Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 21 Transform into an astral creature! Childhood sweetheart?

"Are you sure you can decipher it?"

Chen Mingyue looked at Zhao Xin expectantly.

This special stone slab.

It was her last hope.

If it cannot be deciphered.

Then she could only accept her fate and live peacefully as an ordinary person.

"Let me decipher it."

"Whatever you give for it."

Zhao Xin said calmly without comment.

The other party taught him swordsmanship and he paid him money.

There is no question of who owes whom.

"I can pay two hundred pounds worth of wealth."

Chen Mingyue answered immediately.

It had only been two years since she became a swordsman master.

This is almost the majority of the wealth she has earned in the past two years.

after all--

In Jianyi Martial Arts School.

It's not every day that someone looks for a swordsman master to teach them.

Even if you find a swordsman master to teach you, it may not be her turn.


In one month, she could only attend about twenty classes.

Two hundred pounds... so rich... The swordsman master really makes money quickly, making more money than many low-level star guardians...

Zhao Xin sighed in his heart.


He agreed.

Who makes him so short of money now?

Two hundred pounds of wealth.

It was enough for him to be promoted to the third level of Star Envoy.

"Do you need me to prepare anything?"

"For example, incense that calms the mind, or delicious food that makes it easier to focus?"

Chen Mingyue looked happy and said quickly.


"I've finished deciphering it."

Zhao Xin shook his head and said calmly.

"...has...completed the deciphering?!"

Chen Mingyue was stunned.

She looked at Zhao Xin blankly.

There is no trace of the indifference like snow lotus in his dull look.

Although she knew it.

Zhao Xin is simply a monster in terms of swordsmanship.


Decipher a special tablet that no one has ever been able to decode with just one look?

She was confused and received a critical hit of 320,000 points.

"Get a pen and paper."

Zhao Xin said.


Chen Mingyue stood up blankly, brought a pen and paper blankly, and then sat back down blankly.

Then he looked at Zhao Xin blankly.

Zhao Xin wrote down the unique set of cultivation methods contained on the special stone tablet.

There are more than a dozen pictures in it.

He drew them all perfectly.

This set of cultivation methods——

The reason why he felt strange.

This is because cultivators will gradually transform into lower-level astral creatures, ‘swordsmen’.

He completely became a ‘swordsman’.

That is extraordinary.

"This method is strange."

"You need to think carefully."

After he finished writing, he gave a reminder.

‘Swordsmen’ are lower-level astral creatures in humanoid form.

He also knows some.

His body is as hard as iron, and his understanding of swordsmanship is not weak.

"'Swordsman's Body'?"

"Transforming a human body into a lower-level astral creature, a 'swordsman'?"

Chen Mingyue took the paper, looked at it carefully, and whispered to herself.

There was some uncertainty on her face.


She desperately yearns to become extraordinary.

I'm always looking for ways.


Give up the human body and transform into the body of a swordsman?

This made her very hesitant.

Take a deep breath.

She took out two hundred pounds of banknotes and handed them to Zhao Xin:

"Thank you for your help. I'm a little confused now, so I won't keep you here."

“Very good deal.”

"But I still hope you will be cautious."

Zhao Xin took the banknotes and reminded him again before leaving.

"Will she choose to transform into a swordsman?"

Zhao Xin returned home and thought about this issue after taking a shower.

But he felt——

With Coach Chen’s dedication to the extraordinary.

I'm afraid he will most likely be converted into a swordsman.

But that’s someone else’s choice.

There was no way he could interfere.

I don't want to interfere either.

"The survival trial will be in four days."

"Nine days later, all races will compete for hegemony."

"The survival trial is nothing, but the battle for hegemony among all races..."

His eyes flashed.

This is the culprit that brought him here through time travel.

And there are countless people like him.

Traveled to various worlds.

Such great power.

He could never be too cautious.

"Nine days later."

"You will know what the battle for hegemony among all races is about."

"Hopefully these nine days."

"I can kill a few more mid-level monsters."

"If you can kill one or two high-level demons, that would be the best."

He whispered in his mind.

Sit cross-legged.

Start practicing the ‘Hengsha World Map’.

Two hundred and fifty-two golden light spots shine brightly at the heart position.

Next to the location -

Another five hundred cells gradually lit up with a golden light.

It's bright.

The sun is rising slowly.

Eating fried dough sticks in one hand and sweet soy milk in the other, Zhao Xin walked towards the gate of the Demon Slayer Department.

"Zhao Xin!"

Suddenly a female voice sounded.

Zhao Xin paused and looked to the left.

There stood a girl wearing a light green dress.

The girl smiled sweetly, revealing two cute dimples.

Her black hair flew back in the wind, making her skin look even fairer, whiter than snow.

Holding a brown handbag in both hands to hold down the hem of her skirt, she stood tall and graceful.

"Zhou Xuan?"

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows.

A large number of memories and images suddenly appeared in my mind.

Zhou Xuan's father is one of the shareholders of Chusheng Group.

Zhou Xuan is the same year as him.

So he and Zhou Xuan grew up together as childhood sweethearts.


That was all before he traveled through time...

But since he was kicked out of Chusheng Group.

Zhou Xuan never appeared again.

Why now——

But suddenly found him?

"this is for you."

"I ran away secretly."

"You must take care of yourself..."


Zhou Xuan trotted over and thrust a small note into Zhao Xin's hand, her voice a little urgent.

With a pair of eyes full of nostalgia and reluctance, he looked deeply at Zhao Xin.

Then he didn't wait for Zhao Xin to say anything.

He hurriedly turned around and walked onto a hover car, disappearing into the traffic.

Zhao Xin frowned.

Watching Zhou Xuan leave in a hover car.

He spread his hands.

Open the note.

It says--

Tian Feiming wants to kill you! In the survival trial three days later!

"Tian Feiming."

Zhao Xin looked calm.

He was naturally very familiar with this blood cousin.

After all, they grew up together.

Shaked his head.

He didn't care.

Walk into the Demon Slayer Department and go to work in the execution hall.

Although the Tian family took over the Chusheng Group.

But Chusheng Group is not a big group in the entire Haicheng.

How much strength can you show?

Dingtian is also the sixth-level Star Envoy.

But whether it’s the Little Skeleton or the Thunder Titan——

They all have seventh level strength...

Zhou Xuan returned home in a hurry.

But just as soon as I walked in.

Her heart skipped a beat as she looked at her father and Tian Feiming sitting in the living room.

This made her look even paler.

"Did you eavesdrop on our conversation just now?"

"Secretly remind Zhao Xin?"

Zhou Baohu's face was gloomy, he stared at his daughter standing at the gate and shouted angrily.

Zhou Xuan trembled, lowered her head and did not dare to speak.

Tears kept rolling in his eyes.

But he endured it stubbornly.

"Uncle Zhou, it's not a big deal."

"No need to blame Xiaoxuan anymore."

At this time.

Tian Feiming instead smoothed things over and said with a smile.

"Go back to the house yet!"

"Get ready for your marriage to Fei Ming!"

Zhou Baohu roared angrily again.

The burly body is like a real violent tiger, which makes people fear.


Zhou Xuan was so frightened that she responded, quickly went upstairs and hid in her room.

Arrive at your room.

She just leaned against the door, tears rolling down her eyes.

"Zhao Xin...don't let anything happen to you..."

"I will never marry Tian Feiming even if I die..."

She murmured in her heart, her body slid down weakly, hugged her knees, and curled up into a ball.

But there was a hint of determination on his face.

"Have you decided..."

"Let go of everything and merge with the frost..."

"You can gain extraordinary power..."

"You can also change the fate of yourself and your sweetheart..."

behind her.

The light and shadow are distorted.

A silhouette of a woman wearing a black hood and black dress appeared, her voice full of temptation...

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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