Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 52 Strength increases, identity exposed? !

The long river is mighty.

There is no beginning or end in sight.

There are billions of gray bubbles that come and go.

"Time flows."

This was not the first time Zhao Xin saw it, and she felt happy in her heart.

This time——

It seems to be the river of time!

He naturally likes the river of time.

Merging with the river of time is like stealing time.

Not only can it enhance his own strength.

It can also instantly enhance the strength of all astral creatures!

Moreover, he had just acquired the low-level true god-level swordsmanship ‘Ten Thousand Tribulations’.

Haven't had time to practice yet.

Now I get the river of time and steal time.

I guess in the stolen time, he will become famous by cultivating the ‘Ten Thousand Tribulations’!


Two drops of water flew out of the river of time, broke through the void, and disappeared.

"Two drops?"

"Why two drops this time?"

Zhao Xin was stunned for a moment, surprise welling up in his heart.

A drop of water in the river of time can steal a month of time.

Two drops of time river——

You can steal two months of time!

The scene before him disappeared.

next moment--

He suddenly felt as if he had spent two months.

during these two months.

He diligently practices the 'Hengsha World Map' every day.

He is also working hard to practice the sword skill 'Ten Thousand Tribulations' and the soul magic 'Slavery'.

Twenty-four hours a day.

There is no need to sleep or rest, all time is spent on cultivation.

The swordsmanship of ‘Ten Thousand Tribulations’ has improved by leaps and bounds.

After all, he possesses the lower level true god-level swordsmanship talent ‘Sword God’!

Even if the training of ‘Ten Thousand Tribulations’ is horrifyingly difficult.

But he can still practice.

On the twelfth day, I had successfully started and reached the realm of one calamity.

On the forty-fifth day, he broke through the first calamity realm and reached the second calamity realm.

A sword thrust out.

Will double the power and speed!


This sense of stolen time disappears.

Zhao Xin's eyes regained clarity and a smile appeared on her lips.

He has reached the third level middle level at this time.

It even reached the second calamity realm.

Coupled with the terrifying physical fitness.

He was almost certain.

All sixth-level monsters in front of him would be killed by his sword.

"It's a huge improvement."

“The river water is amazing at this time of year.”

"I wonder how much the Little Skeleton, Thunder Titan, Silver Sky Snake and Zhou Xuan will improve?"

He looked at the little skeleton beside him.

It can be clearly seen that the soul fire is stronger.

With a thought, he summoned it back to the star realm.

His own spiritual consciousness also crossed into the star realm to check the information of the Little Skeleton, Thunder Titan, and Silver Sky Snake.

And at this time.

Villa No. 15, Bell Street.

Zhou Xuan was sitting on the sofa in the living room, looking across at her father, Zhou Baohu, who had an extremely gloomy face.

She was wearing a blue dress and had eyebrow-length bangs on her forehead.

Although her body still looks petite, delicate and frail.

But now I no longer have the timid feeling I had in the past.


Zhou Baohu stood up suddenly and swept all the tea sets on the table to the floor.

He stared at Zhou Xuan, his face so gloomy that it seemed as if water was dripping from his face:

"I don't know where you got the power, but what do you want to do!!"

"You want to use me as a puppet?!"

"Rebellious girl! You rebellious girl!!"

"I tell you, it's impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

But he soon found out.

Zhou Xuan's eyes were in a daze, as if she wasn't listening to him at all.

This made him even more furious.

But thinking of Zhou Xuan's terrifying power after her transformation, he was also trembling in his heart.

Two fifth-level Star Envoys.

Under his nose.

With a casual finger from Zhou Xuan, all the creatures in the astral world were frozen, shattered, and completely dead!

Thinking about it filled him with fear.

After all, he himself.

He is only a fifth-level Star Envoy.

But no matter how strong it is.

Zhou Xuan is also his daughter!

You actually want him to be a puppet?

How could such a strong person not be angry?

"Are you listening to me!!"

He growled again.

But there was a faint icy blue light shield flashing around it, blocking out everything.

No matter how loud his voice was, it couldn't get through.

Zhou Xuan woke up.

Just that moment.

She saw Zhao Xin.

And in a daze, she also practiced with Zhao Xin for two months.

Get along every day and night.

The memory of these two months made her feel very happy and a little shy.


Two months had also brought about changes in her cultivation.

From the second-order lower position, he was directly promoted to the second-order upper position!

Naturally, the combat power is not what it used to be.

After the transformation, he has completely reached the ninth level!

Even if he doesn’t transform.

She is also comparable to the sixth level median!

"Is this Zhao Xin's mysterious method?"

"too strong."

"It's like time has been stolen directly."

She murmured in her mind.

He looked at the furious father in front of him, but the expression on his face did not change much, and his voice remained soft:

"Father, if you don't want to, I can find Uncle Qi."

"He is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he will definitely agree."

"But you-"

"I can only live in the barrier for the rest of my life and can never get out."


Zhou Baohu stared at Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan looked weak, but she looked at him.

For this father.

She no longer has any emotions.

After all, she knew it.

In Zhou Baohu's heart, she was just a tool for seeking profit.

"Aren't you afraid that I will remove the demon and tell your story?!"

Zhou Baohu gritted his teeth.

Why did he give birth to such a daughter! !

"The moment before you say anything."

"The frost will freeze all your brain tissue."

"He has been reduced to a vegetative state since then."

Zhou Xuan's voice was very soft, but also very calm.

She stood up, holding her handbag in her slender hands, holding down the skirt in front of her, and looking at Zhou Baohu slimly:

"Father, this is your only choice."

"You don't have a second choice."

"Little Skull has reached the second level, combat power is 9.7, and has reached the ninth level!"

"Thunder Titan is at the top of the second level, with a combat power of 9.5 and a middle level of the ninth level!"

"Silver Sky Snake is at the top of the second level, with a combat power of 9.5, and is in the middle of the ninth level!"

In the star realm.

Zhao Xin's face showed joy.

Two drops of time river——

Not only does his own strength increase dramatically, but so does the strength of all astral creatures!

Especially the little skeletons.

He directly reached the ninth level!

he guessed.

This may be related to the fact that the little skeleton absorbed a large amount of death energy in the death energy space.

Even possible.

The large amount of death energy absorbed before has been completely digested!

"Ninth level up."

"This is the real peak combat power!"

"There are probably not even a few ninth-level astral creatures in the sea city."

He whispered softly to himself, very satisfied.

A thought came to my mind.

His spiritual consciousness returned and he summoned the little skeleton again.

Looking at the corpse of the Yao demon in front of him that was about to slide completely into the dead air space, he wanted to say something.

Do you three-color demon gods still have high-level demons?

Come quickly!



There was a slight sound of the door opening.

The No. 3 iron door was pushed open from the outside, and a faint blood-colored light shone in from the outside.

Zhao Xin turned around, looked at the two figures walking in from outside, and raised his eyebrows.

These two figures.

One of them is the master of the red skirt hall!

"I didn't expect it was you."

"Sophie, the four of them all died at your hands, right?"

Zhao Man held a dark golden scroll and said coldly.

beside her.

The great detective 'Gu Chongyang' narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Zhao Xin silently, watching his every move.

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