Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 147 Identity exposed! The empress was shocked!


The study door opened, and Zhao Hongyue, dressed in royal robes, sat quietly behind the desk.

Three thousand green silk shawls, a melon as white as jade with a smile on her face, looking at Zhao Xin who looked stunned outside the door.

"Very surprised?"

she spoke.

The voice was gentle, without any condescension or dignity.

"Somewhat unexpected."

Zhao Xin nodded.

The look of astonishment on his face had disappeared and he stepped into the study.

Zhao Hongyue was the Red Moon Empress, which really surprised him.

But that’s about it.

After all, with his current strength, a kingdom empress is no longer enough to shock him.


Zhao Hongyue was Empress Hongyue, which also cleared up some of his doubts.

But while clearing up some doubts.

I also have some additional doubts.

for example--

Zhao Hongyue became the empress of the Red Moon Kingdom. What role did her grandfather play in this?

Are his parents really dead?

His grandfather arranged for him to have an empress as his fiancée. What on earth did he want to do?


The door closed gently.

There were only two people in the study, Zhao Hongyue and Zhao Xin.

Zhao Hongyue looked at Zhao Xin, with her hands on the brown-red desk, her eyebrows slightly narrowed:

"My fiancé."

"I have told you my identity openly and honestly, should you also be more open and honest with me?"

Zhao Xin said in surprise:

"Didn't I be honest with you last time?"

"I have entered the 'Heart of Experience'."

"How else can I be honest?"

As he spoke, a look of helplessness appeared on his face.

"You are dishonest……"

Zhao Hongyue shook her head gently, with a hint of a smile on her lips:

"Did you see a mirror when you came in?"


Zhao Xin was stunned.

His mind flashed to the bronze mirror hanging in the center of the study door just now.

However, there was nothing unusual about the bronze mirror, so he just used it as a decoration and didn't even look at it.

"That is the third most important treasure of the Red Moon Kingdom, the True-Seeking Mirror."

"The truth-seeking mirror is far less powerful than the Moon Sword and the Killing Spear."

"But in the Red Moon Kingdom, it is the number one treasure."

Zhao Hongyue spoke, the smile on her face had gone away, and she looked at Zhao Xin:

"Searching for truth is looking for the truth!"

"This mirror can see through everything. It has told me that you are now at the eighth level of cultivation, and you also have the aura of the king level in you!"

"You just awakened more than two months ago, and now you have reached the eighth level, and you are also a king-level astral creature?"

"According to my understanding, you have only entered the 'Heart of Experience' once or twice, and you have never used the 'High Priest' identity left behind by your grandfather. This shows that you do not like the Heart of Experience at all."

"On the dust planet, there are too few people who look down on the 'heart of experience'."

"The Heart of Experience is an organization formed by a group of beings from the Two Soul Civilization who call themselves players."

"Double Soul Civilization will not be weaker than Liuling Civilization. For Chenxing, it is a real behemoth."

"Even if Xu Daohong has the heart to experience it, he will not look down upon him."

"But you don't like it..."

Speaking of the back.

Zhao Hongyue's eyes were already locked with Zhao Xin's, without blinking:

"So, do you want to tell me openly and honestly who you are?"

Hearing Zhao Hongyue's words, Zhao Xin's eyes flashed and he said curiously:

"How do you know that I have only entered the 'Heart of Experience' once or twice?"

"You said you have never entered the 'Heart of Experience'."

Zhao Hongyue clapped her hands and said:

"Zhou Xi, come out."

As her words fell.

The door curtain on the side was opened.

Zhou Xi, wearing a simple and elegant dress, walked out, looked at Zhao Xin sticking out her tongue, and said sheepishly:

"I used to work in the execution hall, but who knew you would come here and share the same lounge with me..."

"This was not arranged by His Majesty."

When Zhao Xin saw Zhou Xi appear, her expression did not change much and she nodded lightly:

"Are you a member of the 'Experienced Heart'?"

At this time, he finally remembered why he felt that Zhou Xi felt inexplicably familiar.

This was the member who spoke when he first entered the ‘Heart of Experience’!

"She is one of the people left behind by grandpa, and she is also a member of the 'Experienced Heart'."

"I was able to drive out the Bailing Sect and successfully ascend the throne, thanks to Zhou Xi's help."

Zhao Hongyue spoke.

There was a pause.

She looked into Zhao Xin's eyes and said for the third time:


"I am sincere, so you should be honest with me."

"Don't think about making up nonsense to deal with me."

"Nothing in the Red Moon Kingdom can be hidden from my eyes."

Next to her, Zhou Xi blinked her big eyes, looking like a curious baby.

She has been working with Zhao Xin for so long, so she will naturally find something special.

There was even speculation in her mind.

Just can't confirm.

"By the way, there's one more thing."

Zhao Hongyue seemed to suddenly think of something and said again:

"Six days ago, in the City of Thunder God, a mysterious and powerful man took action, destroyed the Thunder Palace Demon Suppression Tower, and beheaded the deputy master of the Thunder Palace."

"And the shield of the City of Thunder had not yet been opened at that time."

"Zhou Xi did not do this, and you were in the City of Thunder God at the time..."

She didn't say any more, she just looked at Zhao Xin with a half-smile.

The meaning is clear.

She thinks that Zhao Xin did this!

So many things put together.

She had reason to believe that Zhao Xin's identity was astonishing.

Perhaps it was consistent with her guess.


Zhao Xin also had to admire him.

Zhao Hongyue is worthy of being the empress of the Red Moon Kingdom. All these things are connected, and there is nothing she can hide.


It doesn't matter if he refuses to admit it.

After all, no one has proof for these things.

Zhao Hongyue could only guess.

But since the other party has already guessed it to this extent, it would be too much for him to hide it.

"Ogunkoen of the Inquisition of Death is me."

He showed his cards directly and revealed his identity.


Zhou Xi's face showed excitement:

"When the execution hall was attacked, you were the first to show up. I guessed that you might be the member of the Death Tribunal hidden in the execution hall."

"Where is the headquarters of your Death Inquisition?"

"How many people are there in your Death Inquisition?"

"Do you hold a high position in the Inquisition of Death?"

"How strong is your Death Tribunal?"

"Do you know Juya Isabel, a member of the Tribunal of Light who has the highest authority on the Qingyue mothership and who is respected by the intelligent life Elana in the ruins of the Moon?"


She was like a machine gun, firing off a barrage of questions.


Zhao Xin was speechless and looked at Zhou Xi in surprise.

This colleague——

The character revealed now is very different from before.

All the time.

In front of him, Zhou Xi looked like the girl next door, very well-behaved and sensible.

Every time he draws a dangerous monster, this colleague will say, ‘Be careful’.

But now——

I'm afraid this isn't why one hundred thousand people have been reincarnated.

"...ignore her."

Zhao Hongyue couldn't stand it either. She stared at Zhao Xin with bright eyes:

"Can you please tell me some basic information about your tribunal?"

"For example, how many tribunals there are, where they come from, their purpose, organizational background, articles of association, etc."

"You don't have to tell anything that's confidential."

"I understand this."

Zhao Xin looked at Zhao Hongyue and hesitated to speak.

from where?


Organizational background?

Articles of Association?

Aren't you making things difficult for me, Zhao Xin?

How do I know this? Do you still want me to make up a paragraph for you?

Or you can give me time to prepare it, and I can copy it online before talking...

"Juya Isabel should have told you about the purpose of the Tribunal in the ruins of the Qingyue, right?"

"Slay demons and demons."

"That's the purpose."

"Don't fight for power, walk alone in the world, just to eliminate demons from the world."

He said seriously.

These few words he said were sonorous and powerful, very sincere and without any moisture.

He and the demons and monsters are at odds with each other, me and him!


Zhao Hongyue looked at Zhao Xin suspiciously.

Such a terrifying organization, just to kill demons?

So noble?

If you search all the human races in the starry sky, you will probably never find such a pure organization.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Where there are rivers and lakes, there are disputes and interests.

At the same time, she was also confused.

Not fighting or grabbing, just slaying demons.

Where do these tribunals get the resources to practice?

How did he become so powerful?

And why is it possible to obtain the highest authority of Qingyue?

"Absolutely no lies."

Zhao Xin was very calm.

There was a pause.

He looked at Zhao Hongyue again, his heart moved, and he said with great interest:

"I have the idea of ​​​​wiping out all the monsters on the dust planet. What do you think?"

"Even completely restore the dust star to its appearance without demons."

There are too many monsters on the dust star.

The territory of the Red Moon Kingdom is thousands of kilometers, but there are only nine cities within it.

And the rest of the places are all occupied by demons!

The Red Moon Kingdom has a population of over 130 million.

But the number of monsters within the territory is almost ten times the population of the Red Moon Kingdom!

Many abandoned towns are filled with monsters.

In some deep mountains and old forests, there are even groups of demons, and some demon groups even number tens of thousands or even more than one hundred thousand in one group.

This is also the case in most other countries.

And in the ocean, the number of demons is ten times greater than on land!

You can imagine how many monsters there are in the entire dust star.

There are simply countless, more than 10 billion.

Human beings can only be in a fragile balance with demons now.

There will be no racial war.

As for local wars?

Then no one can control it.


All because of the power of Xu Daohong, the strongest man in the world.

If Xu Daohong is not here.

Under the sweep of demons, the entire human world may be directly destroyed.

"...This is too difficult."

The Red Moon Empress took a deep breath and shook her head.

As an empress.

Naturally, she also wants to kill all the demons so that the people of the Red Moon Kingdom will no longer be threatened by demons.

But this is impossible!

How to kill billions of monsters?

And there’s no telling how many king-level demons are hidden among them!

"I think it's okay."

Next to her, Zhou Xi suddenly spoke. She stared at Zhao Xin:

"Juya Isabel, your member of the Tribunal of Light, has the highest authority on the Qingyue."

"Can the Flowing Water Warrior be used?"

"Although Liushui warriors are nothing in the Liuling civilization, they are extremely powerful on the dust star and can reach the peak king level."

"With the help of Liushui warriors, we can eliminate the demons step by step. It is completely feasible. We are not afraid of attacks by powerful demons."

Say this.

Zhao Hongyue was also moved and looked at Zhao Xin.

She dreams of wiping out all the demons in the Red Moon Kingdom.


"I will ask several friends from the other tribunals to take action together. Any king-level monsters that appear will be suppressed!"

"But I am only responsible for the king-level monsters. The rest of the monsters below the king-level have to rely on the kingdom's army."

Zhao Xin said without hesitation.

This idea suddenly occurred to him.

Instead of looking for king-level monsters everywhere, it’s better to let the king-level monsters appear on their own!

How can we make the king-level demon appear on his own?

The army of the Red Moon Kingdom is sweeping across and wants to wipe out all the monsters in the territory. In this situation, king-level monsters will definitely appear!

does not appear?

How could a king-level demon watch helplessly as the Red Moon Kingdom’s military carried out an unscrupulous raid?

And as long as the king-level demon appears.

He can harvest it naturally.

Zhao Hongyue's expression changed.

This is a shocking decision.

Once it fails——

The Red Moon Kingdom will definitely face the demon's counterattack, and in the end, all nine major cities may be killed by the demon!

But if it succeeds——

There will be no demons in the Red Moon Kingdom, and other kingdoms and empires can even start to clean up the demons!

This is the first step to clear away the monsters from Dust Star!

It is also the first step for the future of mankind and the future of the Red Moon Kingdom!

She hadn't thought of it before.

Just having an honest talk with Zhao Xin, he suddenly had to decide on such a matter.

This is a major event related to the fate of mankind!

After a while.

Her changing expression became firm, and she looked at Zhao Xin:

"I need to know your strength."

"Except for the Liushui Warriors, your own strength."

Zhao Xin pondered.

He looked at Zhao Hongyue, thought for a while, and summoned the little skeleton Cohen.


As the little skull Cohen appeared in the study, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped by more than ten degrees, and the death aura surrendered!


"This is my astral creature, six-star king level."

Zhao Xin said.

"Six-star king level!"

Zhao Hongyue took a breath of air and looked at Zhao Xin in shock.

Although he had long felt that Zhao Xin was hiding extremely amazing strength, he never expected that he would reach the six-star king level as soon as he made a move!

What is this concept?

On the dust star, the top five powerful people in the world are only astral creatures with four-star king level!


Zhao Xin only opened the star realm more than two months ago, right?

A six-star king-level astral creature in just over two months?

This is simply a fantasy!

She had always thought that the king-level astral creature that Zhao Xin possessed should only be the one-star king-level creature that had just been promoted.

After all, Zhao Xin himself is an eighth-level high-ranking Star Royal Envoy.

An astral creature with a one-star king level is already very scary.

But now——

Zhao Xin told her.

The king-level astral creature he possesses is a six-star king-level creature! !

The terrifying six-star king level!

This kind of strength is definitely among the top in the world.


Zhou Xi also looked a little surprised.

But it's much better than Zhao Hongyue.

after all--

She is a person from the dual-soul civilization and is well-informed.

In the Dual Soul Civilization, I had seen many lord-level Star Envoys.

However, she was speechless when she thought that Zhao Xin in front of her had only been in the Star Realm for more than two months. She felt incredible.

This is so perverted!

He is simply a perverted Xiao Zhao!

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