Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 28 Revenge does not last overnight, reunite people!

Returned to Haicheng smoothly.

It was exactly nine o'clock in the morning.

Zhao Xin went directly to work.

Three days.

He is not just practicing the 'Hengsha World Map'.

The newly acquired soul magic ‘Slavery’——

There was also a breakthrough.

It has entered the first level.

You can hypnotize other creatures and make them do things according to your requirements at a certain time, without any memory afterwards.

"Not bad, successfully passed the survival trial."

Hall Master's Office.

The hall master, who was still wearing a long red dress, nodded with satisfaction and threw a token:

"As a reward, you don't need to participate in the extraction task today, it will be assigned to you directly."

Zhao Xin took it.

Look down.

Good guy.

It turned out to be Token No. 64.

Belongs to the highest numbered room in the execution hall.

The demons that can be imprisoned in it must all be at the first level.

He wanted to say something at this time.

Can I refuse this reward?

"Thank you, Master!"

He bowed his hands and stood aside.

At this time, many members of the torture hall were queuing up and looked at him with some envy.

But this is tradition.

This is the case for any Astronomer who has passed the Trial of Survival on his first shift.

Naturally, no one will jump out to object.


All members of the Criminal Hall received the mission.

One of the members of the Punishment Hall named ‘Zhang Wu’ was unlucky and drew token No. 10.

This made him look ugly, and he left a little worried.

Many of them stood beside Zhao Xin.

The members of the execution hall who wanted to see who was unlucky today were also satisfied and walked out.

"Zhang Wu."

Outside room ten.

Zhao Xin came over and spoke softly.

Zhang Wu, who was standing at the door, looked back when he heard the sound.

A pair of eyes that seemed to be filled with starry radiance filled his sight.

His eyes suddenly became blurred and dull.

"open the door."

Zhao Xin ordered.

Although the torture hall is in a 'T' shape.

But it's not a straight line.

And the first ten rooms are all independent.

It is at the deepest point and cannot be seen by the members of the torture hall in the front room.

There was no look in Zhang Wu's eyes, and he obeyed the order blankly and opened the iron door.

Zhao Xin ordered the little skeleton to push open the iron door.

There was a minotaur covered in black scales tied up in the room.

Two black horns pointed toward the sky, reflecting the cold light.

He was over two and a half meters tall, his muscles were bulging like stones, and there was black and red mist filling the air.

A pair of blood-red eyes stared at Zhao Xin who walked in, breathing heavily.

"The fourth-level upper-level Minotaur."

Zhao Xin glanced at it.

Then he recognized the origin of this demon.

He signaled the little skeleton to take action with his eyes.

The soul fire in the eyes of the little skeleton jumped, as if answering:


next moment.

The little skeleton took a step forward.

The sickle in his hand instantly swiped across the Minotaur's neck.

The Minotaur's eyes widened, still staring at Zhao Xin, dying of anger.


"Why is there no soul light flying over?"

Cracks opened under the Minotaur's feet, and the body began to slide down.

But no soul light point appeared, and Zhao Xin frowned.

what happened?

Why was there no soul light point for him to open the dream world when he killed the fourth-level Minotaur this time?

"For the first time, I killed the fourth-level median vampire and successfully opened the dream world."

"The second time I killed the fourth-level high-level ice fishman and successfully opened the dream world."

"The third time I killed the fifth-level lower demon, and successfully opened the dream world."

"The fourth time I killed the sixth-level ghosts, the dream world also opened..."

he mused.

Except when giving birth to astral creatures.

He opened the dream world four times in total.

For the first time, he obtained the low-level true god-level swordsmanship talent ‘Sword God’.

Get a drop of water of time for the second time.

The third time is also to get a drop of water of time.

Obtained the soul magic ‘Slavery’ for the fourth time.

What are the differences between opening the dream world these four times?


"My own cultivation is constantly improving."

"This is my first time opening it. I am a trainee Star Envoy."

"The second time it is opened, I am the first-level Star Envoy."

"The third and fourth time it is opened, I am the second-level Star Envoy."

"Is it possible to say——"

"The stronger my cultivation is, the stronger the demons I need to kill must be in order to open the dream world?"

"I am now at the second level. Killing the fourth level monster will not open the dream world."

"Is he just a fourth-level high-level demon? His strength is too low..."

"I killed a fifth-level low-level demon before, but I was able to activate it."

"It needs to be three major realms different?"

He whispered in his mind, guessing.

However, he still needs to test this before he can be sure.

He looked at the little skeleton standing next to the crack, his brows glowing, and he was devouring the life force.

He stepped forward and took a look.

I didn't see the crystal coffin.

Not long.

The rift closes.

The little skeleton smacked his mouth with some unsatisfied thoughts.

"The fourth-level high-ranking Minotaur was easily killed by you without any surprises."

Zhao Xin looked at the dull-looking Zhang Wu beside him and said softly.

His voice seemed to come from outside the sky, and with the starlight in his eyes, it reached the deepest part of Zhang Wu's heart.

"The fourth-level high-ranking Minotaur..."

"I killed him..."

"Nothing unexpected..."

Zhang Wu repeated dully.

Zhao Xin snapped her fingers, put away the little skeleton and left directly.

About ten seconds after he left.

Zhang Wu was so excited that he woke up.

He touched his head and looked at the empty sealing pillar, feeling a little confused.

But soon he ‘remembered’——

I just killed a fourth-level high-ranking bull-headed demon easily.

"Looks like you're lucky."

"Nothing unexpected happened..."

Zhang Wu left happily.

Zhao Xin went to Room 64 again and completed his mission.

The little skeleton once again swallowed a lot of death energy.

There was something contented about the skull's face.

"The combat power is 8.4!"

"Comparable to an eighth-level mid-level astral creature!"

Zhao Xin was quite happy.

Although the dream world has not been opened again.

But the little skeleton's combat power has been steadily improving.

It probably won't take long.

You can be promoted to the ninth level!

Nine levels of astral creatures.

Putting it in Haicheng, it already belongs to the top level!

"It's a pity that hypnosis is useful."

"But it takes time and face to face."

"So you can only hypnotize one person at a time, which means you can kill two monsters every day."

"If the soul magic 'Slavery' can reach the second level."

"You can plant the seeds of control in the hearts of other members of the torture hall, and control many people with just a thought..."

"The number of demons that can be killed every day will be far greater than today."

He whispered in his mind.

But I don’t particularly care.

It's just time, it doesn't matter.

As long as you can stay safe and move forward step by step, you'll be fine.

There is no need to take risks just to pursue the speed of improvement.

This kind of life now.

He was very satisfied.

Surf the Internet in the lounge and discuss various topics with netizens.

It soon became dark.

Zhao Xin took off the virtual helmet and walked out of the Demon Slayer Department.

Looking at Haicheng with blurry lights at night, he whispered in his heart:

"It's time to do something good and reunite people..."

I stopped a hover car casually.

Go to Medis Entertainment City, which is closest to Bell Street.

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