Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 136 Obtaining a real artifact! Name the astral creatures! (2-in-1)

The sword energy is rising into the sky.

The sword light is flying.

This is a huge world purely formed by countless sword energy and sword light.

The blazing sun in the sky is formed by the condensed energy of countless swords.

The cold bright moon is also formed by the combination of countless sword energies.

Every flower, every grass, every mountain, every river, every city, every town, and even the residents in the town, is actually all made of condensed sword energy.

The only thing in this world is the sword.

Except for the sword, all other original powers of heaven and earth do not exist.

Even time has no place here.

Destiny is also isolated and cannot come.

This is the purest sword world.

The bodies and souls of those countless cultivators are composed of sword energy. With one sword practice, one sword can destroy all kinds of magic.

"There is actually such a world."

Zhao Xin was a little shocked.

He had seen the Sword God System twice before.

One time was the Sixth Legion, and the deputy commander offered him the true god-level talent ‘Sword God’.

The other time was from the Heavenly Sword Sect, and the deputy sect leader offered him the low-level true god-level swordsmanship 'Ten Thousand Tribulations'.

But those two times.

Whether it is the Sixth Legion.

Or the Heavenly Sword School.

The feeling it gave him was not as pure as this world!

There is nothing left except the sword.

His sight gradually saw the center of this huge world.

There are one hundred and eight sacred mountains standing there as towering as swords.

Outside every sacred mountain, there are billions of sword energy filling the air, sweeping in all directions.

"This world of swords is actually formed by these one hundred and eight peaks!"

"The countless sword energy and sword light they emit form an entire world!"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

This is amazing.

There are only one hundred and eight mountain peaks, and the countless sword energies emitted outwards actually form a world of swords that is so huge that it is unimaginable!

He was sure.

The practitioners in this world of swords are all of a very high level.

The king level is just the bottom level.

As for those below the king’s rank?

In this world of swords, there are no creatures below the king level at all.

Even a newly born baby is of the royal rank.

One hundred and eight peaks.

He could see clearly, divided into three levels.

The outermost are seventy-two, with a height of more than one million kilometers. They are so majestic that they look like seventy-two divine swords thrust upside down in the sky.

There are twenty-seven in the middle, with a height of more than three million kilometers. They are extremely sharp, as if a supreme god is standing among them, and they are terrifying.

The innermost layer is nine sword peaks, which are over tens of millions of kilometers high. The planet is insignificant in front of these nine sword peaks.

And one hundred and eight peaks, the top of each peak——

There is a divine sword floating in the air.

One hundred and eight divine swords are the center and ruler of the entire world!


A sword cry resounded throughout the world.

On the top of one of the seventy-two outermost peaks.

An ancient bronze sword vibrated slightly, and the sound of the sword was heard.

The ancient bronze sword has very fine textures, and there are also dots of brilliant green-gold patina.

Can see clearly.

This divine sword has long been transformed into energy, and the sword body is like a bronze color with a hint of green water condensed into it.


The void shattered.

The ancient bronze sword disappeared on the top of the mountain.

The scene in front of Zhao Xin disappeared, and he was a little surprised to feel the extra bronze divine sword in the depths of his mind.

Originally, there were only five items there: the scroll of sacred praise, the human skin of the cursed true god, the dragon source crystal, the wood source crystal, and the warrior card.

And now there is an ancient bronze sword!

"Azure Divine Sword..."

"The lower level true god-level divine sword..."

"This time, a real artifact has arrived!"

Zhao Xin was shocked.

This was truly unexpected.

I have opened the dream world so many times before.

Even if it is the items obtained, none of them can be regarded as artifacts.

It can only be regarded as a low-level true god level treasure.

And now——

This 'Green Divine Sword' is definitely the first artifact he obtained!

Or a divine sword!

What level is the lower true god?

He had no way of knowing.

Just know that it is definitely far stronger than the Saint's limit.

As for what level the saint is going up to.

Even though he has never heard of it in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.


In other words, a sanctuary-level existence.

He is already a high-ranking member of each clan and is placed in the Ten Thousand Laws Alliance.

They are also qualified to serve as real high-level officials such as Star Alliance envoys and Star Alliance enforcers.

And the lower true gods are still above the saints!

"This is an earth-shattering weapon."

"Once used, I'm afraid the entire planet will be like a projectile."


"I can't use this 'Blue Divine Sword' now."

"The energy required to use this 'Blue Divine Sword' is too vast."

"And the energy in the 'Green Divine Sword' was completely empty when it came from the dream world."

Zhao Xin felt a little regretful.

But even so——

It was enough to make him quite excited.

Even if the ‘Green Divine Sword’ cannot explode in power.

Just use it as an ordinary long sword, it is indestructible and has amazing power!

And once it can be charged, the terrifying power of the Blue God Sword will be fully unleashed.

In the depths of the starry sky, there may not be many people who can stop him!

Planets and stars must be like tissue paper in front of it, easily breakable.

Whenever possible, recharge the Green Divine Sword.

The horror of the Divine Sword will never let him down.

When the time comes, gods can kill gods by blocking, and demons can be destroyed by demons blocking.

He felt somewhat satisfied.

He only killed the first of the three pseudo-king-level monsters and obtained a real artifact.

He looked at the remaining two pseudo-king-level demons.

Look forward to--

To be able to obtain a valuable item again.


He gently turned the king-level sword in his hand, and the sword energy flew out, killing the second pseudo-king-level demon.

A large number of soul light points flew over.

The world in the dream appears, and the mighty river of time sweeps across the world.

"Time flows."

Zhao Xin felt a little regretful.

The power of the river of time to 'steal' time is also very good.

But naturally it cannot be compared with the precious items, talents, magical arts, etc. in the dream world.


Two drops of time river water flew out, shattering the void and disappearing.

Pseudo-king-level demons will receive the same two drops of time water after killing them as ninth-level demons.

Only when you reach the one-star king level, you can get four drops of time river water after killing.


Zhao Xin saw that he had spent "two months" and kept practicing.

Two months.

He can sense——

My cultivation level is transforming towards the eighth level!

It's just that no special materials were used, so two months was not enough for him to complete his transformation.

"I haven't given birth to the astral creatures that the seventh-level realm should give birth to..."

"I will be promoted to the eighth level soon..."

Zhao Xin was delighted.

This rapid improvement in strength makes people feel happy from the inside out.

he thinks.

At this rate.

It won't take long for him to be promoted to king level and become a true king level existence.

Once he is promoted to king level.

So with his physical fitness from cultivating the "Hengsha World Map", as well as the soul magic "Slavery" he has mastered, the lower true god level sword skill "Ten Thousand Tribulations", and the lower true god level talents "fire control" and "earth control".

It was enough to bring his combat power to a very terrifying level.

Just rely on yourself.

Can suppress most enemies.

He calmed down his emotions and looked at the last pseudo-king-level demon.

This is a green lion with three heads, as if carved from jade, very majestic.

But at this moment, his eyes were filled with fear and he was trembling.

Zhao Xin looked calm.

With a slight wave of the king-level sword in his hand, the sword energy flew out and killed three green lions.

A large number of soul light points flew out and rushed toward him.

The long river of time is still moving forward.

Two drops of time river broke into the void and came.

Another two months.

Zhao Xin's body began to undergo transformation, and the 'Hengsha World Map' surged.

His body seemed to be connected to some original energy space, and a steady stream of original energy came out of thin air.


Since his last promotion to the seventh level, he has no longer absorbed the original energy of the world from the outside world, but has absorbed it from some pure original energy spaces.

This is not exclusive to him.


Based on the information obtained from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

As long as you advance from the sixth level to the seventh level, you can connect to the original energy space without using special materials.

The original energy of heaven and earth in the original energy space is extremely pure.

Being able to absorb the original energy of heaven and earth in the original energy space and promote it is of great benefit to the Star Master.

However, it is too difficult to advance from the sixth level to the seventh level without relying on special materials.

Even if there are truly talented people, few people go back and try.

It takes a long time.

Even if you don't rely on special materials for promotion, you will get some benefits.

But the loss of time cannot be made up for.

after all--

Even if you are at level seven, you are stronger.

But by the time you advance to the seventh level, the geniuses who have the same talent as you have already used special materials to advance to the eighth level.

Your seventh-level strength is simply not comparable to that of the eighth-level one.

The opponent's strength at the same level is not as good as yours, but they can suppress you across levels.


Not using special materials to advance to the seventh or eighth level is a loss that outweighs the gain for many geniuses.

But for Zhao Xin, it is naturally not a problem.

boom! !

Zhao Xin felt as if there was thunder in his body.

Billions of thunders seemed to appear in his body, and then exploded in his internal organs and all cells.

The location of his heart.

A large number of light spots lit up again.

Countless light points formed a patchwork, and it felt like the entire heart was being illuminated!

It’s like——

He has a pure golden heart in his body, which is sacred and brilliant, gorgeous and terrifying.

"Eighth level..."

"Finally promoted to the eighth level..."

"After working so hard for so long, I finally got promoted..."

"Efforts will eventually pay off, and my hard work every day will not be in vain."

Zhao Xin had a smile on her face and joy in her heart.

He felt it.

His physical fitness and soul have become much stronger.

The increase in combat power is amazing.

at this time--

He felt that even if he was standing in front of him at the level of a star king, he would be killed by his sword!

Even the two-star king level, he is sure to fight against or even defeat!

Looking at the corpses of three pseudo-king-level monsters in front of him.

He glanced at Dalekos's space sacred tree.


Three crystal clear branches stretched out from the ground and plunged directly into the bodies of three pseudo-king-level monsters.

In the blink of an eye.

The corpses of three pseudo-king-level monsters disappeared.

The corpse of a powerful demon can allow Dalekos's space sacred tree to gain some growth.

But this growth is very weak.

It doesn't have much effect.

The space sacred tree of Dalikos——

Growth still relies on the power of space!

If we could give the 'Dalikos' Space Sacred Tree' a large space to devour.

‘Dalikos’ Space Sacred Tree’ will soon be promoted.

This kind of sacred tree is the absolute darling of the space system, and can be compared with the Silver Sky Snake.


"It's time to give birth to astral beings."

"Two astral creatures..."

Zhao Xin whispered, with a look of expectation in his eyes.


He possesses nine astral beings.

There are also six serious astral creatures.

Little Skeleton, Thunder Titan, Silver Sky Snake, Phoenix, Medusa, Holy Angel.

There are three unconventional astral beings.

Ice and Snow Goddess Zhou Xuan, Death Angel Zhao Yan, and Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue.

Any one of them now has the combat power of a four-star king level.

Even the strongest little skeleton, in the four months of 'stealing', has already achieved the combat power of a five-star king level!


His mental consciousness flashed and he had entered the star realm.

Today's star realm has an area of ​​400 square kilometers.

This is not a small area.

A city can be built.


This cannot be counted as the vast suburbs outside the city.


Four hundred square kilometers is not enough.

Looking at a star creature standing everywhere.

Zhao Xin felt——

It's time to give all the astral creatures a name.

Death Angel Zhao Yan, Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue, etc. all have their own names.

But Holy Angel, Thunder Titan, Medusa, Phoenix, etc. do not have their own names.

In the past, there weren't many astral creatures, so it didn't matter.

But now there are more and more astral creatures.

And there are completely hostile mythical creatures such as fallen angels and holy angels standing together.

These things must be considered.

"The name is easy to solve..."

"They will be called whoever accepts the godhead and origin of the dream world."

he mused.

He waved to all the astral creatures to come over.

"starting today--"

"Little Skull, your name is 'Cohen'."

"Thunder Titan, your name is 'Hyperris'."

"Medusa, your name is Clara."

"Phoenix, your name is 'Funya'."

"Silver Sky Snake, your name is 'Mers'."

"Holy Angel, your name is 'Julia'."

Zhao Xin looked at the six serious astral creatures in front of him and said.

Little Skeleton Cohen!

Thunder Titan Hyperis!

Medusa Clara!

Phoenix Fenya!

Silver Sky Snake Myers!

Holy Angel Julia!

The six astral creatures looked at each other with joy in their eyes.

And at the same time——

Their brows actually began to bloom with brilliance.


You can see the godhead spinning in it.

It seems that they are also happy with the names obtained by the six new owners.

Wait until the six astral creatures disperse and return to their own lair or palace.

Worth to talk about--

The creatures in the star world have all established their own residences in the star world.

Little Skeleton Cohen got a lot of bones from somewhere and built a small bone mountain.

The Thunder Titan Hyperis created a thunder pool with dazzling thunder.

Medusa Clara had a stone palace.

Phoenix Fenya planted a sycamore tree at some point and built a nest on it.

The holy angel Julia built a very holy palace.

Even the Silver Sky Snake, which is rarely in the star realm, has its own snake nest.

As for the Death Angel Zhao Yan, she also built a palace.

Every astral creature is close or far away from each other.

For example, the Holy Angel Julia and the Death Angel Zhao Yan are very far apart...

Zhao Xin ignored these.

He focused his gaze on the center of the star world.

at this time--

A large amount of mist as brilliant as the sun rises from the star world and gathers towards the center.

"This is--"

Zhao Xin looked a little surprised when he saw this bright mist.


It is an extremely rare star creature in the solar system that is rarely seen even in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races!

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