Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 22 A colleague died mysteriously, and the survival trial begins!

The execution hall was the same as before.

Zhao Xin accepted the task and went directly to Room 45.

The monster in the room.

It was the bloody werewolf he killed for the first time.

The little skeleton slashed at random.

Werewolf death.

The dead air space cracked.

The little skull's brows glowed, slowing down the corpse's sliding speed.


"It's here again!"

Zhao Xin glanced at the dead air space as usual, and his eyes suddenly condensed.

He saw the four women in black carrying the crystal coffin again!

The beautiful woman in the crystal coffin closed her eyes tightly.

A large amount of death energy surged forward and was absorbed by the beautiful woman's body.

"Two execution hall deacons..."

"I don't know you two..."

Zhao Xin squinted his eyes.

He knew two of the four women in black who carried the coffin.

And these two.

In the execution hall.

His status is second only to the hall master who likes to wear a red dress.

Responsible for receiving the demons sent in, sending them to various rooms and locking them up, waiting for execution.

to be honest--

Such behavior from the Demon Slayer.

He was quite puzzled.


Why must he be forced into the execution hall and then be killed by members of the execution hall?

Wouldn't it be the same if the people of the war hall directly killed the body and threw the body into the dead air space?

Let the execution hall be carried out.

It made him feel that it was a bit unnecessary.

"Maybe there is some deep meaning in it..."

He murmured in his mind.

He looked at the crystal coffin in the dead air space.

Compared to last time I saw it.

He discovers a beautiful woman in a crystal coffin.

There is a very light and strange cloud pattern on the skin.

"It has nothing to do with me anyway."

"This looks like big trouble."

He shook his head.

At this time, the crack gradually closed.

I looked at the little skeleton whose combat power had increased by 0.1 again, reaching 7.8.

He was in a good mood and went to return the token.

"There will be a survival trial in three days, are you afraid?"

The red-skirted hall master crossed her legs and said calmly.

The style of her red dress changed.

However, it is still tight, showing a thrilling arc.

It makes people want to explore the depths.

"Life and death matter."

Zhao Xin replied.

He looked again and again at the red-dressed hall master in front of him.

It feels like it’s in the body.

The leader of the red-dressed hall seemed very similar to the beautiful woman in the crystal coffin.

Could it be——

The beautiful woman in the crystal coffin is the hall master in front of her?

However, I thought that the crystal coffin should still be in the dead air space at this time.

Let him deny this speculation.

But since it’s not—

How could it give him such a similar feeling?

How strange.

"You are very open-minded."

The leader of the red skirt hall was a little surprised and waved his hand:

"Get ready."

"This is something that any Star Envoy must experience."

"Thank you for your concern, Master."

"My subordinates resign."

Zhao Xin handed over his hands and turned to leave.

But I just walked out of the hall master's office.

He met one of the four women in black carrying the coffin——

‘Sophie’, the butler of the execution hall.

Still wearing black clothes and stockings, her body proportions are perfect.

But his face was pale, as if he was short of blood.

Zhao Xin saluted slightly.

Sophie nodded coldly and entered the hall master's office.

"Would you like to take the opportunity to visit Sophie's office..."

"Maybe there is a secret passage connected to the dead air space..."

Zhao Xin's eyes flashed.

If you can enter the dead air space.

The little skeleton's combat power can definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

But think about it.

He still gave up this plan.

No one knows——

Is the crystal coffin hidden in Sophie's office?

If he goes.

Once they meet, won't they be exposed?

The gain outweighs the loss.

But just then——

He heard a message.

The member of the execution hall who was in the same lounge with him, the black Wade——


Died in room twenty-one.


Zhao Xin was stunned.

Room 21 should only house low-level monsters.

Low-level demon——

How could he still kill a first-level high-ranking Star Envoy when he was bound by the Forbidden Sealing Pillar and the Forbidden Sealing Chain?

He raised his eyebrows and walked towards room 21.

Wait for him to arrive.

Outside Room 21, there were already crowds of members of the torture hall.

The red-dressed hall master and two deacons also arrived soon.

Vader's body fell in the room.

But the strange thing is——

The corpse had turned into a mummy, and its face was full of fear, twisted into a ball.

And there are no wounds visible on the body.

It was like all the blood evaporated out of thin air.

"Something interesting."

Zhao Xin squinted his eyes.

He looked at the forbidden pillar in the room.

It was empty and there were no demons.

He also couldn't judge that this demon who was originally supposed to be executed by Black Vader——

It was an escape.

Still dead, the body slipped into the dead air space.

"The third one this month!"

"They all turned into mummies!"

"I think there may be demons mixed in with the torture hall, specializing in sucking blood!"

"I'm planning to resign, it's too scary!"

"No one knows whose turn it will be next!"

"It's more scary than the danger you can see."

There was a lot of discussion among the members of the Ming Xing Hall around, and most of them were very scared.

The third one?

Zhao Xin's eyes narrowed.

And all of them turned into mummies?

Almost instantly.

He thought of the crystal coffin.

And the beautiful woman in the crystal coffin who doesn't know whether she is dead or alive.

He remained calm.

He glanced at the red-dressed hall master and the two black-clothed deacons.

The two black-clad deacons, as coffin bearers, are inseparable from the crystal coffin.

The leader of the red-dressed hall made him feel very similar to the woman in the crystal coffin.


He was speechless.

The highest level of the execution hall——

I'm afraid not all have problems!

If it weren't for the artistic master, he would be bold.

And he couldn't bear the death penalty in the execution hall.

He is also planning to resign...

Three days passed quickly.

The day has come for the trial of survival.

"I just killed another mid-level demon..."

"I didn't even see the shadow of the high-level demon..."

Zhao Xin muttered.

This mid-level demon belongs to the fifth level.

What he brought to him was also a drop of time.

Let him, Little Skeleton, and Thunder Titan spend a month practicing in an instant.

The little skeleton has mastered the new ability ‘bone hyperplasia’.

Bones can grow explosively in an instant.

The most significant effect is that it can become huge.

It can also be partially enlarged or the arms can be extended.

The level remains unchanged.

Still at the top level.

But the combat power has been increased to 8.3, which is comparable to the eighth-level lower-level astral creatures!

The Thunder Titan did not master new abilities.

But the increase in combat power is also extremely terrifying.

The same first-level upper level.

However, its combat power has reached 8.1, which is also comparable to eighth-level lower-level astral creatures!

Zhao Xin herself.

From the second-level lower-ranking Star Envoy who just broke through.

Promoted to the second level of high-ranking Star Envoy!

The ten star power crystals have long been used up.

But the little skeleton's combat power is astonishing, allowing him to maintain a cultivation speed of more than six times for a long time.

The training speed of the Royal Star Envoy——

Only look at the most powerful astral creatures.

There is also the ‘Hengsha World Map’, which is an absolutely true god-level cultivation method.

That's why he can stay in the river of time for a month.

The cultivation base has been promoted to the second level!

"With my own physical fitness."

"Cooperating with the swordsmanship that has reached an unknown level..."

"If I strike with my sword, there shouldn't be any fourth-level monsters that can stop me, right?"

"Should only a fifth-level demon be able to block the sword in my hand?"

He thought to himself.

Very satisfied with my own strength.

He came to the Demon Slayer Department with his fried dough sticks and his favorite sweet soy milk.

This time he did not enter the execution hall.

Instead, he came to a square in the Demon Slayer Department.


There are already a large number of trainee star envoys who opened the star realm half a month ago, waiting.

They all have different expressions.

There is tension.

Have expectations.

There are concerns.

There is fear.

There’s excitement too!

"Everyone get in the car and head outside the city for a survival trial!"

"If you want to protect everything you have, you need strength!"

“Effort and caution are even more indispensable.”

"I hope you can all pass the survival trial and come back alive!"

A middle-aged man wearing white armor and carrying a sword walked out and said in a deep voice.

He was so powerful that the air around him was shaking.

This middle-aged man.

He is the head of the Haicheng Demon Slayer Department—

Fight in vain!

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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