Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 149 Absorbing higher energy! Increased combat power! (2-in-1)


The smile on Kalifni's face froze and she looked at Zhao Xin in shock.

Beyond level six or seven?

As the virtual guide of the Holy City of All Races, she has guided countless participants.

In the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races, she has existed for countless thousands of years.

I have seen countless geniuses like carps crossing the river.

But I have never seen anyone's astral creature whose combat power can be six or seven realms higher than the level!

If you can reach four realms, you are already a peerless monster, and you can hope to break the records of Tianmai Mountain, Babel Tower, and Wanfa Island!

Such a peerless monster may not appear in a thousand years.

And this is after many times of cultivation through the ‘Cultivation Temple’.

As for combat power being five realms higher than level?

In the past hundred thousand years, only one person has appeared in the Holy City of Ten Thousand Races.

Six realms higher?

Not seen since her birth.

I have only heard of legends that such a heaven-defying star-master appeared.

And now——

What did she hear?

The human star envoy in front of her asked her, 'Can the astral creatures still be cultivated if their combat power has exceeded six or seven levels?' ? ?

This really asked about her blind spots in knowledge.

After all, in history, there has never been a creature whose combat power in the astral realm has exceeded five realms without being cultivated by the 'Cultivation Temple'.

Don’t even talk about the five realms.

Even before cultivation, there were only four beings born in history whose combat power could exceed the four realms.


Before cultivation, the combat power exceeded six or seven levels. Can it still be cultivated?

How to answer this?

She doesn't know either...

Seeing Kalifeni staring at him blankly, Zhao Xin frowned:

"Can't you?"

He had great expectations for this cultivation section.


That's it?

Not useful to his astral beings?

Kalifni woke up in shock, looked at the human star envoy in front of her, took a deep breath and shook her head:

"I don't know about this either."

"It has never happened in history and there are no relevant records."

Speaking of the latter part, she couldn't help but stared at Zhao Xin with her eyes:

"Is it possible that the combat power of your astral creatures exceeds the sixth or seventh level?!"

There was disbelief in this voice.

This kind of thing——

Who would believe it?

How much higher the combat power can be than the level is mysterious, but in fact it only has the most to do with one aspect.


The potential of astral beings!

The more terrifying the potential of an astral creature, the higher its combat power will naturally be compared to its level.

For example, astral creatures with saint potential, when they are at the king level, their combat power is naturally far better than that of the normal king level.

The realms that can be crossed are more than those of astral creatures with legendary potential when they are at the king level.

King, lord, legend, saint.

At each level, the gap is huge.

"How can it be?"

Zhao Xin shook his head and denied:

"I just had this kind of dream, so I just asked."


Kalifni was doubtful.

How could a normal person ask such a question?

And she saw it very clearly. The human star envoy in front of her was very disappointed just now.

But she couldn't believe that the human Star Envoy in front of her surpassed all the Star Envoys in ancient and modern times and possessed star creatures whose combat power was six or seven realms higher than their level.

"Nature is true."

"Do you think I look like a peerless person possessing that terrifying astral creature?"

"That kind of peerless person must be unparalleled in heaven and earth, unrivaled in strength, righteousness, honest and kind, high-minded, aboveboard, ambitious... and so on and so forth."

"Do you look like me?"

Zhao Xin blinked and looked at Kalifeni very sincerely.

Kalifni nodded slightly.


She put this matter aside and continued to introduce the Cultivation Temple to Zhao Xin:

“The cultivation that nurtures the temple is the cultivation of death.”

"Between life and death there are great terrors, but also great opportunities and great fortunes."

"Every Star Envoy who comes to the Cultivation Temple for the first time has the right to resurrect the death and resurrection of astral creatures ten times."

"In other words, your astral creature can die ten times and be resurrected for free."

"If the ten times of death and resurrection rights are used up, you will need to consume ancient life coins to purchase the death and resurrection rights in order to cultivate it."

"In the midst of life and death, astral creatures have the opportunity to transcend their limits and increase their combat power."

"You will even realize some special abilities."

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows slightly.

Cultivating the temple is actually how to cultivate astral creatures?

Let the astral creatures die to unleash their potential and surpass their limits?

He also had to marvel.

This handwriting is scary.

It is not easy to resurrect astral creatures after death.

Even if the cultivation temple has already been laid out, this is definitely a bit unimaginable.

"Maybe not real death."

"It's just a simulated feeling that's almost the same as death."

He guessed in his mind.


How many people come to cultivate the temple every day?

All dead and resurrected?

That's incredible.


This is definitely a truly heaven-defying method.

He once asked the Holy Angel Julia.

This fused godhead comes from a six-winged seraph.

But if you want to master the resurrection technique, the current level of Holy Angel Julia is far from enough.


Even if you master the great resurrection technique in the future, it will not be unlimited resurrection.


This is a law that goes against heaven and is extremely restrictive.

He did not believe that this cultivation temple could perform the resurrection technique without any restrictions.

If this is really the case——

Then this Holy City of Ten Thousand Races would be too terrifying.

But what exactly.

He still had to experience it for himself before he could know.


He didn't want to let the astral creatures under his command die.

after all--

The astral creatures under his command are all special.

Either it is fused with godhead, or it is fused with some special items.

He doubted it.

If the astral creatures under his command die, this holy city of all races may not be able to be resurrected.

It would be terrible if he couldn't be resurrected.


After resurrection, losing his godhead is also an unbearable pain.

"Dear participants, if you have any questions, you can call me."

Kalifni smiled, and her body turned into light and disappeared.

Suddenly, only Zhao Xin was left in the whole room.

He looked at the four space doors in front of him and walked directly into the yellow earth space door without much hesitation.

There is no way around it.

After all, there are many astral creatures under his command.

But the only astral creatures with the four attributes of earth, water, fire and wind are Medusa Clara and Phoenix Fenia.

And Fenya the Phoenix——

Can't speak.

If he wanted to try it, he would naturally use Medusa Clara, an earth system star creature who can communicate easily.

"Is this the earth system cultivation space behind the space gate?"

Zhao Xin looked at the world in front of him.

This is a world made entirely of earthy yellow.

There are many yellow translucent crystals on the ground, which shine with dazzling light and give people an extremely hard feeling.


He had a thought in his mind.

Medusa appeared beside him.

Wearing light green close-fitting leather armor, this figure has an exaggerated figure that makes people unable to bear to look away.

Three thousand blue hairs were dancing gently on the back of her head like a snake. She had an oval face and a pair of extremely enchanting eyes. She gently stretched out her tongue and licked it.

"My wise master~"

"What is this place?"

She naturally hugged Zhao Xin's arm tightly, the astonishing murder weapon was dented, and looked around.

“Space to nurture.”

"Try to see if this place can improve your combat power."

"But remember not to die."

Zhao Xin ordered.

“The energy here is special.”

"It is a very high-level earth energy. If it is absorbed in large amounts, it is really possible to increase combat power."

Medusa Clara replied.


"A very special higher energy?"

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

Could this be the energy used in conjunction with resurrection to enhance the combat power of astral creatures?

"Yes, this energy level is very high, but it is also very difficult to absorb."

"Master can understand that the normal energy of heaven and earth is catkins, which can be attracted by just sucking on them."

"And the higher energy here is a mountain. Let alone sucking it, even if you try hard to move it, you can't move it."

"If I don't use the power of the godhead, I won't be able to absorb it."

Medusa Carrara's brows were shining.

The light shot out and shone directly in front of him.


Zhao Xin saw an extremely bright speck of dust appear, even more brilliant than the blazing sun.

This particle of dust is all earthy yellow, although it looks very small.

But Zhao Xin felt that the quality was very terrifying, far beyond the comparison of any other power in the world!

"This is the higher energy in this space."

"This high-level energy is very real, unlike the original energy of heaven and earth, which is like a point of light and has no entity."

"If I can absorb part of this high-level energy, my own energy will naturally become much more solid and my combat power will increase."

Medusa Clara explains.

"There is still such energy!"

Zhao Xin was surprised.

He always thought.

Any energy should be similar to the original energy of heaven and earth.

It is a kind of light quality that cannot be touched at all, and it cannot be manifested unless it is gathered in large quantities.

But this high-level energy in front of me is completely different.

It's just like a particle of dust, but it's like real matter!

At this time, he completely understood the cultivation method of cultivating the temple.

Normal astral creatures cannot absorb this high-level energy.


You can only fill it in during the process of breaking and standing again!

After death, the body can be reorganized to fill a small amount of this high-level energy, and the combat power will naturally increase!

And the great terror of death does indeed help to increase combat power.

Add the two.

This is the means to ‘cultivate the temple’.

But now——

The astral creatures under his command do not need to die at all.

As long as you rely on the power of the Godhead, you can continuously absorb this high-level energy!

"You take it all in."

he ordered.


Medusa Clara is an upper level eight.

The combat power reaches 15.9, which is the peak of the five-star king level.

It's only one step away from reaching the six-star king level.

The rest of the astral creatures under his command are similar except for the little skeleton Cohen who already has the six-star king level, the death angel Chen Mingyue, and the holy angel Julia.

Either the combat power is 15.9, or the combat power is 15.8.


Medusa Clara took the lead.

The light between her eyebrows was a little brighter, shining three meters in front of her.

One after another, high-level energy that was as bright as the blazing sun appeared, and then, pulled by the blazing brilliance, it slowly moved towards Medusa.

One grain...

Ten pills...

One hundred grains...

As time passed, Medusa Clara had absorbed nine hundred and ninety-nine grains of high energy.

With the integration of the thousandth grain of higher energy.

Medusa's aura suddenly improved.

The level is still at the upper level of the eighth level, but the combat power has been increased to 16, which belongs to the six-star king level!

"This cultivation temple is indeed a good place."


Zhao Xin's face showed joy.

The combat power span of Medusa and other astral creatures is exaggerated.

Now this cultivation temple can actually continue to improve its combat power!


The combat power of Medusa and other astral creatures transcends seven realms.

Those at the upper level of the eighth level generally possess the combat power of the upper level of the five-star king level.

But now——

Medusa is breaking this combat power span!


Wait for multiple times to enter the cultivation space.

The combat power of Medusa and other astral creatures can reach eight realms!

Although this kind of combat power span.

It will slowly decrease as the level increases.

after all--

At the king level you can fight across two realms, but at the saint level, can you still fight across two realms?

Basically no more.

Because among the astral creatures that can be promoted to the saint level, which one does not have amazing potential, and its combat power is far higher than that of the same level at a low level?

But even if it will slowly reduce the span of combat power.

But the higher the current combat power span is, the stronger the future strength will be, the higher the combat power span will naturally be left!

“What a great place.”

He admired in his heart.

For any Star Controller, increasing the span of combat power is far more difficult than increasing the level of astral creatures.


A message appeared in front of him.

[It is detected that your astral creature has stayed in the earth cultivation space for more than 20 minutes. If it stays for 30 minutes, the right to death and resurrection will be charged. 】

"The right to resurrect death once every thirty minutes?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

But I don’t really care.

This right of death and resurrection can be purchased with ancient life coins.

And he still has more than 16 million ancient life coins in his hand.

It should be enough for the time being.

He stood aside and waited quietly.

But the waiting time was boring, and a light suddenly flashed in his mind.

"Don't I have the talent of 'soil control'?"

"This 'earth control' talent is at the lower level of true god level."

"The high-level energy in front of me also belongs to the earth element..."

"Can we rely on the 'earth control' talent to absorb this high-level energy?"

Thinking of this, he suddenly became interested.

If you can——

This high-level energy should also play a role in improving his combat power!

After all, he is different from other Star Envoys.

The other Royal Star Envoys themselves are not strong in combat.

But his combat power also spans many realms!

Today, he is an eighth-level high-ranking Star Envoy.

The lower level true god-level swordsmanship 'Ten Thousand Tribulations' has reached the Ten Tribulations realm. With one sword strike, accompanied by ten tribulations of light, the power is increased by ten times, which is eleven times the original!

This is already the tenth realm of ‘Ten Thousand Tribulations’.

But it is not easy to reach the eleventh realm.

Because the eleventh realm of ‘ten thousand kalpas’ is twenty kalpas!

Increase the power and sword speed by twenty times!

Starting from the eleventh realm, for every higher realm, the power increases tenfold.

This swordsmanship is definitely the strongest method he has now.

If he were to hold the true divine weapon Green God Sword again, even if it was only the basic power of the Green God Sword, if he slashed with one sword now, the power would not be weaker than the five-star king level.

The combat power span has exceeded six realms!

This kind of combat power will no longer hold back the creatures of the astral world.


If he could also absorb the high-level energy in front of him, it would be enough to surprise him.

The stronger your combat power, the higher your security!

"Try it."

"It's not like he's going to die anyway."

He took a deep breath and immediately used his true god-level talent, 'Soil Control'.

The name of this talent is simple.

But it is a truly terrifying talent that can control all earth abilities in the world!

As he displays his talent of ‘soil control’——

Suddenly the world in front of him seemed to be different.

One after another, bright particles of higher energy are suspended, everywhere!

It's like billions of blazing suns are releasing light and heat without restraint!

"There's a show!"

Zhao Xin was pleasantly surprised and used all his strength to control a particle of high energy to fly towards him.

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