Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 143 Am I the daughter of a god? ! (2-in-1)

The top of Lal Yada Mountains.

The black palace stands.

In front of the palace.

There are three simple characters written on the stone tablet.

This is the organization that all king-level beings in Dust Star need to join——

Royal Palace.

Royal Palace is the strongest organization in the world, bar none.

Any king-level existence in a kingdom or empire is a member of the Imperial Palace.

This is also the true power center of Dust Star.

Even the three empires cannot object to what is decided here and must abide by it.

at this time--

Aircrafts were parked all over the mountains.

One after another, king-level beings walked out of the aircraft and entered the Royal Palace on the top of the mountain range.

The Royal Palace ‘Qianwang Palace’.

Five seats are distributed at the top.

There are twenty-two seats on both sides.

Further down, there are a large number of ordinary seats.

The world's strongest person Xu Daohong, the world's second strongest person Wan Chong, the world's third strongest person Lesk Altaif, the world's fourth strongest person Perkins Lexa, and the world's fifth strongest person Zhou Yunshang sit quietly above.

The auras on the five people are very terrifying, twisting the surroundings, giving people a hazy feeling.

The five of them are the five palace masters of the Royal Palace, and they are among the five people with the highest status on the dust star.

Of the twenty-two seats on both sides, eighteen were already occupied.

They may be male or female, old or young, but there is no doubt that they all have strong auras.

They are the elders of the Royal Palace, and they all have the strength of the three-star king level.

It belongs to the strongest level below the top five strongest people in the world.

And on those ordinary seats are the other one-star king-level and two-star king-level Royal Star Envoys.

There were a lot of them, over two hundred.

If we include some of the kings who have not arrived.

The number of royal-level beings in the Royal Palace should be close to three hundred, or even more than three hundred.


"I have summoned you to the Royal Palace this time. I think you know the reason why."

The old guardian elder stood up and looked at everyone in a deep voice.

He is not tall and looks quite thin, but his strength is the most unfathomable among the elders.

There are even suspicions among the kings——

The strength of this guardian elder may have reached the level of five palace masters!


He is also the chief steward of the Royal Palace.

Responsible for maintaining the existence of the Imperial Palace.

"Five palace masters, your Excellency the guardian elders."

"In recent years, the obelisks in the Royal Palace have been broken one after another. I want to know if this has anything to do with the Hermitage of the Seven Gods?"

At this time.

A king-level being from Tinghan Kingdom, one of the nine countries in the northern continent, stood up and spoke.

The Tinghan Kingdom is located in the northernmost part of the Northern Continent, with a vast territory and sparsely populated territory. The territory is covered with ice and snow all year round.

This also resulted in the people of the Tinghan Kingdom having strong bodies and rough personalities. They spoke out when they had a problem and did not like to hide it.

"After discussions among the elders and the five palace masters, we have discussed this matter."

"We all agree that the shattering of the obelisk during this period should have nothing to do with the Seven Gods Hermitage."

The guardian elder spoke.

His eyes looked very cloudy, but no one dared to underestimate him.

"Why are the obelisks broken one after another?"

Another king-level being from the Blizzard Empire spoke.

The Blizzard Empire is one of the two major empires in the Northern Continent. It is located in the south of the Tinghan Kingdom. It is freezing cold for most of the year.

During this time——

Start with the Obelisk of Death.

The thunder and lightning obelisk, the ice and snow obelisk, the fire obelisk, the large local obelisk, the light obelisk, etc. were all broken one after another.

This frightened all king-level beings.

Even Xu Daohong, the strongest man in the world, was extremely shocked and couldn't understand.

"No way of knowing."

The guardian elder shook his head.

But after a pause, he spoke again:

"But according to our speculation, the broken obelisk may be related to those major tribunals."

"The Tribunal of Death, the Tribunal of Thunder, the Tribunal of Ice and Snow, the Tribunal of Earth, and the Tribunal of Light."

"This is very similar to our broken obelisk in terms of properties."

"Furthermore, these tribunals are very mysterious. From the attitude of Elanna, the intelligent life of the Ryuling Civilization, towards the person from the Light Tribunal, it can be seen that the other party's identity is extremely shocking."

"We have reason to believe that the other party has the strength to break the obelisk."

These few words fell.

Many king-level beings present nodded slightly.

after all--

When the Qingyue ruins are opened.

There were many king-level beings present, but they all saw with their own eyes that the member of the Bright Tribunal had the highest authority on the Qingyue!

Top two——

The one who openly used king-level media to trade living king-level monsters.

He looked like he didn't take the king-level media in his eyes at all.

It can be seen that the status of the other party is absolutely terrifying.


"The issue this time is not the Inquisition, but the Seven Gods Hermitage."

"This time the Seven Gods Hermitage came to the stage and asked for the position of National Master of the Twelve Kingdoms. What do you think?"

Zhou Yunshang, the fifth strongest person in the world, interrupted everyone's contemplation.

As one of the palace masters of the Royal Palace, even if she ranks at the bottom, she still has absolute power.

"Sir, I think we should first share the information about the Seven Gods Hermitage."

A king-level being from the Tisheng Kingdom stood up and said in a deep voice.

Everyone nodded.

The Hermitage of the Seven Gods is too mysterious.

Definitely the strongest among the hidden organizations on Dust Star.


They feel that it is more powerful than the extremely mysterious ‘Heart of Experience’ that has barely revealed any trace!

The Hermitage of the Seven Gods doesn't take many shots.

But every time he takes action, it is earth-shattering.

"Let me tell you."

Xu Daohong, the strongest man in the world, spoke. His eyes were cold and solemn as he scanned the crowd:

"The Hermitage of the Seven Gods, dedicated to the Seven Gods."

"These seven gods are all existences beyond the king level."

"The origins of the Seven Gods are very mysterious and do not exist on our planet. Moreover, the Hermitage of the Seven Gods does not only exist on our planet."

"The Hermitage of the Seven Gods on Dust Star is divided into seven halls."

"The Palace of Life, the Palace of Thunder, the Palace of Light, the Palace of Darkness, the Palace of Death, the Palace of Fire, and the Palace of Water."

"The Palace of Life is the most mysterious. The priests of the Palace of Life can control destiny, which is very scary."

"Thunder Palace is the controller of the City of Thunder God who appears this time. Being able to own a spaceship, one can imagine his strength."

"In addition to the unpredictable priests, there are seven teams in the Dark Palace, and they are not weak."

"Mingdian has almost never taken any action, and the information is unknown."

"The Palace of Death has taken action once, and the God of War Empire should know it very well."

"The Fire Palace and the Water Palace have always entered and exited together. The power of water and fire cooperate with each other, and they may be the strongest."

The words fell.

He directly asked the spirit of the Royal Palace to open the virtual screen, which displayed the detailed information of the Seven Gods Hermitage.


It’s all information collected by various countries and Sky City over the years!

The summary at this time is here.

All the kings were shocked to see it.

too strong.

The strength of the Seven Gods Hermitage makes all king-level beings feel numb.

There are actually more than fifteen kings in one dark hall alone!

Moreover, the Palace of Life, which can control destiny, controls everything, making the Seven Gods Hermitage even more terrifying.


Beings at the king level may fall into the fate woven by the Palace of Life and die unknowingly.

Even until death, you may not notice anything abnormal.

"Master Xu Daohong, what should we do?"

The War King from the God of War Empire said in a deep voice.

His black hair is messy and his aura is very violent. He is an elder of the Imperial Palace, and one of the few Imperial Star Envoys who also has strong combat power!

He is extremely talented and was raised by a pair of ferocious tigers since he was a child. He is extremely ferocious and pays special attention to his own strength.

"Destroy the Seven Gods Hermitage."

Xu Daohong looked serious and spoke straightforwardly.

As the strongest man in the world, he has nothing to fear.

With his strength, if the Seven Gods Hermitage hadn't been hiding in the dark, they would have been trampled by him long ago!

He turned his eyes to the side, where a figure wearing a black robe with a low presence sat quietly:

"Yan, you make the arrangements."

The black-robed figure nodded slightly.

Zhao Xin was naturally unaware of the actions of the Imperial Palace.

At this time, he was just reading quietly in the room, without any urgency.


"somebody is coming?"

Suddenly, something moved in his heart, and he sensed someone entering the palace.

His special spiritual power has already enveloped the entire palace.

Even the mysterious Zhou Xi couldn't detect his mental power.

after all--

This is a special spiritual power based on the spiritual magic of "enslavement".

The level of the soul magic 'Slavery' is too high.

That is the lower level true god level.

"That old man from Lei Palace?"

"He went to find the hall master?"

Zhao Xin's mental strength quietly looked at the old man wearing purple clothes and having a peaceful face.

This old man is a king.

The level is at the first star king level, but no one can determine the specific strength without seeing the opponent's star world creature.

The strength of the Royal Star Envoy.

Ninety percent of them are astral creatures.

It is not too unusual for a one-star king-level star envoy to have a two-star king-level star creature.

Zhao Xin looked at the old man in purple clothes and knocked on Zhao Man's door.

"Please come in."

Zhao Man's voice came out.

The door opened silently, and the old man in purple clothes walked into the room and closed the door.

Zhao Man frowned and looked at the old man in rich clothes.

She has a dark golden scroll in her hand that can be torn open at any time.

Zhao Xin naturally recognized this scroll.

When Zhao Man deceived him, he had this scroll in his hand.

This is a royal-level scroll.

at the same time.

Zhao Xin was also ready.

If the old man wanted to harm Zhao Man, he would naturally take action.


The old man in gorgeous clothes looked at Zhao Man and made a shocking move.

He lifted up his robe and knelt down directly towards Zhao Man, his expression becoming extremely respectful:

"The fifth thunder general of the Thunder Palace, pay homage to Her Majesty the Goddess!"

Your Highness the Goddess?

Zhao Xin was in a daze.

Zhao Man——

Is it actually related to the Thunder Palace of the Seven Gods Hermitage?

And it seems that his status is quite high?

He looked at Zhao Man mentally.

However, he saw Zhao Man looking confused, as if he had no idea what was going on.


"She doesn't know what kind of goddess this is?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

This is somewhat interesting.

A king from the Thunder Palace knelt on the ground and called Zhao Man 'Her Royal Highness the Goddess'.

But Zhao Man obviously doesn't know?

"You...what did you call me?"

"Your Highness the Goddess?!"

Zhao Man put away the confused look on his face and frowned.

After all, she was a princess of a country, and she quickly suppressed the shock in her heart.

"Her Highness the Goddess is the daughter of a great god. She came to this world and came to the dust star. However, Her Highness the Goddess has not yet awakened her past life memories."

"Please also ask the goddess to accompany your subordinates to the Temple of Gods. Your Highness the goddess will naturally understand everything."

The old man in colorful clothes said respectfully.

The daughter of a great god?

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

As far as he knows.

The Hermitage of the Seven Gods worships the Seven Gods.

Zhao Man is actually one of the seven gods, the daughter of a certain god?

He was a little surprised.


Whether the so-called Seven Gods of the Seven Gods Hermitage were gods or not, he had to question.

he thinks.

It shouldn't look like a real god.

In his opinion.

Gods should be like those terrifying entities in the dream world.

But the Seven Gods Hermitage didn't even see a single lord.

How powerful can the Seven Gods behind them be?

"The daughter of a great god?"

Zhao Man took a deep breath.

She wanted to laugh at this moment.

I feel that this king of the Seven Gods Hermitage may not be in his right mind.

He actually thinks that she is the daughter of some god.

And if the other party is in his right mind.

So with this rhetoric, there is a high probability that there is some conspiracy behind this Thunder Palace.

This conspiracy may be related to her sister Zhao Hongyue.

After all, only Zhao Hongyue, the empress of the Red Moon Kingdom, is qualified to let the Seven Gods Hermitage take action!

"Okay, I'll go and have a look with you."

She also wanted to know what the conspiracy was in this Thunder Palace.

Her sister——

Not easy to deal with.

At only twenty-one years old, he is already a king-level star envoy!

This kind of talent is no longer amazing, but terrifying like a demon.

The two of them left the room one after the other.

"Zhao Man actually has such an identity?"

"Born on a dust star?"

Zhao Xin murmured.

Unlike Zhao Man, he believed what the old man in Chinese clothes said.

Because of his mental power, he could sense that the respect of the old man in colorful clothes came from his heart.

It's not just pretentious.

This is very interesting.

He thought for a while, looked at the silver sky snake in his hand, and ordered:

"Hidden, follow."


The silvery white light on the Silver Sky Snake flashed slightly, and the surrounding space suddenly distorted, causing his body to disappear into the room.

This is the method of space concealment.

next moment.

The space teleportation was activated, and he had appeared in mid-air not far from Zhao Man, following behind quietly.

He wanted to see it.

What will happen after Zhao Man goes to that 'House of Gods'?

"Awakening past life memories?"

"Then will Zhao Man still be Zhao Man?"

"It's necessary to help her..."

Zhao Xin whispered softly in his heart.

How to help?

This naturally does not trouble him.

He has practiced the soul magic 'Slavery', including the time of 'stealing', for more than ten years.

The understanding of soul, consciousness, spiritual power, etc. is already very deep.

This awakening of past life memories is basically the consciousness of the past life, swallowing up the consciousness of this life.


This kind of devouring is not real devouring.

It's more like a devouring plus fusion.

The consciousness of the past life will also be affected by the consciousness of this life.

But there is no doubt about it.

The awareness of past lives is stronger, that is, the awareness of past lives is dominant.

The consciousness in this life is stronger, which means that the consciousness in this life is the main one.

The greater the gap between consciousness, the smaller the impact.


Zhao Man, led by the old man in Chinese attire, arrived outside a very majestic purple palace.

There are six knights in armor guarding the palace.

Everyone looked intently and had a strong aura about them.

They are all pseudo-king-level astral creatures!

"Your Highness the Goddess, this is the Palace of Gods."

“You just go in there and you understand everything.”

The old man in colorful clothes said respectfully.

Zhao Man frowned.


She also felt something was wrong.

This didn't look like a conspiracy, and the old man's respect for her didn't look like fake either.

Could it be——

What kind of god’s daughter am I really?

She looked at the palace in front of her, and she felt a vague sense of intimacy.

It seemed as if the front was her home, which even made her feel relaxed and happy physically and mentally!

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