Showdown, I am a Supreme God

Chapter 53 Self-hypnosis and re-entering the dead space!

Zhao Xin was really shocked by the words of the leader of the red skirt hall.


Where did I expose my flaws? !

Just two drops of water from the river of time allowed him to successfully advance to the second level with the soul magic 'Slavery'.

this level.

It has been possible to plant the seeds of control in the hearts of other creatures.

It's a very scary level.

So although he was shocked, it didn't show on his face at all.

He even hypnotized himself through the magic of soul ‘enslavement’——

He's not, he didn't, he didn't do it!

So at this time——

He looked frightened by Zhao Man and said in great shock:

"Tang... Hall Master, what are you talking about?"

"Deacon Sophie is really dead? But how could her death be related to me?"

"This...this is definitely an injustice to me!"

"I am a little trainee Star Envoy. All the creatures in the star world only have a small skeleton. Who can I kill?"

Zhao Man looked at the great detective 'Gu Chongyang'.

She had already ruled out Zhao Xin.

But Gu Chongyang said that these people you excluded may be more suspicious...

This left her speechless.

But he didn't insist.

She specializes in the field and can listen to opinions very well.

Gu Chongyang looked at Zhao Xin's expression carefully, and finally shook his head slightly.

He didn't see any flaws in Zhao Xin's expression or tone.

"Okay, I know it's not you."

Zhao Man put away the dark golden scroll and turned to leave.

Gu Chongyang nodded towards Zhao Xin and followed him away.

Looking at the backs of the two people.

Zhao Xin also understood in his heart.

These two people——

You're deceiving him!

"But that dark gold scroll is not simple..."

"The little skeleton actually sent me a very dangerous message..."

"I'm afraid it has something to do with the king's rank..."

He whispered in his mind.

Put away the little skeleton and walk out of room three.

I saw Zhao Man taking the old scholar to another room.

"It's not about me..."

"She is lying one after another..."

Zhao Xin was speechless.

Don't even say it.

This method is really a good method in addition to alerting others.

If you have not practiced the soul magic 'Slavery', you can self-hypnotize.

There is a high chance that he will discover some flaws.

The old scholar's eyes were too sharp. He was either an old detective or an old police officer.

Been doing this all my life.

As long as there are flaws.

If you follow the clues, you might actually dig him out.

But doubts arose in him.

Why did this hall master search for the 'murderer' who killed Sophie's four people among the members of the torture hall?

"Could she have determined that the 'murderer' is hidden among the members of the torture hall..."

He murmured in his mind.

However, he has been cleared of suspicion for the time being.

He planned to take a look in secret.

How did the red-skirted hall master discover this?

In the empty light red corridor.

Zhao Xin walked forward alone.

The iron doors of the rooms on both sides are closed tightly, it is extremely quiet, and you can hear a needle drop.

The shadow stretched very long on the ground and twisted slightly, like a demon dancing wildly.

"Flower of Death..."

As he walked, he thought about the purpose of establishing the torture hall.

He didn't know it before.

But after hearing about the flower of death from the deacon Sophie.

He speculated that this might be the purpose of the execution hall.


Why do demon slayers have to work so hard to capture demons and bring them back to the execution hall?

"I don't know what this is."

"Next time you go into the dead air space, you can look for it."

"Although Steward Sophie said, this is not the day when the flower of death will bloom."

"I wonder if the little skeleton can be found in advance."

He pondered in his heart.


He had seen Deacon Sophie's office.

However, it was completely locked at this time and it was impossible to enter.

And he guessed.

The passage inside may also have been processed.

"This passage to the dead air space is considered useless."

"But it doesn't matter."

"With the presence of the Silver Sky Snake, you can completely teleport into the dead air space from any room."

"But you can't go in for a few days."

"Be careful of another attack from that hall master."

His face was calm.

He did not go to the lounge, but left the Demon Slayer Department directly.

He planned to go to Yuxing Building.

Buy some thunder demon cores for the Thunder Titan to use as food.

As for the Silver Sky Snake?

Although Yuxing Building is an industry under the Southern Continent Business Alliance.

But there will be no space items.

Any item in the space system is too precious.

The week passed quickly.

"Tomorrow you can go to the Ten Thousand Races to fight for hegemony again..."

"I hope to get another 'gift from the star realm'."

Zhao Xin was eating the special breakfast 'rice crackers' in a street shop while looking forward to it in her heart.

All races compete for hegemony.

He no longer had any fear.

After all, with his current strength, it would be fatal if he got involved.

Then all the other participants in the battle for hegemony can be declared dead directly.


He is now looking forward to the battle of all races for hegemony.

It’s a great place to improve your strength!

"It's a pity that only mid-level demons have been sent to the execution hall these days."

"And they are all fourth- and fifth-level demons."

"The war hall is not strong enough."

"Can't you catch even the sixth-level monsters?"

He complained in his mind.

He is no longer interested in fourth- and fifth-level monsters.

After all, a monster that can't let him open the dream world is not a good monster.

"You can't hang yourself from a tree."

"Although with my own strength, even if I leave the city, it will be difficult to find powerful demons and kill them."

"But you can start to develop your own power..."

His eyes were calm.

The soul magic 'Slavery' has been promoted to the second level.

This can plant the seeds of control in the hearts of other beings.

With a single thought, he can control other living beings.


It can also allow the creatures planted with control seeds to be constantly hypnotized into loyal subordinates!

This is a terrifying magic from the soul god system.

It is the most powerful art of playing with the soul.

Eat and drink enough.

He took a taxi to go to work.

Still no sixth level demon was sent.

There was only one fourth-level demon, and Zhao Xin didn't even bother to pay attention to it.

After all, he can now freely enter and exit the dead air space.

Where else is the need for little skeletons to absorb death air from the rift in the room?

As for reducing the burden on colleagues?

My colleagues are all adults, so they have to do their own thing.

The world of adults is so difficult every step of the way...

"Seven days."

"The hall master has done nothing."

"You can go to the dead air space today and let the little skeleton have enough food."

He whispered in his heart and came to room 19.

Without waiting for the tied demon in the room to struggle, he killed it with a burst of sword energy.


The silver sky snake slowly emerged, and the silver light filled the air.


Zhao Xin's figure disappeared in the silver light.

when it appears again.

We have arrived at the dead air space.

The vast air of death roared, like a layer of fog, hazy.

"Come out, little skeleton."

Zhao Xin thought.

The figure of a small skeleton appeared aside.

Feeling the extremely rich death aura, the soul fire that suddenly seemed dull began to fluctuate violently.

A feeling of joy was conveyed to Zhao Xin.

A large amount of death energy formed a streamer and rushed toward the little skeleton crazily.

The dense lines of tranquility on his pale bones reappeared.

It's like wearing a layer of dark gold armor, as powerful as the God of War!

"Don't just know how to eat, go find the flower of death."

"The flower of death will definitely continue to absorb death energy."

"Wherever there is death energy that keeps disappearing, just go where it is."

Zhao Xin ordered.

One of the purposes of his trip was to search for the Flower of Death.

He was very curious about the Flower of Death.

The Red Moon Kingdom did not hesitate to build a torture hall, probably just for the flower of death!

Click click click——

The little skeleton expressed his understanding and walked towards the left front.

Zhao Xin followed behind, with a look of expectation on his face.

Flower of Death, this name sounds unusual at first sight.


This will make the little skeleton's combat power improve by leaps and bounds again!


The little skeleton stopped and looked forward.

In the shadowy space, two figures in black robes stood there.

The two black-robed figures were also absorbing the aura of death. At this moment, they seemed to sense something and suddenly turned their heads.

Zhao Xin: "..."

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