Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 148 The horror of super evolution! The cultivation section is open! (2-in-1)

July 10th.

The sky was gloomy, with dark clouds, as if God was angry, with lightning and thunder.

Pedestrians hurriedly walked on the street, knowing that a heavy rain was about to fall.

Some breakfast stall owners on the street sighed, but they did not dare to delay and hurriedly closed their stalls.

In heavy rain, business will definitely be impossible.

Zhao Xin opened the window and looked at the floating car passing by below.

"There are big problems within the Red Moon Kingdom..."

He was thinking about his conversation with Zhao Hongyue yesterday.

The other party told him directly.

Inside the Red Moon Kingdom, there are people from the Seven Gods Hermitage hiding among the high-level officials.

Who exactly it is has not yet been found out.

But it's definitely someone high-ranking.

Even the consul ‘Ferdinand Weisz’ and the president of the First Academy ‘Lin Jiuxin’ may not be trustworthy.


To promote the eradication of demons within the territory.


We must first twist the Red Moon Kingdom into a ball.

This hidden senior level of the Seven Gods Hermitage must be uncovered.

Fighting is no small matter.

It is the nation's top priority.

If one is not good, it will cause great losses.

So everything must be arranged properly before the war can begin.

If not arranged well.

Once it falls into the quagmire of war, the Red Moon Kingdom will be in misery.

at this point.

This is absolutely not allowed by Zhao Hongyue.

"We can't completely count on the Red Moon Kingdom."

"I also need to cultivate my own power."

He whispered in his heart.

If it weren't for the power under his command, it would not be enough.

He doesn't need to rely on the Red Moon Kingdom at all, he can directly take action to clean up the demons.

But now he has too few people under his command.

Not nearly enough to wage war against the demons.

Without starting a war, those cunning king-level monsters would be hidden, and it would be very difficult to find them.

"Silver Sun should also be expanded again."

“There will also be churches of holy angels, fallen angels, and angels of death, which will also be established.”

"Not only that, several major tribunals also need to fill up their manpower."

Various thoughts flashed through his mind.

He hadn't felt that before.

But now I think of launching a war directly against the demons, washing all the demons with blood, and forcing the king-level demons out.

He felt that the power in his hands was too little.

Must be cultivated again.

"at least--"

"Silver Lieyang also has thousands of people, right?"

"The churches of holy angels, fallen angels, and death angels must also have thousands of people..."

"The same goes for several tribunals..."

he muttered.


at this time.

Thunder roared and rain poured down from the sky.

The entire world was enveloped in a curtain of rain in an instant. A large number of raindrops connected into lines, and then into sheets, forming a heavy rain covering an area of ​​unknown kilometers.

At this moment, it was like the dragon god was pouring out his anger, the heavy rain continued, and the sky and the earth were pale.

Zhao Xin closed the window.

He came to the living room and sat down cross-legged.

The place where he is now is a three-story villa.

Since he came to Red Moon City, Zhou Xuan naturally came to Red Moon City as well.

With the large amount of funds he provided, Chusheng Group developed extremely rapidly, and it was easy to purchase some properties in Red Moon City.

This single-family villa is one of them.

Tick ​​tick tick——

The historic bronze bell on the wall rotates gently.

Soon it was nine o'clock sharp.

Today is the day to enter the battlefield where all races compete for hegemony.

He had great expectations for this entry.

after all--

Last time.

His ancient tree of life is undergoing super evolution!

Enter this time and the super evolution will be completed.

He wanted to see it.

How much change will this super evolution bring to my ancient tree of life, and how much benefit will it bring to me.


This is the fifth time that all races are fighting for hegemony.

Get through this time.

He can open the cultivation section, one of the four major sections of the Holy City of All Races.

He is very curious about the cultivation section.

It must be an extremely magical place to be called one of the four major sections of the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.


This will increase the strength of his subordinates again.

"Not only that--"

"I can also go to Tianmai Mountain again..."

"Break records and have high lottery chances."

"The items in this high-level lottery are all amazing treasures."

"The order of the elders of the Ten Thousand Laws Star Alliance, the sap of the Divine Tree of Life."

He was full of expectations.

This time the entry.

He thought it would bring about amazing changes in him.


When the time reached nine o'clock, he disappeared.

The vast starry sky is filled with billions of stars, densely packed.

Even if it is turned on every time, countless stars will be extinguished.

But after turning it on four times, Zhao Xin still didn't notice that the starlight was scarce.

"It is estimated that every time the battle for hegemony among all races is started, a group of people will be brought in to replenish it."

"If one side falls, there will be new ones added."

"The strong live, the weak die."

"For countless years, I don't know how many powerful beings I have cultivated."

Zhao Xin muttered to himself.

This cruel competition forces participants to do everything possible to increase their strength.

Once the strength increases, it slows down.

The next time it is turned on, it may be death!

Only after surviving ten battles for hegemony can one be qualified to choose whether to continue participating in the battle for hegemony.

"The Yuxingshi civilization has thousands of races competing for hegemony, and countless strong people have been cultivated."

"But it's still just one of the four major civilizations in the starry sky."

"I don't know what methods the demon civilization, mechanical civilization, and god civilization have that can rival the civilization of the Star Envoys."

This thought flashed through his mind.

Shaked his head.

He didn't think much about it.

He looked at the ancient tree of life at his feet.

This is the highlight!

The battle of civilizations is too far away from him.

"Huh? Only grew three hundred meters taller?"

Zhao Xin blinked, a little surprised.

The height changed from 800 meters to 1100 meters.

The rest is not visible at all on the outside.

With a thought in his mind, he directly checked the information about the Ancient Tree of Life.

[Name: Ancient Tree of Life]

[Attribute: Creation System]

[Level: Demigod]

[Level: Third level upper level]

[Combat Power: None]

[Power of life: 245 points]

[Recovery speed: 2560 points/month]

【power enhanced】

“Recovery speed of 2560 points per month!”

Zhao Xin had a look of shock in his eyes.

At this time, he already understood what super evolution was.

The recovery speed of each level of the Ancient Tree of Life is fixed.

The recovery speed of the third-level ancient ancient tree of life should be 256 points per month.

But the recovery speed of his Ancient Tree of Life was ten times faster! !

This is absolutely terrifying.

It goes without saying how amazing the effect of the power of life is.

The recovery speed is ten times faster, which is an exaggeration.

For any Royal Star Envoy, this is a heaven-defying opportunity!

It can allow a star creature of the Star Envoy to rapidly improve its realm.

And he already knew it from the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Improving the realm of astral creatures is a waste of life force.

The power of life——

This is the power of creation.

Not only can it improve the realm of astral creatures, it can also allow astral creatures to break the limit of their potential!

This is where the power of life is most precious.

In the holy city of all races.

Ninety-nine percent of the Star Controllers use their life force to break the potential of astral creatures.

for example--

Originally, they could only grow to the upper level of the seventh-level astral world creature.

But he can use the power of life to forcibly advance to the eighth level!

Such a heaven-defying ability.

This is what really drives a large number of powerful people crazy.

Even some strong men who truly stand at the top will not dislike having little life force in their hands.

But their ancient tree of life has already evolved to the extreme.

The life force produced has been fixed.

This is far from enough for them.

We can only rely on time to wait slowly.

And super evolution——

But it can increase the life power produced by their Ancient Life Tree tenfold!

Naturally this is enough to drive them crazy.

"Advanced lottery..."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

At this time, he was already full of expectations for the high-level lottery.

The items in this high-level lottery are all really good things.

A bottle of 'sap from the Divine Tree of Life' will allow his ancient tree of life to super evolve and produce ten times more life force!

"Little Skeleton's combat power is currently at the six-star king level, but his level is only at the lower level of the ninth level."

"To advance from the lower level of the ninth level to the middle level of the ninth level, you only need 500 life force."

"In ten days, I will be able to obtain enough life force to elevate the little skeleton again."

Zhao Xin's eyes were bright.

And it's not just that -

His ancient tree of life can be promoted again after all races compete for hegemony this time!


The recovery speed is not 2560 points per month, but 5120 points per month!

This is very scary.

And if you get promoted later, it will be 10,240 points per month!

The Ancient Tree of Life will be promoted later.

The benefits of this super evolution are even more amazing.

He didn't hesitate.

Directly control the ancient tree of life and head towards the nearest starlight.

Entering this battlefield where thousands of races compete for hegemony, you will die or I will die.

He has already adapted.

It didn't take long.

He had already seen another ancient tree of life.

The other party is also flying towards him.

Being able to survive four battles without dying, the opponent's ancient tree of life is seven hundred meters high, with lush branches and leaves, and has been promoted four times.

On the ancient tree of life is a woman whose whole body is burning with flames.

The woman has flaming horns on her head, is wearing a red armor, and has strange lines on her face.

This is the Star Envoy of the Fire Horn Clan.

The Fire Horn Clan is very powerful and is no longer inferior to the Elf Clan.

It belongs to a higher race that is dependent on the Wing Clan and is an enemy of the Human Race.


When she saw the ancient tree of life at the feet of Zhao Xin, which was 1,100 meters high, this brave-looking woman from the Fire Horn Tribe turned around and left without saying a word.

She and Zhao Xin were still far away from each other, and Zhao Xin could only watch helplessly as he drove the ancient tree of life away.

"Hey, I'm just a weak human being."

"You see, my cultivation level is very low and I was born on a small planet. Don't run away."

"I'm frustrated in love and now I want to die. Can't you help me?"

Zhao Xin shouted at the other party.

But after he finished speaking, the Fire Horn woman pursed her lips and ran faster.

Only ghosts believe you!


"There is no trust between people?"

Zhao Xin was speechless.

He could only give up on this Fire Horn Tribe woman and kill towards another starlight.

Fortunately, among this starlight is a very confident young man from the Iron Sword Clan, with hands as sharp as swords and very strong.

Seeing Zhao Xin coming, even though the ancient tree of life under Zhao Xin's feet was 1,100 meters high, he was not afraid at all and drove the ancient tree of life to attack.

The void behind him twisted, directly summoning all the astral creatures.

Among these astral creatures, there is a king-level one. This is the confidence of the opponent.

He wanted to hunt Zhao Xin and devour the unusually tall ancient tree of life at his feet.


The ideal is good, but the reality is cruel.

The ancient bridge of life was erected, and Zhao Xin asked the little skull Cohen to challenge.

However, the small skeleton just stood motionless on the side. Four death auras flew out of its eye sockets and fell to the ground to form four large skeletons.

Today's big skeleton is naturally different from what it used to be.

As the little skeleton was promoted to the six-star king level, their strength had all reached the upper level of the five-star king level!

boom! !

A shock.


There's no after that.

Whether the opponent was a star creature or the Star Envoy himself, they were all gone.

The difference in strength is too big.


The ancient tree of life at Zhao Xin's feet excitedly began to devour the opponent's ancient tree of life.

This is the cruelest form of cultivating gu.

Entering the battlefield where all races compete for hegemony, life and death are divided!

Seeing the ancient tree of life on the opposite side gradually turning into ashes, Zhao Xin did not stay on this battlefield for long.

He had a thought in his mind.

Go to the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

The Holy City of Ten Thousand Races is extremely vast.

The Royal Star Envoys who entered were all suppressed to ordinary people's physiques.

It would be impossible to walk through the entire Holy City of Ten Thousand Races on foot in 100 million years.

"To cultivate the sector, you need to 'cultivate the temple'."

Zhao Xin walked out of the villa, left Minsk Street, and went to the teleportation circle.

The Holy City of Ten Thousand Races is divided into ten thousand areas.

Each region has a ‘Temple of Nurture’.

The 'Cultivation Temple' he is heading to now is the closest one.

Through the teleportation circle, he arrived outside the 'Cultivation Temple' without spending much time.

The height of this temple exceeds tens of thousands of meters, and its length and width are incomprehensible.

Just a gate alone is more than a hundred meters wide, and a large number of Royal Star Envoys come in and out.

The flow of people is at least a thousand times greater than that of Tianmai Mountain!


It is just one of the tens of thousands of ‘nurturing temples’ in the Holy City of All Nations.

"No one knows how many participants there are in the Holy City of All Races."

"And most of them should have survived ten hegemony battles."

"It takes years to accumulate so many Royal Star Envoys."

"What does the king rank mean in this?"

Zhao Xin was amazed.

He walked directly into the 'Cultivation Temple' without hesitation.

He was very curious about ‘nurturing the temple’.

I want to see what is here and whether it can increase the strength of his hands!

As he enters the ‘Cultivation Temple’.

Suddenly his eyes flashed, and he appeared in a small room.

There are four transparent space doors standing in the room.

The first one is yellow.

The second one is blue.

The third red.

The fourth cyan.

There is an ancient character on each space door.

Earth, water, fire, wind.

"Represents the four major attributes?"

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

Earth, water, fire and wind are the four most common attributes.

Among the creatures in the astral world, these four attributes are the ones that possess the most.

Apart from these four attributes, they are all considered rare attributes.

Such as death, light, darkness, thunder, etc.

But how to use these four space doors?


There was a flash of light.

Next to him appeared the virtual guide ‘Kali Fni’ from when he first came to the Holy City of All Races.

The other party was wearing an exquisite long skirt, with a soft smile on her face, and bowed to Zhao Xin:

"With respect to the participants, we meet again."

"Congratulations on coming to the Cultivation Temple."

"I will introduce you to the Cultivation Temple."

Zhao Xin nodded and listened quietly.

"Every participant who enters the Cultivation Temple for the first time can only choose astral creatures with the four attributes of earth, water, fire and wind for cultivation."

"To open the space door with other attributes, you have to 'go beyond the limit'."

"Beyond the limit, as the name suggests, among the four major attributes of the astral creatures, if there is one whose combat power is 0.3 higher than the original, it is considered to be beyond the limit."

"For example, if your current astral creature level is at the first level and its combat power is at the second level, then you need to cultivate it to the lower level of the third level without changing the level, and then you can open the fifth space gate."

Kalifni smiled.

After a pause, her expression became solemn and she continued:

"The cultivation section is definitely the most important section in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races!"

"It is also the most important place where you can improve your strength!"

"You can achieve incredible improvements in combat power here!"

"Even if the combat power is three or four realms higher than the level, it is completely possible."


But when Zhao Xin heard this, he suddenly interrupted the other party:

"Sorry, let me ask first."

"If my astral creature's combat power has exceeded six or seven levels, can I still cultivate it?"

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