Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 140 The power of the true divine weapon ‘Green God Sword’! (2-in-1)

In the starlight closest to Zhao Xin.

It was a young man with bat wings and a hawk-like gaze.

He was wearing a tuxedo, his hair was meticulous, and his face was cold.

He frowned as he watched the shocking light coming from a very close distance but as bright as the blazing sun.

"There seems to be a similar legend in the clan."

"The dazzling light that appears in the starry sky where all races compete for supremacy is related to the ancient tree of life."

"But the record is unclear, and the ancestor probably doesn't know much about it either."

"But the starry sky where all races compete for supremacy belongs to the ancient tree of life."

"Only when the ancient tree of life evolves will it burst out with stronger brilliance."

"Could this extremely brilliant brilliance be caused by the evolution of the ancient tree of life?"

"With such terrifying and vast brilliance, how drastic is the degree of evolution?!"

"Now the other party is charging at me?"

"This is good fortune, unparalleled good fortune!"

The man spoke softly to himself, appearing very calm.

He comes from the Black Wing clan, has a high status and belongs to the Black Wing nobles.

And their Black Wing clan is among the top five clans among the major branches of the Wing clan.

I don't know how much more powerful than the White Wing Clan.

His strength is that although he is only a ninth-level Star Envoy, he has a King-level star creature in his hands!

And this area.

The participants who appeared were all ‘new participants’.

Compared with other new participants, he is naturally extremely powerful. He easily crushed his enemies in the previous three battles.

Not to mention——

As a black-winged nobleman, he naturally has amazing cards in his hand!


He saw the ancient tree of life coming across the sky, its brilliance was as brilliant as a blazing sun.

I also saw Zhao Xin standing on the ancient tree of life.

"Human race?"

"An eight-hundred-meter-tall ancient tree of life?"

"Three evolutions can actually reach this level."

"Getting a treasure that has evolved through the rest of it? What an incredible amount of luck."

The Black Wing man's eyes flashed.

But actually——

This time he was closest to the opponent.

Even if the opponent doesn't come to kill him, he will kill him directly.

"What a blazing light."

"It's really evolving, it's an unimaginable degree of evolution!"

He stared at the ancient tree of life at Zhao Xin's feet, feeling excited in his heart.

Once such an ancient tree of life is swallowed——

How much good fortune should his ancient tree of life receive?


He didn't hesitate.

A thought came to my mind.

The ancient trees of life under your feet have been entangled towards each other, forming an ancient bridge of life!

Behind him, two king-level starry sky creatures stepped out.

A mountain man holding a large icy shield, with a golden body, over a hundred meters tall, as if wearing a layer of golden armor, and an extremely powerful aura.

The other one was a thin mage with an ice-blue shield twisted around his body. He was suspended in mid-air, holding an ice-blue staff, and there was a terrible cold air coming out of his body.

"Tear each other apart."

The Black Wing man ordered.

He is very confident in himself.

He is definitely one of the strongest in this area.

This is the precious information of their Black Wing Clan.

As long as there are no more than five killing participants, they will only appear in this starry sky area.

Moreover, enemies who are close to each other basically belong to the same batch of participants who entered the battle for hegemony among all races.

Thousands of races contend for hegemony——

Every time, lives are drawn from all races in the starry sky and become participants.

The lives extracted will only be the low-level Star Envoys just now!

Although he is now a ninth-level Star Envoy.

But two months ago, he was only a third-level Star Controller.

In two months, he went from a third-level Star Envoy to a ninth-level Star Envoy!

Only he himself knows how much it cost.

If it weren't for his high status in the Black Wing Clan, it would be impossible to achieve this level.

And there is king-level combat power.

In this starry sky area, he is one of the strongest!


Even though he has king-level combat power, he is still confident.

after all--

His two king-level astral creatures are both two-star king-level creatures!


The hillman let out a huge roar and stared at Zhao Xin across from him with his eyes. The golden light on his body was even more terrifying. He stepped on the ancient bridge of life and rushed directly towards Zhao Xin!

"The power of frost, obey my command and freeze."

The frost mage followed behind the hillman, whispering softly, and the staff in his hand burst out with amazing frost power.

"There is actually a king's rank?"

Zhao Xin was a little surprised.

He also knew that this area belonged to the new area.

Star envoys possessing king-level astral creatures are extremely rare.

Unexpectedly, he encountered it.

And the distance is so close, it is obvious that this is an arrangement for the battlefield where all races compete for hegemony.

But he was only slightly surprised and didn't care.

"Two two-star kings."

"It's just a test of my own strength."

He whispered in his heart.

He didn't summon the astral creatures out, but quietly watched the two king-level astral creatures rushing towards him from the opposite side.


An ancient bronze sword slowly appeared in his hand.

The ancient bronze sword has countless fine textures and dots of patina, giving it an unpredictable power.

The entire ancient sword looks like it was formed by water flow, which is very strange.


It is the true divine weapon in his hand, the ‘Green God Sword’!

Although in order for the Green Divine Sword to explode with power, the energy required is too vast.

But even if there is no burst of power.

But the power of the Green Divine Sword alone is enough to shock the world!

It was far more powerful than the previously promoted mid-level king-level long sword in his hand.


"What is he going to do?"

"Not summoning astral creatures?"


The Black Wing man's indifferent face raised his eyebrows slightly, a little confused.

As a Star Controller, instead of summoning astral creatures, you hold the sword yourself?

Is it possible——

Does the other party still want to rely on itself to fight with the two two-star king-level astral creatures under his command?

The thought made him look strange as soon as he came up with it.

If the Royal Star Envoy had not been forced to do so, who would have acted in person?

"Are the astral creatures extinct?"

"Is it because of the opportunity for the Ancient Tree of Life to undergo such an astonishing evolution that all life in the astral realm has been wiped out?"

"That's not right either."

"If all the creatures in the astral world are wiped out, how dare the other party come to kill me?"

"A gamble?"

"Bet that my strength is not high?"

"Such a dazzling brilliance will definitely attract many truly terrifying and powerful people."

"Even if you need a voucher to enter this area, there will still be terrifying beings who can show it."

"A fight to the death?"

"Bet that my strength is not high, you can leave after killing me and avoid being killed by those terrifying beings?"

"What a good idea."


"My strength must be far beyond your expectations..."

The black-winged man's eyes flashed again, with a sneer and excitement in his heart.

The other party was like a moth flying into a flame.

This ancient tree of life, which is undergoing astonishing evolution, will soon become his stepping stone!

He 'Wollaston' -

This time, we will have a great opportunity to rise completely and restore the invincible glory of our ancestors!

At this time——

The huge mountain man has entered the end of the Ancient Bridge of Life. He raised the terrifying shield in his hand and slapped Zhao Xin hard!

The golden light filled the air, like a mountain falling down, which was extremely terrifying.

at the same time--

Another terrifying frost formed and thousands of ice spears penetrated through it, and the air along the way was completely frozen!


The Black Wing man was extremely excited.

When people sit at home, opportunities come from heaven!

I grabbed the opportunity later and immediately left the Ten Thousand Races to Conquer the Starry Sky.

No matter how hard those terrifying powerful men looked, they couldn't find him.

It's exciting just thinking about it.



A clear sound like a dragon's roar echoed between heaven and earth.

this moment.

It was as if an endlessly terrifying existence had awakened.

Zhao Xin looked calm, holding the Green Divine Sword, and stabbed out with the sword.

There are nine tribulation lights surrounding the sword body, like nine real dragons flying, terrifying to the sky.

Another very faint cyan light vaguely diffused from the sword, covering all the tribulation light.

This is a ray of basic power belonging to the Green God Sword!

The sword light surged.

Surrounded by Kowloon.

It was as if a supreme sword god from ancient times had struck out an earth-shattering sword.

Without any hindrance.

The mountain man with extremely terrifying defense was cut in half by this shocking sword light even if he had a big shield in front of him!

Even the cold sword light rushed out from behind the body of the mountain man, standing on the frost mage shrouded in a magic shield.

This two-star king-level frost mage was also cut in half!

Kill two with one sword!

Scarlet blood splashed and spilled in mid-air.

Huge corpses flew to both sides, and the scene was terrifying.

"So strong!"

Even Zhao Xin himself was shocked by the power of this sword.

The defense of the mountain people is so strong that it is not easy for three-star king-level astral creatures to break through.

But with one strike of his sword, he cut it in two!

Even the two-star king-level frost mage behind him was killed!

This kind of power has completely reached the level of the four-star king!

Only a four-star king-level sword could be so terrifying.

And his own combat power.

In fact, it should only be at the two-star king level.

That is to say.

The Green Divine Sword, which only showed a ray of basic power, increased his attack power by two levels, reaching the four-star king level!

He looked at the Green Divine Sword in his hand and felt for the first time——

The vast power of a true artifact.

Even he couldn't imagine it.

If the charging of the Green God Sword is completed in the future, how terrible it will be when the Green God Sword explodes with all its power!


"My two two-star king-level astral creatures are all dead?"

"Beheaded by the opponent's sword?"

The Black Wing man was confused.

Completely confused.

His eyes were widened, full of horror and disbelief.

How can it be! !

A star guardian actually killed two two-star king-level astral creatures with one sword? !

This is simply a fantasy! !

Just now, he felt that he was almost certain to seize the great opportunity and good fortune.

But in a blink of an eye——

Reality gave him a big slap, and the other party cut off his support with a sword! !

at this time.

He just really felt it.

This kind of Royal Star Envoy who can make the ancient tree of life undergo a shocking evolution is so terrifying.

"But no matter how strong--"

"I will die here today too."

"This amazing opportunity and good fortune belongs to me!"

He took a deep breath and looked coldly at Zhao Xin holding the Green Divine Sword opposite him.

No hesitation.

He took out a scroll from his arms.

The scroll is flashing with three colors, with a large number of strange textures on the surface, flowing with magnificent brilliance.

As soon as he took it out, purple thunder element of heaven and earth energy, red fire element of heaven and earth energy, and cyan wind element of heaven and earth energy appeared in all directions, surrounding it.

"If you can die under the Lord-level 'original riot', you can rest in peace."

He said coldly.

There was no pause in the movement of his hand, and he directly tore open the 'Original Riot' scroll.


The raging thunder, fire, and wind energy of heaven and earth completely went into riot. It was like a long river of riot, sweeping towards Zhao Xin!

This is extremely terrifying power.

Even if there is a star in front, it will be shattered in front of this terrible river of riots, and there is a risk of falling apart! !

This is lord-level power.

Far beyond any king level.

The lord level already has the power to destroy stars.

And this blow has the power to destroy stars!

"Lord level attack!"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows, feeling surprised.

Did you encounter a big fish?

He actually has a lord-level scroll in his hand!

This kind of scroll is very rare.

Only a very small number of lord-level beings who are proficient in scroll making can produce it.

In the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, such a scroll would cost at least tens of millions of ancient life coins!

This is a very astonishing number.

Converted into life force, it is equivalent to one hundred thousand life force!

A thought came to my mind.

He summoned Zhao Yan, the Angel of Death.

Death Angel Zhao Yan——

There is a lord-level believer.

You can directly borrow the power of that lord-level believer to unleash a shocking blow.

Reaching the limit, with Zhao Yan's current combat power at the peak of the four-star king level, this attack can almost approach the lord level.

The attack of the scroll seal will actually be weaker than the real lord-level power.

It's not much stronger than Zhao Yan's attack using the 'Light of Faith'.


Allowing the 'Light of Faith' to reach its limit would place a terrible burden on Zhao Yan.

after all--

The power that is close to the lord level depends on her to be released.

The pressure was enough to hit her hard in an instant.

So in the past.

Zhao Yan's use of the 'Light of Faith' has never reached its limit.

but now--

Facing this lord-level scroll, Zhao Yan naturally had to use the extreme level of 'Light of Faith'!

As for serious damage?

Zhao Yan is the Angel of Death, belongs to the angel family, and her resilience is unquestionable.


at this time.

The Green Divine Sword in Zhao Xin's hand shook slightly, flew out from Zhao Xin's hand, and faced the rioting river directly.

next moment--

Both Zhao Xin and the Black Wing men were stunned.

I saw the Green God Sword sucking in the river like a whale. In just a blink of an eye, the mighty and violent river that covered the sky and the sun was completely absorbed by the Green God Sword and disappeared.


The Green God Sword flew back to Zhao Xin's hand.

"This this……"

"How can this be……"

"A lord-level blow... was actually swallowed by a sword..."

The Black Wing man was sluggish.

This was a scene he couldn't imagine.

It's incredible.

It was even more unacceptable to him than before when Zhao Xin killed the mountain man and the frost mage with one sword.

This is his strongest trump card!

A lord-level terrifying blow! !

"The violent original energy of heaven and earth can also be absorbed by the Green God Sword?"

Zhao Xin reacted quickly and was pleasantly surprised.

He waved to Zhao Yan, the angel of death next to him.

Zhao Yan nodded.

The wings spread out from behind, and the body flashed in front of the Black Wing man. He slashed down with a sword, hot blood spurted out, and a head flew up with an expression of disbelief!

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