Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 139 The super evolution of the ancient tree of life! (2-in-1)

Hall Master's Office.

Empty without a third party.

Zhao Xin felt quite flattered that the master of the red skirt hall actually invited him to sit down and poured him a cup of tea?

Looking at the red-dressed Hall Master sitting opposite, he became even more wary.

For a moment——

Both of them were silent, and the whole office was so silent that you could hear a pin drop.

An atmosphere called 'embarrassment' spread quietly between the two.

"What is this..."

"Don't say anything either..."

Zhao Xin murmured in her heart, not sure what the leader of the red skirt hall wanted to do.

Is it possible——

Did you discover his identity?

Is he the Ogunkorn who knows about the Death Tribunal?

But it shouldn’t be.

He hasn't used this identity much recently, so the possibility of being exposed is not high.

But he won't underestimate anyone.

Can't say——

The leader of the Red Skirt Hall found a person with incredible analytical ability and analyzed him directly based on past clues.

This possibility is not impossible.

With the mentality of 'I won't move until the enemy can't move', he just drank tea quietly and remained calm.

And on the other side——

Zhao Man's mood was too complicated.

When she really faced Zhao Xin, she had mixed feelings for a while.

I still feel a little unbelievable in my heart.

Zhao Hongyue’s fiancé!

The fiancé of the Red Moon Empress!

Her future brother-in-law!

This really couldn't connect her with Zhao Xin, who was basically ordinary except for his handsome appearance.

A long, long time.

Only then did Zhao Hongyue lightly open her red lips and break the silence:

"I am Zhao Man, Zhao Hongyue's sister."


Zhao Xin squirted out a sip of tea and looked at the red-dressed Hall Master in shock.

Zhao Hongyue’s sister?


This boss is actually Zhao Hongyue's sister? !

If it goes according to his previous guess.

Zhao Yan is the sister of the leader of the Red Dress Hall...

Doesn't that mean...

Zhao Yan is also Zhao Hongyue's sister? !

He was quite shocked.

I really didn't expect it.

What a coincidence!

How come all three sisters in this family are related to him?

"...It's so unexpected..."

What else could he say?

That's all I can answer.

At the same time, I felt a little guilty.

after all--

It is very likely that the eldest sister of the two sisters was adopted as an astral creature...

"You really surprised me."

"I know exactly what kind of character Zhao Hongyue is."

"Her vision is so high that I can't imagine how she could be with you..."

"Sorry, my words may have offended you."

Zhao Man spoke.

"...No offense."

Zhao Xin was speechless.

Should it be said that he hid it too well?


"I will be transferred to the royal capital. I can bring three people there, and you count as one."

Zhao Man said directly as if he suddenly remembered something.

"Transferred to the royal capital?"

"Is it also a torture chamber?"

Zhao Xin was stunned.

This doesn't matter to him.

Where is work not work?

"It's not the execution hall, it's the first court."

"I am transferred to the position of deputy sect master of the Bloody Rain Sect, one of the 'Seven Sects' of the First Academy."

"You can come with me and become a team leader."

Zhao Man said calmly.

"Deputy Master of Blood Rain Clan?"

Zhao Xin looked at Zhao Man in surprise.

This promotion is a bit exaggerated!

Although he is not very clear about the official system of the Red Moon Kingdom.

But I also know——

The owner of any one of the seven gates in the first courtyard belongs to the top brass of the kingdom.

In addition to the president and deputy president of the first hospital.

Further down, the leader of the Demon Slayer Department and the seven sect leaders have the highest status.

However, generally speaking, the head of the Demon Slayer Department is the deputy head.

So actually -

The master of the seven sects, in the first courtyard, is the highest position under the chief and deputy principal!

The deputy sect leader is naturally the person with the highest status among the seven sect leaders.

In the Red Moon Kingdom, one can imagine the importance of the position.

And Zhao Man is now the leader of the torture hall——

Compared with the seven deputy sect masters, there is a huge difference.

Such a promotion can be described as a three-level jump.

What are the identities of Zhao Man and Zhao Hongyue, so that they can be promoted to deputy sect leaders of the Blood Rain Sect at such a young age?

"Let the hall master arrange it!"

He was thinking in his mind, but he directly cupped his fists on his face.

"Get ready. We will head to the royal capital in three days."

Zhao Man said.

After completing the daily tasks, come to the lounge.

Zhao Xin was surprised to find that Zhou Xi, a girl who had disappeared for many days, was back.

"Zhao Xin."

Zhou Xi smiled softly.

Her smile is very girl-next-door and makes people feel warm from the bottom of their hearts.

"Where did we go to play for so many days?"

Zhao Xin said hello.

"I didn't go there, I'm still in Haicheng."

"Just went to deal with something."

Zhou Xi said softly.

Zhao Xin nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

Everyone has their own privacy. Although he and Zhou Xi are familiar with each other, they are not familiar enough to inquire into their privacy at will.

The two talked for a long time.

Zhao Xin also likes this simple relationship between colleagues.

"By the way, Zhao Xin."

"Just now the hall master said that she will be transferred to the First Hospital of the Royal Capital, and she can take three people with her, including you and me."

“I never thought we could continue to be colleagues.”

Zhou Xi had a smile on his face.

"This is also a kind of fate."

Zhao Xin smiled.

He looked at Zhou Xi in front of him and felt strange in his heart.


He is already an eighth-level Star Envoy.

Although the soul magic 'Slavery' is still at the third level, the spiritual power is much greater.

Far from being comparable to any eighth-level Royal Star Envoy.

Even the title-level Star Envoy cannot compete with him in terms of mental power!

His mental level has reached the level of king.

And it is very special, it belongs to the spiritual power tempered by the "enslavement" of the soul magic.

With this special and huge spiritual power——

He and Zhou Xi were very close, and there was a vague feeling——

He could feel that Zhou Xi was not simple!

"These days, any colleague might be a hidden strongman."

"Maybe the old man selling Chaos on the street corner may be a big boss..."

He sighed in his heart.

He found--

It is not that he is practicing alone.

At least the colleague in front of him, Zhou Xi, should also be a Taoist.

Otherwise, why would he be hidden in the execution hall?

There is nothing valuable in this place other than a dead space.

"Maybe she can also see that I'm different..."

Shaked his head.

He didn't think much about it.

At least he and Zhou Xi have a good relationship.

Even if each other knows that the other is hiding his or her identity, it doesn't matter.

The sun sets and rises.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

Zhao Xin sat cross-legged under the space sacred tree of Dalikos.


It’s another day for all races to compete for hegemony.

He had already made preparations.

"The last time all races competed for hegemony, there was no killing treasure chest."

"I hope this time, I can give you a kill treasure chest."

He whispered in his heart.

Kill the treasure chest——

It cannot be obtained every time you kill a participant in the Conflict for Hegemony.

There is a probability.

According to his understanding, except for the first and second time, you can definitely get the kill treasure chest.

Starting from the third time, there is only a one-third chance of getting a kill treasure chest.


In a flash of light, his body disappeared under the space sacred tree of Dalikos.

The dry and dark cosmic void.

Billions of stars adorn it, like eternal lamps.

Zhao Xin appeared on the crown of the Ancient Tree of Life.

"Grown a lot."

Zhao Xin lowered his head and looked at the ancient tree of life at his feet with a smile on his face.

Last time--

His Ancient Tree of Life swallowed up the Ancient Tree of Life of a senior person.

The veteran's ancient tree of life is nine hundred meters high.

And now——

His ancient tree of life has also grown to a height of 800 meters!

Compared to the last time when it was only 500 meters tall, it has grown by 300 meters.

"According to the previous rules of growth, growth at a height of one hundred meters means that one has risen to a small level."

"Three hundred meters of growth——"

"It should have been upgraded to three small levels?"

His eyes flashed and he opened the information about the Ancient Tree of Life.

[Name: Ancient Tree of Life]

[Attribute: Creation System]

[Level: Demigod]

[Level: Second level upper level]

[Combat Power: None]

[Power of life: 4 points]

[Recovery speed: 32 points/month]

【power enhanced】

"The recovery speed of life force reaches 32 points per month."

Zhao Xin didn't have much expression on his face.


32 points of life force per month, many times more than before.

But for him now, it is still a drop in the bucket.

after all--

Most of the astral creatures under his command have reached the seventh level!

To upgrade from the upper level of the seventh level to the lower level of the eighth level, a full 200 points of life force are needed.

At the current recovery speed of the Ancient Tree of Life, it would take more than half a year to accumulate 200 points of life power.

"It's still not enough."


Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

Just take out a clear bottle.

There was emerald green liquid rippling gently in the bottle, without any breath appearing.

But Zhao Xin takes it very seriously.

after all--

This is an item drawn from the high-level lottery of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races!

He has two high draws.

One was the Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance. He already knew its weight, and it was so precious that it was unimaginable.

And this second item is the ‘sap of the Divine Tree of Life’ in your hand!

They are also items in high-level draws.

he thinks--

This 'sap from the Divine Tree of Life' should not be much worse than the Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance.

"The ancient tree of life can undergo a super evolution..."

"Let me see what kind of super evolution it is..."

He whispered softly to himself.

No hesitation.

He opened the bottle directly, and an extremely rich and terrifying breath of life suddenly filled the air.

The ancient tree of life under his feet suddenly trembled slightly, all the branches and leaves were trembling, and roots as thick as giant snakes were flying all over the sky.

"for you."

Zhao Xin could feel the awe and desire of the ancient tree of life.

He directly poured the 'sap from the sacred tree of life' in his hand slowly and landed on the ancient tree of life.


The terrifying light of life completely enveloped the ancient tree of life!

The light of life is extremely bright, extremely powerful!

this moment.

The Ancient Tree of Life is like a blazing sun that shines to the extreme. Its brilliant light illuminates the past, present and future, penetrating heaven and earth!

"what is that?"

In the distant starry sky, a dragon participant stood on the ancient tree of life with his hands behind his back, looking in the direction of Zhao Xin in surprise.

The aura on his body was extremely terrifying, far beyond the king level.

But he was also shocked at this time. After all, it was the first time for him to see such a blazing light in the starry sky where thousands of races competed for supremacy!

"Go and have a look."

The thoughts in his mind were spinning, and he had already controlled the ancient tree of life and flew across the sky in the direction of Zhao Xin.

Such blazing brilliance is definitely not normal.


It's just that some shocking treasure appears.

Although he has never heard of any treasures other than the participants like them in the battle of all races to dominate the starry sky.

"Bright as the sun!"

"Is this the legendary super evolution?!"

In another direction, a woman from the snake tribe was so shocked that she lost her voice.

She has a great origin and has seen similar records in ancient books.

No hesitation.

She immediately rushed towards the Ancient Tree of Life.

If we can seize and plunder the opponent's super-evolved Ancient Life Tree——

Her ancient tree of life will definitely undergo an unprecedented transformation!

This is an amazing opportunity!

"Mega evolution!"

"The greatest opportunity for the legendary Ancient Tree of Life!"

"In this era, someone can actually make the ancient tree of life achieve super evolution!"

"I don't know which tribe of unrivaled monsters he is, but he is so terrifying!"

A bright light bloomed in the eyes of a human race man, and the void twisted crazily, showing the man's shocked mood.

after all--

That's a super evolution that hasn't been seen for many years.

And based on what he knows.

The last participant in the battle for hegemony among all races to super-evolve the Ancient Tree of Life was a monster from the mermaid tribe.

That evildoer was so talented that he suppressed all the Star Envoys at the same time.

And after super-evolving the Ancient Tree of Life, it became even more powerful, and it was difficult for any of the Imperial Star Envoys of the same era to match it.


The one who has become the most powerful person of the mermaid tribe is one of the strongest people under the starry sky!

It’s even more of a legend——

The most powerful man of the mermaid tribe also possesses one-third of the supreme true artifacts. His combat power is unrivaled and he has few opponents under the starry sky.

And many people think so.

The most powerful man of the mermaid tribe was able to reach such a terrifying level mainly because he had super evolved the Ancient Tree of Life!


Let the ancient tree of life super evolve, what a heaven-defying opportunity it is.

There was no hesitation at all.

This human race man drove the ancient tree of life and flew across the sky in the direction of Zhao Xin.

at the same time.

The whole starry sky.

Not many participants rushed towards Zhao Xin.

Among them are some who are terrifying and powerful even in the starry sky. They even recognize that this majestic brilliance belongs to the super evolution of the ancient tree of life.

Everyone was quite shocked and excited.

No one wants to plunder a super evolved ancient tree of life!

Zhao Xin was also a little shocked.

This 'sap from the Divine Tree of Life' is too strong.

The transformation of the ancient tree of life was beyond his imagination.

"I'm afraid this will attract many participants."


"If a terrifying and powerful person comes, even if I have a trump card like the 'Warrior Card' in my hand, I will not be safe."

He whispered in his heart.

No hesitation.

He directly controlled the still-transforming Ancient Tree of Life and killed towards the nearest starlight.

He is still a 'new participant'.

As long as you kill a participant of the Ten Thousand Races Contest for Hegemony, you can leave this Ten Thousand Races Contest for Hegemony starry sky.

"Looking at the appearance of the Ancient Tree of Life, this evolution should be extremely extraordinary."


"A real surprise for me."

While he was flying rapidly on the ancient tree of life, he was looking forward to it in his heart.

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