Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 137 Sun Elf! The sun's fire burns down the world! (2-in-1)

Astral creatures——

Normally, there are only earth, water, fire, wind, light, darkness, thunder, ice and snow, wood, death, etc.

Some of them are also uncommon.

But although it's not common, it can still be seen.

But the solar system——

This is a truly rare attribute!

The rarity is almost comparable to that of space system astral creatures.

In the history of Dust Star.

There are only three known astral creatures in the solar system that have definite records.

Sun Sky Bird, Sun Star Vine, Sun Fire Crow!

These three solar system astral creatures are all true king-level astral creatures.

Especially the Sun Star Vine——

In the history of Dust Star, it left a very colorful mark.

The owner of the Sun Star Vine was the number one in the world at that time.

His status is almost the same as Xu Daohong, the strongest person in the world today.

Legend has it that the Sun Star Vine has eighteen vines.

Each vine can rival a king of the same level.

Eighteen vines are swung together, which is even more terrifying. Even higher-level kings will change their color and will be directly beaten to death.


"The astral creature I gave birth to this time will actually be from the solar system!"

"Could it be an astral creature with the potential to be a king?"

Zhao Xin was a little happy.

The first and second time he gave birth to astral creatures, but they only gave birth to lower-level astral creatures.

Especially the first time.

The astral creatures conceived and born are among the weakest astral creatures.

If the dream world hadn't appeared, the little skeleton would have merged with the godhead and transformed.

He may never get ahead in his life.

Relying on ordinary little skeletons, it may not even be possible to be promoted to the second level of Star Envoy.

Even giving birth to astral creatures for the second time is a luxury.

And now——

But is it possible to give birth to king-level astral creatures?

This is a reflection of his potential.

The first and second births of lower-level astral creatures were definitely just accidents.

Now is when his true potential is unleashed.

He believed this very much.


The bright golden mist condenses and surges.

It's like a sun taking shape, very gorgeous and brilliant.

The golden light shines around, not burning at all, just giving people a warm feeling.

After a while——

A slender white arm stretched out from the golden mist.

Quietly holding a golden war bow in his hand, it has no strings and is extremely exquisite.

Immediately afterwards——

The other arm reaches out.

This arm held an arrow as bright as the sun, as if it were a part cut off from the sun.

There is a blazing golden flame burning on the surface.

Shortly after--

A pair of white and slender legs also stepped out of the mist.

Golden combat boots are formed and cover the legs, reflecting the metallic luster.

The exquisite war skirt starts from the knee and extends upward.

With the war skirt extended.

The golden mist is also disappearing.


A beautiful elf wearing a golden battle dress, holding a golden battle bow in one hand, and a golden arrow in the other, with blond hair flying back, appeared in the star world.

The elf not only has golden hair, but also has golden eyes.

"This is--"

Zhao Xin was a little surprised.

He recognized it.

There is an introduction to this creature in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

King-level astral creature, sun elf!

Belongs to the royal family among the elves!

Sun elves and moon elves are both one of the most noble beings of the elven bloodline.

He didn't expect that.

This time I gave birth to a legendary creature like a sun elf.

The Liuling civilization is a branch of the elves.

But in the Liuling civilization, I heard that there are not many sun elves.

If anyone can give birth to a sun elf in the star realm, his status in the Liuling civilization will definitely skyrocket.

"Sun elves are the most terrifying archers."

"It can activate the pure power of the sun and turn it into arrows that burn everything and penetrate all enemies."

"If people knew that I could actually give birth to a sun elf, they would be envious of countless Star Envoys."

Zhao Xin had a smile on his face.

This naturally made him extremely happy.

By himself, he can give birth to sun elves!

at this time--

The sun elf looked over, full of heroic energy, walked over, and saluted:

"Meet the Royal Star Envoy!"

The voice is very pleasant, like a female general with a deep voice, but also has the unique proud temperament of the sun elf.

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

Before entering the dream world, directly open the information about the sun elf in front of you.

He was very curious about the abilities of this creature.

I don’t know how strong the star creatures in the solar system are!

[Name: Sun Elf]

[Attribute: Solar System]

[Level: Lower King Level]

[Level: lower level five]

[Combat power: 6.1]

[Ability: Condensing the sun as arrows, arrows of the sun, a hundred arrows fired at once, fire of the sun, elven nobles, arrows raining down, power of the sun...]

"A combat power that can transcend a level."

"As expected of a sun elf."

"For any Star Envoy, this is probably a very astonishing astral creature."

Zhao Xin whispered.

This sun elf is very powerful.

It is worthy of being a king-level astral creature.

Solar System's abilities are also terrifying enough to allow him to fight across levels.


"After the dream world opens, what kind of star creature will it transform into?"

There was anticipation in his heart.

The sun elves are already powerful.

What transformation will happen if the true god's origin or true god's divine personality is integrated into the dream world?

This will definitely be exciting.


He was slightly in a trance.

The scene in front of me changed little by little and appeared in the dream world.

This is a pure golden starry sky.

In the starry sky, there are rounds of pure golden suns, burning blazingly, hanging in the starry sky like big fireballs.

Each golden sun is very vast, with a diameter of more than 10 billion kilometers.

The terrifying golden flames licked the void, and the void collapsed and disappeared in an instant.

Compared with such a vast sun, the stars in the ordinary starry sky are as insignificant as ants next to a giant.

But if ordinary stars were surrounding it, they would be dust, extremely small.

Countless golden suns hang in this starry sky, and the gravity alone is terrifying to the extreme.

Don't talk about the king's rank.

Even lord-level beings, the moment they enter this starry sky, will probably be pulled by the terrifying gravity and fall directly.

"What a scary place."

Zhao Xin was secretly shocked.

If this kind of place were placed in the starry sky, it would be a truly forbidden place!

Don't talk about the existence of the lord level.

Even the legendary beings above the lord level probably wouldn't dare to step even half a step further.

The gravity pulled the void into crazy twists.

Time has become abnormal.

This kind of place is simply a forbidden area of ​​life, and you will die the moment you step into it.


Round after round the golden sun became violent.

The extremely bright and extremely terrifying golden flames licked around crazily, and millions of kilometers of void instantly disappeared and were burned away.

"There are creatures in the sun—"

Zhao Xin's eyes narrowed and his heart was shaken.

There are actually living things existing in this unimaginably terrifying sun!

This is simply scary.

The temperature on ordinary stars is so high that only legendary beings can survive in stars.

And the vast sun in front of us is thousands of times more terrifying than ordinary stars?

If the legendary existence is close.

It will definitely be burned out in an instant, and there will be no second possibility.

And now——

But there is a creature in it, bathed in endless golden divine fire, its whole body is golden, as bright and gorgeous as the sun god!

"It's not like the Sun God, it's the real Sun God..."

Zhao Xin's eyes narrowed.

at this time--

Among the rounds of golden suns, there are golden divine fires paving the ancient road in the starry sky, spreading across the heaven and earth!

There are ancient roads in the starry sky spread out among countless rounds of golden blazing sun.

In one piece.

The entire starry sky is filled with golden ancient roads, and endless divine fire is burning, as if it is going to burn the sky!

It's like an endless golden continent appears in the starry sky, and rounds of golden suns are embedded in the golden continent, towering like mountains!

This scene is so vast and amazing.

Even though Zhao Xin has entered the dream world many times, he has seen many existences beyond imagination.

But I was still shocked.

A golden continent stretching for countless billions of kilometers!

This is a continent completely formed by the condensation of golden divine fire!

Vast and endless!

This kind of continent——

Any creature that steps on it will probably be burned into nothingness by the restrained and terrifying divine fire in the continent.

No legendary being can survive on it.


Amid the golden suns, bright creatures came out.

They wore extremely exquisite golden armor and held brilliant war bows.

The golden hair is more brilliant than the divine fire.

His eyes were as bright as the sun, terrifying and terrifying.

"Sun Elf!"

Zhao Xin was shocked.

These dazzling creatures emerging from the golden sun are actually sun elves!

Very similar to the sun elf he just gave birth to.

You can be sure they are all of the same race!

It's just that the momentum is too different.

If we say that the sun elves in front of us are like the vast universe.

The sun elf he just gave birth to was an ant on an ordinary star.

There is no comparison between the two.

Ten million of the sun elves he had just given birth to would be wiped out in one breath if they walked in front of the sun elves in front of him.

This is a huge gap on countless levels.

Far further than heaven and earth.

"Sun elf at the true god level..."

"Everyone is a real sun god..."

Zhao Xin was amazed.

in the past.

He has also seen the 36th legion of the death god system led by ‘Ogu Korn’.

I have also seen the 6th Legion of the Sword God Series led by ‘Dongfang Yue’, the 7th Legion of the Thunder God Series led by ‘Hyperris’, the 26th Legion of the Fire God Series led by ‘Adolf Warner’, etc.

These legions.

Each one is terrifying to the extreme.

Any member of the legion may be a true god with great power.

But those times——

Most of these legions were restrained and did not show much power.

Even the power displayed by the Twelfth Legion of the Ninth Heaven Mountain of the Light God System led by ‘Julia Isabel’ is not very amazing.

And in front of me——

This Sun God Legion caused the endless sun to explode, forming an endless continent completely condensed by the Sun God's fire!

This kind of divine power is extremely terrifying.

It also made Zhao Xin really feel——

What is the true God, and what great power does the true God possess!

What king level.

What lord level.

What a legend.

In front of the true God, they are all extremely small and insignificant.

"The power of the gods is like prison..."

He whispered softly to himself.

There is light flowing in his eyes.

This is the true God!

One day, he will also become a true god!

If he could become a true god, he would be considered invincible among the human race, right?


In the midst of the brightest sun, a sun elf slowly walked out with the wings of the sun behind him to cover the sky.

The wings of the sun on her back are so gorgeous.

It is as if it is completely formed by the condensation of suns one after another.

With endless terrifying divine power, it swept across the sky and the earth.

"Solar God System, Deputy Commander of the Fifth Legion, 'Meredith Rebecca', pays homage to the great master!"

"May the glory of the great Lord be eternal!"

"Your humble believer, I offer you the godhead of the Sun God!"

This sun elf kneeled down respectfully in the direction of Zhao Xin's gaze, very fanatical and pious.

All the other sun elves also knelt on the golden continent, their heads lowered and their blond hair shining.


A crystal as bright as the sun flew out from the brow of the sun elf named 'Meredith Rebecca'.

The void shattered and the bright crystal disappeared.

The scene in front of Zhao Xin slowly disappeared.

He looked at the sun elf in front of him who was bowing quietly.

Between the eyebrows, the dazzling godhead burst out.

The godhead flashed and was printed directly on the forehead of the sun elf.

boom! !

The monstrous golden divine fire erupted and directly enveloped the sun elf.

This is unimaginable monstrous divine fire.

The void is collapsing and destroying.

Everything is being burned.

In the star realm.

The rest of the astral creatures' eyelids twitched, and their expressions instantly became extremely solemn.

This golden divine fire is too domineering and terrifying.

Even the phoenix in charge of all fires has a look of fear in his eyes at this moment.

In the golden divine fire.

The sun elves are undergoing an unimaginable and supreme transformation.

The battle armor on his body and the battle bow in his hand are all undergoing transformation.

"If we talk about the original sun elves, they were only the lowest level of sun elves."

"Then at this time——"

"I'm afraid that in one leap, he transformed into the highest-level sun elf."

"It may even surpass all the sun elves in the elves in the universe."

Zhao Xin murmured, with a smile on his face.

he was thinking.

If he takes the transformed sun elf to the elves.

Will the elves just bow down to them?

after all--

The elves place great value on blood.

And based on what he knows.

The current elf empress is a sun elf with very high bloodline.

No matter how high the bloodline is.

It should not be comparable to the sun elves after merging with the godhead.


He was just thinking about this kind of thing in his mind.

Naturally, it is impossible to give it a try.

There is a high probability that you will die if you try this kind of thing.

Although the elves are dependent on the human race, they are also a terrifyingly powerful race.

It has a very important position in the Wanfa Star Alliance.

boom! !

The endless divine fire flew away and disappeared.

The sun elf who had completed his transformation spread out a pair of sun wings from his back and floated in front of Zhao Xin.

There is another chapter today, but it may be after 12 o'clock.

I went back to my hometown and wasted a lot of time. I only got my hands on the computer tonight.

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