Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 146 The second true artifact! Showdown with Zhao Hongyue?


The kilometer-high Demon Suppression Tower was directly torn apart by the terrifying sword light from the Green God Sword.

This sword.

In terms of power, it might only be at the four-star king level.

But if it’s about sharpness——

Any item at the royal level must be cut open.

As a true divine weapon, the sharp power of the Green God Sword is absolutely unparalleled in the world.


The Demon Suppression Tower was torn apart, rubble flew, and the entire tower collapsed.

Zhao Xin stood in mid-air indifferently, watching the collapsed Demon Suppression Tower kicking up smoke and dust all over the ground, and slashed out the Green Divine Sword in his hand again.

The terrifying sword light is criss-crossing, the void is twisting, and everything is being chopped open!

"Who are you?"

A cold voice came from among the ruins.

This is the old demon who previously communicated with the deputy master of the Thunder Palace and asked for one hundred thousand souls.

I saw a thick black claw protruding from the billowing smoke, and the terrifying black energy gathered crazily, forming a beam of light and shooting towards the terrifying sword light.

This is a four-star king-level demon!

Not only that.

Beside this old demon, three other demons walked out.

A demonic bull with red horns erupted into a raging red flame and rushed towards Zhao Xin.

A blood-red demonic ape with bat wings rose into the sky, opening its mouth and spitting out an evil beam of light.

There is also a knight riding a nightmare king beast, thrust out with a lance, and the cold spear light penetrates the world and turns into thousands of spears!

In this demon-suppressing tower.

There are only these four monsters.

As for the twelve king-level demons mentioned by the deputy master of Lei Palace?

Nine people have already died in the fighting with each other!

"More than people?"

Zhao Xin stood in the air, his black wings gently fluttering, looking down at the demons.

His thoughts moved.

Little Skeleton Cohen, Death Angel Zhao Yan, and Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue have already appeared beside them.


The fire of the soul in the eyes of the little skeleton was as bright as an abyss, and the radiance of death in front of him was strong, forming a huge disk.

The disk rotated slightly, and a terrifying bone spear emerged, thicker than a bucket, and penetrated directly!

boom! !

The thousands of spears thrust out by the knight were swept away in an instant. The bone spears pierced and flew through the knight, and the fire of life was extinguished instantly!

At this time, the little skeleton already had the combat power of a five-star king level.

And that knight was just a three-star king-level demon.

The gap between the two sides is too big.

Can't block a single blow!


Zhao Yan, the angel of death, was holding an angel sword, with a cold expression on her face. She swooped down and slashed out with one sword.

The power of death is boiling.

A huge shadow of the Angel of Death covered the sky and the sun. The bloody demon ape with bat wings screamed and was cut in half by the sword!

"Die in your corruption."

Fallen angel Chen Mingyue glanced at the red demonic bull, and evil voices resounded all around.

Just for a moment.

The flames of corruption ignited on the body of the red demonic cow. The demonic cow screamed and turned into ashes and dissipated in the flames of corruption.

In the blink of an eye.

All three three-star king-level monsters died!

Such a scene.

The pupils of the four-star king-level old demon shrank violently, and he was so horrified that he couldn't even believe his own eyes.

What did he see?

Two five-star king-level existences! !

Is this the arrival of the top five powers in the world?

Otherwise, how could he be allowed to see two five-star kings! !

next moment--

Little Skeleton Cohen, Death Angel Zhao Yan, and Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue all looked at him.


Bone spears pierced through, the sword of death fell from the sky, and the evil corrupted swords rained all over the sky and the earth!

Not even a blink of an eye.

Even if this statue were placed on the dust star, it would be enough to kill the domineering old demon in an instant.


A large number of soul light spots rushed towards Zhao Xin.

Zhao Xin was slightly in a trance.

The dream world in front of him seemed to be divided into four.

The first dream world was a mighty river of time. Four drops of time splashed and shattered into the void.

The second and third dream worlds are also the long river of time, with four drops of water splashing from the river of time respectively.

And the fourth dream world——

It was a desert.

The desert has no boundaries and is vast.

In the desert, yellow sand fills the sky, covering the sky, sun and moon.

The rolling yellow sand surged and turned into a storm sweeping across the sky and the earth, with the power to destroy the heaven and the earth.

Heaven and earth are endless storms.

Under this extremely terrifying power, any king who dares to step in will be torn to pieces immediately.

Even the lord level who can destroy the planet will be destroyed by the storm!

This endless storm is as if a true god in charge of the storm is angry, and everything is being destroyed.


"what is that?"

Zhao Xin suddenly discovered.

Among the endless storms that connect the sky and the earth, there are actually nine storms that are the most vast, with a diameter of more than one million kilometers.

A single storm can easily destroy hundreds of dust stars.

In the storm.

There is a yellow flying boat across the sky, shining with overwhelming light, swallowing up the storm in the sky.

The storm seemed extremely small in front of them.

Endless symbols are flying around them, as if they represent the ultimate principles of heaven and earth.

Even space is constantly shattering and time is flowing backwards!

Follow his gaze.

Suddenly one of the spaceships trembled slightly and rose directly into the sky. The power of time surged and the shattered void disappeared.

Zhao Xin recovered.

He first saw that he was working hard and practicing very hard for twelve months.

This allowed his cultivation level to increase rapidly, directly reaching the eighth level!

And next to him.

The strength of all astral creatures also changes.

Little Skeleton Cohen, Fallen Angel Chen Mingyue, and Holy Angel Julia directly reached the six-star king level combat power.

The rest of the star world creatures have all reached the five-star king level combat power, and many have even reached the peak of the five-star king level, and are only one step away from entering the six-star king level!


Zhao Xin felt an extra yellow flying boat deep in his mind.

The flying boat floats quietly, juxtaposed with the scroll of sacred praise, the human skin of the cursed true god, the dragon source crystal, the wood source crystal, and the warrior card.

A stream of information came.

"Sand Boat!"

"This is a true artifact that is completely bred from the three attributes of wind, earth, and time!"

"It can control the storm and the earth, and it has extreme speed. If it is used to the extreme, it can enter the long river of time and travel through the past and the future!"

Zhao Xin was shocked.

What an amazing artifact!

Can you actually travel through the past and future?

This is simply incredible.

This ability is too scary.

It is completely possible to go back to the past and eliminate the peerless enemy that has not yet grown up.

But seeing this ability also made him a little wary.

Since the sand boat can have the power to travel through the past and the future.

So can other people have this kind of power?

If you have——

Will one day he suddenly sees his future enemy and travels through the past to kill him?

This possibility is very small.

But it’s not like there’s nothing.

"So what if we go back to the past."

"I can kill just as well."

He whispered to himself softly, without fear.

With the trump card he holds, even if the future enemy comes to this time and space to attack him, he does not have to be afraid.

Not to mention——

This ability to go back to the past should be extremely rare, maybe even non-existent.

Even if there were, going back to the past would definitely have great limitations.

“This trip has been quite rewarding.”

"Not only has the strength increased greatly, but I also have a real artifact in my hand."

A smile appeared on his face.

This was his favorite place.

All the king-level monsters appeared together.

If not in a place like this.

How long will it take for him to find four king-level demons if he goes searching by himself?

Looking at the ruins in front of me.

He took away the cores of four king-level demons, put away the little skeleton Cohen, the angel of death Zhao Yan, and the fallen angel Chen Mingyue, and left directly.

He has already gained a lot from this trip.

Next it’s time to watch the show!

Boom boom boom——! !

More than fifty king-level astral creatures bombarded the City of Thunder God indiscriminately.

The City of Thunder's energy reserves are rapidly depleted.

The bottom has been reached at this time.

All the kings in Lei Palace were like ants on a hot pot, their faces full of anxiety.

"Where are the reinforcements? Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet!"

"Where is the Deputy Palace Master? Does it take so long to get to the Demon Suppression Tower?"

"Where are those king-level monsters? Come quickly!"

But just for a moment, news came:

"Not good! The Demon Suppression Tower collapsed! The deputy palace master is missing!!"

"Damn it! There must be a mole!"

"All the king-level demons in the Demon Suppression Tower are dead!"

"A terrifying enemy has sneaked into the City of Thunder God!"

With the news of the Demon Suppression Tower.

All the kings in the Thunder Palace changed color, with fear on their faces.

Almost at the same time——

The shield covering the City of Thunder God was also breached.


"No member of the Hermitage of the Seven Gods will be left behind!"

The Red Moon Empress said coldly.

She was wearing a battle uniform, her temperament was cold, and she was full of majesty.

boom! !

A famous king-level astral creature was heading towards the City of Thunder God.

The entire void is twisting.

There are too many king-level auras, this kind of sight is very rare!


The kings of Lei Palace did not hesitate at all, they made a decisive decision and ran away for their lives.

Their strength is inferior to humans.

Reinforcements have not arrived again.

There was also a problem when the deputy palace master went to open the Demon Suppression Tower.

Aren't you going to run away and wait to die?

Although they are loyal, they are not to the point of risking life and death for Thunder Palace!

Regardless of life and death——

For gods, that requires the level of a fanatic.

Boom boom boom——! !

The surroundings were roaring, terrifying attacks swept through the sky, and a king-level king was fighting crazily!

The battle didn't last long.

Most of the kings in the Thunder Palace were beheaded, and only a few of them escaped.


The entire City of Thunder God has been controlled by the Red Moon Empress and others.

The Thunder Palace, one of the seven halls of the Seven Gods Hermitage, can be said to be close to destruction.

"Zhao Man is missing?"

But behind, Zhao Xin did not see Zhao Man.

This surprised him a little, wondering where the boss who had merged the memories of his previous life had gone.

Six days later.

Red Moon City.

Blood Rain Gate station.

As a department under the First Court and responsible for monitoring all directions, the Bloody Rain Sect’s station occupies a large area.

Zhao Xin is now the deputy leader of the Blood Rain Sect’s ‘Ninth Group’.

Their group is responsible for remotely monitoring Haicheng and must report anything that happens.

"This is really interesting."

"The boss, Zhao Man, disappeared, and we subordinates came to take up their posts instead."

Zhao Xin sat in the office and shook his head gently.

As the deputy team leader, he naturally has a separate office.

As for Zhao Man's safety, he was not worried.

Zhao Man, who has integrated the memories of his previous life, is no longer the Zhao Man he was before.

Although his personality has not changed, his level of knowledge has improved by an unknown amount.

After all, Zhao Man’s previous life——

To a large extent, he is a being in the legendary realm!

The memories left behind by this kind of existence are naturally extremely valuable to Zhao Man.

"It has little to do with me."

"But I don't know where Zhao Hongyue is."

"In this strange capital, I really miss meeting an acquaintance."

He shook his head.

Tap tap tap——


A burst of rapid footsteps came from outside, and then the office door was pushed open. A middle-aged man with glasses and a gentle manner looked at Zhao Xin and said quickly:

"Zhao Xin, the palace sent someone to ask you to enter the palace!"

"Enter the palace?"

Zhao Xin was drinking tea and almost spit out a mouthful of tea when he heard this.

He looked at the team leader who was half a level above him in astonishment.

"Where did you want to go?"

The gentle middle-aged man had black lines on his forehead and said angrily:

"It was summoned by Her Majesty the Empress!"

"Her Majesty the Empress is busy with official duties, and I don't know why she wants to summon you to see her?"

As he spoke later, there was obvious envy in his voice.

He has never been summoned by Her Majesty the Empress.

The deputy team leader below him has this honor.

"The Empress summoned me?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

He has naturally met the Red Moon Empress several times.

That time at Ruin No. 3, he even had an encounter with the Red Moon Empress.

But his actual identity is just an ordinary deputy leader of the Blood Rain Sect.

How could he be summoned by the Red Moon Empress?

Could it be because of Zhao Man's disappearance?

he mused.

Apart from this, he really couldn't think of anything else that would warrant an empress summoning him, an ordinary office worker.

"I'll go right away."

He nodded to the team leader and headed to the palace.

Zhao Xin had seen the palace of the Red Moon Kingdom many times on TV.

The overall color is mainly red, with a large number of red maple leaf patterns, which is very beautiful.

There are a large number of maple leaves planted in the palace. Zhao Xin is walking on the corridor, and pieces of fiery red maple leaves fly down in the sky, which is full of a special artistic conception.

Accompanied by the red maple leaves, Zhao Xin followed a waitress and soon came to a study room.

There are knights guarding outside the study, and they don't look sideways.

Zhao Xin looked calm. With his strength, he would not be restrained even when he arrived at the palace of the God of War Empire.

at this time--

He has realized some problems.

The Red Moon Empress probably summoned him not just because of Zhao Man's disappearance.

There must be some reasons!

"Is my hidden identity finally going to be exposed?"

He thought to himself.

He now has no fear at all about his identity being exposed.

There are three six-star king-level and seven five-star king-level astral creatures under his command.

With such strength, what if his identity is exposed?

Not to mention.

He also possesses two true artifacts, and a warrior card that can instantly unleash his astonishing strength!

All these.

No one on the dust planet can threaten him.

Even Xu Daohong, the strongest man in the world, would not be able to compete with him if he were to show his trump card.

"Come in."

In the study, a familiar female voice came out.

Hearing this familiar female voice, Zhao Xin's face suddenly showed a look of astonishment.

This is--

His fiancée, Zhao Hongyue? !

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