Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 144 Defeat the God’s Daughter! Be respectful in this life! (2-in-1)

Zhao Xin stood in mid-air.

This City of Thunder God belongs to a Blue Moon-level spaceship, and it also has many king-level auras.

But no one can discover his existence.

"This palace..."

He raised his eyebrows slightly and felt a very strange aura.

This kind of breath——

It’s the power of faith!

There is the power of faith in this palace!

This surprised him.

The power of faith——

From his understanding, one must have divinity to receive it.

What is divinity?

The characteristic of gods is divinity!

Now that the power of faith has appeared in this palace, is it possible that there is really a god behind the Seven Gods Hermitage?

This was beyond his expectation.

How terrifying the gods are, he can understand from the dream world.

"It shouldn't be possible."

"If there really is such a terrifying existence behind the Seven Gods Hermitage, how can there be only King Rank?"

"Is it possible——"


An idea flashed in his mind, and he thought of one of the four major civilizations alongside the Star Envoy Civilization, Demon Civilization, and Mechanical Civilization——

Divine civilization!

The civilization of gods is very mysterious.

Even in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, there is not much information.

It can only be found.

The civilization of the gods is very terrifying and their strength is astonishing.

"Could it be the existence of a divine civilization..."

he mused.

From the little information about the gods and civilizations found in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Among them is the realm of divine civilization, and all ordinary creatures must believe in gods!

What does this mean?

It shows that the gods are civilized and have the means to harvest the power of faith.

He is also constantly gaining the power of faith.

"Your Highness the Goddess, please enter the Hall of Gods."

The old man in colorful clothes once again respectfully addressed Zhao Man.

Zhao Man's expression changed.

She already sensed a problem.

Naturally, he didn't want to step into this palace.


She looked at the old man in gorgeous clothes, and finally walked towards the palace in front of her.

She knows.

If she doesn't go in.

This old man in fine clothes will also send her in.

With her strength, it was impossible to resist the old man in gorgeous clothes.

Since entering this palace was a foregone conclusion, as the princess of the Red Moon Kingdom, she still chose to go in by herself.


Follow her forward.

The palace door slowly opened.

A soft purple light shines from the palace, and the thunder-type heaven and earth energy is densely packed, cheering and jumping for joy.

Zhao Xin stepped in mid-air, stood beside Zhao Man, and looked into the palace.

The palace is very sacred, with a ten-meter-high statue in the center.

Seeing this statue, Zhao Xin's eyebrows suddenly raised again.

He was surprised to find——

This statue actually looks like an angel!

He has purple wings, a resolute and cold appearance, wears purple armor, and holds a purple two-handed sword.

An aura of holiness and majesty spreads from the statue to the surroundings.

The entire hall is filled with majesty, making people feel awe-inspiring and dare not make mistakes.

"This kind of breath..."

Zhao Man frowned.

She felt that this smell was very friendly, and she couldn't help but want to get close to him.

Is it possible——

Are you really the daughter of some god?

"The great God of Thunder and the noble Goddess have been found..."

The old man in rich clothes knelt on the ground devoutly and prayed to the statue.

With his prayers.

The entire statue suddenly burst into brilliant purple light.

In the purple light, it seemed as if a pair of eyes looked over from an endless distance.

These eyes are cold and ruthless, looking down at all living beings from a high level.

"Yan Qiusha..."

"It's time for you to return to your father..."

A calm yet terrifying sound came from the statue.

Paired with those cold eyes, this is a god!

Zhao Xin looked serious.

The silver sky snake was blooming with a very bright silver light, which it tried its best to hide.

at this time.

Although Zhao Xin can see everything in the outside world, he is actually in another dimension.

This is the ability of Silver Sky Snake.

Even though the being behind this statue was mysterious and incredibly powerful, he was not discovered despite the endless distance.

after all--

He is not in this space.


A purple gaze shot out from the statue, directly covering Zhao Man.


Something suddenly seemed to be broken in Zhao Man's mind, causing her to make a painful sound.

This is a memory from a previous life!

A huge memory that is far more than a hundred times greater than the short twenty years of this life!

This huge wash of memories was enough to easily shatter her personality and consciousness in this life!

Zhao Man was panicked.

She knew it now.

She is going to disappear.

Washed away by that huge memory, traces of her existence will disappear directly.


It's her from her previous life!

But the person she was in her previous life is no longer the person she is in this life!

But just then.

She suddenly felt a very special spiritual power appear, which was also very powerful compared to her.

This mental power condensed into a huge word "slave" in the depths of her mind.

The brilliance is overwhelming.

The mental power turned into the word "slave", like a supreme sharp sword, it actually directly chopped into pieces the large amount of memories that washed away!

This feeling.

It's like a river bursting its banks, and the terrifying water is so powerful that it will destroy everything.

But there was a terrifying swordsman standing in front of him. He cut the river water into pieces with one sword and rolled it back!

But then——

The chopped memories condensed together, forming a transparent female figure with a cold face and black hair shawl.

This transparent female figure looks exactly like Zhao Man.

But their expressions, temperaments, gazes, etc. are very different.

"I am the daughter of the God of Thunder. Who are you to stop me from returning?"

A voice as cold as a god came from the mouth of ‘Zhao Man’.

Her eyes glowed with astonishing brilliance, staring at the huge word 'slave' in the sky.

"The person you were in the previous life is not the person she is in this life."

"Since the previous life has died, why should it reappear?"

Zhao Xin's cold voice came from the word 'slave'.

As for Zhao Man's true consciousness, it is hidden behind the word 'slave'.

She couldn't hear either the transparent 'Zhao Man's' voice or Zhao Xin's voice.

Because this is a spiritual sea, it is impossible for any sound to come out.

It doesn’t matter if it’s transparent ‘Zhao Man’ or Zhao Xin.

It is all the vibrating mental power that allows the other party to hear your voice.

"It's always been me in this life."

"I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise you will end up harming yourself."

Transparent ‘Zhao Man’ said coldly.

"If you were a gentle fusion and focused on this life, I wouldn't take action."

"But you are too domineering. You actually want to directly obliterate everything in this life, not to integrate it, but to replace it."

"If you treat my friend like this, I will naturally have to take action."

Zhao Xin looked calm.

to be honest--

The scene before him was somewhat beyond his expectation.

Originally, he thought that the other party would only devour and fuse it in this life, but he did not expect that the other party was so domineering and wanted nothing in this life. He would rather lose his mental power than give it up to keep the purity of his previous life.

"There's nothing to say, it's just a battle."

Transparent ‘Zhao Man’ is very strong and cold.

As soon as they didn't agree, they took action directly.

Although her body is transparent, it is just a condensation of memories from her past life.

But it's obvious that she stands at a very high level, far beyond the king's level. Even if it's just an aggregate of memories, she still has terrifying means and power in this spiritual world.

There is a combination of pure memories behind her to form a pair of wings, and a large amount of memories turn into thunderous energy flowing on them.


The wings covered the sky, the thunder spread, and thousands of thunders instantly flooded towards Zhao Xin, trying to smash the word 'slave' formed by his incarnation!

at the same time.

She also has a thunder spear in her hand that is completely formed from memory. It is very sharp. When she throws it, it has the power to penetrate everything.

"Very strong."

"Even if it's just a condensation of memory, it can still unleash such methods."

"The realm in the previous life must have exceeded the lord level, and there is a high probability that it is in the legendary stage."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

He doesn't have any extra moves.

The word "Slave" flew across the sky, shining like the sun on the world, directly shattering the thunder in the sky, and then destroying the thunder spear that penetrated!


The word 'slave' was majestic, crushing directly towards the transparent 'Zhao Man'.

Just like the sun god's chariot driving across the sky, any matter and energy that stands in its way will be crushed into nothingness!

This kind of power is extremely terrifying.

It is a manifestation of Zhao Xin’s ‘fire control’ talent.

Coupled with the fact that he had personally witnessed the terrifying power of one sun elf after another burning the world, it formed an extremely powerful method.


The root of all this is the 'enslavement' of soul magic.

This is a terrifying magic that far exceeds the imagination of any living being!

Belongs to the level of true gods!

boom! !

The void seemed to be roaring.

This spiritual world seems to be trembling.

Transparent ‘Zhao Man’’s face changed.

She never imagined that this mysterious man could be so terrifying, that he could actually fight with her, or even suppress her!

She also has some understanding of the world in which this body lives.

It was an ordinary life planet, and the strongest one was only the king class.

But how could an ordinary planet with only king level power have such a terrifying existence in front of it!

"Thunder is shining, in my name, thunder is coming!"

She had a solemn look on her face, and the wings behind her back looked particularly bright, and she said coldly.

boom! !

The world was trembling, and a terrifying thunderbolt as thick as a mountain swept over and enveloped Zhao Xin!

But the word 'slave' flew across the sky, shining brighter than the blazing sun, directly shattering this terrifying thunder, and finally hit her hard!

boom! !

Memories are shattering.

The transparent 'Zhao Man' body is also disintegrating.

Before it collapsed, the transparent 'Zhao Man''s eyes were fixed on the word 'slave'.

It was as if she could see Zhao Xin's real body through the word 'slave'.

"The next day——"

"We will meet again..."

"If you prevent me from returning, there is already a thread of fate between you and me!"

This sentence fell.

The transparent ‘Zhao Man’ completely collapsed and disappeared into thin air.

Zhao Xin glanced at Zhao Man, who was in a daze.

The word 'slave' dispersed directly and disappeared from Zhao Man's body.

He could already feel it.

The memories of Zhao Man's previous life have become pure memories, and there is no longer any danger.

Zhao Man's absorption of past life memories will only be beneficial, not harmful, and his personality in this life will not be affected by past life memories.

outside world.

The aloof statue obviously didn't know what was going on in the depths of Zhao Man's mind.

The distance is too far.

Even if the existence behind this statue is very powerful, it is impossible to see everything through such a long distance.

And at this time——

The brilliant purple light on the statue has dissipated, and there is nothing strange about the statue.


The being behind the statue has already turned away his gaze.

Or so it seemed to that being.

There would be no problem at all for his daughter to awaken her past life memories.

Zhao Xin looked at Zhao Man, who was motionless with his eyes closed, and left directly.

He believes it.

Zhao Man naturally knew what to do after receiving the memories of his previous life.


With Zhao Man's methods, it is possible to capture the Seven Gods Hermitage!


He also didn't know how the seven halls of the Seven Gods Hermitage depended on each other.

But come to think of it——

Zhao Man has the status of the daughter of a god, so she should be extremely noble.

"The gods have appeared..."

"But why would a daughter of a god be reincarnated on a dust star?"

"Also, this god obviously has not reached the level of the true god in the dream world, and is even far inferior."

"Is it from the civilization of gods?"

Zhao Xin had many questions in his mind.

he thinks--

After Zhao Man completely integrates his past life memories, maybe he can talk about it honestly.

For the civilization of gods.

He was very curious and wanted to know.

after all--

His dream world is a civilization of true gods!

He wanted to know more.

Is there any connection between the divine civilization, one of the four major civilizations, and the true divine civilization in his dream world?

In fact, all the time.

He all wants to find where the dream world is.

But there have been no clues.

And he thinks there are only two places where there are most likely clues.


They are a clan of demons in the demon civilization.


Nature is the civilization of gods!

Three days in a row.

Zhao Xin stayed in the palace and did not see Zhao Man appear.

He didn't use his mental power to explore.

On the fourth day.

However, he discovered that outside the City of Thunder God, there were many auras of Dao King-level beings.

"This is--"

Zhao Xin looked in surprise.

All of them are from the king level of Chenxing!

He even saw the figure of the Red Moon Empress among them.

The leader is Zhou Yunshang, the fifth strongest person in the world!

"They came here?"

"The Red Moon Empress has so much energy that she can directly bring a group of kings?"

Zhao Xin was a little surprised.

There are more than thirty kings in mid-air!

boom! !

And at this time.

The City of Thunder God also obviously noticed the arrival of the enemy. The entire spaceship shook slightly, and a terrifying light swept out, forming a huge light shield covering all directions.

"How did you find this place?"

"It shouldn't be right!"

"The City of Thunder God is protected by the power of the great gods, and it is also covered by the Palace of Life. It should be impossible for you to find it no matter what!"

A king named Leidian appeared above the City of Thunder God, with a look of shock and a bit of disbelief on his face.


It never occurred to them.

The kings of Chenxing actually attacked directly in front of them!

This was simply beyond their imagination.

In all these years, nothing like this has ever happened.


"This is the day of your destruction."

The Red Moon Empress' voice was majestic and indifferent as she looked down at the royal steps in the Thunder Palace.


In front of her, the three-star king-level night elf queen appeared out of thin air holding the Red Moon Kingdom's precious treasure, the Bright Moon Sword.

In a flash, he slashed towards the City of Thunder God!

The brilliant sword light stretches thousands of meters across, with the power to split mountains and slay mountains!

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