That is an item from the Dragon Clan Holy Land.

He's just curious.

If this is really that kind of item, where did the human in front of me get it?

After the middle-aged dragon man left.

one after another--

There were also some wealthy participants who bought one or two or three dragon qi and wood qi and left with the attitude of giving it a try.

Only half a day.

One hundred dragon energy and one hundred wood energy have all been sold out.

And among them.

The middle-aged dragon man came again and bought the last thirty-two dragon energy at once.

"Two hundred million ancient life coins."

"It's so easy to get this Ancient Life Coin."

"However, the exposure of dragon energy and wood energy is also a hidden concern."

"But in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, no one knows my identity, so it doesn't matter much."

Zhao Xin was in a good mood.

In one go, he accumulated enough wealth to advance everyone in Baiyin Lieyang to the title level.

He closed the shop directly and went to several shops that specialized in selling demon cores.

Just bought all the required demon cores.

There are 1,400 heart cores for a one-star king-level demon, costing 140 million ancient life coins.

One hundred two-star king-level demon cores cost fifteen million.

One hundred and twenty three-star king-level demon cores cost 25 million.

A total of 180 million ancient life coins were spent, and there were still 20 million ancient life coins left.

"What a luxury."

"But in order to make the Silver Fierce Sun take shape as quickly as possible, the luxury should be a little extravagant."

"Anyway, whether it is a dragon source crystal or a wood source crystal, when broken down, there are hundreds of millions of dragon energy and wood energy in it."

"Selling the part is nothing."

"And improving strength is the most important thing."

He felt at peace.


He came to Bailondo Slave Trading House.

He originally ordered an eighth-level demon.

But I didn’t want Bailunduo Trading Company to promise that it could be completed in three days, but the result——

When he last fought for hegemony among all races, he still had not captured the eighth-level demon.

This disappointed him greatly.

However, the other party explained that it was a natural disaster that time.

A once-in-a-century storm erupted in the world they were in, flooding everything and making hunting impossible.

Three days ago he ordered another ninth-level demon.

Now three days are up.

He came back to see if the goods had arrived.

"Sir, welcome!"

"The ninth-level demon you ordered has been delivered!"

The little girl with wolf ears bowed.


Zhao Xin felt happy in her heart.


Order successful!

From now on, he, Zhao Xin, can also spend money to increase his strength!

On the dusty star.

There were king-level monsters captured by various kings and sent to him.

The Silver Fierce Sun was sent out again to find and capture powerful demons.

Now a channel is developed again.

Buy from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races!


Under the leadership of the little girl Lang Er Niang, he saw the ninth-level demon captured by the other party.

It was a ferocious wolf with greenish-blue fur and crystal-clear fur.

He is tall and muscular, and his eyes are not only ferocious but also full of fear.

After all, as a ninth-level demon, his wisdom is already quite high.

It was clear that the price of capture would never be good.

"It is indeed a ninth-level demon."

"This is the remaining payment."

Zhao Xin was satisfied.

He took out 120,000 ancient life coins and handed them to the little girl with wolf ears.

The price of a ninth-level demon is two hundred thousand ancient life coins.

However, he paid a deposit of 80,000 ancient life coins.

That time, he had no choice but to upgrade a set of eight-winged Falling King armor to ten-winged level, that is, king level, using the 'Hao Feisi's Promotion Pool', and then sell it.

Otherwise he wouldn't be able to pay the deposit.

This also allowed him to save 20 million ancient life coins in addition to what he had left today.

He still has 120,000 ancient life coins on him.

"Do guests still need to order demons?"

The little girl with wolf ears has bright eyes.

From this business deal, she will definitely get a lot of commission.


"But what I need is no longer a ninth-level demon, but a pseudo-king-level demon."

Zhao Xin said.

He felt that he would soon be promoted to the seventh level Star Envoy.

At that time, the ninth-level demon was naturally useless to him.

"Pseudo-king-level demon?"

The little girl with wolf ears was even more excited and said quickly:

"Dear guest, the price of a pseudo-king-level demon is 600,000 ancient life coins!"

"You need to pay one-third of the deposit, which is two hundred thousand ancient life coins."

Zhao Xin's expression remained unchanged, and he directly took out two hundred thousand ancient life coins and handed them to the other party, and said at the same time:

"If you can capture multiple pseudo-king-level monsters within three days, I will take them all."

"I hope you won't disappoint me."

Zhao Xin brought the ninth-level demon back to the villa on Bell Street from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

But before coming back.

He went to six commercial streets, found twelve slave shops, and ordered pseudo-king-level monsters at the same time.

to this end--

He just paid the deposit and paid 2.4 million ancient life coins.

“It’s different when you have money.”

"I just hope that those slave shops can be more powerful and can complete all the commissions."

"But it's hard to think about."

He shook his head slightly.

It is extremely difficult to capture a pseudo-king-level demon, even if a king-level star envoy is deployed.

It’s not just that it’s difficult to find the whereabouts of the pseudo-king-level demon.

The pseudo-king-level demons are also very intelligent, no worse than humans, and they know the consequences of being caught.

When faced with a desperate situation, it is very common for both the jade and the stone to perish.

Unless the strength is too high, it is possible to limit the destruction of the pseudo-king-level demon.

But this requires at least a four-star king level to take action.

The four-star king level takes action to capture the pseudo-king level demon for him?

He hasn't had the luxury of hoping.

How could the four-star kings behind those slave shops capture pseudo-king monsters?

The time spent waiting for the strong ones is even more precious, and the cost-effectiveness of capturing pseudo-king-level monsters for profit is very low.

Didn't think much about it.

He looked at the ninth-level ferocious wolf in front of him.

The long sword appeared in his hand and moved slightly.

The terrifying sword power exploded, slicing the neck of the ninth-level ferocious wolf in an instant, causing blood to flow freely.


The body fell to the ground, eyes wide.

It seems that he never expected that the human being in front of him spent a lot of money to buy him just to kill him?


A large number of soul light spots flew out and merged into Zhao Xin's body.


Zhao Xin was in a trance and saw the dream world again.

The mighty river is sweeping endlessly, with no beginning or end in sight.

A large number of bubbles appear and disappear, and each bubble seems to represent a living being.


Two drops of river water flew out, shattering the void and disappearing.

Zhao Xin once again saw the picture of herself and the star world creatures diligently practicing day and night for two months.

"Behead the high-level demon, and two drops of time will fly out from the river of time."

"Behead the two-star king-level monster, and four drops of time will fly out from the river of time."

"That's it -"

"Perhaps when killing demons lower in the king's rank, four drops of water from the river of time fly out."

"I wonder if killing the middle-level monster of the king level will cause more time to flow out of the river?"

He whispered in his heart.

After stealing two months, he could clearly feel that he was getting stronger.

But this is far from enough.

After all, he is already a sixth-level Star Envoy.

As for the star world creatures, their combat prowess is all at the king level.

Two months is nothing.


What is gratifying is that the Death Angels Zhao Yan and Medusa have both been promoted to the two-star king level.

This is the fourth and fifth two-star king-level combat power under his command!

But just then——

He felt the astonishing king-level aura coming from the north of Haicheng!

Not one.

But the five king-level auras!

"Two of them have the aura of demons."

"Is it possible——"

Zhao Xin looked towards the north and had a guess in his mind.

Yesterday, he was outside the Qingyue mothership, allowing the kings to exchange king-level monsters with him for king-level mediums.

Now it seems--

There are king-level beings who have brought demons!


The Meteor King's armor that had evolved into ten wings appeared on his body and enveloped him.

The next moment, he spread his wings across the sky and headed towards the north gate of Haicheng.

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