Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 145 Zhao Xin cuts off the king’s steps with his sword and flattens the Demon Suppression Tow

boom! !

The shocking sword struck by the Night Elf Queen with the 'Bright Moon Sword' was terrifyingly powerful.

This kind of power has far exceeded the three-star king level and is close to the four-star king level.

But it hit the purple shield outside the City of Thunder God.

But it only caused the purple shield to fluctuate violently, and the ripples spread, but it did not cut open the purple shield.

after all--

This is a Blue Moon-class spacecraft!

This class of spaceship is very powerful.

Otherwise, Xu Daohong, the world's strongest man, would not have built a city in the sky based on a Blue Moon-class spaceship.

It's because the Blue Moon-class spacecraft has enough terrifying defense capabilities!

The city established is absolutely extremely safe.

"How did you find me here?"

A deputy palace master of Lei Palace looked gloomy and stood in the shield, staring at Zhou Yunshang and Empress Hongyue.

There are more than thirty kings in this group.

The strongest among them are Zhou Yunshang and Empress Hongyue.

A man ranked fifth in the world, whose strength is unfathomable.

A female empress is in charge of the Red Moon Kingdom, and her combat power is close to that of a four-star king.

"It's indeed a turtle shell."

"But today you are destined to perish, it just takes a little more time."

"Everyone, start breaking this turtle shell."

The Red Moon Empress ignored the other party, her voice cold.

Beside her, all the kings nodded slightly.

The radiance circulated, and one astral creature came out one after another, all of them were king-level, and there were even two three-star king-level astral creatures among them.

The terrifying king-level aura shook the heavens and the earth, and everything in this space was distorted.

boom! !

There are bright blazing fire swords coming from all directions, like the peerless sword slashed by the ancient Vulcan God. It is very terrifying and comes from a three-star king-level Lieyang swordsman.

There is a meteorite falling from the sky. It is so majestic and powerful that it is unmatched. It is an earth-type mage taking action.

Endless ice spears penetrated through, the mighty corrosion river swept across, the tree roots reaching the sky slammed down, and the cold sword light spread across the sky...

More than fifty king-level astral creatures took action together.

This kind of power is too terrifying.

It simply has the power to destroy heaven and earth!

Not to mention one mountain, even a hundred mountains stretching in front will be razed to the ground!

In the City of Thunder God.

The expressions of every king in the Thunder Palace of the Seven Gods Hermitage changed.

The enemy is too strong.

Although the defense of the City of Thunder God is unparalleled, they do not have enough energy!

Without enough energy, no matter how strong the defense is, it will be broken.

"Ask for help!"

"Calling for help immediately!!"

The deputy palace master of Lei Palace gritted his teeth and said.

The master of the palace is not here, and although he is a three-star king-level star envoy.

But if the shield of the City of Thunder God is broken, his three-star king level will be nothing at all.

after all--

The other party has the fifth strongest man in the world!

All the kings of Thunder Palace looked ugly.

Without saying a word, one of them immediately returned to the City of Thunder God and asked for help from the other halls of the Seven Gods Hermitage.

The enemy's lineup obviously intends to catch them all in one fell swoop!

If there is no rescue.

They're dead.

Boom! !

A series of terrifying attacks hit the shield of Thunder God City.

The huge purple shield was vibrating crazily, and the ripples were so violent that it made people worry that it would be shattered in the next moment.

But not before the energy is exhausted.

This comes from the shield of the Blue Moon-class spacecraft, which obviously will not be easily broken.

"Is this the news that Zhao Man passed on?"

In the City of Thunder God.

Zhao Xin raised his head. Although he was separated by the palace wall, it obviously could not block his sight.

He whispered to himself softly, feeling that the Seven Gods Hermitage might be in trouble this time.

They probably wouldn't have thought of it anyway.

Their goddess is not of the same mind as them at all.

"This action does not look like that of the Red Moon Kingdom..."

"Is it possible that many kingdoms are involved?"

His eyes flashed.

Although he basically didn’t know Wang Jie.

But outside the City of Thunder God, many of the clothes on the royal steps beside the Red Moon Empress had logos.

Most of them come from the other five countries of the six countries of the Southern Continent!

Among them, the God of War Empire has the highest number of kings.

Moreover, Zhou Yunshang, the fifth strongest person in the world, also came from the God of War Empire.

"If it were me..."

"If there are enough kings, we will definitely have to surround them for reinforcements..."

"I wonder if they also have this plan..."

"After all, the Seven Gods Hermitage is hidden very deep on weekdays. It is very difficult to find it. It is rare to have this kind of opportunity to surround the site and provide reinforcements."

"Whether it is the goddess or this city in the sky, they should be very important to the Seven Gods Hermitage..."

"Especially the goddess. Even if the temples of the Seven Gods Hermitage are very different, if you want to face a goddess, you must do your best to rescue her..."

Zhao Xin was thoughtful.

he thinks.

Judging from Zhao Man's fusion of past life memories, he must be very clear about his position.

This action might really be able to completely cripple the Seven Gods Hermitage!

"There are also demons in the Seven Gods Hermitage."

"Back then, the Seven Gods Hermitage sent demons to attack Zhou Xuan."

"This Thunder Palace is one of the seven halls of the Hermitage of the Seven Gods. There should be demons there too, right?"

He whispered softly.


The silver sky snake in his hand emits silver light, and the space around him is distorted.

As if he did not belong to the same space, he walked directly through the wall of the room and came outside.

But just when I came outside the room——

He saw a shadow moving on the ground, moving towards the outside of the palace.

The shadow is moving?

Zhao Xin was stunned for a moment and looked at it seriously.

It was indeed a shadow, formless, blending into the ground.

"Zhou Xi?"

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed, and he already knew whose method this was.

in this palace.

Only the rather mysterious Zhou Xi can do this.

"This ability to turn into a shadow is almost impossible to guard against when used for assassination..."

He took a second look.

After the shadow left the palace, he also left the palace.

He wasn't too curious about what Zhou Xi wanted to do.

After all, he has his own things to do.

Special spiritual power flowed out of his mind, spreading like threads to the surroundings.

This city of thunder is not small.

He wanted to search for any demons among them.

If we can find one or two king-level monsters, that will be the biggest gain.

With his current eighth-level realm, only a king-level demon can allow him to open the dream world.


His body was three feet off the ground and he was wandering around in the City of Thunder God.

The spiritual power penetrates everywhere, looking for monsters.

A king of the Thunder Palace in mid-air looked ugly, and was bombarded indiscriminately above his head. The shield of the City of Thunder God could no longer hold on for long.

"Sir! Mingdian is warning, they might be ambushed if they come for support!"

The king who went to ask for help returned to the air and whispered to the deputy master of Lei Palace.

"Have you told the heads of the various palaces that Her Highness the Goddess is here?"

The deputy master of Lei Palace said in a deep voice.


The king nodded:

"Each palace will send some of its kings to support them, and the priest of the palace will personally take action to cover their tracks!"

The deputy master of Lei Palace looked slightly relaxed:

"The priest of Youming Palace takes action personally. Even if they plan to surround the site for reinforcements, it won't be a big problem..."

If you can become the deputy master of the Thunder Palace, how can you not think that the other party might want to surround him for reinforcements?

This kind of thing.

They themselves have done it many times.

It's really not a very clever method.

"Let's go, follow me to the Demon Suppression Tower."

"I have to talk to those guys."

The deputy palace master spoke again.

"Yes, sir."

The king took the order.

The two fell from mid-air and hurried towards the inner part of the City of Thunder God.

The inner belly of the City of Thunder——

Naturally, it’s the inside of a spaceship!

The City of Thor is built on the surface of the spaceship.

The really important place will not appear in the City of Thunder, but will only be built inside the spaceship.


The exception is the Temple of Gods.

Although the Temple of Gods is also a truly important place, it often requires prayers from the members of the Thunder Temple, so naturally it cannot be built inside a spaceship.

The two of them walked one behind the other and soon came to a gate of the spaceship.

After verifying their identities, the two entered the spacecraft.

And none of them noticed.

Zhao Xin was following them, less than three meters away from them.

"This is the highest-ranking king in the City of Thunder God. What are you going to do if you enter the spaceship at this time?"

Zhao Xin was thoughtful.

The shield of the City of Thunder could break at any time.

The leading figure entered the spaceship.

Either he is thinking of escaping, or he is planning to use some trump card!

He thinks the second possibility is higher.

After all, he didn't see any intention of escaping from the faces of these two people.

Moreover, the other kings did not have doubts about the two of them leaving, but instead had a bit of hope. This was most likely because they had a trump card!

"The Blue Moon-class spacecraft does not have any attack methods, only powerful defense capabilities."

"Unlike the Rising Sun-class spaceship, which can use the Lord-class attack method 'Void Thunder'."

"So their trump card will not come from spacecraft."

"If it doesn't come from a spaceship, what could it be?"

Zhao Xin's eyes lit up.

he thinks--

There is at least a 30% chance that it is a demon!

He followed behind calmly.

The two of them moved very quickly, heading in from the passage of the spaceship.

The interior of the Blue Moon-class spacecraft is extremely large and has multiple layers.

But it didn't take much time.

The two came to an iron-gray tower that was more than a thousand meters high.

In front of this tall tower, there is a stone tablet with three simple characters written on it.

As for what the words were, Zhao Xin didn't recognize them. They were not Chen Xing's words.

"Is this the Demon Suppression Tower?"

Wang Jie, who followed the deputy master of Lei Palace, was a little surprised.

This tower is so majestic.

Thousands of meters high, it’s like a mountain!

And this is the inside of a spaceship.

There is such a majestic tower in the spaceship, which is obviously enough to shock people.

Although he is a king.

I've never been here before.

This is an important place, and if the deputy palace master hadn't brought him in, he wouldn't be qualified to come in.

"Demon Suppression Tower?"

Zhao Xin, who was right next to the two of them, looked even brighter.

It really has something to do with demons!

The trump card that the deputy master of the Thunder Palace came here to seek is the demon!


This was very different from what he had imagined before.

He had thought.

The Seven Gods Hermitage should have a very close connection with demons.

But I didn’t expect——

It could actually be a demon-suppressing tower?

As the name suggests, this is obviously a place to suppress demons.

"This is the demon-suppressing tower of my Thunder Palace."

"Twelve king-level demons were suppressed."

"There is even a four-star king-level old demon among them, with amazing strength."

The deputy master of Lei Palace said in a deep voice.


"Thunder Knife?"

"The City of Thunder God is being bombarded. Do you want me to take action?"


A ferocious laughter came from the Demon Suppression Tower.

This laughter carries a terrifying power that can distort the spirit and soul.

Even across the Demon Suppression Tower.

If there were a pseudo-king-level creature in front, his soul would probably be twisted, or even killed directly!

"This Demon Suppressing Tower is not very good..."

Zhao Xin muttered.

Can the demon still transmit its power?


The power delivered was not strong for him.

Although he is only an eighth-level Star Controller, his mental strength is quite terrifying.


"Help me in Thunder God City once, and you can escape from the Demon Suppression Tower."

The deputy master of the Thunder Palace, ‘Thunder Sword’, said in a deep voice.


"You have imprisoned me for thirty years and you still want me to help you?"

"It's so whimsical, I don't know what to say!"

The voice of the old demon in the Demon Suppressing Tower suddenly turned cold.

"Won't you help me?"

"That's okay too."

The deputy head of the Thunder Palace, ‘Thunder Sword’, nodded:

"But if my Thunder Palace is breached, do you think those human kings from Chenxing will let you go?"

"He joined forces with me, Lei Dian, to fight against the powerful enemy, and then left."

"Are you going to sit back and watch my Thunder Palace be attacked and destroyed, and you yourself also be killed by the human king?"

The words fell.

Suddenly, the Demon Suppression Tower fell silent.

After a while.

The old demon's voice came out again, with a bit of unwillingness:

"It's okay if you want me to help you in Thunder Palace, I still need one hundred thousand souls!"

The deputy head of Lei Palace shook his head:

"I will give you up to thirty thousand souls."

"make a deal."

The old demon in the Demon Suppression Tower agreed directly without thinking too much.


Zhao Xin listened on the side, but his expression turned cold.

He had nothing to do these days, and he had communicated with Zhou Xi many times.

Zhou Xi was very mysterious and told him something about the Seven Gods Hermitage.


It’s about ‘soul’!

The cultivation methods of the Seven Gods Hermitage are very strange.

They can sacrifice their souls to the gods to receive blessings from the gods and improve their cultivation!


Year round.

The Seven Gods Hermitage sent people to establish some notorious organizations in various places.

These organizations kill humans and collect souls, and all are controlled by the Seven Gods Hermitage.


Although the Seven Gods Hermitage organization rarely takes action.

But in fact.

Behind many evil organizations on Dust Star, there is the shadow of the Seven Gods Hermitage!

The Seven Gods Hermitage was also behind the massacre of Tai'an City by the Bailing Sect, the Witch Snake Tail, the Ancha Organization, the Three-Color Demon God Association, and several king-level demons.

The death toll in Tai'an City exceeded three million.

Most of the souls of these dead humans fell into the hands of the Seven Gods Hermitage!

This shocked Zhao Xin, who heard this secret for the first time.

It didn't occur to him at all.

Behind these things, there is actually a mastermind.

Hearing the deputy master of Lei Palace mention the soul at this time, his heart naturally boiled with murderous intent.


But they are all the same human souls as him!

They are all human souls who died tragically at the hands of evil organizations!

Doesn't it matter if a person dies, even the soul has to be used?

This kind of thing is intolerable.

"The Hermitage of the Seven Gods should be killed. No one should be left alive."

His expression was indifferent, and his body appeared directly.


He was wearing a ten-winged Meteor King battle suit, with ten wings spread out behind him, as dark as ink.

I don't know when I was holding the Green Divine Sword in my right hand.

The light on the Green God Sword flows and the void trembles.


The deputy master of Lei Palace reacted the fastest.

As soon as Zhao Xin appeared, he felt an unimaginable death threat coming over the air. He was so horrified that he summoned all his king-level astral creatures in an instant.

There are three kings in total.

One is a three-star king and two are a two-star king!

The other king-level star envoy, although his reaction was slightly slower, still summoned his own king-level star realm creature.

He is a two-star king.

"As a human being, he harms human beings."

"No longer worthy of being a human being."

Zhao Xin said coldly.

Nor did he summon astral beings.

He was suspended in mid-air, and the Green Divine Sword in his hand suddenly became radiant, slashing forward fiercely!

How terrifying is the Green Divine Sword?

Even if it is just a burst of basic power, it will be earth-shattering.

Moreover, the silver sky snake on Zhao Xin's wrist also bloomed with brilliant silver light.

Silver radiance swept across.

The void was frozen. Whether it was a three-star king or a two-star king, they were all frozen in the air at this moment, like a grasshopper in amber, unable to move at all!

Silver Sky Snake——

Now he is at the peak of the four-star king level.


The pupils of the deputy master of Lei Palace were shrinking, with fear and despair. He wanted to struggle, but he was unable to move at all!

Boom! !

The terrifying sword light filled the sky and the earth, shattering everything!

The four king-level star creatures that were summoned were instantly torn apart by the sword light. The deputy master of the Thunder Palace and the other king-level star envoy were also torn apart without any resistance!

The billowing sword light was majestic, slashing directly towards the Demon Suppressing Tower!

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