Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 51 Quanxingtang’s concern, elimination method

It was already late at night.

The moon and stars were sparse, and dark clouds dotted the night sky, hazy and blurry.

But Osmanthus Avenue is brightly lit.

Bai Zhan was wearing an exquisite white armor, carrying a sword on his back, and frowned as he looked at the ruined garden in front of him.

The ground was torn in large areas.

The cracks are densely packed and extend far.

Blackened corpses lay everywhere.

"What a terrifying thunder power."


beside him.

The deputy head of the Demon Slayer Department, ‘Ye Changming’, said solemnly.

He was wearing a black robe and had a slender body, somewhat thin.

But being able to become the deputy head of the Haicheng Demon Slayer Department is certainly not a weak one.

"The power of the ninth lower level."

"And it is more devastating than the thunder emitted by any thunder-type astral creature I have ever seen."

Bai Zhan said in a deep voice.

There was a pause.

He looked at the gentle-looking Ye Changming:

"Brother Ye, you are from the Ye family, have you ever heard of the Thunder Tribunal?"

Ye Changming shook his head:

"Never heard of it."

"And I've never heard of that kind of thunder-based star realm creature."

Bai Zhan frowned even more tightly.

Not a single clue.

The Thunder Tribunal seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Is it possible——

Is this just a name casually spoken by that ninth-level being?

The thought flashed through his mind.

But what is the other party’s purpose?

Building momentum?

Destroy an evil ritual of a three-color demon guild and use it to build momentum?

"The top priority is to find those damn Three-Color Demon God Association bastards first."

"So many cultists gathered, but we didn't get the news."

"There's a big problem here."

Ye Changming spoke out.

There was anger in his eyes.


All the residents nearby will be destroyed by the Three Color Demon Gods!

There is a lot of population here.

The death toll may exceed 500!

He was still very grateful to the ninth-level existence of the Thunder Tribunal.

"All white-glove hands out."

"Investigate this matter thoroughly."

"If I find anyone or any force, I will make them pay the price."

Bai Zhan's voice turned cold.

There was an astonishing killing intent in his eyes.

As a ninth-level Star Envoy.

He is also one of the giants in Haicheng.

At this time, he was obviously really angry.

This night.

In the end, Zhao Xin failed to practice the ‘Ten Thousand Tribulations’.

He didn't know how big the movement would be once he started practicing.

There are also a large number of strong men from the Demon Slayer Department below.

Whenever he makes any noise, he will definitely alarm those people.

"Not urgent."

"We should be able to find a new house in the next few days."

"Move here and practice again."

The impatient mood in his heart had long since calmed down.

He is not an impatient person.

Be patient enough.

As usual.

He went directly downstairs, bought fried dough sticks and soy milk for breakfast, called a hover car, and headed to work.

On his salary.

Taking a taxi to get off work every day is not a luxury.

Come to the Demon Slayer Department.

As soon as he entered the execution hall, he felt the oppressive atmosphere.

"what happened?"

He asked the girl Zhou Xi.

Zhou Xi looked at it and lowered his voice and said:

"Deacon Sophie and Deacon Helene are missing!"

"And Deacon Dora and Deacon Megan from Death Row are also missing!"

"There are rumors now that there is something wrong with the dead air space, and the four deacons may be dead."

"Colleagues are very upset, and several have even submitted their resignations."

Zhao Xin raised his eyebrows slightly.

Did you know four people were missing so soon?

He felt a little confused.

Logically speaking.

It was only one day, so no one should notice that the four people were missing.

Is it possible that——

Is there anything else he doesn't know about?

He asked no more questions.

Asking too many questions will inevitably attract the attention of interested people.

Arrive at the office of the Red Dress Hall Master.

He unexpectedly discovered that the senior scholar with glasses was standing next to the hall master.

He looked at every member of the torture hall who came up to draw tasks with a smile.

"Who is this?"

Zhao Xin was curious.

What is the red-skirted hall master doing?


It was his turn to draw the task.

No surprise, he got a token.

Flip gently.

Number three.

See the numbers appearing on the token in his hand.

The red-skirted hall master raised his head and glanced at him.

There was some shock in his eyes.


I didn't expect that Zhao Xin had such bad luck. Not only did he often draw tokens No. 4-10.

I actually drew number three today.

Room three——

Those imprisoned are seventh-level and above demons!

"Number three!"

"There is actually a high-level demon today!"

"It was so dangerous. Fortunately, Zhao Xin took it away!"

"Zhao Xin deserves to be riddled with bad luck. I used to feel unlucky, but now I feel really good!"

"Zhao Xin must hold on. If Zhao Xin is gone, we will be in double danger."

"Be careful, Zhao Xin!"

"Be careful, be cautious!"

"What will we do if you are gone!"

A member of the Mingxing Hall looked at Zhao Xin with a worried expression.

If someone who doesn’t know sees it——

I'm afraid you will secretly admire that this boy is very popular!


Black lines appeared on Zhao Xin's forehead.

I'm afraid you are sick!

Are you treating me as a talisman?

Or is it used as a talisman to ward off disasters?

He twitched the corner of his mouth a few times, turned around and left.

The old scholar watched everything with a smile from beginning to end.

After everyone leaves.

Zhao Man looked at the old scholar and said:


The great detective named 'Gu Chongyang' put away his smile, shook his head and said:

"I only met them once, so I got some impressions of them."

"How can I help you find the person after just one look?"

"If I could, I would not be a great detective, but the god of intelligence."

"I need time."

"Use the elimination method and eliminate them one by one."

"After elimination to the end, no matter how incredible the remaining people are, they will all be the biggest suspects."

His voice was steady.

It gives people a very confident and secure feeling.


Zhao Man nodded lightly:

"Although this method is a bit clumsy, it is a good method."

"I'll give you a list of things that are absolutely fine, which will save you a lot of time."

"I need you to find the person as quickly as possible."

After saying that.

She took out a pen and paper and wrote down a dozen names while thinking.


Zhao Xin's name is prominently included...

Room three.

Zhao Xin summoned a small skeleton and opened the iron door.

The room was dark.

The lights were swaying, casting shadows on the ground, like ghosts baring their teeth and claws.

This kind of scene.

If other members of the torture hall came in, they would probably feel fear immediately.

Zhao Xin glanced at it, but there was no wave in his heart.

He looked at the demon tied up in the middle, and there was a strange look in his eyes.


He looked at the monster from the Yao tribe in front of him.

I felt a breath similar to that of the evil priest last night!

A demon from the Three Color Demon Gods Association?

It’s because of last night’s evil ritual——

He completely angered the Demon Slayer, so he arrested an accomplice overnight?

It seems.

The evil priest he killed last night was probably also a demon in disguise?

With these things in mind.

But there was no wave on his face.

Ignore the traces of spiritual temptation.

He looked at the little skeleton.


The bright black sword flashed, and the neck of the Yao clan monster was cut open, and blood spilled!


The Yao demon struggled desperately for a few times, and soon lost all breath.

A large number of soul light points poured out and merged into Zhao Xin's body.

He was slightly in a trance.

The dream world opens again.

This made him look forward to it.

This time the dream world opens, what will you get?

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