Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 31 Twelve-Winged Angels, Holy Praise!

This is an endless palace complex.

Standing among the mountains, it is magnificent and gorgeous.

A large number of humans, goblins, elves, vixen, vampires wearing robes...

Even angels, Titans, Medusa... and other terrifying beings.

They were all concentrating on drawing the scrolls in the palace, filled with bright light.

Between heaven and earth——

Endless surges of energy of all kinds.

Viewed from the sky.

It was as if there were billions of giant dragons of various colors, stretching across thousands of kilometers, roaring and flying into this endless mountain.

The scene is extremely vast.

at this time--

The scroll that one of the twelve-winged angels had just finished suddenly flew up.

There is a sacred light sweeping across the scroll, like the waves of the ocean.

Little angels condensed one after another, flying up and down around the scroll.

The entire scroll is completely formed from the purest sacred energy.


The void shattered.

The scroll instantly flew into the broken void and disappeared.

The scene in front of Zhao Xin disappeared.

He found.

That sacred scroll was in his mind.

All he needs is a thought.

The scroll will fly out.

"A low-level true god-level 'Holy Praise' scroll?"

"The power of healing is extremely powerful."

"If it unfolds all at once——"

"Even if the lower True God is severely injured, most of it can be recovered."

"It can also be deployed three times. Any one time can completely restore a demigod to its original state?"

Zhao Xin was a little surprised.


Absolutely good stuff!

It is simply the most powerful life-saving thing.

What level is a demigod?

He had no way of knowing.

Anyway, at his current level, he is definitely far lower than a demigod.


No matter how injured he is.

Just use the demigod-level ‘Holy Praise’ once.

You can be back to your original state in the blink of an eye.

"did not expect--"

"Can items from the dream world also appear?"

"I thought before—"

"Only things of energy nature or inheritance nature such as godhead, talent, magic, time river, etc. can appear."

"It's just this 'Holy Praise' scroll."

"It doesn't seem to have an entity..."

"It is also completely formed by energy..."

He whispered in his mind, thoughtfully.

There are more speculations about the types of things that come to the dream world.

Not only that.

The appearance of this ‘sacred hymn’.

It also gave him more to look forward to.



There will be real artifacts coming from the dream world!

Thinking of those terrifying and peerless artifacts.

He was having trouble calming down.

In this world.

Gods, deities, gods, etc. are all myths and legends.

Artifacts unique to these beings are naturally only found in myths and legends.

If he could truly obtain an artifact——

Then there is no doubt about it.

Invincibility is easy!

Shaking his head, he suppressed the ups and downs of thoughts in his heart.

Take the Thunder Titan back to the star realm and leave Medis Entertainment City directly.

Leave at this time.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

The scene just now in Villa No. 7 was too terrifying.

Medis Entertainment City is too close.

Many people left in panic, fearing that they would be in trouble.

Tian Shaohui's family was wiped out.

In less than half an hour, a lot of news broke:

【Shock! The chairman of Chusheng Group was wiped out! 】

[Someone witnessed thirty-six thunder beasts wreaking havoc, razing the No. 7 villa on Bell Street to the ground! 】

[Thirty-six thunder beasts! They are all high-level astral creatures! Whose amazing handiwork? 】

【Unimaginable! There is actually an organization that can take out thirty-six terrifying thunder beasts at once! 】

【fear! The city is not safe either, the mysterious organization is terrifyingly powerful! 】

[Mr. Gunter Edward, the deputy city lord of Haicheng, spoke and vowed to find the murderer and bring him to justice! 】

[The governor of the Red Moon Kingdom, Mr. Ferdinand Weitz, ordered the Demon Slayer to find the murderer within a month! 】

Not just news.

Major forums on the Red Moon Kingdom network.

They were all completely blown away by this incident.

[I just want to ask, is the mysterious organization recruiting people? I don't ask much, I just need a thunder beast! 】

[I think it’s so fake. Thunder beasts are extremely rare high-level thunder-type astral creatures. When can they appear in groups? ! 】

【This is a thunder beast! Thirty-six heads? 】

【Wori! Is this news fake? Thirty-six thunder beasts are simply incredible! 】

【It’s too scary! But I heard that the chairman of Chusheng Group is not a good person, and he will die if he dies. 】

[Rumors say, Chusheng Group was originally the property of Tian Shaohui’s sister, but after Tian Shaohui’s sister died, Tian Shaohui kicked out the heirs and became the chairman himself! 】

[In this way, the death of sister Tian Shaohui is not simple...]

No. 57 Guihua Avenue.

Zhao Xin looked at these news and comments without much confusion in his heart.

This world.

It is normal for a star master to die.

The reason why this time caused such an uproar.

Just because it's in the city.

If in the wild——

Not many people will pay attention at all.

"Is the death of my predecessor's parents related to Tian Shaohui..."

He murmured in his mind.

But there isn't much in my memory about this.

He couldn't guess.

In addition, Tian Shaohui is now dead again.

This matter may never be solved.

He doesn't care either.

Regardless of whether it is related to Tian Shaohui or not.

There is absolutely no mistake in killing Tian Shaohui decisively.

Didn't continue to pay attention to this matter.

Looking at the small house in front of him, he felt that it was time to change to a bigger house.

At any rate, he has a net worth of more than seven hundred pounds.

Buying a big house in Haicheng is no problem at all.

"A three-story villa, similar to the home of female coach Chen Mingyue."

"It shouldn't be more than four hundred pounds."

"There are still more than three hundred pounds left, which is enough to buy special materials for promotion to the third level of Star Envoy."

He was calculating in his mind.


He also has three extraordinary items in his hand.

You can definitely get it on the black market and sell it for a good price.

"These things--"

"It would be nice if there was someone completely trustworthy who could help handle it..."

He shook his head.

Whether it's before time travel or after time travel.

He doesn't like these trivial things.

It's too time consuming.

Close your eyes.

He began to practice the 'Hengsha World Map'.

heart position.

A total of seven hundred and fifty-six golden light points were flashing.

A large number of heaven and earth energy can bring up the breeze, pick up the fallen leaves, and sweep over.

"It will probably take another four or five days."

"Only in this way can we completely reach the second level of perfection."

"We can't keep up with the battle for hegemony between all races in two days."

"I don't know how the struggle for hegemony among all races will proceed..."

With these thoughts flashing through his mind, he gradually fell into practice.

And at the same time.

In the ruins of Tian Shaohui's villa.

Standing was a figure wearing black robes with only blue eyes visible.

His figure was blurry and appeared extremely transparent.

In this deep night.

Even though there were several Royal Star Envoys from the Demon Slayer Division guarding the area, he was not discovered at all.

"Thunder Beast..."

"More than thirty thunder beasts acting together..."

"What kind of organization is come I've never heard of it..."

The black-robed figure's eyes were full of doubts.

After a while.

A low murmur came from his mouth.

It's like the babble from ancient life.

There was a faint purple color next to his blue eyes.

Cold and evil purple.

Purple and blue overlap, scanning the ruins.

But soon the purple color dissipated, and the black-robed figure disappeared.

"There is no breath left..."

"What a powerful method..."

"But if you kill me, the elder of the Youlan Society, fate will bring us together..."

"You can't escape..."

A faint voice came from afar, but no one heard it.

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