Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 29 Condensing thunder and transforming into a beast! The power of Titan!

Medis Entertainment City.

This is one of the high-consumption places in Haicheng.

It is said that as long as you have money, you can let any man experience the enjoyment of a king.

The lights are feasting and the beauties are like clouds.

Bars, KTV, foot massage, Yao bath, massage, chess and cards...etc., everything is available.

Zhao Xin got off the car at the entrance of the entertainment city.

He looked at the entertainment city in front of him which was not kitsch but full of technology and walked in.

"Sir, welcome!"

A row of reception ladies in low-cut long skirts bowed deeply.

"Wash your feet."

Zhao Xin said calmly.

"plz follow me."

A receptionist took him to a room on the sixth floor.

The room decoration is very high-end.

The main tone is white silver.

"No camera……"

"It's just like the rumors, tall enough and wide enough..."

Zhao Xin looked at it carefully and was very satisfied.

Just a moment——

A young and beautiful technician came to the door and started a full set of foot washing services.

Ninety minutes later.

The technician bowed and left.

When leaving, he closed the door gently.

From this moment on.

This room belongs to Zhao Xin.

He could stay until tomorrow morning.

Medis Entertainment City, no matter what project you do, you can stay overnight.

Stand by the window.

Zhao Xin looked towards Bell Street not far away.

No. 7 Bell Street was suddenly within sight.

It occupies a large area, covering thousands of square meters, and he can only see part of the villa garden.

Such a big villa.

Still on Bell Street.

Definitely worth over three thousand pounds.

"It's a pity..."

Zhao Xin whispered.

But there was no regret on his face.

next moment--

He had a thought in his mind.


Next to him, the huge body of Thunder Titan appeared.

Nearly five meters tall, there is only less than half a meter from the roof.

The whole room suddenly became crowded.

Every space feels crowded.


The Thunder Titan shouted twice.

Eyes filled with thunder looked at Zhao Xin, full of enthusiasm.

He put his hands in front of him.

Holding a giant hammer made entirely of thunder gives people a rather terrifying feeling.

"Did you see that big villa?"

"Use your ability of 'condensing thunder into a beast' and trample it to the ground."

"Kill all living creatures."

Zhao Xin ordered.

His voice was a little cold, with a bit of murderous intent.


It was the predecessor who was kicked out by Chusheng Group.

But it merges with the memory of its predecessor.

He won't differentiate between them.

Twenty-five days ago.

When he crossed over.

He is Zhao Xin, the Zhao Xin of this world!

All of Zhao Xin's interpersonal relationships, hatred and cause and effect are inherited by him.

"hold head high!"

The Thunder Titan nodded, with a violent killing intent in his eyes.

He looked towards Villa No. 7 on Bell Street.

Stretch out your thick right hand.

There are purple mysterious lines on it, filled with purple electric light.

There was even more terrifying thunder surging in his eyes.


Above the sky.

Dark clouds rolled in, covering a large area centered on the villa No. 7 on Bell Street.

There were streaks of thunder flashing like long snakes in the dark clouds.

The dark sky is sometimes illuminated.

Many people raised their heads, thinking that there was going to be a heavy rain.

Those who collect clothes collect clothes, and those who go home go home.

Pedestrians are rushing on the street, and no one wants to become a drowned rat later.


The deputy city lord of Haicheng, ‘Gunter Edward’, has just arrived at his lover’s home.

Just as he was about to embrace his beautiful young lover passionately, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the lightning and thunder in the sky.

"What's wrong, honey?"

Mrs. Emily, who had long burgundy hair and wore a burgundy dress, held Gunter's right hand and said strangely.

"This dark cloud——"

"Something's wrong."

Gunter Edward frowned.

He is 1.8 meters tall and has a well-proportioned figure. Although he is middle-aged, he is extremely attractive.

At this time, his face was very serious and he was staring at the sky.

"Something's wrong?"

Mrs. Emily raised her eyebrows and looked up at the sky.

But she was only a low-level Star Envoy and could not detect anything unusual at all.

Not only Gunter Edward, the deputy city lord.

Bell Street is a wealthy area.

There are several high-ranking Star Envoys living there.

At this time, they all looked up at the sky and felt something strange.

boom! !

at this time.

Thirty-six blazing white thunder suddenly crashed down from the billowing dark clouds!

Thunder is extremely dense.

All above the villa No. 7 on Bell Street.

Just for a moment.

The sky on Bell Street was as bright as day.

Everyone stared at the thirty-six blazing white thunders with their mouths open.

what's the situation?

Most people simply can't figure it out, and their heads are filled with questions.

But those high-ranking Star Envoys——

But all their expressions changed.

Without hesitation.

They have already summoned seventh-level or even eighth-level astral creatures and rushed towards Villa No. 7!

Villa No. 7.

Tian Shaohui was receiving an elder from Youlan Society.

The elder of the Youlan Society was completely shrouded in black robes.

The face was completely dark, with only a pair of blue eyes showing.

The sleeves of both hands hang empty on both sides.

The body is suspended, more than ten centimeters above the ground.

"Tian Shaohui."

"Jueyi died because of your Tian family's affairs."

"Your Tian family needs to be responsible."

The black-robed elder stared at Tian Shaohui, his voice was faint, and there was a terrible cold air around him.

Black ice floes spread, and there were 'click-click' sounds everywhere in the secret room.

That was the sound of the wall being cracked by black ice floes.


"For this matter, I am willing to donate two thousand pounds to the elder to make up for the elder's loss."

Tian Shaohui bowed.

He also felt angry.

After all, the son died.

It comes down to it.

Isn’t it that the ghost named Jueyi is not strong enough?

But now.

He still had to compensate the other party, which was really frustrating.

But no matter how frustrated I am.

He also has to endure it!

He couldn't afford to offend You Lan.

It is a ghost organization rooted in human society, and it is very scary.

He couldn't even afford to offend the elder in front of him.

A seventh-level mid-level ghost is enough to kill him easily.

"I feel your sincerity."

"This matter has been revealed."

"I hope we can continue to have pleasant cooperation in the future."

The black-robed elder said with satisfaction.

Two thousand pounds.

It is already an amazing wealth.

This is true even for a seventh-level powerhouse like him.

"There are still many aspects where we need help from the elders."

Tian Shaohui forced a smile and complimented.

"You are very good."

"When your lifespan runs out, I can invite you to join Youlan..."

The black-robed elder said in a low voice.

But before he finished speaking, he stopped abruptly.

He looked up in confusion.


He sensed the gathering of billowing dark clouds and the unusual aura within them.


He didn't have time to react.

Thirty-six blazing white thunderbolts had already struck down.

The three-story, huge villa was instantly torn apart and destroyed by terrifying thunder, with reinforced concrete flying everywhere!

And the moment thirty-six blazing white thunderbolts fell to the ground——

It has turned into thirty-six ferocious and terrifying thunder beasts!


The thunder beast roared, opened its mouth and spewed out rolling thunder, drowning everything!

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