Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 141 The first ship girl! Departing from the Royal Capital (2-in-1)

[Congratulations, you killed a participant in the battle for hegemony! 】

[You get a kill treasure chest! 】

A message appeared in front of Zhao Xin.

Then a white and silver treasure chest appeared out of thin air.

There are many strange patterns on the treasure chest, with a magnificent brilliance.

"Finally got another kill chest."

Zhao Xin smiled.

Last time.

He didn't get the kill chest.

Although killing the treasure chest is not too precious to him.

After all, in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, you only need to spend one hundred ancient life coins to open a true or false kill treasure chest.

And with his immortal characteristic of 'fate's favor', it is not difficult to open the real treasure chest.

But the feeling of getting the kill treasure chest is a little different from buying it with money.

"I hope to get a more powerful treasure."

"It's not in vain that this opponent took out a lord-level scroll."

He whispered.

Go forward and open the silver treasure chest directly.

Suddenly, a large number of items flashed through the treasure chest, and finally stopped on a thumb-sized but burning fire.

The surface of the tinder has dense metal textures, which is very gorgeous.

"What's this?"

Zhao Xin was stunned and reached out to take out the fire.

Fire does not have any temperature, even the flame burning on the surface does not have any temperature, it is just an illusion.

He curiously checked the Tinder information.

[Mechanical fire: The ownerless fire of mechanical civilization. Any intelligent system integrated with fire can turn into intelligent life]

"It's actually an item from mechanical civilization!"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

This battlefield where thousands of races compete for hegemony was obviously established by an unimaginable existence from one side of the Star Envoy.

It may even be the work of more than one Supreme Being.

But now he has opened the fire of mechanical civilization from the kill treasure chest?

He had seen information about Tinder.

This is the fundamental substance of mechanical civilization!

The birth of people with mechanical civilization requires the integration of fire.

Only machines that are integrated with fire can be called life!

Only machines that are integrated with fire can practice, self-improve, have feelings, etc.

And if it is not integrated into the fire, it is just a simple robot.

“Nice item.”

He put it away with satisfaction.

The intelligent life of the Liuling Civilization, 'Elanna', must have been integrated into the fire in order to become an intelligent life, and even has a high status in the Liuling Civilization.

He thought that in the future he could create an intelligent being who would be responsible for all his technological items.

Intelligent life is inherently capable of controlling and manufacturing various technological items.

More powerful than all the scientists trained by humans.

For example, the intelligent life of the Liuling Civilization, ‘Elanna’, created a virtual world for Chen Star.

This kind of technology is far beyond the dust star.

With the current technological level of Chen Star, even if it develops for another 10,000 years, it will not be able to create a virtual world.

"time to go."

"Don't be blocked here by some terrifying strong men."

"Maybe I won't be able to leave."

He thought to himself.

Seeing that the ancient tree of life at his feet had swallowed up the ancient tree of life opposite, he was still in the process of transformation.

He just chose to leave.

This super evolution also takes ten days to complete!

He is looking forward to what level his ancient tree of life will transform into when he comes in ten days later.


"In the final analysis, this ancient tree of life does not belong to the astral creature."

"Although to the Star Envoy, the Ancient Tree of Life is very similar to the astral creatures, it is only similar."

"The crystal of wood source cannot be used by the ancient tree of life."

"Otherwise, we can try to see how much changes the Muyuan Crystal will be brought about by the Ancient Tree of Life."

He whispered to himself softly with some regret.


In a flash of his body, he had already left the battlefield where all races were fighting for hegemony.

And as he left, the ancient tree of life that was undergoing super evolution slowly disappeared into the starry sky without a trace.

Far and near.

Some of the powerful men who were rushing towards them all stopped and looked ugly.

The other party is gone!

Even if they rush there as fast as possible.

But he still didn't arrive before the other party left!

"That area is a new and tender area——"

"And the person who broke the records of the first and second veins of Tianmai Mountain should not have a high level of cultivation..."

"Could the two be the same person..."

There was a terrifying strong man whose eyes flickered and he had some guesses in his mind.

Super evolution——

It is too difficult to get such a heaven-defying opportunity.

If you are not a real monster, how can you get it?

The most powerful monster that has appeared in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races recently is undoubtedly the human race who broke the first and second veins of Tianmai Mountain!

"If it's a human race, kill him!"

The bronze life with a bronze color all over its body, like a metal sculpture, spoke out cold words, and the void collapsed into large pieces.

"The human race is already strong enough, do we still need to produce a peerless strong man?"

The terrifying and powerful man from the Winged Clan frowned.

"The human race has been at the top for too long, but the waxing and waning of the moon is the rule of heaven and earth. How can we always stand at the top?"

"This human monster will definitely die on the way!"

The young and powerful man from the God Clan sneered, his blond hair flying like the sun.

Zhao Xin returned to the villa at No. 15 Bell Street.

He was in a good mood.

The ancient tree of life has super evolved, which will definitely have amazing benefits for his future strength improvement.

after all--

This 'sap of the Divine Tree of Life' is a peerless treasure that is similar to the level of the Elder Order of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance!

Standing under the space sacred tree of Dalikos.

Zhao Xin took out the Green Divine Sword.

The Green Divine Sword absorbed the lord-level blow, and he wanted to see if there was any difference.

But no matter how he looked, he couldn't see the difference.

"Perhaps for me, a Lord-level strike is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke."

"But for the Green God Sword, a Lord-level blow is just a drop of water in a million-kilometer ocean."

He whispered softly to himself.


Nothing has changed.

You need to wait until he uses it next time to find out.

Is it possible——

Can he still strike out with a sword here?

If he cuts a sword here, even if the Green God Sword is the same as before, it can cut the entire sea city in half!

"It's time to look for it."

"Where is the most terrifying gathering place of original energy?"

"It doesn't matter if it's chaotic."

He pondered in his mind.

Green Divine Sword——

Definitely the most powerful weapon in his hand.

If the Green God Sword was fully charged, he could not imagine how terrifying the Green God Sword could be.

But for sure——

It is definitely far beyond the Lord level, Legend level, and even the Sanctuary level!

Destroying the sea of ​​stars with one sword will no longer be a legend.

But the premise of all this.

You need to charge the Green God Sword first.

And even a lord-level blow could not cause any change in the Blue God Sword.

From this we can see how vast the energy required by the Green God Sword is.

"Maybe it can't be found on the dust stars."

"Do you want me to pilot the spaceship, find a star, and throw the Green God Sword into it?"

The thought flashed through his mind.

But I gave up in a blink of an eye.

With his strength, there is no way he can get close to the star.

Even if you are driving a Rising Sun-class spaceship, you can't get close.

Even the three motherships of the Liuling Civilization may not be able to get close to the star.


That is the hottest star.

Only the strong at the legendary level can survive on the stars.

As for the mothership of the Liuling Civilization, there is still a big gap between it and the Legend.

"I just happened to get a piece of fire."

"An intelligent life can be created, and the intelligent life can control the spaceship and search in the stars around dust stars."

He made a decision in his mind.

Thinking of the supreme power of the Green God Sword when it was fully charged, his heart became very hot.

Although warrior cards are powerful, they are one-time consumables at each level.

Once it's used, it's gone.

And the Green Divine Sword——

As long as it is charged, the energy can be used continuously!

He directly contacted the intelligent life form of the Liuling Civilization, Elana, and asked it to send a Rising Sun-class spaceship.

The energy required by the Rising Sun-class spacecraft is about one ten thousandth of that of the three motherships.

It is obviously more cost-effective to use a Rising Sun-class spacecraft to explore.

If you use the mothership to explore——

The consumption is too great.

The energy consumption of those three motherships is very terrifying.

Even with the size of Chen Star, it cannot supply any ship.

Only a powerful civilization in the starry sky such as the Liuling Civilization, which controls a huge star field and has a large number of resource stars, can supply the needs of such a mothership!

"I obey your orders!"

Elana was very respectful, without any hesitation.

In less than a quarter of an hour——

Over Haicheng, a light invisible to the naked eye flashed, revealing a huge spaceship.

This spacecraft is silver-white in color, with a length of more than ten kilometers and a width of more than four kilometers. It looks like a floating city in the sky, giving it a very sci-fi feel.

There was a stream of light shining on the surface, and a translucent light curtain enveloped the spacecraft.

If this spaceship were to lower its height, the terrifying projection would completely cover less than half of the sea city!

There are a large number of special magic circles on the spaceship.

Some magic formations can even condense the original energy of heaven and earth to unleash an attack at the peak of king level.

And the strongest magic circle——

It can even erupt with lord-level power, called 'Void Thunder', which can annihilate everything.


Zhao Xin spread five pairs of jet-black wings from behind and rushed up from the ground.

Zhou Xuan followed him with excitement on her face.


Zhou Xuan is also very interested in a spaceship.

After all, no one can resist this legendary thing!

"So huge!"

"Is this a spaceship that can sail in the stars?"

Zhou Xuan looked excitedly at the silver-white spaceship ahead.

"Your Majesty the Elder, welcome your arrival!"

Elana was already standing at the entrance of the spaceship. When she saw Zhao Xin arriving, she quickly saluted respectfully.


Zhao Xin nodded and walked into the spaceship.

The decoration in the spaceship is very exquisite and has a very strong elven style.

The elves are a race that likes perfection and has a paranoid pursuit of beauty.

This means that any item made by the elves has a pleasing perfection.

"Greetings from Rising Sun-class spacecraft No. 9527!"

A mechanical electronic sound came.

"Transfer the highest authority of the intelligent system to me."

Zhao Xin ordered.

"Yes, Your Excellency Elder."

"Your orders are above all else."

Elana didn't hesitate.

Directly transfer the highest authority of this Rising Sun-class spacecraft to Zhao Xin.

"Master, 9527 says hello to you!"

Not long after.

The mechanical electronic sound from before came again.

"Merge this fire."

Zhao Xin directly took out the fire and suspended it in the spaceship.


Elana's body shook slightly, with a look of shock on her face.

She is naturally no stranger to fire.

Isn't it because she was able to evolve from an intelligent system to an intelligent life because she received a fire from Her Majesty the Queen of the Ryuling Civilization?


This is extremely precious in their Liuling civilization.

Only the most powerful intelligent systems can be gifted and evolve into intelligent life.

And now——

The intelligent system of a Rising Sun-class spacecraft actually got this opportunity!

Elana was envious.

She was also sighing secretly in her heart.

As expected of the elder of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance, you can easily produce a very precious fire.

And he also casually threw it into the intelligent system of a Rising Sun-class spacecraft.

What is deep pockets?

This is rich and powerful!

He doesn't even pay attention to the fire.

This made her feel even more awed.

"Follow your master's orders."

The mechanical electronic sound sounded for the third time.

A mechanical arm flew out of the spacecraft, grabbed the fire and blended it directly into the spacecraft.


When the fire came into contact with the mechanical creation, it immediately spread out and formed a large number of bloody threads, covering the entire spaceship.

The silver-white spaceship has extra blood!

Just like the blood vessels in the human body, they are so densely packed that they are countless.

this moment.

The entire spaceship seemed to be transforming and evolving.

Each of the magic formations has become more vast and more sophisticated.

But these are just additional changes.

What has really undergone the greatest evolution is the spacecraft’s intelligent system.

In front of Zhao Xin and Elana.

A large amount of bloody strange metal flew from all over the spacecraft, slowly condensing in front of them to form a bloody robot.

And soon——

There is a lot of flesh and blood on the surface of the robot.

In the blink of an eye.

A girl with a cold expression appeared in front of the two of them. She was wearing a cold silver-white battle armor and was very heroic.

Just like a female general who is ready to go to the battlefield at any time, she is capable and sharp!

"Thank you master for giving me life!"

"Master, please give me a name!"

The girl knelt on her knees and saluted Zhao Xin with great respect.

"From now on, your name will be 'Ayanami'."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed and he seemed to pick up a name at random.

"Ayanami, thank you Master for the name!"

Ayanami's voice no longer had any mechanical sound, but was full of emotion.

This is intelligent life!

Once it evolves, it immediately belongs to life.

It is no longer a procedure.

"I give you an order."

“Looking for places with extremely abundant energy around dust stars.”

"It doesn't matter if it's a calm energy field or a chaotic energy storm."

"As long as it has energy, the bigger it is, the better."

Zhao Xin ordered.

"Does your Excellency Elder need a lot of energy?"

"There is still a lot of energy in our three motherships, which can be given to the elder."

Elana said quickly.

"Too little."

“A drop in the bucket.”

"The energy I need is countless."

Zhao Xin said directly.

This sentence shocked Elana's heart again.

Your Excellency the Elder is Your Excellency the Elder, and the words he speaks are so high-end.

Even the energy of the three motherships is just a drop in the bucket. She can't imagine how much energy the elder needs!

"Yes, Master!"

Ayanami accepted the order without hesitation.

Zhao Xin nodded.

Let Zhou Xuan visit for a while and then leave directly.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed.

Zhao Xin came to the execution hall early in the morning. Today is the day for him and Zhou Xi to follow the hall leader Zhao Man to the royal capital!

Zhao Xin is still looking forward to life in the royal capital.


Zhao Hongyue seems to be in the royal capital too?

He was really curious about Zhao Hongyue's identity.

He has feelings.

This time when he goes to the royal capital, Zhao Hongyue should tell him his identity.

Even he felt.

My trip to the capital this time may have been arranged by Zhao Hongyue!

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