Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 30 Obliterate the Tian family! Kill high-level demons!

"here we go."

The sixth floor of Medis Entertainment City.

Zhao Xin put his hands behind his back and looked at Villa No. 7, which was completely covered by thunder in the distance, with a calm expression.

Thunder Titan’s ability to ‘condensate thunder into a beast’——

Coupled with the passive ability of ‘Control Thunder’——

Thirty-six thunder beasts can be directly condensed.

Every thunder beast.

The strength is a big level lower than the actual combat strength of Thunder Titan.

That is to say——

At this time, the Thunder Titan's combat power is 8.1, which is comparable to eighth-level lower-level astral creatures.

Such a thunder beast formed by condensed thunder.

The strength is comparable to that of seventh-level lower-level astral creatures!

A total of thirty-six seventh-level lower-level astral creatures!

Any seventh-level existence cannot stop it and will be torn apart.

This is the terrifying ability engraved on the godhead.

It is also an ability that Titans, creatures from myths and legends, can only master.

"Around Villa No. 7, the nearest high-level Royal Star Envoy——"

"The distance is more than 500 meters."

"It takes at least ten seconds to react and rush over."

"Ten seconds——"


He whispered in his heart.

beside him.

The Thunder Titan's majestic body stands like a giant.

The thunderous light in the outstretched right hand kept flashing, maintaining the presence of thirty-six thunder beasts more than 700 meters away.

On rough purple skin.

There were also flashes of lightning that kept popping up, making people frightened.

"How come there are so many seventh-level thunder beasts!!"

"who is it!"

"Who wants to deal with me!"

The villa collapsed and thunder rolled over.

Tian Shaohui rushed out in embarrassment, his face full of horror and disbelief.

This is so unexpected.

It's too scary.

A large group of seventh-level thunder beasts suddenly descended and destroyed everything!

in front of him.

There were two sixth-order high-level astral creatures roaring in pain, struggling to resist the thunder damage for him.

He was also surrounded by a twisted sixth-order 'star force field'.

There is also a special protective shield that continuously pours out from a ring on his hand.

But all this——

Neither can bring him any sense of security.

He saw it before his eyes.

His wife was turned into charcoal in the lightning.

The youngest son was only nineteen years old, but at this time he also became a corpse.

His daughter was engaged, and her husband's family was a big shot that needed him to please, but now it was shattered in the light of lightning.

The twelve fourth- and fifth-level star guardians he secretly cultivated——

Even if all the astral creatures are summoned.

They were all of little use under the rolling thunder. They were all submerged in an instant and died completely!


His eyes were red.

His eyes were all bloodshot, he roared loudly, and his heart was full of hatred.

who is it! !

Who is going to destroy everything about him!

The eldest son is dead.

Now all his relatives have died in front of him!

But he could only watch helplessly, unable to stop it! !


He didn't wait for how long he felt sad and angry.

Several nearby thunder beasts had already seen him, and they immediately jumped up and started to kill him fiercely.

The thunder beast is more than three meters tall, covered with ferocious scales, and has long thunder horns on its head that are as sharp as a spear.

The whole body is shining with lightning, which is quite terrifying.

boom! !

Just a face to face.

Two of Tian Shaohui's six-level upper-level astral creatures were killed by a larger number of thunder beasts, and their bodies fell to the ground blackened.

next moment--

The eyes of the three thunder beasts burst out with cruelty and terrifying murderous intent.

Suddenly, the horn on his head hit Tian Shaohui!

The astonishing lightning shrouded Tian Shaohui.

at this time.

What star force field, extraordinary shield——

Everything was torn apart instantly like paper!

And Tian Shaohui’s whole person——

There was despair, hatred and deep doubt on his face.

He was also penetrated by the Thunder Beast's unicorn, and his body was completely torn apart by the violent thunder!

until death——

He didn't even know what happened to this sudden disaster!

What kind of terrifying existence has been provoked?

He actually killed him directly in the city with dozens of thunder beasts!

From beginning to end.

Zhao Xin's name never came to his mind.

Dozens of seventh-level thunder beasts.

How could it be connected with Zhao Xin?


not far away.

The elders of the Youlan Society's eyes shrank sharply.

His whole body was filled with astonishing black mist, and he was constantly resisting thunder attacks.

He wanted to escape.

After all, he is only in the middle of the seventh level.

It is impossible to block the attacks of several thunder beasts.


Thunder naturally restrains ghosts.

Even in one-on-one combat, he didn't dare to say that he could defeat a seventh-level low-level thunder beast.

What's more, now——

More than thirty thunder beasts! !

But he couldn't escape.

Thunder beasts have locked onto him!

"What kind of force can be so generous!"

"Dozens of thunder beasts, it's simply unimaginable!"

"And by sending so many Thunder-type Royal Star Envoys nearby, aren't you afraid that they will be killed by the officials of the Red Moon Kingdom afterwards?"

He was filled with fear and couldn't figure it out at all.

Such a terrifying handiwork.

Just to kill Tian Shaohui?

Tian Shaohui is just a sixth-level Star Envoy.

The wealth of the Chusheng Group he controls will not exceed 20,000 pounds.

Such a person can only be considered a middle-level figure in Haicheng.

How can one be so virtuous?

Someone actually used dozens of seventh-level thunder beasts to kill?

This is no longer a matter of killing a chicken with a knife.

But kill mosquitoes with a knife!

In his opinion.

A seventh-level thunder beast appeared.

Even with Tian Shaohui’s strength, he can’t stop him!

boom! !

The thunder was violent, twisted like a snake, and rushed towards him crazily.

This moment.

At least more than ten thunder beasts launched thunder attacks on him!

Thunder beasts are pure elemental beings.

But it also possesses terrifying melee and long-range attack capabilities.

At this time, ten thunder beasts attacked at the same time.

How could the black-robed elder resist?

With a scream, it was completely shattered by terrifying thunderbolts and disappeared into thin air!

The thirty-six thunder beasts no longer sensed the breath of life.

Suddenly it turned into thirty-six thunder beams, soared into the sky, disappeared into the rolling dark clouds.

The billowing dark clouds also come and go quickly, and disperse in the blink of an eye.

And at this time.

Only then did the seventh-level and eighth-level Royal Star Envoys arrive outside Villa No. 7.

Looking at the villa that was completely turned into charred ruins under the raging thunder.

Several people looked at each other.

It's so fast!

Less than ten seconds.

All life in Villa No. 7 was completely destroyed.

"Dozens of thunder beasts!"

"There are at least ten or more Thunder Star Envoys nearby!"

"Check it for me!"

"Dare to take action in Haicheng, this is a provocation, a provocation to our Haicheng, a provocation to our Red Moon Kingdom!"

The deputy city lord of Haicheng, Gunter Edward, looked livid and said angrily.

Right under his nose.

Too rampant.

He swore——

We must capture those Thunder Star Envoys and hang them!


The sixth floor of Medis Entertainment City.

A look of surprise appeared on Zhao Xin's face as he looked at the light spot of pure soul flying towards him.

The number of soul light points is only equivalent to killing one demon.


At this point he was already sure.

Killing the Star Envoy and the creatures in the astral world will not open the dream world.

After all, it is in Villa No. 7.

There will definitely be no shortage of fifth-level star guardians and fifth-level astral creatures.

Even to his knowledge.

Tian Shaohui himself is the sixth-level Star Envoy.

But now there is only a soul light flying over.

It means that it does not come from these star messengers or astral creatures.

"Is there a demon in Tian Shaohui's villa?"

"Tian Shaohui colludes with demons?"


"Didn't Tian Feiming invite a ghost before?"

His eyes flickered, allowing the light spots of his soul to merge into his body.


He was slightly in a trance.

I saw the vast dream world again.

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